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File: 23 KB, 200x200, dogbat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49354930 No.49354930 [Reply] [Original]

big brain only, jannies please dont delete

>> No.49354937

it didn't
i hope this helps

>> No.49354953

Devs sold the top and then abandoned the project

>> No.49354995
File: 170 KB, 622x1280, AFA68D35-599B-47DB-B732-3FE8EB2236E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was dead since november, schizo stacklet killed it off with his jihad


>> No.49355008

Memecoins don't do well in bear markets.

>> No.49355016


Came to say this. A former baggie started airing them out a few weeks ago. “Community” is finished. Also, video is top kek and sadly true.

>> No.49355030

>bsc shitcoin

gee i wonder, OP

>> No.49355039

fuck this token , snipe every new token on pancake swap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwezjkHEHz8

>> No.49355048


devs killed mc jannies killed community pages. its over. devs were always just whale jannies anyways.

>> No.49355066

clean it up jannies, so sick of these stupid fucking shills, they are not as clever as they think. literally no one ever bought this piece of shit.

>> No.49355085

because it was pointless meaningless useless ponzi scam crap like all such bullshit?

>> No.49355126

le sag

blatant self advertising

>> No.49355162

i kek’d audibly @ “all that mainnigger cope shit is over”

dogbat is finished bros

>> No.49355257

>devs exiting in november
>whales who financed stuff exited as well (krispy, trendlenburg, carlos, krypt)
>good people left because drama about twitter jeet being paid but not them
>london fail
>dubai fail
>LLC scam
>santovi paedo
>seto, amy dump and leave then come back
>justin dumps more may wallets
>bonkye starts jihad
>santovi comes back
>gets banned
>7 jannies leave or get banned

every dev and janny dumped. its been over for months. it just seems alive because devs are scared of getting doxxed. its over.

>> No.49355284
File: 428 KB, 1081x2065, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel caused major drama because it was revealed that biz janny who is also dogbat janny was calling santovi paedo

>> No.49355300
File: 1.02 MB, 1116x2019, itsoverr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this caused serious problems

>> No.49355330

>most important thing
is "team bonk" take their gayness elsewhere

>> No.49355372



>> No.49355375

Has d0bo failed to pump when BTC has yet?
ok i'll keep buying then

>> No.49355393


everytime btc pumped since november dogbat dumpd

>> No.49355428

Dogbat will pump

>> No.49355429


Trash devs simple as. Binance offered to list for 100k and they rejected thinking they’d get it later.

>> No.49355466


kek what a bunch of retards

>> No.49355488

yea people have been saying this since november. they got too cocky

>> No.49355494

The goose killed the dog

>> No.49355511


Back to back green dubs of truth. Fuck devs 50b eoy.

>> No.49355517


Have you looked at other charts lately?

Everything is down.

>> No.49355519

Goho is the new flex

>> No.49355529


fucking KEK, the TG chats really are insufferable anymore

>> No.49355558


Yikes. They’ve been getting killed on biz basically since November by these leaks. Why didn’t they fix their opsec?

>> No.49355597


ahhh yes. the age old santovi likes cunny/loli fud. if only it wasnt true kek.

>> No.49355599
File: 204 KB, 1764x968, 1653354202595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Justin sold
inb4 that schizo says that's not proof

>> No.49355613


kek thread full of dubs shitting on devs. based

>> No.49355619

Buy signal

>> No.49355632

what do you mean? It was a pump and dump shit coin. the only people who couldnt see this were the people who bought the dump and now hold heavy bags. Literally no one but you guys thought this had any sort of promise.

>> No.49355637


No thanks. I sold already kek. Maybe if it pulls down from devs exiting completely, I’ll buy.

>> No.49355644

It went to space, that's hard to look past. I dont think it's dead forever, just for the forseeable future. Gonna be difficult as fuck to baghold through the coming months/years though.

>> No.49355697

That would be kinda based, just a truly TRULY owned community token. We should force them to just burn after our buy in.

>> No.49355706

Everyone sold this for MANA

>> No.49355800

i asked about this in bonksquad between jannies literally worshipping eachothers cocks and got silent banned.

>> No.49355816

kek so fucking cringe how often they talk about eachothers dicks

>> No.49355853

Same here. They’ve gone completely insane.

>> No.49355893


Yeahhhh I remember seeing this and seeing people trying to deny it in TG. I sold shortly after.

>> No.49355914

Nah, it's consistently been in the green when BTC has soared.
It has only dipped down when BTC has turned bearish
I'll keep buying

>> No.49355919

Wonder how long it'll take for that janny dick loving schizo to get here

>> No.49355921

>why did a safemoon clone based on a stale meme die with the rest of the market

Idk op maybe cuz you fap to traps

>> No.49355935

Binance offered to list a memecoin with only 20k holders and no usecase or roadmap?
Wow! That's crazy!

>> No.49355993



>> No.49356070

your suggesting it never happened?

>> No.49356480

any leaks to show it did
everything else seems to have been leaked

>> No.49356689

Binance won't list reflection tokens. They require a high liquidity of the token to justify a listing. Reflection tokens always have low liquidity because there is no to minimal bot trading, scalp trading, swing trading, wash trading, etc. It's not profitable because of the 10% tax. I'm a holder, but Binance listing is honestly high-grade hopium at this point in time. For D0B0 to do well, you need BTC to return to ATH and beyond. Nothing else will revive it to it's highs. fin*

>> No.49356690

never selling.. came from /pol/. fuck niggers, jews, and trannies

>> No.49356745

You should be asking yourself why it ever took off in the first place. Memecoins are useless unless you're one of the lucky few who bought sub $10k. This knowledge is the bane of all shitcoins' existences. Let it be known. Stopping giving 'jeets your money.

>> No.49356894

I wonder what archeologists will think of this in 1000 years?

>> No.49356930

I disagree on the ATH, we absolutely need BTC to stay above 50k though. That's bullish territory and memecoin speculation will take off from there.
Again, our ATH was only with 20k holders
Peak memecoin season in May tokens were hitting 300k holders within a month
d0bo will break that ATH with ease

>> No.49356934
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Hehehehheueheheehee weeee k. Retaaardefed bbeeleleleergg

>> No.49356947

it had high liqudity before the faithless devs pulled the rug

>> No.49356955
File: 32 KB, 480x480, tumblr_nvde7fon1i1tvrhkyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neger Anus

>> No.49356983



>> No.49357023


who is b0nkye and why cant i type his name

>> No.49357068
File: 95 KB, 1280x523, 12EE4418-1291-4E04-B20F-1DDD16FB2D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh look more evidence of the biz janny who is on dogbat team fudding his own team and bags

>> No.49357113
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T. Dogbat Dev

>> No.49357149
File: 1.75 MB, 426x320, 1651396219401.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis m guy rigt here
Da bonk

>> No.49357158


Jannies bypassing filter to fud. Many such cases

>> No.49357434
File: 1.27 MB, 381x319, 1649379297152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was fine waiting for the bear market to eventually end
>Understand shitcoins aren't going to find success right now
>Recent fud threads full of pajeet and schizo styled posting
>Turns out this b0nksquad drama is not actually bullshit

Shame, was about to triple my stack but once this kind of shit happens for a shitcoin it's 110% doomed. I won't sell but I'm sure as fuck not buying more now.

>> No.49357448

I can’t believe I was so deep into this cult that I thought these screenshots were fake. Fuck these clowns. This token is unironically over.

>> No.49357507

Fucking BASED

>> No.49357586
File: 118 KB, 1280x822, FEB79AB6-D05B-49DD-8367-A1FBF12026FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


full scoop available in dxgebxnkshitpostershaven replce x with o

>> No.49357595

The drama is like 30 people in a splinter group want to spam Jihadi memes on and say the N Word all the time.
I'm convinced it's Cinu/GOHO people fudding the brand because no one is buying their bushit.

>> No.49357669

Anon it’s over. The coin is done.

>> No.49357697
File: 106 KB, 753x1280, A40273EE-2C87-4D53-B280-922F08607855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baggie cope...is that why thres no one on the website anymoe? because a splitnee group of 30 people is making jihad memes...the group is dead

>> No.49357723

Kek your telegram mass psychosis doesnt work here dobaggie. you need more people

>> No.49357740
File: 140 KB, 773x1280, 1259B912-9B3A-4420-999C-60507316C70D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you mean CINU that justin stole memetools from?

>> No.49357787
File: 51 KB, 789x750, 1606322279682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down a few k
This shitcoin at least has good memes unlike hoge and goho and whatever redditscams there are.
My 80€ went up to 4k and i didnt sell, i bought more on the way down, i dont shed a single tear.

>> No.49357838
File: 484 KB, 640x640, dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49358406


devs dumped, the end

>> No.49358740

Just needs a fed pivot, which over time will make normies realize the death of fiat is close. Deflationary token, doge but deflationary, poor man’s btc or gold (store of value)

>> No.49358768

There's no "devs". Nobody controls the contract and by extension the token.

The "devs" are just a bunch of jabronis that had the most of the token when it failed the first time.

>> No.49358789

simply because its a shitcoin that has no backing whatsoever other than community hype. A community that is full of retards, virgins and incels mind you

when the hype dies off people start selling and heading over to projects with actual backing like Ethereum with its ecosystem as backup or BitDAO with a $1.6 billion treasury as backup

>> No.49359175


go back

>> No.49359242

this is the doge of the 2024 bullrun

>> No.49359267

Who was it?

Then dump now and buy back in 2023

>> No.49359308
File: 290 KB, 220x167, dbsf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my devleopers are stealling!!!


>> No.49359426

try harder

>> No.49359549

>devs are scared of getting doxxed
as they should be, they created a system that was doomed to collapse from the beginning, out of sheer greed. it never was about any community, be real.

>> No.49359652


i know who one of the devs is through another person...should i tell?

>> No.49359670


>cultist detected
yeah not buying your bags

>> No.49359746

that said id prefer him to justin and can put my pride aside, they seem to struggle with that generally
In reply to this message
Ie, he was a shit moderator lol
Took it too personally
He holds you in high regard actually but yes I can see how that comes off as lil bro
In reply to this message
I’d vote for him or ghostbro to lead bonk
Ghost is getting sick of it too
BonkYe West (Coped Up)
i thought ghost was gonna step down tho
I think he was going to when he got back from vacation
He’s really not having it
BonkYe West (Coped Up)
damn haha
Not included, change data exporting settings to download.
44.4 KB
was that before or after the jihad kek
In reply to this message
The jihad did not help
BonkYe West (Coped Up)
ok haha
i really wasnt trying to see him go kek
Yeah it has not been great
Justin withdrew into his cave
Like I understand it’s tough to make moves in bear market but for fucks sake include people in plans
BonkYe West (Coped Up)
shit gonna have to get worse before it gets better
Steel sharpens steel
As you said
But man
BonkYe West (Coped Up)
Not included, change data exporting settings to download.
102.1 KB
hopefully it works out

>> No.49359749

getting murdered or his car keyed won't help help anybody, but an anonymous tip to the police might be in order, maybe they need someone to make an example of, the rampant online scamming with crypto makes them look bad

>> No.49359786

they might get him to name the others as well, get the whole group some well deserved prison time

>> No.49359806

how exactly would he get prison time and, ur assuming they know eachothe

>> No.49359831


Now this is something I can get behind.

>> No.49359846


Do it please fuck these devs

>> No.49359847

If you’re still holding this you got scammed. No authority is going to give two shits about it. Just imagine trying to explain the situation to some boomer police officer “son you’re telling me you bought into an online dog themed cryptocurrency because some anonymous undoxed people on a Mongolian basket weaving forum told you it would reach 50b eoy?….”

>> No.49359864


Dev detected. Keep telling yourself that. Just hope you weren’t in any secret chats with feds.

>> No.49359906


if you were on the site in any capacity and failed to disclose information that would affect the price, such as someone on your team leaving, which preceded a major dump....or if you knew, like ghostbro, that justin sold.....wel...i hope u like anal rape

>> No.49359974

I lost 20k on this fucking trash anon. I got nothing to do with the devs. But you know what? I capitulated, learnt from the experience, then moved the fuck on. These devs are completely unaccountable your losses and it’s clear that they all don’t want anything to do with this coin anymore. I mean it was a shitcoin ffs. I’ve already made back a decent chunk of what I lost gambling on other shitcoins. Shitcoins which have a much much brighter future then d0b0. Shitcoins which I can’t dare to mention because you’ll call me a shill or whatever. Keep holding this garbage coin to the ground anon. You’re only inflicting the pain on yourself.

>> No.49360014

Dude this is the DEFI casino. THERE ARE NO REGULATIONS. Jeets rug coins on BSC everyday and nothing happens. Your money is GONE and there’s nothing you can do about it. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.49360058
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1585667140637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dog meme coin, what did you expect?

>> No.49360241

that's what everybody thinks and what enables these rampant scams. just because the perpetrators are hard to track down doesn't mean it's not (intentional) fraud. there have to be consequences, else they'll just try again. with the crash of luna it's a great time to name some names to the police, they are probably itching to set some examples with harsh fines and prison time

>> No.49360356


Dev in denial KEK dont drop the soap

>> No.49360381


Dev detected. Ignored. Is it

>> No.49360483

You’re literally coping because your coin is going to zero.

>> No.49360566

God I would love for this to happen. Please based baggie doxx all these motherfuckers.

>> No.49360580

If a coin is shilled everyday, it means the same small group of people are trying to make you think this is a smart investment and wil moon.

Some even coordinate some buys based on BNB price movements to make it look appealing to FOMO in.

Your totekonomics are holding it bck and not making it possible for a big exchange listing, only nothinburgers.

This is not a FUD, because I sold at the top and will not buy back this shit, thanks for holding my bags.

I sold for a small 400% profit months ago.
And the only thing preventing me from buying back are these non-stop pajeet shills.

It makes it crystal clear some people are craving for an exit pump, and will sell as soon as it starts to pump back, if that ever happens, ofc.

And if you rely on BTC to make profits, might as well invest into something actually usefull and less risky, instead of a literal dogecoin with a bat.

At this point you understand the odds of losing money are high, even though you are only investing only like $100, and not to mention the 10% buy and sell fees.

>> No.49360609
File: 858 KB, 500x1192, 68EF8FF8-5D63-4E7F-AA8C-FA86E8AA4A7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt read
not selling
fuck you
50b eoy

>> No.49360622

95% down. Yea, you better not sell your $100 intiial to a $5 Starbucks cup of coffee

>> No.49360667

stop the only thing worse than a dead coin is a dead coin trying to ride the coattails of a dead coin. invest in something real

>> No.49360679
File: 73 KB, 1280x812, 4924A5FF-361A-4F4E-8BD2-F37B84072329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not reading
fuck niggers 50b eoy

>> No.49360766

this is why I stopped trading shitcoins. easy money but you're dumping on people who are desperate and late. just made me feel bad. right now I really need a new computer so I'm thinking about getting into it again but I hate the shitcoin space. all fraud and jeetery and destroyed hopes. I like crypto a lot and these things are fucking cancer. should I jump in for another mercenary deployment in the shitcoin jungle? one last job?

>> No.49360787

I recognise you anon. I argued with you for hours in these threads. I called you a jeet and a shill. I want to apologise, I’m sorry for listening. Everything you said was true. If I actually listened to what you said I wouldn’t have lost my money on this.

>> No.49360865


Gpt 3 paid jeet combo getting good

>> No.49361593

>thinking people are getting paid to fud this coin.
Literally delusional

>> No.49361990


wouldnt be the 1st time

>> No.49362011

tfw made 80k on this shitcoin off of $400 initial.

>> No.49362154

nice larp

>> No.49362183
File: 355 KB, 1722x1110, IMG_5252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the date. couldve been a nice chunk more but held on a bit.

>> No.49362350

6 dollar a gallon gasoline.

>> No.49362372

Not dead, still accumulating. This i the next SHIB.

>> No.49362403

keep telling yourself that baggie

>> No.49362554
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>> No.49362823
File: 47 KB, 498x371, 3164FC5D-41F3-4297-B30F-06AC9F16FE9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I’m Krispy and I haven’t abandoned shit. My stack is now in the top 10 and I’m just holding because it would be pointless to sell now. I’m gonna unironically ride it out d0b0 or h0b0. I still pop into the TG too btw

>> No.49362869


>> No.49362893

“Im Krispy” sure you are. If you really are krispy, just do us a favor and sell faggot. need new blood. ogs on dogbat are weak minded lazy fags

>> No.49362945
File: 61 KB, 960x542, 68E29C71-7DFB-4BE4-8488-9EB974171325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you think I could drop hundreds of thousands into some meme dog token if I wasn’t already flush with other crypto? I’m riding this out and not listening to your stupid fud like needing new blood. It’s a bear market and before that d0b0 followed BTC so I’m riding this out. Kys faggit

>> No.49362961


KEK LOOK AT THIS FUCKING FAGGOT OCTOBER NIGGER. Sell your bags immediately you stupid nigger.

>> No.49362973

It's almost as if gambling is for degenerate rage faggots.

Did your shitty non productive worthless fake dog coin stop getting memed Anon? Did all the early ponzi scheme gamblers take all your money?

Stop being a rape victim. Your got bum raped and now someone is spending all your shitty money on more fake worthless coins.

>> No.49362993
File: 245 KB, 620x439, B444AF0F-2066-4A81-9AB0-B03E5E6AB13D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. Yes, just came here due to a report I got of a self congratulatory octobernigger larping as a chad. Looks like your post is what set it off. What I’m recommending is that you sell now, you faggot. Thanks.

-Dogbat October Nigger Hate Squad

>> No.49363024


Basically this piece of shit only really pumped because some whales pumped it and devs have never actually done anything that positively impacted the price, ever. Got it. I think I’ll pass on buying your bags Ranjesh.

>> No.49363033


Based. Just here to provide backup, looks like you have it under control. Fuck octoberniggers 50b eoy.

>> No.49363054
File: 351 KB, 984x832, smh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice dubs. i agree with your statements about octoberniggers and wish they would all sell.

>> No.49363104

I dont have proof but i know for a fact bonkye is literally being paid by ghostbro to fud the shit out of dogbat. take this as you will

>> No.49363202

bros....you know that you aren't supposed to baghold shitcoins during a bear market r-r-right? y-you already sold your bag in november as we planned and now your larp as baggies for fun r-right?

>> No.49363358

pump n dump dumped.


>> No.49363420
File: 99 KB, 1330x1072, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you aren't supposed to baghold shitcoins during a bear market

>> No.49363432

This is why no 4chan token will ever succeed in the mainstream, there are a few cool people, but then you get the incel pedotypes that think they are amongst their peers, and fuck it all up

It should have been obvious, you can be racist, but not when trying to sell someone something

>> No.49363515


nigger you sound like a midwit faggot as if that’s even what’s being discussed. stay in your containment cult

>> No.49363628

Its the truth either way, its a warning for any future 4chan token. You faggots don't even have any marketing skills IRL to make friends or a gf, imagine trusting 4chan fags to run a token properly

You are worse than Jews

>> No.49363822
File: 149 KB, 1270x1285, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got plenty of frens and vaginas are disgusting

>> No.49363946

This coin is going to pump so hard when the market recovers
This "fud" is fucking hillarious, good job lads

>> No.49364199

You are basically an edgier Shibaholder

>> No.49364796
File: 216 KB, 960x1280, 9DA84812-50FF-4E45-8CB4-284E74376EA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For guys who don’t care about d0b0 you sure do care a lot about what other people do with their holdings. But sorry to say, I’m not selling. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.49364936


>> No.49365106

Accurate but if i lose my initial $80 i really don't care
Also checked

>> No.49365136

literally no better than shiba normies who think if the coin goes to 1$ they'll all be millionaires. d0bo isn't going back to ATH.

>> No.49365385
File: 177 KB, 960x1280, 1652830292327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't, you just lack foresight (and probably foreskin).

>> No.49365737
File: 49 KB, 800x800, 1645995490011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didnt,
accumulation period
if yk
then yk

>> No.49365770

I've never bought dog with bat, and likely never will, but people who call this a useless memecoin are showing their ignorance. They did more for memecoins with memetools than any other coin in history and likely helped make a lot of money for people looking to invest in shitcoins.

>> No.49365775

>unironically buys doge themed coin
> is confused when the price goes down in a bear market

>> No.49365977

>I've never bought dog with bat

it's just sad at this point. Imagine not being invested in d0b0 and unironically writing this out. You fucking nonce.

>> No.49366153
File: 102 KB, 1280x617, photo_2022-06-03_18-32-211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New DAPP Troge is releasing today. Get in here D0B()bros

>> No.49366193

Yeah again, i really dont care
In it for the memes and vibe senpai fr fr no cap

>> No.49367720
File: 32 KB, 322x399, GOOSED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard

take the goho pill, either take the BGC or give it, but in the end you prob dont wanna recieve the BGC

>> No.49368042

kek @ believing this weak 5d. memetools is a dex screener clone that justin uses to pump his botted python script shitcoins then dump them

>> No.49368248

this is my favorite photo

>> No.49368948

Carlos is one of the most important people in dogbat and he’s still there lying fag

>> No.49369531

Exactly. It's a fucking meme. Sold mine for MUST a while ago, split into staking and playing. Banked more BTC and hodled stables. All the memes have been gone.

>> No.49369643

Wtf, I put $100 into this shit and at ATH it was only worth just over $300 (now $5 kek)
When the fuck did you buy in?

>> No.49370168

its a pump and dump....and it dumped...kys

>> No.49372107
File: 8 KB, 225x225, IMG_20220604_222546_248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prutoinu is the way. Its not launched yet.

>> No.49372785

Damn. Proof?

>> No.49372969

People who hold a meme coin are the most stupid people on earth

Literally 80IQ each its so digusting to see

>> No.49374364

it’s not dead at all newfag

>> No.49375332

I made 100k off a $1000 investment, buying in October and selling in late November after the double top where I could've made 400k. There was money to be made here, not anymore

>> No.49375613

Im accumulating it right now

>> No.49375642

he's a lying rat

>> No.49375789
File: 470 KB, 656x473, 1640729275470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that GhostBro's answer to this whole mess is for a new billboard

>> No.49376803

new billboard is still kinda funny though

>> No.49377272

Exactly, i prefer to diversify into strong projects like BNB, CAKE,KCS for crypto and nftgames like Honeyland. The later caught my interest recently due to the intriguing gameplay where you can earn Honey and gaming nfts.

>> No.49377446

d0bo or hobo

>> No.49378353

>you have to be in pro(thing) cult of the anti(thing) cult
>no other options exist

>> No.49378859

zero. it's the same fud that's been going around for months and every time he's asked for proof there's none.

>> No.49379222

proof of what?