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49387539 No.49387539 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like a good way to make some side money instead of staying home all day being bored.

>> No.49387602

if you got a shitbox with good fuel economy that you don't mind depreciating the value of by putting miles on it then go for it

>> No.49387645

Yeah, I have an old Pontiac Vibe that I paid $1k for and it gets decent gas mileage.

>> No.49387657

I actually imagine you can make a lot of money from the tips if you're able to incorporate some weird friendly service delivery into it. Like always getting extra sauce and being friendly or something else. Each person tipping like one dollar would add up well.

>> No.49387685

I live pretty close to some swanky areas, maybe I could deliver close to where the rich people live.

>> No.49387876

People on the apps choose their tip amount before they even know you've got their order.

>> No.49387945

I did it in France and it sucks, we were way too much, too much concurrence
depends of the amount of people doing it in your area
but overall it's a chill side job. was doing it on my scooter

>> No.49388016

I wouldn't do it if you don't live in a dense metropolis where a lot of rich people are located, and I wouldn't do it with a car either. The wear and tear will make it not worth it. Even if you had a shitbox you got for free and did all the maintenance yourself, the hours spent, once you include the time taken repairing the car, will make your hourly rate shit. I do it on a 1k$ gas scooter that gets 95mpg in my country's second biggest city. Makes me 30-40/hr in our currency. I talk to the guy who do it by car, and they say they get fucked, especially in summer. If you live in the above conditions and there are cold winters, supposedly rich people order like crazy when there's snow on the ground. Otherwise, probably not worth it. Try it out, calculate your hourly rate minus projected maintenance fees and your recorded gas costs, and don't don't continue if the profits are below 20$/hr USD. I hope you enjoy being treated like a dog and spit on, because that's the general attitude of customers.
> t. 131 IQ (tested) White Uber driver

>> No.49388026

How do you tell if there are too many people doing it?

>> No.49388230

Also make sure to take lots of pictures and pay attention to the orders. Sometimes little shits will try to claim you didn't deliver, either spontaneously or in retaliation for a mistake the restaurant made, like not including a drink in the sealed package. Check the logs, always, and don't be afraid to contact customer service and make up shit about the customer being violent or rude. They may only get a slap on the wrist, but it prevents such attempts to victimize you from affecting how the app doles out the orders. If you don't stay on your toes, one or two whiny, belligerent customers can ruin your access to new orders. Restaurants too. I had restaurant staff lie to Uber about me not carrying an insulated bag for whatever reason, it was confusing because I'm normally polite and courteous. I disputed with customer service, got it removed, and then made 40 false orders to their restaurant from a digital phone service over the next week. Local police couldn't do shit.

>> No.49388253

I started in 2019, stopped in 2020 and started again in 2021
in 2019, we were 3 or 4 doing it only. We made a good salary (80 euros from 6 PM to 9:30 PM with my bicycle)
started again in 2021, we were like 12 I think, I was making 35 euros from 6PM to 10PM with a scooter... We relied only on uber eats "guaranteed minimum" of 12 euros per hour, which doesn't always work...
My city has 50 000 inhabitants btw (boomer city so they dont use uber eats that much)
I now do e-commerce cuz it's way better.

>> No.49388259

Do they tell you when someone complains or do the orders just stop coming?

>> No.49388263

You do it for a couple days and if you aren't getting many orders, and you see a lot of other drivers at restaurants, while the app is telling you there's high demand in your area (via a red-orange or purple splotch).

>> No.49388266

Not worth it even on good mileage unless you're in a very densely populated area

>> No.49388305

1 brake/roatar is a 250 dollar job now. car repairs will catch up with you and put you into the negative.

>> No.49388314

How'd you get into e-commerce? Any tips for someone also trying to get out of Uber?
You can see it in a log that is finalized about an hour later. They won't tell you who gave you the bad rating, but if you take screenshots of all the addresses and order contents before they are obscured, after completion of the order, and you pay close attention to the behaviour of the customer/restaurateur, you can usually deduce who it was. For me it was some lowlife chink who ran a dirty soup place. I guess he didn't like that I didn't kowtow or whatever subhuman practices those bugs expect. I harmed his profits for a solid week with my phony orders. Fuck chinks, fuck niggers. Oh, which reminds me. Don't deliver to areas with high numbers of chinks and niggers. They won't tip and they tend to be the most likely to fuck with you.

>> No.49388342

Kek Mamadou qui livre des french tacos sur son scout volé

>> No.49388415
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Avoid the groid.

>> No.49388495

Target boomers, find a marketplace where you will be the only one selling a specific item, sell it at an expensive price
you can buy the items on ebay at 50$ and sell it at 250$ on a different marketplace with no concurrence
that's what I do
ahi non francais de souchent

>> No.49388588

i did it recently im the uk and the answer is, no. unless you're a genuinely austistic spoon that can't math and think sub minimum wage is comfy. i calculated my peak earnings and their peak busyness and peak rate boost times and it worked out as about £5 an hour.... at peak demand. for reference, any kind of general shelf stacking work will get you £9.40 or so. which is still low. £5 an hour is ridiculous; you literally wouldn't be able to afford even the cheapest rent etc on that

the services are actually oversaturated. e.g. i tried signing up for deliveroo, stuart and just eat and none of them were accepting new accounts due to the quantity they already have and over dilution.

deliveroo also now offers free delivery on orders over £25 through prime. hence why uber doesn't get any of them.

>> No.49388598

How do I find commodities like that? Are we talking something simple, like collector's coins, or used cameras of specific models? What can I do to ensure visibility for boomers? I was flipping furniture for a while, which I much preferred to Uber, and which paid better on an hourly basis. The downside was that it could take up to a month to sell the furniture, so despite the time spent being acceptable, the rate at which you earned was on too long a delay for it to be anything other than pocket money. The local market fluctuates too much, as well. "MCM" or "midcentury modern" imitation pieces from 30 years ago could be selling like hotcakes one month, and then worthless the next. I found it to be too capricious. Most of the people I was competing with were teams of 3-4, who weren't autistic like me and had made connections with suppliers elsewhere to import originals and high-value pieces worth thousands. People in the market for replicas are too fickle.

>> No.49388609

Are zoomers just going to starve to death if people stop delivering food due to high gas prices?

>> No.49388625

*should point out, i was doing this in a metropolitan area, on an electric bike and with a mcdonalds that launches three thousand burgers and hour, and this was the best case scenario.

>> No.49388655

fuck no. you have to account for the gas and wear and tear on your own vehicle. fuck that lmao. only complete retards and immigrants think it is a good deal.

>> No.49388698

>How do you tell if there are too many people doing it?
you'll end up stood in mcdonalds for an hour and half waiting for one to come through, at peak service time. it's also worth explaining that places like mcdonalds can take considerably longer to prepare delivery orders compared to in store (it can easily take 20 minutes), but the job is assigned to right at the start, not once it's ready. they also randomly lose orders on the system, so you have to tap "can't deliver". what this means is if people figure they can knock three, four or five out per hour, they can't because it'll take 10-20 minutes just for the order to be handed to you

>> No.49388830

go to flea markets, buy some stuff and sell them
see what products take the least time to sell and try to increase its price
Once you've found a product that makes good returns you can buy a bunch of them and go on. The more items you sell on your market the more visibility you get

>> No.49388870

Seems like the zoomer thing to do

>> No.49388881

You should try it out for a day, just don't plan on it being a main source of income

>> No.49388903

only do orders on the nice part of town

>> No.49388918

Gas prices are higher than ever, this is probably the worst time for that. It worked in 2020 because gas prices were low.

>> No.49388921
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is this thread some form of secret marketing for uber
you can't make any money doing this shit
it's pretty common knowledge right now

>> No.49388927

90% of Uber Eats and Doordash Drivers I've seen are Mexicans who don't speak English. If they're the only ones doing something, it probably doesn't pay very well.
>t. works at restaurant

>> No.49388928

Could be a good day to get some zoomer pussy.

>> No.49388946

>131 IQ
>forced to work uber eats
This country is doomed.

>> No.49388955

Anyone do it with a bicycle? I don't want to wear out my car.

>> No.49388960

What would you suggest instead? I just figured people would want to stay home more with gas prices getting out of control.

>> No.49388966

What about 23 combined mpg on a shitbox that is basically on its way out?

>> No.49388972

Okay, so this is what I was doing with the furniture. I guess you're just luckier in whatever you chose to focus on.

>> No.49388975

>Anyone do it with a bicycle? I don't want to wear out my car.

>> No.49388989

the only way it's a good idea is if you can do it on a bicycle
i did doordash on a bike for awhile when i lived in the city. it was good exercise.

>> No.49389040

I live in a really spread out area. I suppose I could go downtown into the city, but then I risk getting shot at by cartels and niggers.

>> No.49389132

Don't bother.
As I've mentioned upthread, I've made it work for myself. YMMV. That said, I hate the job, it's shit, and the only reason it pays okay where I live is that our subnational jursidiction has the lowest average wages in the country, between the most developed divisions. 30-40/hr is almost three times what I was making 5 years ago, on the high end. Nearly every job here pays only 1-2$ above minimum wage, which itself has gone up only 1.5$ in 5 years, while rent has skyrocketed. We seem to have experienced a lot of the urban malaise seen elsewhere on a significant delay, and as a poorer city on average (larger lowest income bracket), it makes even less sense how things are going. I'd rather be making 30-40/hr whenever I want to work, for as many hours per day as I'd like, than trapped in an on-call job where I get an average of only 20-30 hours per week over a year, at 15-16$/hr. Keep in mind that I use a specific vehicle that has been modified for better mileage; I'm smart about how I work. If you live in the right place are marginally intelligent, you can make an okay living. It's not sustainable though, and the job is humiliating. I'm not advertising for them, they take up to 40% of your earnings, and you'll pay higher taxes because you're a "contractor" by law. Here we're supposed to start paying the sales tax to the gov out of our own pockets once we gross more than 30k per year. Overall it's a shit job, just better than most of the other options available in my city.

>> No.49389151

I started on a bike and I made 28-32/hr in local currency. Worth only about .75 USD. You'll be working hard, though. I wasn't taking piss breaks, barely had time to drink water, and suffered from a lot of damaged food going that fast. You might fare differently depending on your location.

>> No.49389287

I always tip 15-20% is this too much?

>> No.49389345

Isn't that normal? That's about what I tip the pizza guy or whatever waiter/tress I get at a restaurant depending on the quality of service. Always felt I was being cheap actually.

>> No.49389355

It's decent if you don't mind the wear and tear on your vehicle.
I do doordash and make about $200 a day, it's easy and I get to watch anime while doing it too.

>> No.49389362

How long do you work? All day?

>> No.49389378

NEET master race.
I used to order Ubereats and Instacart during the pandemic and would set the tip to like 20%.
Then when they delivered my food I'd change the tip to 0%.
Worked every time.

>> No.49389426
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>apply for doordash
>put on waiting list cause too many dashers in my area
What the fuck is the point of saying you're hiring if you're not gonna hire anyone?

>> No.49389651

If it was me I'd key your car, smash your windows, slash your tires. I record every address and name that doesn't tip. When I fuck with people, it's usually 5-6 months after. If you're doing it to every driver, how will you ever know it was me?

>> No.49389664

Ayaaa un kheys sur /biz/

>> No.49389703

I also do it on a bike, with a face mask because Covid so scary. Impossible to identify. One time some chink complained because I delivered on a bike, which is not something I can control for (orders are automatically given to me, that's an option in the app on customer's end). I stole his dog from his yard in broad daylight and drove 10km to another part of town where I deposited it in someone else's (a gated one so the little yapper couldn't run and would be found), without the tags. I bribed it with treats so I could use a magnet to check for the chip (no chip). Dog was fine, probably went to a pound and got re-homed.

>> No.49389784

Another story: Some nigger didn't tip me. He stank of weed at the door, so I made an anonymous tip to local police using a VPN. Ended up on the local news because he was carrying a lot more than just pot. Min. was 10 years. I've probably slashed 10-15 cars' tires. Started a rumour on a local website for trading such information that some rich nigger in a condo was actually a rapist/child predator, which really got around judging by his Facebook profile posts (I had surreptitiously added him as a fake thot). I know who you are. You're vulnerable. The app gives you name and your address. Think about it.

>> No.49389854

Holy shit I love revenge porn, got any other stories?

>> No.49389912

I've done anonymous reports to the police on nigs several times, because you can almost guarantee that any random nig is doing something illegal. Anonymous reports to the tax authorities too. They're often too stupid to do their taxes right, and a quick audit will sink them financially or have their wages garnered for a decade. Nigs universally don't tip. If it's a nig name, or a nig area, I turn down the orders. Still, sometimes a few slip through. They seldom own a car worth keying or slashing the tires of. Also can't trust that they don't run like animals, so they might catch me on a bike. Passive methods are the most foolproof for them. I've mailed them letters after fucking with them that call them niggers and such. Again, not a crime, so nothing can be done. Those are my favourite stories, honestly. Dognapping and destruction of property are illegal. Making nigs miserable using their own lifestyles is completely above-board.

>> No.49390028

Honestly seems like a service to society getting dirtbags off the street, though nowadays they just get right back out because of shitty DEAs and politics.

>> No.49390287

I have a very Hobbesian philosophy. People don't behave well unless they feel vulnerable. When I catfished some schlubby rich manlet's wife, for the crime of him not tipping me, I removed some fraction of the bubble of safety that made him feel fine demanding I waste my time getting frisked by lobby security, waiting in the elevator to climb 19 floors for no reward. Everybody should feel as if they are made of glass. It's how you get them to behave. If I could, I'd permanently maim every single one. I am at peace with the fragility of my body, my life, and that is what keeps my morals strong; fear of retribution. Sometimes God's a little too slow.

>> No.49390454

Dangerously based

>> No.49390572

I NEVER tip the drivers. I also write down their plates and have my cop buddy look it up afterwards. Then I break into their house and spit in their food.

>> No.49390627

nah just a failed kid trying to be edgy
I do like to tip the drivers, it feels like feeding a stray cat

>> No.49390684

>Pontiac Vibe

So a toyota

>> No.49390877

Yes, essentially a Matrix.

>> No.49391102


I'd do it. That's IF you don't have any options right now & you don't have a job

>> No.49391114

>expected tip


>> No.49391201
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Drive to a nice area if you do food delivers. Safer and bigger tips.

>> No.49391237


The higher the tip, the more likely someone will take it

>> No.49391453
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To all of you Uber eats drivers, I will never stop tipping. Altough I stopped using this godforsaken app as it only increased my $Kg gains while tearing through my actual finances. If my will breaks (it will) I WILL order and you WILL be tipped

>> No.49391513
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>includes exspected tip

kek, that job sounds like when you pay for gas and for your car you loose money doing it.