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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49341947 No.49341947 [Reply] [Original]

>Pride /fit/
>Greed /biz/
>Lust /lgbt/
>Envy /r9k/
>Gluttony /tv/
>Wrath /pol/
>Sloth /v/

>> No.49341967
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>> No.49341981

Shouldn't /ck/ be gluttony?

>> No.49341988



>> No.49341992

>/int/ that high
>/tv/ that high

Who the fuck made this chart?

>> No.49342006
File: 466 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220603-095328_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visit all these boards other than /lgbt/

>> No.49342025

Some fag on /lit/
Also /x/ has better buying advice than /biz/

>> No.49342042

No way /adv/ is that high.I know for sure cause I experienced that place first hand.How was the test conducted?Was it a pull and the anons could put whatever number they wanted?This invalidates the whole thing.

>> No.49342045

There is practically no way to calculate something like this on 4chan. Whoever made this chart fabricated it from start to finish.

>> No.49342098

Please see paragraph four, of the text in the top right corner of the image sir.
Captcha: ASSPR

>> No.49342162

Anyone who thinks that anything on the internet is objective and can't simply be made up is instantly put in the lowest tier.That is the only objective fact.

>> No.49342206

there is no way /biz has an average iq of 127.
/sci has a much lower iq these days with them poltards infesting the board.
/g is missing and that's a pretty smart board.

>> No.49342231
File: 95 KB, 741x3253, 1649797686945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off cohen, you really think we don't recognize that as kaballah shit?

>> No.49342242

Peak midwit is the best for business. Not so smart that you’re disconnected from normal people’s wants and needs, but smarter than normal people that you have good critical thinking skills

>> No.49342250

/biz/ at least makes sense assuming that the more active long term users were accounted for the most part,those that shill their bags to the noobs and then dump then at ATH,rotten but smart.

>> No.49342279

Fit is way too high ok this chart, all they do is ask if coffee is good for you all day and post twinks

>> No.49342292

>/g/ is higher IQ then /biz/
Cryptofags btfo

>> No.49342330

Agreed, fit is towards the bottom. Pol should be towards the bottom too now, all the smarter people seem to have left over the last few years, it's mostly stormfags and trolls and children

>> No.49342371

>biz and ck high IQ
That chart is unironically bullshit.

>> No.49342383

the graph IS the test, replies like yours give a higher average to the board on the REAL graph, which is still being made.