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49359832 No.49359832 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain it to me like my stupid why people want coins to have staking?

It just means that major holders with a pile of tokens will perpetually dump their staked rewards continuously creating immense sell pressure.

Once that starts there is no mechanism to reverse it and since it's continuous (unlike the regular market up/down fluctuations) it will always tip the scale towards driving the price down.

>> No.49359880

For some coins, staking is supposed to be integral to the consensus and progression of the Blockchain or protocol.

For some, it just means "collect apy while I dump on you"

Know the difference

>> No.49359893

since basically every project has no way to make money, the only way to incentivize holders to participate in securing the chain is by "reward" them by inflating the supply

>> No.49359952

You just described the future of crypto and they involve real revenue streams, here are some future participants.


Does anyone else have any other projects that are creating real value not just money flow from speculators

>> No.49359958

OP is getting dumped on sorry your not in the leagues

>> No.49360090

BNB and KCS are somewhat revenue sharing like dividend stocks

ETH is somewhat deflationary, some value is returned by burning gas fees. After the merge it might be profitable.

We need more coins that seek to charge fair prices for utilities, instead of relying speculation pozinomics

>> No.49360104

>BNB and KCS are somewhat revenue sharing like dividend stocks
How so?

>> No.49360179

Revenue stream means it’s a security which means it will be regulated eventually. You want coins like eth and BNB that have utility for example paying gas fees.

>> No.49360225

>It just means that major holders with a pile of tokens will perpetually dump their staked rewards continuously creating immense sell pressure.
In a system where staking is tied to some value-add function like a node and where token supply isn't infinite, every token received as a staking reward and dumped will also be a token that was bought/will be bought again by an end-user using the network's services.

>> No.49360229

BNB has a planned buyback and burns paid for by company revenue
KCS staking rewards/buyback is like 50% of trading fees

They also have actual utility by reducing platform fees, which sort of burns them/redistributes them back to CEX for staking rewards

>> No.49360372

ETH and its forks will eventually be securities as well though. It definitely fails howie, no?
is it creating value when it just diminishes fees from the platform they are hosted on in the first place? i guess thats debatable.

>> No.49360429

>collect apy while I dump on you
You just explained all of DeFi

>> No.49360486

ETH going 2.0 means the fees will stay about the same but instead of going to the miners its paid to the stake holders. So its the rich getting richer.

>> No.49360540

>T. Early defi user, went from $0 to $100k just on defi airdrops and ohm

>> No.49360628

>T. Late defi user who went from $0 to $1mm to 0

>> No.49360943


>> No.49361024


So there's this box.

>> No.49361089

Based Lost enjoyer.

>> No.49361129
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>> No.49361151

Which defi rewards you in a meaningful amount outside of inflation? Aave pays via liquidations but rates are trash, boomer return tier with the added risk or crypto kek

>> No.49361209

Staking shitcoins does exactly what you describe.
Staking the token of a revenue generating network is muck like owning dividend stocks.

>> No.49361243

ACAla and the crowdloan structure?

>> No.49361254

>rich getting richer
cant the same shit be said in regards to pow coins that need to be mined? you need capital to buy up mining equipment, loads of it, especially with how overpriced it can get.

>> No.49361281

there will be less sell pressure due to staking than mining once eth merges

>> No.49361286


With mining even the little guy with a home computer could make enough to pay off his own PC and even get a little profit. But when it goes PoS he is cut out of any of that.

>> No.49361344

Because miners aren't doing the exact same thing on PoW chains. But don't need to hold any coins.

>> No.49361403

how is he cut out exactly? can they not purchase the tokens themselves and then stake them or set up a node?

>> No.49361431

>enough to pay off his own PC and even get a little profit

lmao he'd spend 40 dollars in electricity to make 10 dollars in coins
there's a reason why mining is ASICs and economies of scale

you need a hundred thousand to break into the mining scene, vs PoS you can put in 100,000 or 10,000 or 1,000 or even 100 and still earn the same 5% or whatever it has

>> No.49361463

because everything is retarded anon

>> No.49361534
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>> No.49361561

Can EIP1559 type token burn work with LINK? It isn’t enough that nodes should stake, our tokens must burn to oblivion

>> No.49361822

Sorry Anon I don't know enough about the inner workings of LINK but I do know that the creation of revenue streams through real world application, beyond increasing and decreasing order books will be the nature of the cryptos that persist.

>> No.49361910
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KEK you just described how Hex works. This is what the retarded as Bitcoin Maxis and haters dont get.

>> No.49361924

Is man, yes?

>> No.49361947

She is beautiful. An aryan goddess. My Queen

>> No.49361966
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>> No.49362019

ETH 1559 burn is to balance out new emissions, and new emissions are needed to add reason to stake, as incentive to stake, while preventing massive inflation
LINK doesn't need a burn mechanism, since no new tokens are being "made" that any sort of burn balance is needed to stabilize it via burning

>> No.49362395


>> No.49362412

why tho, i heard dags had to do with this but i have no fucking idea why would it be better

>> No.49362417
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It's funny when you consider that even memecoins like vinu are far more efficient than fucking ETH just for using vite
There are many technical differences between a DAG architecture and a traditional blockchain structure like Bitcoin. The brief comparison is that the DAG architecture allows more transactions to be validated simultaneously, compared to a blockchain — new transactions can proceed without requiring previous transactions to first be validated. On the DAG architecture, transactions can be directly added to the blockchain. Transactions are validated only if they are referenced by another transaction — they do not need to be validated by every single node within the network before they can proceed.

>> No.49362423
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Turbo chad

>> No.49362427

a memecoin is faster than ETH?
>cue star trek music

>> No.49362429

Obviously. It's a dumb statement. People who got rich in crypto are rich in mining anyway usually and mining capacity.

Staking is a scam. It's a way to get more of the supply. But generally 'staking coins' have no other functions to generate revenue, otherwise they wouldn't be staking coins. It's just a way to keep smoothbrains busy to get more of the liquidity because the coins themselves do fuck all. It's just another ponzi idea to bring in money without actually doing anything

>> No.49363092

two more literal who's to add to my wordfilter

>> No.49363197
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Fringe finance if we ever get a platform

>> No.49363300

Ah, this cumdumpster, LOST, 2004, better times.

>> No.49363311

what's that phenotype called?

>> No.49363472


>> No.49366013

Typically, "staking" can be seen as a dividend to holders, representing the excess economic value someone creates from providing funding to it. So it creates a direct links between its the economic utility and the asset itself, providing the main reason as to
a) why one should even hold the asset
b) how much "worth" the asset would be

An asset without staking - or dividend, or utility like gold, you would only hold out of scarcity and hope its scarcity makes it more valuable. However scarcity (without concrete economic utility) is extremely hard to price, so there's no way to say what "fair" price would look like.
An asset with staking firstly cements its economic utility, and second creates further reason to hold the asset in the first place.

>> No.49366244

the would suck her ears and let her sit on my pp phenotype

>> No.49366325
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In each instance token is used for transactions.
Staking BNB is comphy

"tokens of revenue"
hey ummmm
"weapons of war"

couldn't have said it better myself.
( would you consider ATOM the same as BNB/KCS?)
((and lets not talk about CRO))

>> No.49368184

>perpetually dump their staked rewards continuously creating immense sell pressure.
Time to slurp more Algorand.

>> No.49369663
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Staking Cometh at the moment and I hope it's the former one, anon. I'll have to assure myself through their fame and utility kek.