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File: 430 KB, 853x1554, Screenshots_2022-06-05-20-07-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49396566 No.49396566 [Reply] [Original]

It's over...

>> No.49396581


>> No.49396605

Don't forget to like, subscribe and donate!

>> No.49396620

fat retard who just learned about basic macroeconomics makes another grandiose claim. it's not the first one

>> No.49396632
File: 1.28 MB, 1242x618, 1648778538854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked... 6... 6... i'm geting nervous bros

>> No.49396638

not my problem

>> No.49396658
File: 244 KB, 4096x2304, 1640148292121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no source
I'll see it when I believe it.

>> No.49396662

who the fuck cares about this schizo fat faggot?

>> No.49396712

His name is literally "Dotcom."
You HAVE to listen to him.

>> No.49396860

This. Nobody cares about debt unless you're not turning in any profits. Sick of this cp-hosting, retarded jabba the hutt-looking bitch

>> No.49396901
File: 1.94 MB, 460x402, 1653688105590.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had various people screaming that the end is near for 50 years. Now that its actually happening its like

> "lol stfu up noob, everone alrdy knows ffs"

Fucking challange reading internet with no much not 1337 and very cringe posts from people now "oh no bad things". yes.

>> No.49396912

This grifter nigger he said he has leaks on Elon and twitter and Hilary. How can anyone take him seriously

>> No.49396914
File: 1.31 MB, 2200x1354, image_2022-06-05_223219747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao repost

>> No.49396944
File: 144 KB, 1080x720, Ass Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do e-thots drag their poor animals into their debauchery?

>> No.49396959

nothing insightful was said

>> No.49397077

Guy was a top ranked player in COD.

>> No.49397106

thank you based @crytpokimcoiner

>> No.49397185

if hes high ranked in csgo i might take his word, but cod players ...nah

>> No.49397274
File: 164 KB, 1440x415, 1654470744575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insider here, I've got top tier macro alpha just for you

>> No.49397377

>not realizing we're already in one

>> No.49397409


>> No.49397869

you sir know your shit

tips hat

>> No.49398066

Why do niggers refuse to use the word “are?”

>> No.49398097

what you talkin bout

>> No.49398121

no hard "are"

>> No.49398161

Because negros lips pronounce it
so they abandoned the idea after few centuries trying their hawdest.

>> No.49398168
File: 1.55 MB, 720x720, 1654035540862.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do e-thots drag their poor animals into their debauchery?
It's the only living organism willing to get close to them

>> No.49398195

I thought all the kids thought it was cool to type in ebonics these days

>> No.49398259

>US bad

If you look at his twitter it's literally just full of retarded anti-US / conspiracy shit. Dude probably mad as fuck about the megaupload thing

>> No.49398272

Cuz propa gramma be raycis n sheit, wyboi

>> No.49398279
File: 355 KB, 1391x1405, 1648722283047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even remotely trusting the government a little bit


>> No.49398316

they cause crashes by ramping interest rates + oil prices simultaneously like what is happening now. the inflation numbers are always made up, i'm not saying it's not bad but it is always bad, but the reason it is this bad is because they are ramping oil, and you need to understand that there is an endless supply of oil beneath saudi arabia and we control how much saudi pumps. they do the whole opec kabuki theater but they only tighten when we want...
here's what i'm getting at: they might crash things, but they're doing it because it will hurt china more than it would hurt us. they might not crash things either, but if they do they'll try to blame it on a whole bunch of other nonsense. there are a few reasons to crash everything, problematic inflation is one of them, but this one has to do with the political trajectory of china over the long term, they literally started a fake war in russia to accomplish all of this. they don't want xi xingping to serve another term, and if he does they want him politically neutered. if they make things bad economically worldwide and push all of china's allies to the wall and force them to choose sides in a recession/famine, they will side with us, and some faction within china will buckle. the same thing happened with the soviet union in '85 when we ramped the dollar and dumped oil (ussr EXPORTED oil) and got gorbachev elected.
anyways i'm just giving you the real "macro" news, they will say a lot of other things are the reason but basically they are hitting the economic pressure points, reigning in governments, raising the empire tax and showing their teeth and it might get worse, as in real bad all assets in the toilet no liquidity anywhere, but it might get dramatically better depending on whether or not they get what they want from china.

>> No.49398331

....Cardi B is black?

>> No.49398592

>Belcalis Almanzar, aka Cardi B, was born and raised in The Bronx to a Dominican father and a Trinidadian mother. When discussing why she is tired of people trying to figure out her racial background, she told Zendaya in an interview, “One thing that always bothers me is that people know so little about my culture.”
>Cardi continued: “We are Caribbean people. And a lot of people be attacking me because they feel like I don’t be saying that I’m black. Some people want to decide if you’re black or not, depending on your skin complexion, because they don’t understand Caribbean people or our culture.” And on her being black, she added, “I don’t got to tell you that I’m black. I expect you to know it.”
>Case closed. Cardi B is black.
No she’s a nigger
Makes sense but they also stopped using “is.” I get the impression it goes deeper than that. A cognitive function that doesn’t allow them to comprehend linking verbs.

>> No.49398927

Why the fuck should a country NOT RUN a deficit? Your country should never be in a surplus. They should always be spending money on services FOR YOU.

If they are accumulating money, who is it for? Are they saving it for their landlord to pay rent at the end of the month? Their creditors don't exist.

>> No.49399018

>your government should not only tax every dollar you make because they can spend it better than you could, but they should also go into debt while doing it

>> No.49399067

>what are they planning?
Current events make way more sense when you realize most of these plans are actually just cope and they are going to collapse as well. Many Byzantine Elite also thought of themselves smarter than they actually were, and it did not stop their doom ultimately

>> No.49399129

>Why the fuck should a country NOT RUN a deficit? Your country should never be in a surplus. They should always be spending money on services FOR YOU.
I'll never get over that fucking ARGENTINIANS tricked the entire West to fall for this meme.

>> No.49399351

How can they not go into debt. They're the ones creating the money.
Yes, commercial banks create money with loans but they have can go bankrupt. They have someone who needs to pay them back.

The feds don't need anyone to pay them back.
>Because our federal government is a currency issuer, it does not need revenue from taxes or bonds in order to spend. Therefore, the way of understanding public spending, which offers the greatest clarity, is that whenever the federal government spends, it effectively creates the money it uses to pay the recipients of its spending. At the simplest and most superficial level, the government spends the money into existence by writing a check to the recipient. When the recipient deposits or cashes the check, the Federal Reserve makes sure the check clears. For beginner purposes it is that simple.

>> No.49399411

the feds spend money into existence, all that extra stuff about treasury general accounts, balancing budgets treasury financing is just an illusion from the gold standard days.. government finance is one big confusing lie.

>Even if all federal tax collections were $0, the government could continue spending, forever.
>This is true of all sovereign issuers of a sovereign currency.
>Federal taxes do not pay for federal spending.
>The federal government pays for all spending by creating new dollars. Federal tax dollars are destroyed upon receipt.

money has to enter the economy to balance out all the goods and services that are created. 1000 new iphones are created every year for 10 years... good luck hustling and getting an iphone if there's a fixed amount of currency. deflationary currencies do not work. $1,000,000 of currency enters the system each year to balance it and someone MUST foot the bill and it is the fed.
Someone HAS to have a negative balance;

the problem now I think is less goods and services are being created, no one wants to work.

>> No.49399425

OP does

>> No.49399428
File: 348 KB, 1434x1958, tbills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49399451

Whats the source on this image? Is this in bergen county nj?

>> No.49399467


>That cat has seen some shit

>> No.49399913

Coming from the fedora wearing u.s felon still buthurt faggot?

Keep coping kim, im not buying your mega subscription.

>> No.49399972
File: 2.63 MB, 720x1280, 1654466633991.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor goose.

>> No.49400165

Lots of shills in this thread. Maybe something to this fat fah after all?

>> No.49400329

MURICA hahaha

>> No.49400361

I cannot imagine how much negro fatigue these fast food workers must have.

>> No.49400385

This has to be the funniest gif I've seen in a while kek

>> No.49400388
File: 73 KB, 712x855, take meds no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a middle aged billionaire is an obese imbecile who doesn't know shit you can find with a 5 minute google search
>there are 250 employed women for every 100 employed men due to massive discrimination against men
>society in general gives money to undeserving tards like thots, boomers, (((bankers))) and other garbage while people who work barely scrape by
I'm so unironically 'blackpilled' lately, it seems like the world exists purely to funnel cash to morons who would starve in the wild.

>> No.49400393

What would cause this Jewish scheme to come to an end? China stops buying Tbills? Counties trade their oil using Yuan instead of Dollars?

>> No.49400422

Are you retarded?

>> No.49400463

Peron al gobierno, Satoshi al poder

>> No.49400535

Please explain

>> No.49400546


>> No.49400849

didn't this guy say he had all the hunter biden pics and would release them?
what happened?
cunts full of shit