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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49340293 No.49340293 [Reply] [Original]

Im only 20% done. What the fuck do i do im panicking hard to the point where I want to quit.

>> No.49340318

Why don't you pay someone to complete it?

>> No.49340322

I have sometimes nightmares like this.
But I don't study business, I never enrolled into master studies and yet I fear being behind a deadline.
When I wake up I remember I finished my bachelors without any problems

>> No.49340324

`i've tried but everything looks shady and like a scam. Also, I doubt they would be able to finish in 3 weeks.

>> No.49340329

I've had papers finished in less than a week, some are legit.

>> No.49340332

3 weeks is a decent amount of time. Create plans to do it now. How ling did you have originally?

>> No.49340351

Crypto fucked up my life, ive made decent money, to the point where I was just focusing on crypto rather than my school/work. This is the second year I procrastinated it, is it over? Im not invested in it anymore

>> No.49340354

Why? Unless you're planning on going for a PhD then a masters thesis is just for your ego and serves no purpose.

>> No.49340373

Which ones would you recommend? Master thesis is quite different from regular papers lol.

Ive had like 4 months? Lmao I fucked up bad, but I got data and shit.

>> No.49340402

How many words? If you have the data then the rest should be easy enough to thrash out. Can’t you go on a meth bender?

>> No.49340456
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about 15-18k words? fuck should i take Ritalin or Adderall? Does that help? I did my bachelors in two weeks but I didnt panic like this. HOLY SHIT

>> No.49340459

I finished my MA in Int. Bus. studies within 1 month man.

It was about how to penetrate ASEAN markets. My professor was very strict and I literally spent every waking moment outside of work (was working at a highly competitive corpo job) workin on my thesis.

You can do it but gotta be OK to dedicate your mental effort %100 to finishing it and your health will for sure take a hit. (sacrificing sleep + shitty fast food)

>> No.49340478

you won't start until it's 3 days due

>> No.49340484

> fuck should i take Ritalin or Adderall?

>> No.49340495

I used a guy called PrincetonEssays and his name was Andrew. Got full marks for 10+ page essays, however, it looks like he doesn't write anymore - his website is gone too.

>> No.49340496

How many words? I do this for a living for a company - all the way to PhD level. Not my subject area but some of these services are legit we're real academics who just want to make more money...

>> No.49340512

I finished my thesis in a week desu normalfags over exaggerate how difficult it is to write a thesis

>> No.49340531

I wrote my bioinformatics master thesis in 4 days. But it's based on a year of research and graphs

>> No.49340542

bachelors is easy as fuck. masters is different bro.

what do u specialize in? i need about 16-18k?

>> No.49340552

law but 16-18k is doable by a decent writer in three weeks. I would probably do that in four days desu. You'll be able to find someone online if you look for a reputable company.

>> No.49340574

how much do u charge and make doing that? like per paper?

>> No.49340608

Get off /biz/ and write it you moron.

>> No.49340673

Im addicted to biz and crypto news

>> No.49340684
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Doable but you have to start NOW and compromise quality over quantity and use dubious tier methods.

To increase speed I just wrote lots of stuff I knew was true and only later added sufficient amount of sources.

The worst part was when after being awake for 3 or 4? days the drugs stopped working. At least I was done with the wiring but the process of handing it in wasn't and I felt like dying.

>> No.49340700

Unless it's for shit like psychology and business, why don't people just stick to a Bachelors? Why go for a Masters when you can just leverage with undergrad degree?

>> No.49340710

just drop out? college is gay af anyways

>> No.49340719

There is no news..shit will still crab in 3 weeks

>> No.49340747

1st rule of life: don't panic
2nd rule of life: don't panic
3rd rule of life: don't panic

follow the above rules and you can do it. always remember that when you're in a hole, you must stop digging

>> No.49340803

well its kind of a sunken loss at this point, i completed all courses and spend years on this shit.

What drugs did you use? thanks anon i think i should try hardcore grind this shit, but im so lost. I can write all the BS but the real issue will be compiling the data in SPSS, IDK HOW TO DO THAT SHIT IM FUCKED.

too late Im panicking hard, almost as bad as when crypto tanked

>> No.49340828

probably european

>> No.49340838

Honestly bro you could just withdraw from the capstone and just do it next semester if you’re going to kill yourself from stress, you’ll get it done next semester. Remember tuxedo Pepe mindset: just stop caring.

>> No.49340855

At masters, it would be about 2.5k USD.

>> No.49340892

problem is ive extended this shit for so long, im not even sure if i will ever committ to this next semester. I think its now or never.

yes where uni doesnt cost an arm and a leg, thus i managed to extend it a few years

>> No.49341079

If you cant do that in a couple weeks then you don’t deserve the masters you dumb cunt dont re enroll if you fail

>> No.49341121
File: 95 KB, 256x256, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.49341418

Business is the most useless degree in the world. Study something practical like engineering or physics

>> No.49341517

U wot

Business degrees are shit though, I agree on that point - nothing is more useless than management ”theories”

>> No.49341647

Anon, if you hire someone be careful, it's a very scammy industry. Make smaller orders instead of one big one. My company has been helping students like you for a decade, I'm confident we can handle it.

>> No.49341669

Sounds like you're fucked desu if you don't start pretty soon. My masters program doesn't require a thesis, but every paper I've written involving research & experimentation (all 6-8k words) has taken about a week, though after organizing data and outlining, the bulk of the writing only takes me a couple days. I wouldn't sweat it too much OP, but start now and enjoy the reduction in stress as you make progress on it.

>> No.49341694

it might be, ser. I hate myself. In the end i dont know if trading crypto was worth it, i did make a decent stack but my outlook on money is forever ruined. Why should i still wage and study if making money was this easy lol.

I also agree but im too dumb for the other degrees and wouldnt be accepted with my bachelor.

ser what company

>> No.49341712

> fuck should i take Ritalin or Adderall? Does that help?
YES, stims are a godsend for writing essays or a thesis for that matter.

>> No.49341786

Look for one called Writer boss. Ask for Mark. Even if you just want some free advice about finding a good company.

>> No.49341860

18k words? i had multiple 6-8k word assignments with 2week time each for my data analytics for CS course. just do 1kwords a day 2-3hours each.

>> No.49341930

Ok lad, I'm willing to help, I'm not a jeet, I don't even want money
Just tell me what it's about and I'll do a few paragraphs
If we all chip in here we'll be able to make the best business master thesis ever!

>> No.49342072

i appreciate the offer anon, but I think it will turn out horrible, like those "biz writes a letter" type, it will just be full of nigger

shit i just need to find the motivation and dedication

>> No.49342101

>studies masters in business
>doesn't know about extending deadlines and blaming some external factor/s

>> No.49342108

Why would the deadline be in 3 weeks? Can't you finish at the end of the summer?

>> No.49342156

>ai paraphrasing tool
>"write" 20k words in a day

>> No.49342308

ser ive extended multiple times, ive blamed covid, and my mother was sick (for real).

no end of june. im guessing the lazy professors just want to get it over with so they can have holiday.

thanks ill check it out

>> No.49343171

I lost interest in my master thesis 2 months into it
I cried every day for almost a year

>> No.49343181

Drop out.

>> No.49343765

This. You could start anew and write something about deadlines and stuff. At least you have experience

>> No.49343960

They can. Lot's of professional writing freelancers who were pros at writing papers in undergrads sell their services.

Find a high rated seller though, it's not too difficult.

>> No.49344168

A girl in biz!? Can I smell your seat pls madam ^_^

>> No.49344844

Lmfao this is easy.
>1 page is about 250 words
>write 4 pages of crap per day
>in 15 days it's done
>you have an extra week to make it coherent

>> No.49344913

>3 weeks
that's plenty of time you lazy nigger
>master's thesis
european detected. we don't have faggy theses in burgerland.

>> No.49345093

Eh it depends on the field of study and the school in the US

>> No.49345120

What the fuck is your problem, you still have 3 weeks left. Stop whining and start working

>> No.49346282

I run a master's course on writing your thesis and the number of students who drop out, disappear for a year, have burnouts/breakdowns, cry to me, give 1000 excuses about dead aunts, etc, is unbelievable. During covid the number only went higher. Except now students just completely disappear from the map rather than trying to sort it out with our help.

>> No.49347609

anon, the best thing you can do is find a defi platform that you can trust your funds with and lock up some funds for a good reward. Then start doing your schoolworks.

>> No.49347776

easy, just participate in a crowdloan with Equlibrium and xDOT will be provided which can be stake while DOT is locked up.

>> No.49347807

calm down, nigger. I wrote my thesis in one week just before the deadline

>> No.49349316

>1 page is about 250 words
what size font you using? fuking 50 pt? hahaha
250 words is ~ 2 paragraphs

if this asshole cant type 18k words in 3 weeks then he deserves nothing

>> No.49349574

When I used to write papers for a living, I wrote 10k words a day when I was in flow.