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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4938980 No.4938980 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Monero getting shilled like some fucking Pajeet coin? What the fuck happened?

>> No.4939080

normies getting in

>> No.4939108

The darknet got nuked. Its main use has been cut off and now shills are trying to unload their bags.

>> No.4939118

Not really shilling, but actually a lot of people are understanding it's undervalued.

Hiding money was the original use case for btc. That can only be done effectively by monero now

>> No.4939146

It never really reached mainstream adoption on the darknet. It was a secondary option at best. You don't need to be a drug addict to value privacy.

>> No.4939165

People are worried about BTC and ETH crashing and see Monero as relatively safe.

>> No.4939167


>> No.4939295


>> No.4939308

This is the only correct answer

>> No.4939322
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Degenerates are too fucking stupid to appreciate it

We need autists too help us grow

>> No.4939368

I shill it because I genuinely think it’s undervalued. I’ve traded a bunch and made like 30 BTC, have 3 BTC worth of Monero and am going to go at least 50% in once i think regulations are going to hit

>> No.4939416

Name another anonymous, fungible coin? Oh there is none?

>> No.4939461

Idiots bought at 290$

>> No.4939476


I'm all in at 80 dollars. But the coin is good, it doesnt need this pajeet shilling.

>> No.4939497

because it is a pajeet coin.

>> No.4939578

>bitcoin increase in price
>people want to cash out
>they think monero will help them evade taxes
>convert all btc to monero
It's very simple, OP. Just like you.

>> No.4939660

DNMs use bitcoin nigger

>> No.4939675

It’s not even “nuked”

>> No.4939707


>oh someone gave me 100k in XMR

>> No.4939835


now XMR.
These are the 3 coins that have had everyone on here excited