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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 2 KB, 277x182, unionfinancetickerUNN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49378646 No.49378646 [Reply] [Original]

>-99.6% down from ATH
>290k MC
Anyone else still holding? This shit can't get any lower right? Is there even a place for DEFI insurance during the upcoming bullrun? Convince me to either buy more or let go of this shitcoin /biz/

>> No.49378677

the 1k i put in isn't even worth the gas to cash it out

>> No.49378693

how the fuck does this even happen, does it have shit tokenomics

>> No.49378742

Similar boat: I too put in $1k a while ago that is now worth 2 figures. I topped up this week for pennies so now holding 1million unnies for a few hunred bucks. I feel like a complete sucker but some vibe about this shitcoin stops me from dumping it.

Does anything think this will ever take off or even hit its ath again? Why/why not?

>> No.49378935

Everything seems solid and the project head updates on a weekly basis, I think it’s just that literally no one is using it at the moment. They are either terrible at marketing or are not yet ready to market (not sure how complete the project is)

>> No.49379003

yep surpsiginly active. gonna buy a small amount i suppose its so low

>> No.49379376

I feel bad for the people who bought this at $0.12. My stack would've cost $120k and I picked it up for like $1k. Feels kinda comfy even though I have no idea how successful (if at all) this project will be.

>> No.49379547

how tf does defi insurance even work

>> No.49380129

This shit will 100% moon during the next cycle. They have NO competitors and all the hacks are making their existence necessary.

>> No.49380264

I went all in on this coin at 0.05 and every time I see the chart I want to fucking end my life

>> No.49380313

My condolences anon. Are you still holding or did you capitulate?

>> No.49380347
File: 32 KB, 439x534, IMG_9913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah there's no real reason to sell with the current price

>> No.49380875
File: 472 KB, 748x625, 1617595153644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost like 5k on this shit. It's not even a scam, it just didn't take off before being slaughtered by the market.

>> No.49381165

Is there still hope for it? Thinking of buying a sui stack for shits and giggles

>> No.49381606

If Michael gives up ownership and a competent leader fills the role. Then sure.

>> No.49381699

Newfag here, what’s wrong with him?

>> No.49381744

Whats suicide/make it

>> No.49381786

Can someone explain why I would even want defi insurance and if I did how is it going to be decentralised when you need auditors, case managers and investigators to handle claims

>> No.49381847

I’d say sui is 2.5 mil and make it 10mil

>> No.49381867

I assume that’s why no one is using it atm . That and their marketing is trash

>> No.49382477

I lost $7k on this piece of shit

>> No.49382635

I told so many people this was a direct scam and I tried to save so many. Beck literally sweats like he is on hard stimulants in his videos(I've seen it in real life I'm serious) and John Liu was in other projects that he started siphoned a bunch of money and then bailed on basically. They all just never went anywhere. Also money was literally stolen from an old project that he and Andre Cronje worked on together. It was called Fusion I think.

That money is gone friend I'm sorry

>> No.49382644

Seconded. Please explain.

From what I gathered, you'd want to buy defi insurance to protect yourself from hacks or drastic drops in price (like the Terra collapse). Basically, people provide liquidity to UNN. If your conditions to receive your insurance are met (I assume a smart contract checks the price of your asset and verifies if it really dropped below the limit you set, so you won't need investigators and auditors), then you get paid with their liquidity and they lose some capital. If instead everything goes smoothly for your investment, you only lose the insurance premium you paid, and the people giving liquidity to UNN receive it as passive income. That's why they risk their capital.

Can anyone confirm if I'm correct?

>> No.49382672

Also, they seem to already have a working app. Can anyone confirm if it works properly?

>> No.49382776

I’m pretty sure it’s functional, just that no one is supplying sufficient collateral for it to be used by anyone else. Some of the c-op pools have like $20 in them lol. They need a marketing push

>> No.49382798

A half decent marketing team would've capitalized like crazy on the recent Terra debacle and all the hacks you hear about every few weeks. All those people losing 99% of their investment because of black swans are precisely why something like UNN should exist.

>> No.49382900
File: 132 KB, 1476x866, unionquote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how it full works either. I tried a quote with one of the C-OP's that actually has something in it. So with this example my 0.89 AVAX is covered for 4 weeks if the price goes under $19 and it will cost me $3.26?

>> No.49383084

in case there's a smart contract hack or vulnerability.

my question is, do any of these crypto insurances do anything for bridging? a lot of hacks i hear about happen when bridging one crypto to another over a bridge

>> No.49383248

I think so, yes.
Shit, imagine if people had insured their Luna with this. They might have saved 80-90% of their money instead of losing everything.

>> No.49383352

Kinda impressive how this thing hasn't taken advantage of the Luna stuff and all the other things that happened recently. The marketing team must be really doing a terrible job.

>> No.49383368 [DELETED] 

That cunt Michael beck has an equity loan worth 50MM$ and instead of pumping the price hes trying to get all the tools finished so he can sell the project to some bigger company.
Fuck him. Nobody cares enough to use UNN tools.

>> No.49383405

That cunt Michael beck has an equity loan and instead of pumping the price hes trying to get all the tools finished so he can sell the project to some bigger company.
Fuck him. Nobody cares enough to use UNN tools, because there is no marketing.

>> No.49383435

Yeah, I'm kinda mad they're not jumping on all these hack incidents. I'm still gonna keep my little bag though, who knows where this piece of shit could end up.
If he does want to and end up selling it though wouldn't it be good to buy now because whoever buys it would inevitably initiate a marketing campaign right away since it's all built already?

>> No.49383460
File: 38 KB, 700x569, 1652590807393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nobody gives a fuck about crypto insurance

>> No.49383474

There are competitors, a lot of them

>> No.49383496
File: 28 KB, 553x506, IMG_20220501_002457_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they never will, btw. Unn doesn't even try to get anyone to use the insurance product they spent 1.5 years building because they know nobody cares. They put all their energy (barely anything) into getting people to use C-OP which doesn't even work as it was shilled to work when unn got shilled here over a year ago.

>no integrations
>no demand

>> No.49383553

Wouldn't all the hacks make a good argument for it tho?
Who? Not doubting, I want to check them out. I feel this space may have potential.

>> No.49383564

No because the people who fund the hacks risk getting completely liquidated. There areess risky ways to earn yield

>> No.49383573

*the people who fund the liquidity pools that pay out in the event of a hack

>> No.49383762

How would any insurer go about covering a luna tier event or even a minor hack like bean recently? Who's gonna put up money for that?

>> No.49383785
File: 650 KB, 320x568, altcoin holders.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I ask I never get answer in these threads. Can you, or any of the unironic UNION holder explain to me what was their thought process for holding this scam since January last year if not earlier, my memory is a little hazy.

Was it about the insurance DeFi thing? The collaterization of options? Something else I don't know about? Im genuinely curious so I can avoid doing retarded mistakes of that kind.

>> No.49383792

Well of course if a black swan does happen, the people who funded the liquidity pool lose money. That's how it works with insurance companies: sometimes they have to pay up. But most times everything goes well and they earn the premium instead.

>> No.49383797

The rewards staking.

>> No.49383802

I think the thought process was:
>one of the main reasons crypto is not mainstream is that it's risky af.
>insurance reduces risk.
>a company that insures crypto investments will therefore be worth a lot.

>> No.49383833

It only has value if people use it.

>> No.49383883

>But most times everything goes well
This doesn't apply to crypto. Projects rug on a daily basis.
Only a retard of the highest order would stake their savings against the possibility of a crypto 'hack'

>> No.49383917

Anon you are retarded, they do have competitors and even big ones.
See Nexus Mutual

In any case no one care about crypto insurance

>> No.49383940

People who don’t think a hack is going to happen in the next 24 hours/2 days/one week/one month on a particular coin. I think 4 weeks is the maximum they offer at a time. But you could open a new one after that 4 weeks if you desire. Free money if you don’t think a coin will dump or if you just think it will crab for the next x days. Ofc this is all contingent on the system being widely used than it currently is

>> No.49383959

This shitcoin has some staying power. How the fuck is it still being talked about in June of the current year?

>> No.49384064

Do you think Chainlink is going to rug in the next 24 hours? If not, you could underwrite cover and collect the premium from someone who wanted protection from that event happening.

>> No.49384176

They'll never build tvl if people can't set and forget

>> No.49384201

It will rise from its ashes and reach $5 by 2025.
At the moment, $200 buy over 500k tokens. Kek.

>> No.49384230

People might use it if they knew it existed. Its problem really is the marketing department.

Out of 5k coins, maybe 200 will rug in any given day (all low effort scams that nobody would insure). The good, established coins virtually never rug. This is why Luna's rug was so shocking. Considering how unlikely a top coin is to rug, putting up liquidity to insure it is basically free money.

>> No.49384235

I highly doubt but I snapped a couple million unnies at this price just in case. Gonna put it in the back of my mind and check back in a couple years

>> No.49384242

Michael said marketing doesn’t matter he is worried about having all the tools finished.

>> No.49384264

>Michael said marketing doesn’t matter
This Michael sounds like this project's problem.

>> No.49384335

We told him to let alameda be the project lead and he won’t do it.

>> No.49384504

What’s his endgame?
Also who’s alameda? One of the devs??

>> No.49384510

Unironically I kept telling all the UNNies to buy pnk instead.

Watching one interview with the founder made it so clear this shit was going nowhere. Finance dudebro who didn't even seem intelligent. Hope some people listened

>> No.49384601

Anyone else having trouble staking/unstaking? It won’t even show my balance of UNN/rUNN. Also has the hunny badger nft snapshot happened yet?

>> No.49384621
