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49340760 No.49340760 [Reply] [Original]

>Invited to a team dinner
How the fuck do I skip this nonsense? Its a farewell dinner for a Pajeet colleague I don’t like anyway and some roastie, and for some reason I’m expected to gift them both some cash to “help them start their new lives” when I know for a fact they both make more than I do. I’m not giving them money or coming to the retarded dinner. How do I properly relay this? They haven’t singled me out in the emails yet so do I just ghost?

>> No.49340789

Say you're sick and don't want anyone else to catch it, but you wish them all the best.

Boom, office life navigated.

>> No.49340792

Just stay away. No one wants you there anyway

>> No.49340797

>it was a great turnout, Rajesh loved his gift and everyone was there
>how about anon?
>the quiet guy who doesn't talk to anyone and has weird cartoon pictures on his desk
>I don't remember, that guy is creepy

>> No.49340805

some family related stuff, cousin getting married or whatever.

>> No.49341015
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>expected to gift them both some cash to
yeah fuck that. say you're sick

>> No.49341020

Kek. Everyone loves me in the 2 days a week I’m in the office but this dinner bullshit is irritating.

>> No.49341059

go for the free dinner, if they ask just tell them an unexpected financial situation adversely affected your budget. make sure to set this as your ring tone and schedule an incoming call so that you can excuse yourself early


>> No.49341116

Just say you have plans and can't make it

>> No.49341126

>free dinner
Anon did you read my OP? Along with the gifts I’ll probably have to “pitch in” on the bill?

>> No.49341138


>> No.49341144

> expected to gift them both some cash
I've never heard of this for a leaving colleague, where do you live anon? What a fucked culture.

>> No.49341150

What if they invite me to more dinners in the future? I never want to go.

>> No.49341155 [DELETED] 

Western company in an arab country. I thought it was weird too especially because both colleagues outrank and outearn me.

>> No.49341166


>> No.49341167

Nigga it's not rocket science just tell them you're not interested. There's no need to make up fake excuses. And if it costs you your job? Get a unemployment lawyer.

>> No.49341185

Sorry it conflicts with a prior obligation I have.

>> No.49341210

I skipped one of these before. It was a big annual thing clients were invited to and they had even booked me a hotel room because there would be drinks. I was honest and just said I was tired and didn't feel like going, but after that point everyone in the office seemed to dislike me. In hindsight, I should have used a better excuse like >>49340789 or >>49340805.

You cannot get fired over shit like this, but you'll get passed over for promotions every time, in my experience.

>> No.49341223

Poor bait. Stick to lurking or go back.

>> No.49341245

You now have horrible stomach-shitting poo pain.

>> No.49341246

That’s clearly different though because if clients are invited it essentially means you were supposed to go there to discuss business with them but you still didn’t come. In my case there’s nothing of the sort, my team just wants to waste my time to “say farewell to our beloved colleagues”.

No one gets promoted in under 5 years in this firm and I’m not planning to stick around for more than 2-3 years anyway so I don’t care.

>> No.49341317

Say you were exposed to someone with COVID.

>> No.49341370

If you're not sticking around long term I'd just ghost all the emails about it. In another case, my department (accounting) would have an annual holiday lunch and gift exchange. In my 5 years working there, I somehow managed to skip that shit every single time. I did pretty poorly to hide my autist power level at that job.

>> No.49341381

You went on 12 Grindr dates over the weekend and now you have gorillapocks so you can't make it, you might accidentally fuck one of them and get them infected.