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4934019 No.4934019 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people with assburgers or autism make for such good traders?

>> No.4934033

Because they don't make trades based on emotions

>> No.4934041

No emotion involved.

>> No.4934051

Plus they can achiveve extreme levels of specialization.

>> No.4934072

emotions are a mental inhibitor. autistic people don't waste brain space on useless shit like sports or women.

>> No.4934078

better programmers

>> No.4934096


I do care for either of those things but I require pussy, what do?

>> No.4934112
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*autistic rage*

>> No.4934117


It's just not true that aspies don't have emotions. They don't have the right emotions. But they're often times loaded with negative ones and can freak out if things don't go how they're supposed to.

>> No.4934129

/fit/ has taught me that women are gains goblins, seems they gobble crypto gains as well as physical gains

>> No.4934143

i knew this autist kid robert. we used to call bobby weirdo. i worked with him (finance), dude was super smart numbers wise but autist as fuck.

i always nice to him because he was socially stunted, lived with his mom at age 35, just generally awkward af and i felt a bit bad for him.

so one day last year i was chopping it up with bobby weirdo and i mention something about cryptocurrency.

he was oblivious, heard of bitcoin but nothing else, no real knowledge on the topic but he seemed interested in what i was talking about

a week later i see bobby weirdo in the cafeteria and say whats up, this fucking autist was literally reading a PRINTED OUT whitepaper while he was eating lunch.

long story short, autists have this weird fucking eagle vision. when someone peaks their interest BAM theyre locked in. crypto, trading, shit applies to anything.

>> No.4934208

they dont, autists miss the forest from the trees. sure i would take one over some emotionally distraught basket case but i have seen a ton of autists on here over the past couple years completely fail to conceptualize the bigger picture with crypto for example

>> No.4934237

i hope you stayed friends with him, he's probably a fucking millionaire

>> No.4934454


>> No.4935042

Detachment and the ability to stick to the plan without wavering desu.

>> No.4935070

inb4 it was the confido whitepaper

>> No.4935113

>yfw bitbean whitepaper

>> No.4935182
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also lack of emotions means lack of emotional intellect and any intuition - its not good for business either
emotional stability and stress-resistance are more crucial and autists are often unstable making them nonviable as traders

>> No.4935274

Autists do not have any emotions, that why.

>> No.4935998

1) They pay extreme attention to detail.
2) Know how to find patterns in data.
3) They don't suffer of FOMO.
4) Find valuable information where no one else is looking.

>> No.4936069

>It's just not true that aspies don't have emotions. They don't have the right emotions.

Aspies have emotions like everyone else. The difference is that apies aren't affected by other people's emotions, so they don't suffer of FOMO. They are detached from society which lets them spot bubbles and understand crowd behavior better than others.

>> No.4936093

They dont. You need to understand market psychology to be an exceptional trader.

>> No.4936134
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>> No.4936236

fucking kek'd

>> No.4936585
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T. Aspie autismo

>> No.4936813
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They don't. Smart people do. The awkward/lazy/addicted/eccentric genius is a hollywood trope much like the brave woman and the funny black man, people eat it up because it reinforces the idea that being the uninteresting lazy socially inept pieces of shit they are doesn't mean they can't be geniuses.
>Sheldon bazzorgalorg
>Tony stark and sherlock holmes (both)
>The main kids in stranger things
>the midget in game of thrones

>> No.4937011

this describes me but I've taken that long 200 question autism test and wasn't even close. is it possible I'm just not retarded?

>> No.4937187

Most are NEETs so they have all the time in the world to research opportunities while the ordinary normie wagecuck investor has a few hours at most after coming home from (((work))).

>> No.4937336

Superior in many things.
Usually only putting spare money in.
They see the trend and know it will recover in the end and.
It seems like a foolproof lifesaving.

you, who invest money they need today, expect the revenue today.
you are 100% dependant and chicken out at the slightest movement.

>> No.4937372

does this guy have autistmo?

>> No.4937414
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I've managed fine wagecucking so far.
Made a few shit calls like selling all my moon missions during take off (BLUE,ELIX,COB,MCO)

But I made the right choices mostly I just need to learn to FUCKING HODL.

>> No.4937454

If you get the wrong woman. My wife has a masters degree and was accepted into multiple medical schools, some of them being in the top ten in the world.

>> No.4937627

yes and also aids

>> No.4937702

I always thought it was the other way around, in that autists see the forest but find it difficult to focus on the trees

>> No.4937737

they don't

>> No.4937859

is this some new meme?

>> No.4937923

>not pusy

Stay GF'less buddy.