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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49362468 No.49362468 [Reply] [Original]

woman immediately loses attraction and starts doubting her choice when she found out her boyfriend suffered a mental breakdown from overworking


what's the point of making it when you know that she will never unconditionally love you?

>> No.49362488

no such thing as unconditional love
also gb2reddit

>> No.49362490

Man gotta love reddit and their through vetting of all posters to confirm their identity and stories to confirm they're not just saying batshit crazy things for internet updoots lol amirite

>> No.49362501

go back

>> No.49362519

>post is from ten years ago
Maybe you should follow the redditor's boyfriend's example and check yourself in for mental health treatment

>> No.49362534

Making it means you can always get another unfaithful hole to replace the last one

>> No.49362665

What the fuck is this and this post is ten years old. Why does she have a bf from Germany if she is from the US or Florida? You should fucking resign from the internet OP and never ever return.

>> No.49362706

>no such thing as unconditional love
and a guy should not "unconditionally love" a woman either.
both sexes have to maintain certain standards to be worthy of a relationship.
Only your mommy loves you without question.

>> No.49362740
File: 40 KB, 720x480, 082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell every other /thread is a fucking screenshot from the npc containment site

>> No.49362759

women love dead beats with no jobs, all you got to do is fuck her good

>> No.49362801

Where does it say she lost attraction and started doubting her choice? My God you incels are so pathetic

>> No.49362817

I think this is a meme. Women aren't going for the strong physically and mentally men no more. Women are attracted to men that cry and are weak. I don't care how biology wired us in the past, in this present modern day, the strong men has no place. There are women attracted to the man that is "broken" that has a problem, especially an apparent visible problem. They romanticize suffering and stay in those kind of relationships as long as they can since a sane and healthy relationship scares them. That being said...no that woman wasn't doubting herself for the choice she made, she loves it. Women and men are just weak.

>> No.49362863
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spoiler alert
>she ended up getting back together with him
seethe and cope incel

>> No.49362865
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1336008982506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, why are you using a lying clickbait just like news sites ?
Are you literally a paid-per-reply shill ?

Does it pay good ?

>> No.49362882

I sure with this thread had some decent bait in it

>> No.49362883
File: 122 KB, 412x365, midwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit incel thread

>> No.49362909

It all depends on the woman, there are many different types of woman just like there are many different types of man.

How someone responds to signs of weakness can be very revealing about them. Some noble people will help the weak, out of the kindness of their own altruistic hearts, others will get flaky and extricate themselves from the situation, bailing when they get the chance for self-preservation, and then there's another class of people who will actually prey on the weak. Their predatory instinct gets switched on, that this is an individual that can be exploited. It doesn't have to be monetary gain, it could just be psychological power and abuse, adult bullying - which is of course a lot more subtle than child bullying. These last types of people are the scum of the earth and the cause of almost everything that goes very wrong.

>> No.49363238

The post isn't even real you nutcase.

>> No.49363296


>> No.49363324

Then don't, its not really women's fault most men act like 30 year old children collecting funko pops, is it?

You can disregard bitches and tell them to their face if they got something you don't like, I do all the time.

>> No.49363339

>what's the point of making it when you know that she will never unconditionally love you?
I cannot see how two points are even remotely related at all

>> No.49363355

>no more
Please don't come on the internet and talk like a hillbilly.

>> No.49363359

business and finance

>> No.49363381
File: 203 KB, 1228x1150, KkCcgHg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ - tranny shit & incel speak

>> No.49363395

dont marry a girl who wasnt homeschooled bros. idk what it is about public school but it makes women like fucked in the head and only care about shallow shit and appearances. i talked to 5 different homeschooled girls when i was dating and they only cared about god and their families. none of them even knew they were supposed to care about shit like how tall men are or stuff like that

>> No.49363397

But who was phone?

>> No.49363450


>> No.49363580

Thanks anon, this gives me hope for finding a gf

>> No.49363660
File: 667 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220604-044859_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49363695
File: 445 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220604-045255_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but we're based!!!1!


>> No.49363778

Fake post intended to destablize and demoralize. Go back.
All fields.

>> No.49363787

Now do consanguinity.

>> No.49364113

>woman immediately loses attraction and starts doubting her choice when she found out her boyfriend suffered a mental breakdown from overworking

it doesn't say that though. nowhere does she say she's lost attraction to him. She just said that she felt more worried about him coming to california because of the fact he disappeared without contacting her for a week

>> No.49364258
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1594395791925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I had a tragedy in my family when I was 22 and my gf with whom I was 2 years at the time was the best help I could imagine. I had weeks that I wouldn't be able to walk out of the bed and she didn't leave me. You can't judge all the girls because some thot on reddit is a thot. There are good people out there.

>> No.49364266

Where's the bait? Touch grass.

>> No.49364277

My pleasure

>> No.49364304
File: 63 KB, 720x721, IMG_6977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the point of making it when you know that she will never unconditionally love you?
This is why I did not bother getting a gf. My mom thought I was gay but I ended up spending most of my crypto earnings from the last bull run on her and bringing her to travel East Asia after the covid lockdown. We now have a much more intimate relationship and I realized I should have done this sooner because women can only provide unconditional love to things that came out of their own vagina.

>> No.49364327

Women have no empathy, hate your guts, are self serving primitive creatures, the bestest goyim, lie and cheat all the time, are physically unable to experience unconditional love: news at 11

>> No.49364350

Hi, that's great! Everybody knows that crypto is the future, but have u tried Streeth?

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>> No.49364925

what an embarrassing post