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4938002 No.4938002 [Reply] [Original]

Not even necesserelly from crypto, just generally..

When I'm 50 I want to have enough capital to build my own refuge in the spanish alps or in the north of finland, already studying climate change to sort of know the best place to build long term, will also build a bunker, aquaponic automated farm with some arduinos and a water collection system.

Optimal plan would be to get some smart friends and wives and create a small commune for vacations, still a long way to.

>> No.4938077

well aquaponics doesnt really work that great....tried it twice. go for hydro or soil

>> No.4938103

>moldy ass roof

>> No.4938139

I wan to pay off my student loans first (25k) Other than that I don`t have any wants right now. Maybe in the future buy a nice house.

>> No.4938147

Buy a house, Get a buy cute girlfriend, live as a perma neet the rest of my life

>> No.4938148

Maybe you sucked at it? I've seen greenhouse aquaponics automated with 1 arduino and a bunch of sensors. No way I'm going for soil considering changing temperatures, I'm planning something that will last long even after I'm dead.

That's moss.

>> No.4938153

Already got enough for a world-trip

Might buy a Mercedes Sprinter and live out of that permanently or build an off-grid house somewhere I live

>> No.4938196

What did you graduate in?

Post dream house

>> No.4938211

I hope you make it OP, you're a man of taste. Salut

>> No.4938232

I`m a Eurofag. I got money from the government so I can learn a trade at my age (25 no parents or relatives I can live with) had to finish school in that country first so they payed for that as well.

Dont have a degree never will because brainlet.

>> No.4938241

You just need the correct type of fish. Small fish like atherinidae (hardy little tasty fuckers) are very common in lakes in Turkey and some other parts of the world.

>> No.4938260

>That's moss.
Which needs a shit ton of water for its reproduction cycle as well as a food source IE: the decaying plant matter (leaves, needles) on top of the roof under all of that moss.
Guess what this causes.

>> No.4938265

I'm an Eurofag to, what country? What trade? How much are you making? I'm 20 going to software engineering next year but I'm considering a trade and learning to code by myself like I learnt design.

>> No.4938273

I want a 5 bedroom house to raise my family in, 2 million dollars to invest in the S&P 500 and get those delicious dividends, and I want to keep at least 15 of my bitcoin just to see what happens in the long long term.

>> No.4938294

From Germany to Norway, Shipsmechanic currently working as a toolmaker in Germany because there was mass layoff in the shipping sector in 2014 and I lost my job. Now I gotta pay back 22.000€ with a yearly wage of 35k€

>> No.4938303

The roof is sealed, no water get's in, as long as you're not breathing black mold 24/7 you're good.

t. Had a bathroom full of mold, suffered cognitive damage, mood swings and depression, most went away after I cleaned it, still treating myself, mold is so scary shit, fuck doctors they're pompuous brainlets.

>> No.4938320

Expose the Jews

>> No.4938335

How much does the gov take away from you monthly, at the end of the month how much are you left with after housing, utilities and food costs?

Portugal here, I'm living as soon as I can fuck this socialist dying country.

>> No.4938338

how do you had to get a student loan in Europe?

Belgian university education is like €1000/year. In Scandinavia you get paid to go to school.

Feels good to be debt-free my whole life

>> No.4938394

I pay 150€ a month. I have a norwegian bank account that I transfer money to. I got 900 in expenses. I earn 1600 montly. Been to Portugal twice. Nice country but full of cucks.

It was not possible for me to get an education and work to support myself at the same time, so yes I had to get money from the govt to live and eat while I finished school.
Shouldnt have done that but hindsight 20/20.

>> No.4938401

All I want is a small house with a workshop so I can freely tinker around on projects that pop up into my mind. Electromechanic gadgets mostly.

Also enough time and solitude to work on bigger programming projects in peace. Gamedev mostly.

I just don't have time to commit fully to those things because of work and uni.

>> No.4938436

They pay you 35k to be a "tool maker", meanwhile Greeks with university degrees work for 5-7k a year.

>> No.4938477

Not bad at all. Where did you go to? Not many cucks desu unless some areas of lisbon, it will get worse tough.

>> No.4938523

and Portuguese get 800/monthly after computer engineering, it goes to 1700 after a year or so but then you have to deal with increase in housing prices because we're getting older french and brits buying property here to escape from islam (not kidding aunt works in real estate), plus high taxes, only good thing is the weather.

Fucking hate the state of europe right now and I know it won't recover until it falls.

>> No.4938546

I could earn way more but my current employer tolerates the NEET work ethic I have. I can come and go as I wish as long as I hold deadlines and work 8 hours a day. Hes a hungarian Jew tho so I expect to be fucked over unexpectedly.

Went to Lisbon for a couple of days then toured the Algarve and had a great time surfing. Second time I went to Porto and the national parks in the north.

Why is food in the grocery store so expensive there? Even in germany certain items are cheaper.

>> No.4938558

Build a self-sustainable home and live off the grid.

>> No.4938557
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>> No.4938589

just move to amsterdam. philips will pay you 5k a month as computer engineer. you will even receive a relocation package limited to 4k. on top of that bout 20% of you income is free of tax in nl if you have a masters degree (expats only ofcourse lol). i know 2 portugese dudes who have done this.

>> No.4938619

> Why is food in the grocery store so expensive there?

Honestly I don't know, taxes would be my guess our politicians don't tax the air because they can't.

Is it possible for a southern european to travel north to learn a trade and work there? Are there any international schools for other europeans? And I don't mean a shit trade but something that requires some skill.

>> No.4938674

hmm rly? I'm not taking a masters that's for sure but in the next 3/4 years I'll work like hell and build as much as I can, I'm also a designer (like those fags you see on dribbble) and I heard design+stem is in demand.

How is the Portuguese community in the NL?

>> No.4938693
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>> No.4938698

sad to hear... i have to admit i had financial help from my parents to educate myself, though I had a side job. weren't you able to get a (weekend) job? your debts could be halved?

high five. any idea of location?

>> No.4938723

Im going to build a cuck shed in the rainforest of brittish columbia!

>> No.4939073

Buy lots of land in Western/Northern Europe and build a house with a tiny farm. When the population gets big enough theirs going to be a big move to the country side and I'll be ready to lend out land at high rent prices to these buttholes