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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 1785x832, vol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49385199 No.49385199 [Reply] [Original]

is crypto dead?

>> No.49385303

it is

>> No.49385374

Low volume marks the generational bottom. We bull run now

>> No.49385414

Volume can even go lower, imagine that

>> No.49385419

Bottom's in.

>> No.49385616

if you have the question = you are in fear
if you are not here to ask the rhetorical question = you capitulated

so, no, bottom is not in

>> No.49385680

Yes. And it will stay dead because now every normie has bought the lie that "crypto is destroying the environment".

>> No.49385685

Its more distubring that the volume baseline didnt significantly increase in 5 years

>> No.49385728

vol is recorded in btc not $

>> No.49385757

Low volume also means indeciveness of the market as in no sellers, no buyers. You need trigger event to spark a stampede

>> No.49385774

Zoom out more.

>> No.49385916

it also mean low liquidity

>> No.49386020

Look at that capitulation from last month. This might be the bottom.

>> No.49386420

Its been dead for a while. It's not dead though, it's actually healing. There are 1000s of stupid projects that all need to die and normies need to be made afraid of crypto again.

>> No.49386848

retard mistake 1:
not waiting for the close of the daily candle to count volume.
retard mistake 2:
not using volume x price to see volume in USD.

>> No.49386916

What are you talking about? As if all that is about normies. It is FED rates hikes, that happen every couple of years, plus a global economic, fabricated crisis, that happens every couple of years (every 7 years if you look at the stats), where banks kill the middle class tards and faggots.

>> No.49386954

>not using volume x price to see volume in USD.

how? theres no indicator for that

>> No.49386969

yeah. it was a ponzi scheme since day 1.

>> No.49387027

copy paste this into a new script in "Pine Editor"


save as and add to chart.

>> No.49387132

aren't we all
>gay projects are the best, try LACE

>> No.49387142
File: 206 KB, 1586x847, dv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49387178

regulations are coming. That's the next bull run.

for a while the dogshit market will continue to surpress crypto. If crypto bullrun begins due to regulations while stock crash, then the golden bullrun will begin. May or may not happen

>> No.49387203

you should change view settings on that script to show columns instead of a line.
that line is unreadable.
you can put it directly in the code in the plot() function but I cant be bothered now.

>> No.49387450

And no, it won't be as simple as timing the next cycle. See you in 2028 at the earliest

>> No.49387487

based arithmetic anon wagmi

>> No.49387863

plot(volume*close, style = plot.style_columns)

>> No.49390152
File: 8 KB, 235x214, jgfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. This is the time to make smart money when it bottoms out. I don't mind slurping on promising projects like eth, btc, nflare, and egld.

>> No.49390545

what to add to make bars color coded green/red?

>> No.49390581

where else on that chart did the volume drop to that level? was it a good idea to sell then too?

>> No.49390886

past reference to that?

>> No.49390915

Nice cope

>> No.49391235

Nflare marketplace would be a better alternative when earning passive income as i think, there will be more players who are interested to lease in times of crisis.

>> No.49391796
File: 22 KB, 390x377, images - 2022-06-06T033007.627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just a fucking loser anon. I have been investing on crypto since 2017 and i can compare my life from nothing to an average guy. Now that my assets are staked on freeway, i don't have to worry anymore. Even wanting to use their debit card once out.

>> No.49392010

No, invest more
Old or new

>> No.49392534
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images - 2022-06-06T040034.853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest on solid coins that would survive for long term. I would recommend you checking on EQ. The whitelist ends today but you can grab after the public offering. Our combo defi app is coming to save us.

>> No.49393159

Bitcoin is following NASDAQ so well it even has insignificant volume during the weekend.

>> No.49393625


>> No.49393635

U okay?

>> No.49393767


>> No.49393781


>> No.49393812

we are in consolidation since 2021

>> No.49394018

When moon

>> No.49394236

$10k this august

>> No.49394401

Yes dead

>> No.49394550

No btc, just buy ETH and DOT

>> No.49394830


>> No.49394839

Weak and idiot

>> No.49395062


>> No.49395075


>> No.49395220

Meaning to Buy low

>> No.49395245


>> No.49395348


>> No.49395364


>> No.49395501

"Load ze dead crypto fud"

>> No.49395585


>> No.49395628

So what you're saying is if its down 90%, it can STILL fall 90% more from that point?

>> No.49395893
File: 806 KB, 841x1198, 1633820-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe farm stables. Buying through the bear is not a very good strategy IMO

>> No.49395921

It is literally the summer and a weekend. Why the fuck is this board so retarded now?
Oh right. You're fucking underage, you can't even buy crypto.