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49333609 No.49333609 [Reply] [Original]

>buy 10K LINK March 2019
>ride it all the way up, sitting on half a million dollars at the top
>realize LINK is still drastically underperforming, start to worry
>some FAGGOT KIKE on this board teaches me about AAVE loans
>decide to take a $100K loan against my entire stack and buy OMI like a massive fucking degen
>OMI stalls due to some faggot partnership not getting announced
>Elon tweets about BTC
>market crashes
>LINK wicks to fucking FIFTEEN DOLLARS with my liquidation triggering at $9
>another based anon teaches me about loan swaps
>swap out to USDC at $17
>LINK bleeds down to $13 in the summer
>suddenly end of summer LINK pumps right fucking past me
>try to hold strong but it keeps going higher and higher
>terrified I’m gonna miss a run to triple digits
>fomo back in at $28
>get chopped all the way back down
>swap back to USDC to prevent liquidation
>LINK pumps again
>getting chopped back and forth losing tons of LINK and actual money
>November flash crash get liquidated all the same, 80% of my stack gone *poof*
>depressed as fuck and suicidal for weeks
>eventually stumble upon the medium page of Arthur Hayes and start reading about the macroeconomic environment
>massive writing on the wall that the bullrun will end and that war between Ukraine and Russia imminent, plus rate hikes, inflation, possible recession looming
>swap out the remaining Link immediately and just fucking DO NOTHING
>entire market gets BTFO beyond what I could have possibly imagined
>just scooped 12.5K Linkies a week before staking or CCIP is announced
I am fucking crying bros. I’ve been thru hell the past year, losing all that money and all my Linkies at the same time was torturous. I have my Linkies back and will never sell them again for any reason

>> No.49333683

>If only you knew how good things are about to be

>> No.49333719

every philosopher king must face his trial. congratulations

>> No.49333777

Thank you frens, when I saw my wallet with 12K Linkies it was one of the happiest moments of my life unironically

>> No.49333810

We are unironically going to make it

>> No.49333814

godspeed anon.
i've been making an nft collection to get my 10k stack as well. Hope I manage before it's too late

>> No.49333837

checked. wagmi brah that's it

>> No.49333845


>> No.49333908

Fucking checked. Lots of digits in link threads lately

>> No.49334519
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i got liquidated for 1k link last month and you just inspired me to get them back at all costs

>> No.49334772

what where did you get the money to get the 12.5k LINK at the end from? fiat?

>> No.49334784

If anything you convinced me to just keep holding my 2k linkies without any leverage.

>> No.49334880

Does anybody have the patience to spoonfeed an idiot? I just bought Link for the first time today. How many linkies do I need to be able to sell half for $100,000? And in what time frame?

>> No.49334927

checked and blessed, you're going to make it.

>> No.49334930

Like 200 LINK in like 2 years

>> No.49335015
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Checked. Link bros we are back.

>> No.49335266

I lost just around 10k linkiees from aave no sense in the past year. never again
I feel u biz bro

>> No.49335334

I still had some LINK left that didn’t get liquidated, and I swapped it all for USDC up around $30 and just waited for the crash. Was pretty insane to witness from the sidelines desu

NEVER use leverage it’s the dumbest mistake of my life

Checked wagmi bro

>> No.49335575
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I am so happy for you... I have 2.5k link on aave with 1.56 hp left and I have a sweaty ass from that.
Still have my sacred 10k I'll never touch. Couldn't imagine what mental anguish you went through!

>> No.49335639

Goddamn I'd love to believe that. Is that the consensus? $1000 Links?

>> No.49336354
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Glad you still made it despite all that, with 2500 extra to boot. Also, checked.

>> No.49336611
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I am really hoping for one more drop for Bitcoin to bring Chainlink down a little bit more and scoop up some. CCIP will change cryptocurrency forever. Staking is a meme compared to CCIP. Smart Contracts will become legally binding in a decade. Imagine a future that you will live to see where bond markets and other derivatives use Smart Contracts. You might be an ETH, DOT, AVAX or even an ADA holder and think this is good for you. Yes, it is good for you, but with Chainlink's CCIP, Chainlink will be the one to benefit the most. Chainlink also will be the leader of brining offchain data on-chain. If Chainlink only captured 1% of just the bond market alone for smart contracts then one LINK would be worth $820. The total derivatives market is at least $550 trillion. So if LINK captures 1% of the derivatives market then one LINK would be $5,500. If you know then you know and now you know, you know?

>> No.49336622

I don’t understand the mental space where you have to sell your entire stack or buy as much as possible all at once. Why didn’t you cash out some of your stack near the top?

>> No.49336647

Checked and based. Yagmi.

>> No.49336650

Checked and nice. Very respectable stack

Never sell link

>> No.49336680

you can buy them for 1$ probably soon
Don't sell if you don't need money

>> No.49336727

checked but just wait a decade bro?

>> No.49337398

You have to account for the coming depression. During this time, companies will become more efficient with blockchain technologies and many office jobs will never return.

>> No.49337500


checked wagmi bros

>> No.49337630

Been trying to get more link for ages, completely priced out hopefully the market gets rekt'd and I can buy more.

>> No.49337816 [DELETED] 

That's mostly stupid man

You all better hurry now

TrumpFanToken dot com

>> No.49337889

>I have my Linkies back and will never sell them again for any reason

There's a reason why we keep telling people to never swing a link. But congrats on making it back.

>> No.49337920

This is so fucking based. Always consider yourself blessed friend many marines along the way didn't make it

>> No.49338023


As far as leverage goes. You can make a lot of money leverage trading LINK. Of course you must never use your entire stack and always always always take profits consistently. I watched LINK wick to $0.01 in real time on Binance. It was unfucking real. That was March 12th 2020. From that point on I knew absolutely no level of margin was safe forever. Eventually they would come for you. You could make money in between but you had to take profits and realize a 70%+ drop can happen at any time an in seconds

>> No.49338040

Rare happy ending, just hold tight anon

>> No.49338620

Epic digits bro

>> No.49338632

Kek and this is how a diamond hander is formed.
I reckon you'll unironically sell at $1000 or bust?

>> No.49338672
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>> No.49338782

>you bought at 40c why didn’t you just cash out some of your stack at 75c

It’s just not how you win the game. And the top was considered to be $500-700 if you were actually here last year. No one at all who bought premainnet and rode to $20 in the bear market thought Link would top at $50 in the bull market. If I had stubbornly held thru $300 per LINK or some shit I might agree with you.

At this point I’m just staking and eventually living off the gains. Not selling

>> No.49338802

>be me, arrived 2020
>link og said I missed out on link, and was told to go back
>sad and depressed
>bought $100 shiba 2020
>now a millionaire and could buy more than the og bags
>still not buying a useless token

>> No.49338823

Congrats on your larp story lmao

>> No.49338841

You are right it was a larp, but I can guaranteed someone out there was in that position.

>> No.49338859

Possibly but doubt they would be posting in threads about a token they don't hold. You're just a salty poorfag who missed out.

>> No.49338883
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You have your Linkies back but what about all the taxes you owe from the transactions?

>> No.49340475

Just don’t pay them

>> No.49340487
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>> No.49340529

congrats to your 180 turn. if you learned something from this year what would it be and how to prevent mistakes in the future?

>> No.49340568

holy digits. we going to make it, even us 2k stack nulinkers who bought in 2019/2020.

>> No.49342357


>> No.49342401

checked, welcome back fren

>> No.49342465

The analogy would be more accurate if the locker had a big bag of shit in it.

>> No.49343005

Degen debt slave. You get why you deserve.

>> No.49343108

I had been in a similar situation anon, had 70K LINK from 2018 and fell for aave loan and lost 50K LINK. Now I have 20K that I will never sell even if my life depended on it.

>> No.49343392

I saw Sergey at a grocery store in San Francisco yesterday. He was in the candy aisle driving around on a motorized shopping cart and I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to ride out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually he turned back around and after nearly running over a small child without apologizing, brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical inference,” and then turned around and winked at me. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Interesting man, but do we really want to be investing our money into this guy?

>> No.49345034

2020 was a black swan

>> No.49345092

>if you learned something from this year what would it be and how to prevent mistakes in the future?
the first error was not to sell at 20$ the local top, the second was not to sell at 50$ when underperforming everything

>> No.49345964

did u at least get stacks of anything other cryptos from that 50k lost?

>> No.49346148

I always wondered how many anons got JUSTed by their loans against link.
Anyways, you were greedy swingie kike, you deserve all the stress and agony you experienced. Good job in the end though

>> No.49346313

there was an extremely aggressive campaign for aave loans a while ago that was disproportionately targeted towards LINK holders and the LINK community, with faggots like CLG basically spamming about it daily

wonder why was that and why LINK holders were specifically selected

>> No.49346376

Checked, congrats retard

>> No.49346411

The logical conclusion to your tragic story is Link happily bleeding out towards zero ever after

>> No.49346659
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so the story here is that your emotional impulses lost you about 400k and you learned nothing from Arthur's post and with more emotional impulse blew your last 80k on a shitcoin that would fall 90% more like every other shitcoin

congrats, seriously. you belong here

>> No.49346998
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Allright you fucking loons, you've convinced me

Whats the make it stack?

>> No.49347606

I agree with you but whoever fell for it still loaned against a highly speculative asset

>> No.49347752

And? What's your point? The war in Ukraine was also a black swan event. There will be other black swan events in the future. His point was that you never know what's going to happen and you can't ever assume any price is stable or safe.

>> No.49348013

Every stack is a make-it stack, eventually.

>> No.49348037

1000 LINK

>> No.49348537

10k make, 1k suicide. Don't let the troons tell you it's 10k suicide, 100k make it, they're just trying to demoralise the newfags.

>> No.49348629
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Based anon, I feel good for you, checked. Just remember, the trials never end. If ccip and staking are released there may be no magic pump to $30. If real capitulation happens during Oct-Dec even link pumping will not be spared. Have some dry powder or keep buying just in case link drops below $5, a 15k stack is better than a 12.5k.

However, this year will in my opinion be the last time anyone can grab linkies in single digits.

>> No.49348632

Checked. You're going to fucking make it.

>> No.49349292

And why didn't you wait for $ 1?

>> No.49350238

10k was always the suicide stack. You don't get to change that just because you were late to the party, you faggot

>> No.49350263

ironically, it is you who is the newfag, because if you were an OG, you'd know 10k being the suicide stack was literally tranny FUD

>> No.49350285

A 10k stack was literally worth between $1k and $3k back then. Telling people to buy $3k worth of LINK wasn't fud, you retard

>> No.49350395

and 3000 btc used to be worth less than a dollar
what is your point, sweetie

>> No.49350419

I always wonder how many anons killed themselves over LINK (and how much LINK is out of the supply), especially in the period where the aave loan liquididations happened.
Congratulations fren, it takes a lot of courage to do what you did.

>> No.49350476

A "suicide stack" isn't decided by how much you invested anon, but the "final" worth of the asset you fucking retard

>> No.49350511

Check how much you would be worth right now, had you thrown 3k into btc when it was at 100M mc

>> No.49350533

>I still had some LINK left that didn’t get liquidated, and I swapped it all for USDC up around $30 and just waited for the crash. Was pretty insane to witness from the sidelines desu
yea good for u nigger faggot
i hope you'll lose it all again, fucking cry baby

>> No.49350563

Don’t forget to pay your taxes

>> No.49350583

checked and gonna make it
>t.only have 65 link myself

>> No.49350654

And all that for an ERC20 token...

>> No.49350924
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>> No.49350948

short term:
10k makeit, 1k suicide stack
long term:
1k makeit stack 100 suicide
longer term:
100 makeit stack 10 suicide

>> No.49350974

>It’s just not how you win the game.
>intelligent profit taking isn't how you win the game

Son, you literally just described to us how you frantically bought and sold based on pure fear and emotion. You had half a million and you got greedy. Think for a second about where you'd be now if you'd sold even a quarter of your stack at the time and then done everything else you described exactly the same. Would you maybe be in a better place right now if you had an extra $125k? If you're such a LINK diehard, imagine if you'd sold it all at then top and then used that $500k to buy back in at the bottom. That's how you win.

You're just going from one dumb monkey strategy (buy and sell based on emotion) to another one (hold forever no matter what).

>> No.49351406

>short term
there is a recession bro

>> No.49351868

Not just a recession, a recession leading into a reset, leading into a new monetary system of which chainlink serves as its backbone. Small buisiness will suffer, F5000 companies will thrive

>> No.49351880

everything mooned except link

>> No.49351939

In resume...
U are all retards

I gotta get my tokens at TrumpFanToken dot com

>> No.49352005

what will be this new monetary system?

>> No.49352027

holy checked

>> No.49352257

CBDC's and tokenized assets (equities, bonds, commodities) mostly, new forms of ownership etc

>> No.49352271

im happy for you fren i also got 10k, but only 7k remains. covid and unemployement hitted hard but my destiniy is still there (have 2klpl)

>> No.49354120
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You’re cherry picking the top after the fact. You would have told me to sell 1/4th of my stack at 75c and another fourth at $5 etc. It’s easy to preach after the fact that I should have done x or y. It’s also easy to cherry pick random times and say I should have sold when you ignore any earlier time that just as easily could have been the hypothetical top. The road to $50 was paved with fags who sold at $2. Selling orders of magnitude early is the number one dumb monkey strategy in something that cyclically grows. I can survive as a bag holder until the next cycle but if Link takes off like it randomly did in 2020 and prices me out it’s over.