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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49353433 No.49353433 [Reply] [Original]

The shitcoin casino is closed for now and it’s time to start looking for longer term moonshots. Request Network by far my top high risk investment and I’ll explain exactly why. I’m not gonna give you some bullshit hype speech, I did my research, read it or don't. This is an actual project with a product and users. There are 1900+ businesses regularly using Request Network (12800 registered total). Over $200 million has been transacted through Request so far. At its core, request network is a payment processing platform that is not specific to any one coin or blockchain. As of right now, you can pay and invoice in 150+ different cryptocurrencies on 10 different blockchains and 9+ fiat currencies. Any crypto project can approach Req and have their currency integrated into Request Network quickly and easily. The platform is going to be more than just direct payments, they are actively building part of the infrastructure that will ultimately replace banks and payment providers. You probably aren’t convinced of its value, but let me start off by emphasizing that real names in the crypto space are coming to Request Network as CLIENTS. Chances are, the projects you’re already invested in will start using Request. MakerDAO uses Request, GRT uses Request, SAND uses Request. AAVE, OCEAN, CELO, MPH, FTM, FUSE, Paraswap all use request and vouch for its efficacy. There’s rumors that MANA and ANKR will start using Request soon as well.

>> No.49353466
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The product that Request offers is called Request Finance, and facilitates a lot of the more complex financial work that the payment documentation inherent to the blockchain is not equipped to easily solve. Paying invoices, salary, handling point of sale transactions, by-the-minute payment streaming that requires no extra gas once the contract is set up. There’s more functionality being added but I’ll get into that later. It’s free to sign up and there is only a 0.1% fee capped at $2.00 on transactions, which is a massive draw for large crypto companies and blows every centralized solution out of the water. That’s not to mention that everything is documented and stored on IPFS and can be directly exported to standard accounting tools like Xero and QuickBooks. Crypto projects need something like this. You’d be surprised how many organizations straight up resort to Etherscan and Excel because they simply don’t have the infrastructure to properly document their finances across multiple currencies and blockchains. That’s not sustainable for companies that want to grow beyond a startup stage.

>> No.49353488
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There’s embedded currency swaps in the invoicing system as well. The payments are generated with the swaps built in to allow you to pay in a different crypto than the one requested. As of right now, it’s primarily on chain swaps, with cross chain swaps being added later. The ultimate goal is to allow one person to pay an invoice in whatever currency they want and for the other person to receive whatever currency they want. That includes fiat currencies too. Request network HAS an mvp for both fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat. (Monerium for fiat-to-crypto partnership, and Mt Pelerin for crypto-to-fiat). They are early versions, so the process still needs to be smoothed out, but this is inches away from actual, honest to god fiat integration. There’s a huge market of people who want to be accessible to crypto without having to personally handle it. Request Network fills that need in the most financially appealing way possible: no subscription, fees that outcompete any centralized company, easy integration of unsupported currencies.

>> No.49353509

That’s just the base layer of tools. There are two features coming out very soon that will add significant value to the platform. The first is an escrow function built into the invoicing system, allowing funds to be held until a certain date or conditions are met. It may not sound like a lot, but this is the building block of way more complex transactions. However, right off the bat, there’s ways to directly benefit from escrow. Funds in escrow can still generate interest. A payment can be set aside in the escrow contract and converted to aDAI or another currency. The whole time the money is set aside, it’s able to do work and accrue interest. Theoretically a user could make money just by paying their bills early. Escrow is needed as the basis for any transaction that requires collateral. It will enable a whole new system of trustless loaning that is automatically documented in a compliant manner.
The second feature soon to be added is a batching system for crypto transactions. This is already integrated for Request made through the Gnosis Safe wallet (partners), and allows a single user to combine multiple transactions into a single transaction with multiple recipients. Similar to ZK rollups, this massively cuts down on gas prices and provides a big incentive for large companies to use Request. A portion of the money saved will be converted to Req tokens and burnt as a fee.

>> No.49353547
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been holding since 2017, will i make it?

>> No.49353606

In my opinion, the biggest thing for Request Network, though further down the pipeline, will be invoice financing. Invoice financing is a way for companies with incoming revenue to borrow against that revenue for quick access to capital. Tons of startups and even mid sized companies take advantage of this, essentially selling the debt for slightly less than it’s worth to get money now. Request Network is perfectly positioned to offer that for the cryptocurrency space. The invoices and debts themselves can be bought and sold on an open market, possibly in collaboration with AAVE (who I remind you uses Request Network). They are building a very robust reputation system, and the accountability offered will likely enable a safer, more informed version of investing in commercial paper and company debt. This type of investing isn’t usually available to retail investors and requires a lot of internal infrastructure, so rates will likely be more competitive in this space in the long term, adding a further draw to Request Network.

>> No.49353631
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Now let’s talk about the token. Request Network runs a deflationary system powered by a burn mechanism for each transaction. This provides passive buy pressure and reduces the supply as the platform is used (also prevents spam). There’s 1,000,000,000 tokens with about 150,000 burnt. The current market cap is around $100 million and all tokens are released. One of the main criticisms of the token is that the burn rate is not enough. The previous amount burnt is not a good indicator as Request Finance is only just starting to see exponential growth, going from <10 regular users at the beginning of 2021 to 1900+ now. This is quite early in adoption, but it clearly shows very promising potential. If user growth continues in a similar manner, the passive buy pressure from burning tokens, (which will also increase as more complex transactions occur) will produce a price floor in addition to the reduced supply. That being said, the burn mechanism is not the only token utility. Staking will be added in the form of running your own node, but that is in the long term and requires a much higher transaction volume. They also plan to become a DAO and tokens will confer governance akin to any other DAO. Governance over payment infrastructure that will likely have billions flowing through it has inherent value that will be recognized as adoption grows. In the short to mid term, tokens will start to enable discounts on the platform.

>> No.49353641
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>> No.49353676
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This is a low market cap project with a proven track record with a customer base that is growing rapidly even in a bear market. They have 60 million in funding and will certainly survive whatever winter is ahead. The user base keeps growing regardless of how the market is, that’s the sign of a strong pick. I know some whiny fuck from 2017 is gonna start screaming about mozzarella and token not needed, so let me address it now. Yeah the head community manager wrote a brain dead post in 2018 after the bubble popped and now he’s been fired for years. He was definitely tone deaf but I really don’t care. I’m sorry you got burnt and can’t take your emotions out of the discussion. I’ve clearly laid out the utility and how the growth of the protocol will generate value. I’m not saying you should have been in REQ this whole time. Fuck no, there’s a massive opportunity cost and even I got out for a while before reinvesting in 2021. But now they have a product and real growth, and hardly anyone in the mainstream crypto space has even an inkling. If you want to make a high risk - high reward investment with strong fundamentals, this is what you’ve been looking for. It won’t moon overnight off some absurd celebrity endorsement but this is the no bullshit version of the “gem” you dream about. If you feel different, I genuinely want to know why other than the lack of existing traction in investment communities.

>> No.49353809

Didn't this thing have a burn mechanism? How many tokens have been burned so far?

>> No.49353895

150000, mentioned it in one of the text dumps. Burn rate has minimal effects at the current usage levels. The bet is on whether we'll see exponential growth, which we did in 2021. Go to the website req.network if you want all the stats directly,

>> No.49353964

Sooo around 0.01%...

>> No.49353995

Thanks, and apologies for not reading your wall o'text more fully. I previously sold the SAND pump, but am considering buying back in.

>> No.49354162
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Yes, hence the high risk. You can wait for the burn rate to be higher, but the entire goal here is PREDICTING trends. It's also worth noting the the product Request Finance was only really live in 2021.

>> No.49354195

I request my money back

>> No.49354210
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> XRP $589
> BAT $40
shit, did you just wake up from a 2018 coma?

>> No.49354223

Will consider req. Thanks, anon.

>> No.49354241

i must admit, i admire your tenacity holding this long dead shitcoin. most men would have suicided years ago but you possess divine levels of delusion. would unironically make a good foxhole buddy

>> No.49354273

Weird and creepy + mozzarella + french + L

>> No.49354332

notice how all the criticism doesn't actually address the project and just references 2017 in one way or another?

>> No.49354537
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Where my funchads at?
Req has good fundamentals but PNK hasn’t gotten cex listings yet and is 20m mc

>> No.49354587

>still no casino
bloody hell

>> No.49355856

I do, anon.

>> No.49356138

I dunno, kinda feels weird and creepy

>> No.49356919
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Came here because of GRT

>> No.49357823

much love for you shilling a valid shitcoin
look into NOIA btw... similar to REQ, working product, used by a giant corporation. They have patents.
there are some complaints about the role NOIA plays as a token for their sevice. but overall i dont see how it wont do well.
im gonna stop buying NOIA for a bit and drip into REQ

>> No.49358864