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File: 90 KB, 256x256, 1654271429007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49372805 No.49372805 [Reply] [Original]

If I were a burger, I would be broke too? financially speaking, of course.

>> No.49372915

you'd probably end up paying a friend or coworker to pull the chunks out with pliers and a whole tube of orajel
hydrogen peroxide after cuz that's all we got

>> No.49373276

Do burgers really?

>> No.49373310
File: 139 KB, 1186x636, Californian 40% income in taxes and deductions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they really do.
Look at these taxes that Americans pay btw.

>> No.49373325

I have heard about people cutting out their own cancers with a pocket knife on multiple occasions
jokes on both of us though, we have a vaccine against tooth decay that they won't give to either of us because of economic reasons.

>> No.49373347

Jesus christ, I'm so glad I live in third world shithole that is not the Jew.S.A.

>> No.49373363

it's over for amerisharts

>> No.49373428

Dude that's 40% tax and deductions. And they have to cut out their own cancers and pull out their own teeth. They pay 40% taxes and yet have to do this.

>> No.49373466

we are cattle
we produce and we die
not people
don't worry

>> No.49373525

… are you vegan

>> No.49373555

I don't believe that shit of ppl cutting their cancers lol, may be some did but don't think that many of them do. However I do think that treating a molar could leave you broke as fuck, I mean how many bucks to fix it? Fr fr

>> No.49373570

become carnivore. Molars are for cucks you only need incisors

>> No.49373576
File: 42 KB, 600x514, 1640966589441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 5 teeth surgically removed a few weeks ago and my co pay was $250. Just don't have shit job with no dental insurance and you will be fine.

>> No.49373583

Yesterday I eat a juicy salmón, it was 15 dollars, do you think that was the reason?

>> No.49373610

Well thats my case, I do have a top tier medical insurance, 25 bucks a month and the procedure is most likely all included, , at least the last time I did was it.

>> No.49373876

You'd be paying for it out of pocket while your 50 to 120 a month with $500-1000 deductable refuses to pay any of it, as the dentisr attempts to upsell and overcharge you on anesthesia and x-rays.

Also they can totally tell you have some caveties in these teeth and we need to get them drilled and filled ASAP. Let's schedule for later this week, and we'll go ahead and opt for the most expensive porcelain.

>> No.49373950

The one type of person I don't trust more than American doctors, would be American dentists.
Schooled enough to appear competent when first meeting them but absolutely malicious and it's really hard to sniff them out at first. By the time you realize you've been fucked, it's already too late.

>> No.49374164

All free of charge here, so comfy

>> No.49375510

i made that pepe