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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49350619 No.49350619 [Reply] [Original]

>Be on Slack meeting
>Mute self
>Smoke weed

WFH is pretty comfy

>> No.49350648

what should i study for to get a job like this

>> No.49350678

Is this a LARP or are people genuinely getting paid to scratch their balls all day?

>> No.49350720

>what should i study for to get a job like this
learn to code. seriously. Or be a project manager or an agile scrumm master

>> No.49350826

I've learned some basic html and javascript, whenever i see normies talking about their programming job they always bitch about how stressful it is, while on here everyone just gets paid six figs for eating potato chips and watching anime. what's going on here?

>> No.49350873
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Wowee this!!! Heckin' epic thread smoking weed lmao!!! Here, take my updoot!!!!!!!!

>> No.49350889

someone is lying

>> No.49350926

>an agile scrumm master
Eww Id rather die

>> No.49350930

Java will take you far. Look into golang or python for coding jobs. Personally I smoke too much and dont have a passion for coding. I have found program/product managers and scrum masters in the agile world to be complete bullshit positions. Unfortunately I am waay to technical so I am more of a fellow

>> No.49350965

Anything with computers.

I'm in tech support and this is my life.

>> No.49350977

this. got my engineering degree but leveraged into project management and it’s so fucking easy. i get paid 6 figs to do fuck all. sometimes work picks up but it’s like perspective. i only work maybe 10 hours a week if even that. phone call here, email there. i don’t even have my PMP yet which would bump up my worth and get my more job opportunities. kinda thinking about looking for a second easy wfh to make it like 20 hours of work a week with like 200k total compensation.

>> No.49351011

thanks for the advice anon, ive been slacking on learning for a bit but unironically threads like these motivate me, cushy white collar wfh jobs are the ultimate fuck you to this globohomo world

>> No.49351020
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I'm OP check my ID

I work in IT and I do all of my tasks remotely, fix anything remotely

>> No.49351095

There is an insane amount of variance in modern office jobs. I work in the government as an 'analyst'. I use SQL and VBA to do various things with different data but ultimately I really spend less than 3-4 hours a week doing actual core programming. The rest is just managing data files, sending e-mails, a few meetings, running automated scripts, etc. which obviously doesn't take the rest of the time. Since most projects are not immediate short term things I don't really have super hard deadlines. Sometimes an odd request is urgent but it's typically manageable. I make a bit over 100k a year since our department is all classified as senior analysts. I used to make half of what I do keeping up with deadlines making sure a timekeeping system is working properly while constantly taking calls for requests around our system. It was stressful as shit.

My point is, at the end of the day your quality of life is going to be hugely dependent on your job which doesn't necessarily equate the quality of life of similar types of jobs. It's all just a clusterfuck depending on huge amounts of variables in your department/org/sector.

>> No.49351234

If you want to break in but have no education or creds, look for temp listings at local schools/unis. They'll hire anyone with an HS diploma as a temp and if you spend a year on the job and prove that you know your shit they won't care about the paper.

>> No.49351323

>have a habit of loud whispering "fuck niggers" when I'm alone and bored
>be always nervous that I forgot to mute the Teams application and started saying "fuck niggers" out of habit
Not as comfy as it should be for me.

>> No.49351358

It’s real.

>> No.49352920

not larp - literally exactly what i get paid an eyewatering amount to do daily

>> No.49352933

software design

>> No.49353481
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>start 'working' at 1pm after signing in at 9am
>shit out an hour or two of work while occasionally having to attend an afternoon meeting that has nothing to do with me
>did even less than normal this week because i'm waiting for other people to give me approval on projects
thank God it's friday

>> No.49354184

>alarm goes off
>roll over in bed
>open laptop, it resumes from hibernation
>log in, connect to vpn
>make sure Microsoft Teams is running and shows me as available
>start mousemove.exe
>roll back over in bed

yep, it's work from home time

>> No.49354326

Business intelligence/analytics, finance, accounting, software and data engineering, code monkey work, data analytics, project management, UX, recruiting/HR, marketing, list goes on.

Just think about anything that is white collar and oriented towards operations or development and not direct leadership, networking, or social skills, or requiring you to be on site in any way. Your skills are your leverage to be able to WFH. Also don't be an autist and stay on people's good side. Have interesting things to talk about and gain people's respect. Good reputation is leverage as well.

>> No.49354631

comfier when you're eating clean, hitting the gym, and not drinking alcohol or smoking cannabis