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File: 81 KB, 622x622, FUehNhtWUAAvcUF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49382966 No.49382966 [Reply] [Original]

We are now at peak economic performance.

>> No.49383025

>let's just ignore trump was forced to do lock downs for the chink flue and Biden got the opportunity to reopen

>> No.49383063

pretty much this. also there are atleast 2 more years to bidens presidency, i am excited for the rate hikes

>> No.49383110
File: 64 KB, 1140x570, mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump was forced to do lock downs for the chink flue
he wasn't forced to do anything
you, however, you little bitch, you were forced to remain inside your house for a flu, like the slave that you are
imagine defending politicians
kill all of them

>> No.49383135

>chart doesn't account for job losses
>bidens growth is just people who lost their jobs from the covid thing finally going back to work
>trumps job losses entirely down to covid, even though these same people praising bidens performance said trump didn't do enough on covid.
they think you're fucking retarded

>> No.49383142

this and based. still an obviously underhanded OP graphic

>> No.49383154

now adjust the chart to rule out any covid related job losses or gains

>> No.49383169

This. Who believes Trump ffs? Just look at those allowed to be republican presidents. It's all a show.

>> No.49383175

ontario had the lowest voter turnout in history for the provincial election a couple days ago, you know what the media said? they said we didn't vote because we're so satisfied and doing so well under trudeau and also people didn't want to stand in line. The bullshit from media is incredible

>> No.49383277

Do you have any proof otherwise?

>> No.49383279

holy manipulation. crash the market the very last term of every republican president and make it look like the democrats saved the day

>> No.49383367

Bruh i'm a shut in neet it's not like it changed anything for me

>> No.49383387

>they think you're fucking retarded
and they're right

the more outrageous the lie, the more likely the retards will believe it

>> No.49383417

>Fire everyone
>Hire them back
>Record job growth!

>Borrow a trillion dollars
>Ignore the debt
>OMG the GDP is up one trillion!

>> No.49383911

>what is base effect???

fuckin retard

>> No.49383964

>he wasn't forced to do anything
was forced to do lockdowns

>> No.49383982
File: 153 KB, 1238x592, 1621479111738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can the Dems steal and election but not the right? Is the left inherently stronger?

>> No.49384108

pretty much. politics is nothing more than a circus.

>> No.49384126

I think Biden is confusing “jobs” for the blowjobs that he makes kidnapped children perform on him because he’s a pedophile

>> No.49384150
File: 533 KB, 1587x1587, jeffrey-epstein-and-donald-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all degenerates