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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49380304 No.49380304 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49380318

I love you faggot.

>> No.49380326

because we're not doing well and so we need a way to vent

>> No.49380346

they're unhappy

>> No.49380354

people have embraced insanity

>> No.49380357

who's they and aren't you projecting?

>> No.49380359


>> No.49380360

I didn't mean /biz/. I meant out in public. everyone acts like an ahole. /biz/ is probably nicer than the average npc/normie

>> No.49380374

because faggots told me to buy the top and now niggers are telling me to sell the bottom

>> No.49380381

Not enough sex.

>> No.49380414
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This unironically. And poverty, but one begets the other.

>> No.49380431

Because they work for the government (glowies), or are now poor due to a shift in central bank monetary policy (woops sorry kid, get a job yeah?)

>> No.49380447


>> No.49380503

It's what happens in non-homogeneous societies. Welcome to multiculturalism, it blows.

>> No.49380509

everyones poor now hehehe

>> No.49380514

Because the 1% has everyone's dreams in their pocket now.

>> No.49380516

I’m sure the direction the world is heading in has a lot to do with this. Everyone seems to become more and more cynical every day. I’m in financial hell right now but I’m really trying not to be bitter about it. Sometimes life is shit but anons should still be kind to each other.

>> No.49380545

The jews and the antichrist making things worse for everyone and actively promoting violence now against those who dissent their "perfect" world view.

Needless to say, I hate the antichrist.

>> No.49380567

>I’m in financial hell right now
how bad?

>> No.49380582

People are stressed about shit and don't know what the future holds, probably.
I also love you anon <3

>> No.49380588

ITT OP pulls an Imagine Dragons and whines about behavioral sink

>> No.49380652

Not sure if its because I was starved of human contact for 2 years, but people outside seem way nicer than I remember so idk

>> No.49380801
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>> No.49380826

Some boomer tried to shoulder check me at the grocery store yesterday. I really wish it was still legal to strike people for being dickheads without risking unemployment and jail time. Part of the reason people are so shitty is that nobody ever expects to get their nose broken

>> No.49380852


>> No.49380861

it seems like everyone collectively lost their shit around 2020, media sells negativity particularly since then because it's addictive in a weird way, i think that has something to do with it. i try to be really nice to npcs in public but everywhere i go people are so much meaner than they ever used to be. i can handle it fine but it's not like i have many actual incentives to go outside at the moment if it's unpleasant.
one weird way this shows up is when i'm out driving, i'm a very confident driver and never had issues driving defensively but it feels like i'm in a war zone lately.

>> No.49380925

There is no risk of unemployment anymore you should have immediately hit him back and made him bleed.

>> No.49380942

The stock market is a visual representation of the collective emotions of society. If the market is booming, then people, in general, are positive about the world and its future. You can expect the average person to have a happy demeanor. Flip that for bear markets.

You can use this to collectively gauge sentiment in every country by looking at their respective market. During uptrends, expect new businesses to emerge and breakthroughs in technology because people are willing to share time, energy, and resources due to abundance. During downtrends, expect conflict and warfare while people fight for shrinking resources.

tl;dr bar charts mean more than just price

>> No.49380974

this. its illegal to defend yourself in half the civilised world. assholery thrives because its not worth dealing with in the proper way

>> No.49380976

I’m just poor enough to always be worried about paying all my bills, but recently I’ve taken the minimalism pill. I sold my car that I was still making payments on and purchased a reliable shitbox. Then I found a cheaper plan for my phone basically cutting my expenses down 50%. I wish my Dad explained to me how money works so I didn’t have to learn the hard way like a retard.

>> No.49380985

The world is getting craaaaazieeeer

>> No.49380987

People are driving unsafely because police don't like pulling so many people over all the time because now they are genuinely afraid of getting that one guy that snaps.

>> No.49380988

I agree 2020 broke the npc’s. On some subconscious level they realize everything is fake and they are getting scammed but they can’t admit it to themselves so it seeps out in other ways. They were starting to realize the pandemic was a giant charade to print money and force experimental medial treatments but then Ukraine magically shifted their attention as that narrative was collapsing. They can sense it’s going to get worse and there is no real sense of community left to deal with the hard times that are coming. One of the ways I noticed it manifesting was that after 2020 everyone on the road started driving like absolute maniacs. More so than I had ever seen before in my life.

>> No.49380993

This dude's clearly struggling and you're here giving him mixed messages.

>> No.49381017

Wow I didn’t even read the last sentence in that guys post and the reply but they both brought up the driving thing which was exactly the first thing that came to my mind also.

>> No.49381039

People have been stressed by what the future holds since 2008 at least in my country, i see it from the way car drivers behave, they're get more fucked in the mind as time goes on it's just a non-stop negativity cascade.

>> No.49381079

I've seen the worst driving ever in the past year. People are way too high strung right now.

>> No.49381101

desu I speed more than ever before, when its safe, because everyone else is doing it and also rolling through stops every fucking time now.

>> No.49381128

yeah fr, verbal abuse in public just goes unchecked

I can't count the number of times people just openly talk shit about someone as they're walking by

>> No.49381138

Demoralization threads to make you capitulate and fuel their shorts/sell at the worst time, and a bunch of angry fags who desperately feel the need to disparage their own bags because they believe if they get angry enough either the universe or the devs will help them.

>> No.49381152

The funny part is i wrote my post before reading the other replies and i just realized i'm not the only faggot measuring the general mood inside a society by watching car drivers, kek.

>> No.49381161

Pretty bad. Bad enough that I may damage my credit but probably not life destroying bad, and it’s only temporary. To be honest it’s 100% my fault. I have a solid job but my own terrible choices have completely fucked me financially so far this year and for the first time in my life I won’t be able to afford most of my monthly payments. Luckily I have a bonus coming early next quarter, but I’m underwater right now and the next four weeks or so are going to be brutal. I hate myself for being so stupid but at least there’s some light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.49381284
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I live life with the idea that everyone around me is fighting a harder battle than I am. Just be polite and smile even when people act like dickheads. You never know what they’re dealing with. And I’m sure inflation and whatnot is making life stressful for many.

>> No.49381307

It's a well known fact driving fatalities are way up because of a reckless driving epidemic. Its not only casual rude driving but there's people doing really crazy shit at night in sports cars, peeling out everywhere, racing, running into light posts.

>> No.49381344

I’ve noticed this too. It’s getting quite bad. Lots of speeding, weaving, and blowing through stop signs.

>> No.49381364

Oh and I watched some twat turn into oncoming traffic, miss everyone, and hit a tree while I was walking with my kid at the park. Was probably a dui but it was like 5pm on a Friday so these fuckers are getting bold out here.

>> No.49381381

>but there's people doing really crazy shit at night in sports cars, peeling out everywhere, racing, running into light posts
I hate those fucking niggers like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.49381438

Shit is expense and the future is insecure. My cars are paid for but I know people paying thousands a month in gas and car payments.

>> No.49381473

In fact it looks like the police have really been staying out of the public's way after being collectively shit on for not rushing in to get an actual bad guy in Texas.

>> No.49381710

I have seen at least five fatal accidents on the highway immediately outside of where I live in the past year. All of them were obviously caused by speed/running lights, this happened once every few years before 2021.

>> No.49381812
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>> No.49381917

We lost most of our money this fucking crash. As for normies, they got a little blackpolled during the coronahoax and have been acting different ever since.

>> No.49381918

>24/7 media coverage of "le horrible current thing"
>Nigger fatigue
>Worker exploitation
That's it for me

>> No.49381927

pepe what the fuck

>> No.49381932

I'm annoyed because I lost a fat amount of money you fucking asshole cuck

>> No.49381936


I just farted in your thread.

>What does this mean?
The amount of jannies (faggots) in this thread and 4chan account has increased by one.

>Why did you do this?
There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be deserving of a stinky fart and therefore a janny infestation. These include, but are not limited to:

Shitting in the street,

Spreading boi pussy.

Shilling lazy scams.

>Am I banned from the /biz/?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional fart, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

>I don't believe my thread deserved a fart. Can you un-fart it?
No. I cannot un-fart. My judgement is perfect and clear. Regardless, if you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to 4chan PMs within several seconds. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of fart appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

>How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the fart and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on /biz/. I will continue to fart in your threads until you improve your conduct. Remember: 4chan is hell. You can check out whenever you want and for however long you want. But you can never leave.

>> No.49381943

sorry to hear hope it turns out for you in the end

>> No.49381948

how much did you lose?

>> No.49381961 [DELETED] 

Everyone is stressed and they can't vent their frustrations to their superiors or to their cliquey friend groups so they hunt for any weak target they can take it out on and do their best to harm them instead. Like American Psycho but unironically. I really believe it, some people are just going around looking for someone to harm.

>> No.49381972 [DELETED] 

Everyone is stressed and they can't vent their frustrations to their superiors or to their cliquey friend groups so they hunt for any weak target they can take it out on and do their best to harm them instead. Like American Psycho but unironically. I really believe it, some people are just going around looking for someone to cause pain to. Malicious complainers are one of this sort of people, as they don't view themselves as terrible asshole people, so it fits their narrative of the world while hurting someone at the same time.

>> No.49381976
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>> No.49381978

A lot of people are very stressed and can't vent their frustrations to their superiors or to their cliquey friend groups, and what many do instead is they hunt for any weak target they can take it out on and do their best to harm them instead. Like American Psycho but unironically. I really believe it, some people are just going around looking for someone to cause pain to. Malicious complainers are one of this sort of people, as they don't view themselves as terrible asshole people, so it fits their narrative of the world while hurting someone at the same time.

>> No.49381982


>> No.49382091

Based altruist anon. Kill em with kindness !

>> No.49382124
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It's like that where I live.
I'd say since the late 2010s or so, literally every brown person I see drives a fucking loud-ass car or motorcycle and revs their engines in residential neighborhoods at all hours of the day.
Even in small, predominantly-white towns: spics and negroes somehow crept into the country and realized they can hassle rural folk in the open roads.
I can't leave my window open anymore because of the noise.

>> No.49382158

In the UK, its the pakis
They set off fireworks at 1am and race each other through residential streets on quad bikes, in BMWs with straight pipes, and leased Lamborghinis

>> No.49382164

I’m not. Most are just kidding. Always assume people are just joking. They usually are fren. Just bantz them back. It’s fun

>> No.49382181

Society is like a blockchain. It operates on trust. Some people, not gonna say who, have sewn seeds of doubt and hate and divided the biggest superpower in human history beyond what it ever was. Low trust = people start to be more mean because they resort to more aggressive and primal modes of survival and outlook. If a society is high trust, it is happy and people don't need to be mean.

>> No.49382186

Here in the States it's exclusively blacks, Hispanics, and wiggers (poor whites who act black – or as you'd cal them, "chavs").
Hell, as I was typing this, a fucking riceburner car drove past my apartment and the damn thing sounded like a jet engine, and it's 3:30 AM here.
The cops don't do shit, especially after the St. Floyd riots.
Leftoids will often justify this nuisance by saying it's their culture and that it's racist to complain about loud noises.

>> No.49382198

this is why you swing trade you can make money whether it goes up or down

>> No.49382204
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grabbing someone by the face and pushing him so he takes a step back can make your point while being legally defensible. especially if you’re good enough with words that you can sternly lecture him at the same time. wag your finger right at his face (like he’s a child) while you lecture him for an even more powerful effect.
if you learn to dodge/block punches you can even use this against stronger people.

>> No.49382282
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I've started doing the same.

Right now I can't remember feeling so good. I'm a comfy neet with little stress and more money than I thought I'd ever have. I eat properly, exercise, and get good sleep. So I'm as calm as a zen monk and feeling just great almost all the time. Most people don't have that though, and it's nice to brighten someone's day.

>> No.49382300
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cause this world fucks people up and stupid people can't into introspection so they lash out at whatever they can

>> No.49382309

time for war

>> No.49382349

Idk if it's really a mixed message.
I love this hurtbox and its inhabitants, cause where else can we actually give each other shit anymore? You get canceled for the slightest of offenses now irl

>> No.49382453

That's why I drink and take valium before I drive anywhere. Being relaxed makes you more likely to survive a wreck

>> No.49382556


>> No.49382828

introspection wont save the white race retards

>> No.49382880

Stop asking useless questions you absolute faggot

>> No.49383031 [DELETED] 



>> No.49383060


schizos ngmi

>> No.49383070

Because we added up the value of all posts and divided the total by the number of posts.

>> No.49383182

Neither will you since you get zero pussy

>> No.49383229

Sorry that was mean. Don’t worry though you’ll grow out of your /pol phase eventually and you’ll feel better. Been there done that. Not worth it.

>> No.49383462

It's not a phase.

>> No.49383610

FINALLY a good post on /biz/

>> No.49383629

So much road rage these days. I even catch myself fantasizing about hurting people in traffic lately

>> No.49383693
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Because normshits see their standard of living decreasing and this really rubs up against their expectations of having a celebrity-esque life. Most people believe that they are the 'main character' of existence and when things butt heads with that viewpoint of reality they cannot deal with it and sperg out.
The average normie is more ruthless, heartless, cold and calculated than the most depraved loony on this forum. I recently went into an instagram thread discussing funny things cats do (since the account was dedicated to cat memes). The amount of vitriolic hate towards cat owners from random dog nuts was surreal. The page isnt even about dogs, it wasnt a dogs vs cat debate or whatever it was just a meme about a cat putting his paw print on some old letter to show that cats are the same throughout history, something like that.
You had these dog lovers sperging out about how much better dogs are in comparison to cats meanwhile these cat owners were just chilling. It really shows you the difference in mentality between a cat lover and a dog lover desu. Animals are very much like their owners and more often than not, dog owners are just as dumb, self centered, unobservant and trashy as the pets they own. Just a small example...

>> No.49383732

i havent been on /pol/ since 2016 and my views havent changed at all

>> No.49383933

If a little bit of hard times destroys the white race then maybe it was pathetic all along. Face it, most white people are worthless. The value was all in the culture, and the culture is now dead. All we can do is outlive the true collapse and put the pieces back together in a couple decades.

>> No.49383969

Its not as if the 'hard times' are purely economical. There has been a 100 year psychological operation to make Europeans commit suicide.
>Boer war
>Gulf War
(You are here)
Not to mention the incessant media propaganda stating that da wurld is overpopulated whilst giving aid to africans to reproduce more. Funny how that works.

>> No.49383983

They can subconsciously feel themselves getting shrekt in the upcoming recession. This is a well known phenomen where mammals go a little berserk when they sense a looming crisis.

>> No.49383998

American Psycho predicted the manic political correctness of today as well

>> No.49384031

The world is definitely overpopulated but it's not western countries causing the damage.

>> No.49384262

most other developed countries just crab though