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File: 6 KB, 259x194, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49363501 No.49363501 [Reply] [Original]

Retarded Bobos claim there always was a years long downtrend but its an open lie.
Check the chart after every 12 month downtrend there was a violent uptrend!

>> No.49363512

Is this an E thread? Or is this a Z thread?

>> No.49363518

This time is different, and the inflation hedge was the single biggest lie that's been espoused by crypto proponents.

>> No.49363525
File: 104 KB, 1271x777, A9689103-43CC-4D71-9DA6-805CE1A2400F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, the past doesn’t predict the future. You could have bought in 2020 at half of the 2017 peak. You’ll be able to buy BTC at 30k in 2025 at this rate

>> No.49363531

Bitcoin thread but Z

>> No.49363538

And how is tis relevant exactly suka blyat

>> No.49363540

YOu can see the downtrend lasting exactly 12 months and then a violent x3 in 6 months

>> No.49363560
File: 72 KB, 1000x527, g323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is a down trend

>> No.49363571

Again, look at the chart. Let’s say everything happens like last time, if you buy now at 30k (mid-2018 equivalent), you’d be down in 2019 and break even most of 2020. It took a pandemic bubble to go up.

>> No.49363576

muh patterns

>> No.49363588

>You’ll be able to buy BTC at 30k in 2025 at this rate
Possible, i think the peak will be 2024
30k is possible because >>49363518
>inflation hedge
is dead.
This is huge and Bitcoiners dont see it.
I blame hedgies and then glowies, nocoiners etc because they did spam half a year how Inflation is bearish and made it happen that way. Withn the help of the retarded 4 year cycle fags who sold because of the cycle thing.
Inflation could have been bullish just as good, the saying would be btc is at ath and fiat is losing worth, this would have created global fomo and would have offset all rate hikes

>> No.49363601

But the real bullmarket was over last may.
Check the 2018 bear market, its was over eoy 2018.
It was 3k for a while, and without covid it never would have went back.
It violently mooned and then crabbed at 9k until 2020.
The lesson is get in early on bear markets because all others dcy.
Check 2014, it was even clearer

>> No.49363606

muh bait

>> No.49363612

>because all others dcy.
before others buy dca

>> No.49363619

>Check the chart
How about stop looking at the chart and look around whats happening in the world

>> No.49363631 [DELETED] 

Why are you even in this thread?
Why is fiat great to gold if everything is going to shit?

>> No.49363632

nothing is happening, is special operation only, barely any Russian die )))

>> No.49363638

Why are you even in this thread?
Why is fiat great to hold if everything is going to shit?

>> No.49363640

> But the real bullmarket was over last may.
nope, november

> The lesson is get in early on bear markets because all others dcy.

the lesson is not to buy at half the recent peak because that’s not the bottom

Also, I’m skeptical with repeating patterns, as they never really repeat. I’m bullish long term, but BTC at 1 mill per BTC seems kinda not happening in my mind. Might be wrong, but might also be right.

That BTC makes up almost 50% of all crypto market cap, makes me shudder.

>> No.49363662

>the lesson is not to buy at half the recent peak because that’s not the bottom
Cant time the bottom anyway
It went down2/3
Lower gains lower crashes
>Also, I’m skeptical with repeating patterns, as they never really repeat. I’m bullish long term, but BTC at 1 mill per BTC seems kinda not happening in my mind. Might be wrong, but might also be right.
>That BTC makes up almost 50% of all crypto market cap, makes me shudder.
I say it, Bitcoin at 29k is a better buy then Bitcoin at 15k.
Because at 15k there is a great chance it never sees ath again and if it doesnt in the next 3 years it is dead likely

>> No.49363672

>nope, november
Check volume and normieinterest

>> No.49363699
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 981628AD-1461-46C3-8DCB-0A5F8327EDBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Because at 15k there is a great chance it never sees ath again and if it doesnt in the next 3 years it is dead likely

Ok, here is my 2 cents. Trading crypto is a past time that tons of people have gotten into but there is a HUGE potential still. BTC is needed by that system, so I believe it will go up to 100k or more.

There is going to be a shakeout for alts, something everyone is saying, but given their tiny market caps overall, it’s not really killing the system. I’d say 10 trillion crypto market cap is possible, the question is which will be 50x and which will die.

>> No.49363733

Yep i also believe in 100k but only if we dont go under 20k
There are not enought hardcore holders left for a x10

>> No.49363829

I believe in 100k especially if we go below 10k. The problem is normies still hold and hope. As always, you need to shake out the normies.

>> No.49363838
File: 93 KB, 1377x737, bullrun_or_bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fake-out. Top's not in yet. Macro factors suppressed a definitive cycle top, along with the fact that the cycles are lengthening. IMO we're in a supercycle and we will have another peak before the 2024 halving, surprising everyone, followed by an equally-surprising bear market post-halving that probably takes us back to the 50-60k level.

Bitcoin always shits on your plans. Wayyy too many people are now 100% confident in a halving cycle. Price-wise, it wouldn't make sense - that would mean, with diminishing highs every four years, we'd be lucky to hit 300k by the end of the decade. Given Bitcoin's growth, which is outpacing the growth rate seen by the internet, that's frankly impossibly low.

Either most people in Bitcoin right now are wrong about its underlying fundamentals, OR the four-year cycle theory is incorrect. It's one or the other.

>> No.49364343


>> No.49364358


>> No.49364623

>we will have another peak before the 2024 halving, surprising everyone, followed by an equally-surprising bear market post-halving that probably takes us back to the 50-60k level.
This is what i believe but it will be the next cycle.
Stop thinking we are in the same cycle as 2020, we are not. But keep holding the time to sell is long over
>Bitcoin always shits on your plans. Wayyy too many people are now 100% confident in a halving cycle
This is what im saying aswell, IT CANT BE THAT EASY, there cannot be only winners.
I said exactly the same in november about the expected blowofftop that was imminent according to everyone. Kek how was that even possible that every one can cash out the expected blowofftop

>> No.49364651

Why are you begging faggot...

>> No.49364872

Reddit spacing

>> No.49366185
