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49390438 No.49390438 [Reply] [Original]

What tokens do you think will actually become widely used/ extremely important. Something that will become a nearly household name, and will have an actual use case a decade from now. Not your niche DeFi ponzi LP used by 25k people, not your "unique" copypasta blockchain #69 that is only valuable because people use it for cheaper gas fees than ETH, not your "store of value" that clones BTC with slightly different tokenomics, and not your metafuck token that depends on people spending half their lives in a VR headset. Things with actual use cases.
Mine are:
>XRP/XLM (as well as other ISO20022 tokens, but I haven't researched them thoroughly)
Things Im on the fence about
>XMR (this one is mostly because most use it to transfer money, not store it)
What else?

>> No.49390549

ALGO is also a iso20022 token and is already used in some systems, like in Italy patents and rights management for example

>> No.49390597

Thanks, I guess I got ALGO mixed up with ADA. Will probably look into this one more soon

>> No.49390602

Just focus on the obvious ones link and grt rest have way higher chance to end up in the shitcoin graveyard

>> No.49390655

Price prediction for link and grt? Long term

>> No.49390774
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LINK will be for sure. I haven't really done a deep dive into GRT which is mostly why im still on the fence about it. I think Theta has a really good chance at adoption, they just have shitty marketing and focused most of it on their faggy Katy Perry NFTs instead of appealing to media giants and content creators. They have alot of patents and have backing from Google, Sony, and Samsung

>> No.49390965

GRT will be 1/10th of whatever price link is.

>> No.49391848
File: 717 KB, 1440x2048, Screenshot_20220601-222823_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like BAT. Brave is already at 14% of duckduckgos volume on their search engine and it hasn't been out for a year.
Also they're going to release usermade filters for the searches, which sound really good. They said it's coming out around the 1 year anniversary. But Brave search still doesn't have ads yet, soo. This will turn into a shit load of money for Brave and some of that will be turned into BAT.
They're also going to be adding a pay with BAT features - allegedly with no KYC, but it's been taking them forever, same with self serve ads but they've said there is a functioning dashboard with it that they've done some trials with.
Also the userbase of the browser has been doubling each year. And each browser has access to a wallet which Brave is working on making user friendly and integrating access to crypto exchanges, nft marketplaces, games, etc in the wallet while promoting BAT. And seeing as their CEO created Javascript for Netscape then went on to co-found Mozilla I don't think BAT is going away anytime soon.

>> No.49391974
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Also keep in mind the picture from the last post, then take into midnight the image from this post.
For context the guy , Luke mulks VP of business ops at Brave, and he tagged miyayes who is a software developer at Brave who most of his contributions over the past 6 months have been in a private on github, and the Audrey guy is another VP at Brave. I'm assuming a tipping feature to make things visible like how twitch subs are visible and get announced on twitch etc is being made. This could potentially be expanded out to camwhores etc.

This is all speculation btw.

>> No.49392042

good to know. thanks

>> No.49392514

is there something wrong with hbar i dont know about? how come the price doesnt move when big news comes out like staking?

>> No.49392630

if rumors are right, about 38 Billion in vc nigger funds are lining up for ccip bridges and staking, that is 10x Link current market cap. about 30 bucks a link

>> No.49392806
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>XMR (this one is mostly because most use it to transfer money, not store it)
I disagree. A considerable size of the world economy is driven by gray and dark markets that will opt for Monero, thus confirming its superiority in technology. Just to give you a perspective, the "tax justice network" has estimated that governments lose $189 billion a year from $21-32 trillion in offshore accounts of private wealth while the IMF estimates tax evasion to be approximately $12 trillion a year globally. A Satis (Group) report estimates that: "cryptocurrencies will penetrate approximately 91% of the of the offshore deposits market during the next decade". The dark net markets have already chose Monero as their currency which shows a de facto superiority to other cryptocurrencies in terms of privacy and anonymity, confirming my aforementioned claim.
Complementary, this is a separation between the state and money, so that the governments' power is reduced by giving more power and liberty to its people.
It is a currency, effectively meaning its limits of adoption are the same as any other currency - worldwide. I just don't see any other coin that can solve a major worldwide problem nor possibly be massively adopted such as this.

>> No.49393192

GRT is the only solid one I'm seeing right now

>> No.49393220

what price did you buy in

>> No.49395103

Doesn’t matter why price. Buying now is perfect. GRT is the type of coin to jump 30% in 30 minutes

>> No.49395150

BAT is complete bullshit but I can see it working nonetheless
GRT already had a solid place as a read layer in the web3 infrastructure, it's a long term play but it fits your description
Hbar kek
XMR usually underperforms, just get a stack to buy drugs with (10 should last you a while) but don't bet too much on it
Algo is heavily shilled on reddit as the normie eth killer, so mind your step

>> No.49395445

GRT is a clear top 5-10 coin. The FACT that it’s not even top 50 shows you the easy gains you will get. It’s a no brainer!!!

>> No.49396165

Can it get to 50 bucks

Algo going to 2k?

>> No.49396316

Considering GRT is chainlink in 2018. It’s just 1 bull run away from touching 50

>> No.49396823

Are you serious or memeing me? You really think this shit can touch that high?

>> No.49396923
File: 408 KB, 1440x1229, Screenshot_20220605-203231_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT will hit 50 before GRT.

>> No.49397284

Privacy protocols like Railgun would help prepare the crypto space for mass adoption since privacy and security is a basic need. RAIL which is the governance token would be bagged by users for a spot in the DAO.

>> No.49397307

Im probably going to buy bat because of the "meh 27 BAT per user". Its only 38 cents, and I can totally see a $50 purchase doing a 100x. Probably won't go big on it tho

>> No.49397502

Yeah, why go big. It's only a 100x.

>> No.49397591

not kleros.

>> No.49399145

29c average at the moment

>> No.49399703

heres a hint since Im not done buying my bags
When all crypto gets cucked by regulations.
Which coins will be able to take over as the super centralized coin
(its not in the top 100 yet and is based in Newport Beach so no pajeets)

>> No.49400401

keep an eye on AXL, it has so much utility on this defi gem soon they'll be integrating crypto payment into its ecosystem.

>> No.49401161

you know normally id agree - and theoretically this would play out exactly like that. however i think it would be way easier for ''formalised'' organized crime to transact with XMR rather than a natural person because XMR's on-ramps ans off-ramps will surel be regulated to high heaven with heavy KYC tagged onto it and the regulated cryptomarkets will probably put a burn notice on an and all XMR transactions and associated wallets.

Its hard to see a profit-motive in holding this unless you already own or will start a tax evasion firm in the caymans or something that would exclusively deal in XMR and some form of laundering it. Thoughts?

>> No.49401979

BTC atomic swaps should solve any off/on ramp problems.

>> No.49402860

>based in Newport Beach so no pajeets)
what a faggot

>> No.49402877

>What tokens do you think will actually become widely used/ extremely important. Something that will become a nearly household name

I think most payment crypto projects will be widely used, also gaming project will become a household name, I'm not surprised seeing Axs and mana at the top, Rfox is also moving at the speed of light and will soon be a top project.

>> No.49403017

maybe im retarded but it seems kind of risky to invest in organised crime, not that i disagree with anything you said, it just seems that itd be a massive target for faggots to crack down on at any opportunity

>> No.49403048

I think the Russians are worth a small gamble with some ubx

>> No.49403155

Daos are saturating crypto slowly.

>> No.49403433
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>XMR's on-ramps and off-ramps will surely be regulated to high heaven with heavy KYC tagged onto it and the regulated cryptomarkets will probably put a burn notice on an and all XMR transactions and associated wallets.
>just seems that itd be a massive target for faggots to crack down on at any opportunity
DEXs and atomic swaps resolve this issue. Plus, how would that work out? Transactions don't even appear on the blockchain.
This is a doomsday scenario, but even if the regulators KYC everything they have no further information on where the money is spent or how much one owns, only the user has that information.
Demand won't dissappear with a ban, in fact it'll do the opposite by creating more scarcity, making the price increase.

>Its hard to see a profit-motive in holding
It's meant to be used, free of surveillance and censorship. You can make your entire life with Monero and no one would know what you have. An off-shore account in your pocket.

>something that would exclusively deal in XMR and some form of laundering it.
All of this is counterproductive, Government officials won't have success in banning it, first because it is impossible to shutdown a decentralized network, and second because they also would be benefited from using it to hide/launder funds.

>> No.49403677

this is yuge
BAT is one of those hit yourself over the head kindof tokens where I am always wondering why it isnt doing better

others for mass adoption
NOIA, AMP, KDA, S Y S, oh and what fences are made out of CHAINLINK

>> No.49404024

>XMR (this one is mostly because most use it to transfer money, not store it)

>A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.

monero is more used than bitcoin if we compare networks sizes.

>> No.49404428 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 320x238, IMG_7405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troge is definitely a long-term project with dapp release yesterday including swap, fiat onramp, rug checker and multichart tracker! Rewards dashboard for 3% DOGE rewards as well.

>> No.49404949 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 855x684, 1654510028217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all garbage, buy Troge

>> No.49405008 [DELETED] 

I get banned every time I post about it, here's a hint - Ardu Prime

>> No.49406214
File: 176 KB, 320x180, animation.gif (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you admit you are ban evading? Kekeke

>> No.49406274


>> No.49406639

price prediciton on ISOs like algo, Xrp, xdc

>> No.49407265

>XMR (this one is mostly because most use it to transfer money, not store it)

This is the usecase for XRP and certain unmedicated frens think it will go to $1k EOY because of it

>> No.49407285
File: 399 KB, 384x360, stupid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troge is gonna moon

>> No.49408048


thanks guys, looked into BTC atomic swaps and it does seem promising. theoretically speaking, would it be possible that BTC was dethroned and would sink into low volume and high fee territory, potentially to the detriment of XMRs being laundered? or in such a way that there were no incentives to swap into BTC? i guess what im asking really is if there are any other pairings with XMR that were untraceable.

>> No.49408311

I believe hbar will move and it's good for the next bull. What I'm staking is lox and APY at 80%. They are solid and providing security against mobile theft

>> No.49408392

those rumours are wrong

>> No.49410342
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>would it be possible that BTC was dethroned and would sink into low volume and high fee territory
This is the most likely scenario that will happen. It's already unbearable to make small day-to-day transactions due to fees and this will increase exponentially when the supply limit is reached because the miners need incentives in order to keep the network functional.
>or in such a way that there were no incentives to swap into BTC?
For now there is, in the future it might not be the same due to the reasons aforementioned.
>i guess what im asking really is if there are any other pairings with XMR that were untraceable.
Well, Monero is the only untraceable currency. You can buy anything with it. The only reason I'd see for pairings/swaps is to ultimately change to fiat. But why would you swap for a weaker currency? XMR is everything a proper currency needs, the only difference being digital.

>> No.49411482

My brain must be damaged from constant jeet assault. This thread reads like a shill astroturfing thread, but all the info is legit and the takes are solid. I'm going to go get a cup of coffee and take a walk through the woods to clear my head.

>> No.49412586 [DELETED] 

LOX is one of the gems that's on a verge of mass adoption. Its utility to protect mobile users from mobile theft makes it unique.

>> No.49412640

LOX is one of the gems that's on a verge of mass adoption. Its utility to protect mobile users from mobile theft makes it unique. I'm stacking as many as I can until it gets listed on MEXC.

>> No.49412679
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GRT’s progress > any other shitcoins progress. Run the numbers idiots