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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49388622 No.49388622 [Reply] [Original]

Stop being grumpy guys!

>> No.49388667

>Just shut off your brain and stop looking out for your best interest

>> No.49388671

this is unironically correct
recessions are caused by people feeling bad about the economy and EXPECTING a recession
why do you think faggots like elon musk and larry fink are constantly talking about the upcoming recession? they are programming the masses. these people WANT a recession. they believe the masses have too much money

>> No.49388705

>gas is $6 a gallon
>chipotle is $10 for some rice and beans in a cardboard bowl
>haven't got a raise in 10 years
>tell them both to fuck off and just stop driving and making my own food
>Start pirating games and music again, share streaming subscriptions with like 10 people
>Noooooooo your lack of confidence in the economy is causing the recession noooooooooo

>> No.49388835

Chin up bucko!

>> No.49388866

>stop asking questions goyim
>do NOT think for yourself and dyor

>> No.49388879

i'm just tired of jews

>> No.49388893

So what's going to be blamed for this one? Tech or Housing?

>> No.49388962

^ these idiots are the reason we're going into recession

>> No.49389017

T. Kike

>> No.49389025

Boomers refuse to take responsibility and will never stop telling you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

>> No.49389046
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Holy fuck, I hate journalists so much

>> No.49389064

shit works, unironically
try it just once

>> No.49389076

Non-kike link to the article? It might just be another retarded clickbait. Fuck you OP for making me check your thread

>> No.49389092

>stop noticing, goy!

>> No.49389097

>Start pirating games and music again
why would you ever stop? I haven't bought an album since 2003

>> No.49389223

and also i'm preddy goddamn sure my work along with millions of others was already out there for free way the fuck back when so who gives a shit

>> No.49389262

This is not journalism fren, it's straight up jewish propaganda and mind-kontrol.

>> No.49389264

Yeah bro the Fed openly lying in their data is not the problem it's Elon Musks tweets we need to be upset about

>> No.49389289

>you're suffering? Yeah well, you need to turn that frown upside down. Yeah. That'll fix it all. Now go spend money.

>> No.49389305
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>it's your fault, goy!
>meds now

>> No.49389329
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>consumer confidence is waning
>well just have more confidence, you grumpy goy
>you bring this upon yourself!
And then, for no particular reason...

>> No.49389677

I'm flying now wtf??!

>> No.49389691


the final stage of propaganda is humiliation

>> No.49389696

Why do these faggots pretend we aren't already in a recession

>> No.49389719
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>what causes a recession
Austrian Business Cycle Theory

>> No.49389744

>haven't got a raise in 10 years
wtf kind of shit job do you have

>> No.49389821
File: 46 KB, 292x257, 40 keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro it's not the administration's fault, trust me!
>bro yes they increased energy prices by listening to the "go green" movement and banning all domestic oil production, fracking, pipelines, etc. but trust me bro, it's Putin's fault
>wait it's Elon Musk's fault
>wait it's Larry Fink's fault
>wait I forget who is le current bad guy but trust me bro, it's NOT the people who are in charge of creating governmental policy and have control over all three branches of the government's fault

you absolute fucking faggot.

>> No.49389825

>oy vey the goyim are starting to wake up!!11!

>> No.49390078

This is literally how american society works now though?

>> No.49390114

t. Moloch

>> No.49390133
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>Still falling for obvious hateclick shit
Friendly reminder that these articles aren't written by journalists, but by freelancers who get paid per click. Also they usually only net US$150 to $300 per article, so be sure to point at them and laugh.

>> No.49390134

Oh look, more clickbait from a once reputable news source.

>> No.49390159


>> No.49390166

The only good thing about a recession is that all these dumb bloggers/shitty freelance journalist wil loose their job.

>> No.49390170

based Moloch
the kike programs the nigger cattle
the doomsday clock has been created for that sole reason

>> No.49390181
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Every day which passes is another increment in me agreeing with Hitler.

>> No.49390210

why would you want someone else to completely control your life, life to you, implement central banking, high taxes, economic stagnation etc?
hitler was just a socialist
we need a free market

>> No.49390231

>life to you

>> No.49390301

they're actually written by robots, you think they would bother paying shabbos goys to do this shit?

>> No.49390323

The wealthy(including you) own hundreds of trillions worth of bad paper.
Stocks are overleveraged and likely worth pennies on the dollar. Bonds can be wholesale written off as losses. Insurance companies are undercapitalized. Your pension can afford to pay for not much more than your grocery bill.

This is dead serious. You better get your wealth outside of the financial system because this 40 year long asset bubble is coming to a close. Thus revealed: Extremely scarcity of capital due to the fact that our economy has been transformed into a service economy designed to facilitate consumption. None of our consumptive habits can sustain themselves without debt, credit and leverage. A major restructuring of the economy is on the way, something worse than the great depression by an order of magnitudes.
Capital. tools, commodities, housing(scrub out the luxury premium), productive assets. precious metals. These are the best ways to minimize your portfolio to the deleveraging event.

>> No.49390327

These people will hang

>> No.49390355


>> No.49390393

journalism != lügenpresse

>> No.49390416
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>written by robots
I wouldn't doubt it. At the same time, the idea of some old kike enticing soilent beta males into selling out any shred of journalistic integrity and future career prospects in return for a few hundred dollars is hilarious to me.
There aren't enough jpegs of laughing whores out there to convey how hilarious that shit is to me, anon.

>> No.49390437
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>> No.49390453

kek what's going to happen to these industries when everything collapses
all of the laws that support these cartels will remain in place
america will NEVER recover

>> No.49390513

Lawyer & Finance capitalism is coming to an abrupt end. The great reset is essentially the jews realizing that they need to be in front of the necessary changes when things collapse.
The most important thing is to sow distrust, even when you are being given hand outs. It is straight from the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", that they want to break a country with liberalism, crash the economy, and get the plebs eating from their hands like dogs.

>> No.49390689

>it's the JEWWWSSS and no one else
Here I was expecting a decent intellectual response from you. I guess not.

>> No.49390709

That's literally how liberal society works now. They can't define women without shattering their glass house. Solution: head in the sand.

>> No.49390729

Yeah, I'm just going to save the American economy singlehandedly by turning my frown upside down.

Fuck off.

>> No.49390804

>"Want a better economy?"

>> No.49390803
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I'm responsible for trillions of dollars being created over the last 2 years?

>> No.49390824

>Ooooooy Veeeeeey

Go kvetch somewhere else, schlomo. The jig is up.

>> No.49391016

Yeah that was basically my point. We got faggots in this thread crying it's not Big JB's fault because he doesn't know what's happening or some shit.

>> No.49391036

I'm actually curious- do you think jews aren't overrepresented among lawyers?

>> No.49391056

>you will own nothing and be happy
>we will continue to destroy your life and take everything away form you
>and you will be happy

>> No.49391223

This. Unironically fuck the people

>> No.49391280

>source: i made it the fuck up
if you need to find a better retard who's bad at elden ring, /v/ is full of them

>> No.49391362

Probably both

>> No.49391951

Jews are typically smarter and many jews are zionist pieces of shit.
This doesn't make all jews bad.

lmao you live in your parents basement and have no friends

>> No.49392129
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Here's your (you)

>> No.49392233

There is literally nothing wrong with being a Zionist. You said it yourself, many of the smartest people are among that group.

>> No.49392245

>There is literally nothing wrong with being a Zionist.
There there is.

>> No.49392275

>Millennials are killing the economy industry with their lack of money.

>> No.49392320

No they won't, they never do.

>> No.49392346

>Jews are smarter, that's why they own the media!

>> No.49392416

They hate you because you are speaking the truth. Media (true or false) defines reality through immersion and repetition in place of community

>> No.49392511

Yes goyim, it's got nothing at all to do with the trillions of dollars the (((Fed))) printed out to shower every scumbag with money during the scamdemic. You're causing the recession by cancelling your Netflix subscription. You're killing grandma!

>> No.49392532

It's real, fren.

>> No.49392559

>every jew that currently exists owns the media
>every jew that currently exists is in a global conspiracy to kill all white people

>> No.49392565

Not false. Maybe don't create the conditions for people to be economically depressed.

>> No.49392572

That is 99% of jobs anon.

Anything that can be exported to a chink or an indian can be imported to do has zero growth potential. Which is everything, even CEO jobs.

>> No.49392616

^ these idiots are actively working to send us into a recession

>> No.49392644

Oh fugg boys did I do the recession?

>> No.49392744

Checked. We warned you not to smoke a whole marijuana, anon. Look what you've done.

>> No.49392779

Happens to the best of us.

>> No.49392784

That actually works when done on a large scale. Might end up with you in a pod and eating bugs, but society absolutely can avoid a recession that way.