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File: 223 KB, 1284x1447, 1654401237045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49381201 No.49381201 [Reply] [Original]

They are like .01% of the population.

>> No.49381214

This ad isnt targeted to trannies, its targeted to younger woke NPCs which is like 90% of the population now.

>> No.49381227

It's not targeted to anyone, I'm not sure why people keep repeating bullshit like "lots of zoomers are trannies so they're appealing to them". Netflix and disney getting absolutely fucking bogged because no one wants to pay for trannies in LOTR should tell you there is no money in this at all.

>> No.49381231

Yes but woke normies that eat this shit up are 99% of the future population

>> No.49381234


>> No.49381239

No but they're extremely hilarious, we are the most progressive society expressing our progress through what used to be mockery and stereotype 10 years ago, and no one is saying shit.

I mean look at that shit, it could be a 2000 meme.

>> No.49381242


>> No.49381243

It must be. I mean gays are the best cash cows. They work and make money like men but like to go shopping and buy dumb shit like women.

>> No.49381255

how do you know anything about the younger population? Curious

>> No.49381280

Wtf is even the meaning behind this shit

>> No.49381289


>> No.49381343

Gen Z is over 20% LGBT

>> No.49381362

he doesn't

>> No.49381403


>> No.49381404

on the left u got 2 guys sandwiched which is pretty gay...

on the right is 2 girls, doesnt look abnormal at all...

>> No.49381416

the lesbian burger looks pretty normal ngl

>> No.49381434


>> No.49381536

It's neither profitable nor does it hurt. Customers don't necessarily like it, but they don't hate it either. They just want the burger.
Customers do not care for corpo activism (CSR, ESG), or the praise or smears that comes from the engagement of or lack of such corpo activism. All the customer cared about, cares about, and will ever care about is the reputation of the company's product and/or services.
See: Chick-fil-A, Blizzard, Exxon.
The stakeholders being satisfied here are not paying customers.

>> No.49381600

This is all about making NPCs feel smug over nothing and pleasung the Biden administration so they can have penis size when they lobby congress.

>> No.49381641

No, its not. Hence the reason for the meme, Get woke, Go broke. Its usually so damaging to the company, bankruptcy follows.

>> No.49381698
File: 19 KB, 600x400, Peter facing camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The joke is referring to a 3 panel comic by political cartoonist and Disney animator, stonetoss. This satirical comic highlights how far removed corporate pandering in advertising is from actually selling a product.

>> No.49381702

speak for yourself you gross fat faggot

>> No.49381713


>> No.49381714
File: 923 KB, 1080x1553, College Professor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why?

>> No.49381734

Been seeing these over the last two weeks, so its AI generated. So thats why they all look demonic. Makes sense now.

>> No.49381756
File: 254 KB, 500x476, 1639338256953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shallow virtue signaling. No different than playing Mariah Carey around Christmas. Although the rainbows bother me many orders of magnitude less. Do the Chinese or Singaporean branches of their company do it? No of course not, that'll cost them sales.
They're just jumping on a band waggon for easy marketing.

>> No.49381772

It barely affects sales but it brings in the good ol’ Finkbux t. Blackrock so yeah kinda

>> No.49381873

This is targeted to demoralize austrian people and the most famous painter's fans. Anyway, they get also get good blackrock and wef points they can use to keep their business borrowing money and not getting fucked over. If anyone in the chat claims it's to make a profit have never tried to eat a double top sesame seed chicken sandwich or burger in this case in here, and my reason is because someone cannot eat seeds anymore unless they want a poo bag lifestyle.

>> No.49381913

The Wall Street (((Investors))) demand the promotion of degeneracy and almost every major corporation fears the consequences of not being compliant.

>> No.49381958
File: 303 KB, 680x680, burgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calls for the classic

>> No.49381965
File: 2.35 MB, 404x720, state of america.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally walk outside

>> No.49382024

How many of those do you actually think give a shit and how many just want to be on camera?

>> No.49382030

>a whole month
>of glorifying mental illness
why is the west like this

>> No.49382050

Look at the zoomer haircuts

>> No.49382059

The west is mental illness now. It's a bubble. It needs constant pumping from this to stay afloat. It's like tether, but it will collapse and I honestly can't wait

>> No.49382060

They are trying to market to gays. And yes obviously it's profitable if they have more customers. Another thing is, gay people are probably weary of where to shop because they are not accepted everywhere so if these guys can corner the gay market, even if it's small, it can still be very lucrative. Also, it's good for general PR I'm sure given the cultural climate that this society is in and helps to bring in retarded SJW types and liberals too. What they're trying to do is appeal to everyone. Back in the day they could never do this but slowly corporatists started vilifying people that condemned gays and this normalization of gay culture which allowed them to start openly marketing to gays along side everyone else. They did this with blacks as well. Now they have the privilege of marketing their products to all segments of society, even the minority or fringe, without any backlash. The best thing you can do is avoid corporations that market bad ideas or to people that you don't like. Your acceptance of gays and black people for example, is immensely profitable to them because now they can be all things to all people, whereas under normal circumstances, they would be shamed. But they've removed those social mechanisms. An example is, a normie would probably not eat at Burger King if he knew that gay people also ate there but after mass corporate political woke campaigns over the decades, a normie today is just accepting of the fact and thinks it's normal. Now they have a black, gay and normie all buying their product without any issue or loss of customers. Wokeness is a capitalist idea and is pushed because it's very profitable

>> No.49382064

that's unironically terrifying

>> No.49382083

Gay people are less than 3% of most populations. All those '1 in 4' are just mentally ill kids picking cool outfits like emo or goth, but instead it's faggotry. They're pandering mainly to avoid the backlash if they don't. The reality is until conservatives adopt the boycott and violence of the left it won't change. If they did companies would tone it down a ton. They'd still do it but it would just be like really basic bitch twitter posts once a year and none of the corporate HR gay shit. The sad reality is we are because of twitter. Twitter overtook tumblr and filled themselves with that type of userbase. Faggy losers who wouldn't say shit IRL but online were massively vocal. Right wingers just need to go back to twitter and get vocal. The 'neo democracy' or at least the illusion of it lies in retweets and likes.

>> No.49382089
File: 183 KB, 382x390, noodle pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention is a currency and they'll all be genuine fags and trannys for that currency

And eventually consensus is reached where the entire population becomes geninue fags and tyranny's even without the currency of attention being paid out because it's the norm

And again, that being said
Is a pathetic excuse, as if the majority of the population are actually all super hidden conservative trad wing red pillers and are just too afraid to say it

Just admit that America is full of faggot mutt hive and you'll stop having to do damage control everytime

>> No.49382213

Some of them, which is why they kill themselves, because they eventually go bankrupt. The majority 95%, dont give a shit. The fact they are even out there tells you they dont, they dont even know what the bill is about.

>> No.49382234

Im not autistic.

>> No.49382242

I'm gay and I just want a hamburger made from raw beef that was stuffed into a hot guy's asshole first.

>> No.49382247

I less want to do damage control than I want to destroy it because it's annoying and immoral

>> No.49382259
File: 74 KB, 1280x1124, AMERICANS TRYING TO READ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They dont even know what the bill is about.
But that's just because they're legitimately retarded
Most zoomers can't even read

But that doesn't mean they won't be out there whenever the media wants them to go again
They don't have any autonomy, they're basically putty
If the government wants them to all be fags, they'll be fags
If the government wants them to all be niggers they'll run around being niggers

Stop pretending like they're individuals with nuanced takes and opinions
They're not called nigger cattle for nothing

>> No.49382260

They see it as cynical pandering. Their consumption is irrespective of the advertising and merely constant.

>> No.49382310

the "woke" people eat this shit up, you forgot about them

>> No.49382320

they say that to fit in, but a lot of them haven't even done shit to begin with.

>> No.49382353

i'm sure fast-food companies can get away with it

>> No.49382382

The only way for these weak people to feel a shred of power or superiority is to band together behind a popular cause and then dog pile on people who disagree. Then they pat themselves on the back thinking they are morally superior for doing so.

>> No.49382408

ah sweet a schizo

>> No.49382551

I'm straight and a vegetarian, but after reading your post I'm now gay and I just want a hamburger made from raw beef that was stuffed into a hot guy's asshole first.

>> No.49382971

>thf autistic normies were the real psychopaths all along
good for me that i don't care about power, rather just doing my things

>> No.49383000

It'd cool without all the rainbow pride bullshit and just headline: "Bottom or top?" If you ever been to old-school Techno parties gays there were sound people. If you'd show them that corporate faggotry they'd shit on HRs powerpoint slides

>> No.49383027

>it's not about sex, chud
>by the way, do you like to get fucked in the ass or not