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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.49355355
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where waifu?

>> No.49355427
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>> No.49355512
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>> No.49355528
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here anon

>> No.49355587

Weeb edition

>> No.49355608


>> No.49355612

When top 3 how tf this shit still so fucking undervalued?

>> No.49355805
File: 213 KB, 1107x720, 1654010936679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX's largest subnet LUNA crashed to zero and it's second largest subnet SOL keeps crashing.

>> No.49355958

everything in its time

>> No.49356092

could you morons take one day off from just making shit up?

>> No.49356365

finally a thread without metheads

>> No.49356415

Based FUD lmao

>> No.49356434

Can't wait to load up on this around $5-10. What's your make it stack?

>> No.49356535
File: 36 KB, 382x301, emin_nipples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emin has prominent nipples, i bet they are really sensitive

>> No.49357373

ppl haven't get the redpill yet
wanna touch 'em nipples tho

>> No.49357512
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not gonna lie they are quite nice. perfectly placed, properly angled, and laterally symmetric. 9/10 overall

>> No.49358637

if i buy can i be popular in japan? i need a waifu

>> No.49358699
File: 453 KB, 1124x1137, 474ADC14-7218-4D56-B363-B3FA0AAC9A37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt this the same chain that had gas fees go up to $14?

>> No.49359101

>had gas fees go up to $14?
That was before subnets, check the gas fees now.
Polygon will never do as good as AVAX since they're trying to copy subnets in a shitty way without the consensus protocol that make them works

>> No.49359132

>That was before subnets, check the gas fees now.

Not even true, Even in the most congested day average fees for swaps didn't exceed $1

>> No.49359226

I know that, but one time it went to that price for like an hour and then back to normal, that faggot is trying to make it look like is the usual in that chain when it's not, and now with the subnets even less

>> No.49359258
File: 51 KB, 1062x710, AVAX_gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they fixed the gas fee algorithm long before subnets released. trivial issue since it only took them a week to tweak it and eliminate fee volatility.

>> No.49359280

Dude, don't talk to the trolls, they are of a singular mission.

>> No.49359328

Can't wait to see AVAX at $140 again

>> No.49359353

You will be waiting a good year or 2. Tempted to pick up 2k avax at these prices though.

>> No.49359389

Here are some things to keep an eye on about AVAX to make sure they stay on track for success:


- [ ] Continued growth of subnets
- [ ] Permission-less subnets
- [ ] Cross-subnet communication
- [ ] Validator count increase
- [ ] State pruning
- [ ] EVM improvements
- [ ] L2 subnets
- [ ] Gaming subnets
- [ ] NFT growth
- [ ] Core Wallet release
- [ ] BTC bridge release
- [ ] Bridge improvements
- [ ] DeFi dapps
- [ ] Avalanche v2
- [ ] Enterprise adoption

Keep an eye on:
- [ ] Monthly transaction count
- [ ] Daily active users
- [ ] Monthly active users

>> No.49359494

wow, are subnets not already permissionless? That's actually fucking terrible, if true

>> No.49359501

I forgot to add one more thing to that list. During the summit, Emin said they are working on a new type of database. Can’t confirm, but I think this is what big brain Ted is working on.

>> No.49359520

Shit is new man. There are only 2 live. Best to test them and get bugs worked out. I’m sure we will see permissionless subnets THIS year.

>> No.49359747

I guess to be more clear, when I say permissionless, I mean the validators that can be members of the subnet.

>> No.49360041

thinking of switching out of polkadot for AVAX. it looks like for staking you bond to one single validator and can stay locked to them for as long as a year at a time. What happens if that validator just fucks off during that time? Do your coins unbond or how does that work?

>> No.49360306

Yea anyone can spin up a subnet, however the validators that validate the subnet must be white listed, validators can't come and go as they please. Which is fine because IMO they need to make sure subnets are functioning flawlessly in a permissioned setting before they open that can of worms. This forms no impediment to a validator market place developing, it just means that there still requires some coordination with the subnet originators.

>> No.49360396

Sounds like you’re thinking of delegating. If you delegate to a validator that goes offline and doesn’t maintain 80% uptime at the end of that 1 year period, you don’t get any rewards. I do believe you are locked in for that time period, but your stake will not be slashed since there is no slashing on Avalanche.

>> No.49360428

well damn. so worst case scenario I could potentially lock up a stack for the max timeframe and the validator could go offline a week later and I'm just sol for a year?

>> No.49360506

Just lock it up for less time. Month by month returns good yield.

>> No.49360507

Anyone else shorting AVAX?

>> No.49360561

is there a warmup time when you go to restake or does it start earning rewards instantly again? Would like it to be as hands off as possible so I'm not tempted to look at it and make stupid decisions

>> No.49360910

it's instant. I do month to month and it's as simple as going on the web wallet and a few clicks. Delegate on a validator that has been running for months and has 99.99% uptime for guaranteed gains. There is effectively no difference in staking yield comparing year to year or month to month.

>> No.49360963

based and blessed thanks anon

>> No.49361778


>> No.49362021

just stake on yield yak

>> No.49363445

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.49363629

kek new fud i like it
no one knows what avax is yet still. ada, sol luna, all got SO much more normie attention than avax - ask 10 people into crypto what l1s they know thery'll all say Ada, sol, eth, - 1 out of 10 might say avax. Its just fucking stealth mode for some reason I dont know why normies can't figure out it exists. Marketing must be trash tier

>> No.49363641

As I told everyone at the time - they could fix the gas fees whenever they wanted - which they did. Inneffective fud. Gas fees are set at the optimal rate for the chain. Deal with it jeets.

>> No.49363797

Yeah it's really fucking weird. Redditfags didn't even post about it at the height of the bull when it joined top 10 lmao

>> No.49364418

go watch any crypto youtuber who does vids on Avax and others like Sol. The Avax vids get a couple hundred views - five or six comments. Sol vids get thousands of views and hundreds of comments. I just find it very strange.

>> No.49366236
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good morning gents

>> No.49366392

I'm fearing Avalanche superiority is too nuanced for the masses to understand.

I even seen VCs misunderstood many things about the architecture so it doesn't really make me confident about normies finally finding out

>> No.49367238

This is pretty much it. SOL fees are cheap but Normies don’t care why and what trade offs were made. SOL seems fast, but again they don’t care about the trade offs and don’t know what finality is. I guess it’s a a JPEG chain so in the end it doesn’t really matter. Ava labs really needs to mail CORE wallet. It’s going to be a pivotal moment for avalanche. Just don’t expect it to affect price.

>> No.49367292

The wallet should've been release end of March, but they still say "very very soon" when asked about it. Good job missing the momentum there.

>> No.49367469

Honestly 99% of crypto people have no fucking clue what they're talking about

>> No.49367530

>CORE wallet.
I always said the no.1 thing we needed was a hub. Moving avax in and out of metamask to use on it's 1,000 different dapps is exhausting. Even then till it's AOL levels of user simplicity, like a button that says "get more money free", normies aren't gonna be on this train, the boomers are never going to use the avalanche system. Also emin says when a stable coin is no.1 we have officially left the early adoption phase, i think when crypto shows up on 401k balances is the real sign.

>> No.49367570

Yes, most don't even know the difference between sybil protection and consensus mechanisms. Proof of work or proof of stake are not consensus mechanisms.

>> No.49367646

It’s going to be this month. I’m pretty sure it’s taking a while because they are implementing multiple chains into it. Maybe one was LUNA, and now they have to remove all references to it lol. I also believe they are finishing the BTV bridge at the same time so maybe that took longer than expected as well.

>> No.49367756

Does anyone else feel like the L1 game is over? I not talking about AVAX not pumping or anything, but just new L1s being released and pumped next cycle. Let’s say every 4 years there is a new batch of L1s being released. If a next batch were to come out, what would be their selling point? More TPS? Cheaper fees? More decentralization? I feel like we already have those things. Just sharing some thoughts.

>> No.49368370

AVAX's initial token distribution seems to be one of the more centralised of the L1 VC coins. The 50‰ of supply for staking rewards those who gave much to stake in the first place.

Accounts on chain I'm not really sure if that is a food metric to quell these concerns. If a shitcoin can game it, so can this.

Considering investing, any thoughts on the above?

>> No.49368553

Network robustness+Unique tech are all that matters. New chains can never compete with older L1s in term of robustness (As long as the chain architecture allow for expansion, Many are centralised chinkchains by design) and in case of Avalanche it has the most unique tech (Consensus innovation is something that come once in few decades) so tech will still be very relevant in few years.

Also Avax haven't really pumped to where it deserves to be (Should maintain a top 3 position), I feel like non of the narratives in last 7 months were priced in

>> No.49368574

Yeah, I also feel like the L1 space is already too crowded. We already have everything we need and way more.

>> No.49369221

Pretty much. Just need to develop applications that go mainstream. The tech has been out of like 10 years with no real traction. About damn time we get at least 1 application that people clearly understand and gets a lot of usage.

>> No.49370752

avax fud is stupid - its my top holding, fastest block times, lowest gas, its a great network unironically

>> No.49370967

It really isn't. VCs only got about 12% or so of the initial supply (genesis mint was 50% of the max supply), the team and foundation hold the largest chunks which is fine because it means they have a decade+ of runway even in shitty market conditions to shepherd the protocol to full capability. The vast majority of those staking rewards don't exist yet and anyone with 25 avax or more can get in on them.

>> No.49371147

I opened a wallet on Avax, how many Avax do I need to become a validator?

>> No.49371189

2000 to validate, 25 to delegate

>> No.49371200

PEOPLE ARE STILL HOLDING THEIR AVAX? AHHAAHHAHAHAA imagine holding this shit from $125 to $23

>> No.49371509

Not funny though

>> No.49371537

double spend cock and ball torture turkroach shitchain editing the cockchain fuck my ass tiddies vagina shit fuck anal cunt whore bitch

>> No.49371542

>trusting turkroachs

>> No.49371822

It is funny though

>> No.49372082

I'm gonna buy 1 avalanche today. What am I in for?

>> No.49372433

Alright, I have a month of waiting until my DOT unbonds and then I'm dumping it all into AVAX. Thanks AVAX frens

>> No.49372570

betamax vs vhs

>> No.49373216
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>> No.49373659

avaxbros WTFWT!???

>> No.49373720

I bet some insiders are loading up right now, that's not fucking normal

>> No.49373886
File: 44 KB, 733x655, Screenshot 2022-06-05 003824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck is happening

>> No.49374042

I wish you well annon. I really do.
I prefer not to go back to old projects this days. New DeFi projects like Equilibrium has become the popular talk in Polkadot communities of late esp as they plan thier EQ token launch.

>> No.49374709

>XRP General
>XMR General
>GME General
>AVAX General

Spot the the common linking factor

>> No.49374761

imagine buying most of it at 25 after the major crash tho instead

>> No.49374818


>> No.49375157

very disrespectful

>> No.49376272

pentoshi made a bullish tweet right before the pump. Liquidity is poor on the weekends so it doesn't take much to move these markets

>> No.49376284
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LINK staking announcement is bullish for AVAX

>> No.49377018

some anon made a thread that got zero post, but it was about some new government funding app that's being built on avalanche. AVAX will be part of government infrastructure.