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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49385861 No.49385861 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no burger bros did we get too cocky at the europoor commies? We will unironically have mandatory spyware in all cars from 2026 onwards.
>Tfw this was part of the transportation and infrastructure bill
Sauce: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3684/text

Section 24220

>> No.49385871

not my problem

>> No.49385894
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"CortanaCar cannot verify your sobriety, your vehivle will not be able to start until your local glow station authorizes movement"

>> No.49385911

This is an illegal search, and it is against the constitution.

>> No.49385926

no, its not. also the constitutiom stopped mattering like 80 years ago, retard

>> No.49385934

Just get a classic car

>> No.49385954
File: 93 KB, 1028x675, 56AEAA5A-EE8E-4EA1-8251-FC0440F3B294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw told by far too many that the bill was a good thing just because it has the word “infrastructure” in it
>tfw kept on telling them that pennies at most will actually go to infrastructure and that most of the bill is just to get their authoritarian shrimp dicks off
>tfw told thats not the case as I actively cite bits of the bill itself to them
We get what we collectively deserve, and that is less than nothing.

>> No.49385960

>and it is against the constitution.
This has not and will never matter to them.

>> No.49386001

>puts duct tape over the camera

>> No.49386011

Non econ friendly car owners(so non Low T spyware loving cucks) will get raped with taxes and fees.

>> No.49386021

I unironically switched sides long ago and when the time comes and you get passively monitored to combat "reckless drivers endangering children" I will 100% defend it and shill for it. Less freedoms for cattle make my dick hard.

>> No.49386026

They will ban 'classic cars' because of Environmental regulations

>> No.49386029

It will be an IoT device connected to your local glow station. Try that and the AI will automatically report you.

>> No.49386039

Yes, literally. The breathalyzers they install in drunk's cars malfunction all the time. Whatever 'passive' system they are talking about it going to be 10x worse

>> No.49386057

People investing now in shitboxes from the 90s that are already up 5000% are going to get rugpulled so hard when they have to install a globosoft and sensors to drive on public roads

>> No.49386058
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Pretty strong blackpill fren, you need to understand normie cattle are like us but just retarded. They wish the best deep down. Normies will realize once shit gets demon tier dystopian.

>> No.49386094

AI is just another cringe buzzword. It's just a bunch of pajeet if else statements