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49327613 No.49327613 [Reply] [Original]

>taxes you on worldwide income, even capital gains tax
For that reason alone, as someone involved in e-commerce & selling businesses I made, wouldn't it be best to pick up maybe a cheap Carribean citizenship & renounce my US citizenship? I would qualify for Israeli citizenship, but I don't want to serve in the military.

>> No.49327620 [DELETED] 

Here's your cr00ked m 0 l l u s k bros

tg molluskinu
0x E2cE8bE0d4d274085852E4A68076D8EEC4FFd1fc

>> No.49327674

yes, it is a bad deal, and for this reason they make you pay to revoke american citizenship
you're also subject to stupid capital gains tax on any assets you own at the time of relinquishment, equivalent to if you had sold whatever it is
t. hate america but was born here

>> No.49327715

No. Being a us citizen actually works against you. America isn't even a country just an economic zone where the oligarchs feast on proles.

>> No.49327776

bros I want a thicc asian mommy to femdom me with her nylon'd feet

how do I profit from this?

>> No.49327817

I think you'd realize the power of US citizenship when the chips are down anon. A lot of people clamor to get it.

>> No.49327879

Unironically move to Tokyo and sing up for a dating site (pairs.lv etc). Filter your search results to only older women and you'll find a few thicc ones to your liking, I'm sure.

Then once you find one or more, have her be your sugarmomma and pay you to NEET. If you get married you can get a visa even and make it permanent.

>> No.49327901

>renounce my US citizenship
It's not that easy

>> No.49327920

I mean, in what way would the chips be down? A similar "inna woods" lifestyle could be achieved in Argentina or Peru where the governments aren't nearly as efficient as ours are. Plus, the only reason I'd see anyone want to move here is Florida - but due to the democratic system, it'd just take one fake election to get DeSantis out of office and replaced with someone who doesnt act in your best interests. I think Peruvian residency is only a few years into Citizenship, and has EU visa free access.

>> No.49327929

I always thought that white guys making it in Japan is a meme perpetuated by neckbeards overdosing on hopium. white piggu go home, and all that.

>> No.49327933

anon what is it about japanese women that drives anons with asian taste so crazy? I know that women from japan are most expensive in brothels in asia, is it superior genes, their thickness their natura body what is it?

>> No.49327943

Is there anything hotter than stewardesses in tights bros?

>> No.49327964

They come from a first world industrialized nation.

>> No.49327979

Say global financial meltdown or a revolution or something. Non-U.S. countries are typically less stable when it comes to your money and your politics. However, this anon >>49327817 may be engaged in normalcy bias, where they think that just because the U.S. has been historically stable means it will continue to be so, despite increasing signs of instability such as record inflation, social unrest, and political extremism on both sides.

>> No.49327981

when the chips are down your US citizenship will mean nothing because your life means nothing to the US political machine

>> No.49328007

You don't pay tax on the first hundred thousand.
Live in a country with a tax agreement with the US and you have way less problems.
If you live in southern Europe 100,000 is a lot of money so you can live quite well and just strategically take out your crypto

>> No.49328014

sort of is like that, sort of isn't, japanese and most asians have a pretty polarized love-hate relationship with white people, depends heavily on how you carry yourself and what you do over there

>> No.49328022


Well, you're just one person. Innawoods sounds great until some group of people decide they want to take from or victimize you. For instance, were you kidnapped and held for ransom in South/Central America you'd have the help of the FBI and American law enforcement along with your family, whereas without it you are totally shit out of luck. Not saying it's a cure all but it's something.

>> No.49328035

it's the JOMON blood

>> No.49328036

Renouncing is a bad deal do you have any assets plus the passport isn't bad. I considered it for a long time but I'm glad I still have it

>> No.49328073

>you'd have the help of the FBI and American law enforcement
You watch too many Hollywood movies.

>> No.49328090

the FBI and american law enforcement would do literally nothing in the event of this, they can't even stop school shootings when they're right outside because they're scared and they legally have no requirement to defend you in any way so they can't be sued for wrongdoing, t. warren v. district of columbia

>> No.49328115

lol, no it's not a meme. I never had any white girlfriends / lovers and was a kissless virgin basically until I visited Japan & Korea. Suddenly I was reasonably popular and could pick-up girls or would have them literally jump on me (korea). You're not getting 10's or girls from high-class families typically, but they're not roasties either. If you're blonde haired, blue eyed, and attractive you'll do much better than I did. Height is still important, but basically you automatically pass the face test. When I got older though dating became more difficult because everyone starts seriously looking for a husband and doesn't want to play with someone who they see as temporary fun anymore.
I'm not sure. I honestly find Korean women more attractive in general, but I prefer japs I guess. Jap women are like the ideal white woman in many ways, but they actually value intelligence, work ethic, and other beta male qualities over simple looks (which they also value). As for them being the most expensive in brothels, I imagine that's simply because they have a strong economy and don't need to whore themselves out in SEA (there are plenty of japanese whores, don't get me wrong, but why move to Thailand when you can get laid in Tokyo and paid more?)

>> No.49328119


Ok, go ahead and renounce. I don't really care lol it's your life.

>> No.49328130

Yep. Retarded fucking country.

>> No.49328139

Could you elaborate some more, sounds interesting

>> No.49328140

I'm from a part of Florida where BLM literally walked down our street yelling kill whitey and some black kids yelled into our neighbors window to make their infants cry. So sure, parts of the USA will be fine. But my parents place in Vermont had Somolians bussed in by Biden, 99% white town two years ago, now 70%.

>> No.49328183

Good insight, demand also drives price in China japs are obviously lusted after for historic reasons. White women are so fucked unironically I agree with weebs and incels.

>> No.49328326

Yeah, exactly. It's hard for people living in America to see the change desu because it has been gradual unless you're unfortunate to live in a town like you mentioned. I moved back for work and within the first week I thought: "America is going to have a civil war, holy shit." Like it was that obvious, even though I never thought something like civil war would happen. There are two camps forming and Americans have begun hating each other for the first time. I see it in my family as well, half are on one side, the other half bow down to BLM and trannies and want to destroy white people (despite being white). It also looks like we've finally kicked the economic debt can down the road as far as we can and we'll have to address it somehow (stagflation and our own "lost decade(s)". An economic crisis + election issues could serve as the catalyst I guess. Social unrest since people will be broke and prices will continue to climb combined with allegations of voter fraud at the next presidential election could set the stage. Maybe people will continue to put up with it, but eventually I think something will happen like another anon predicted where state governments will openly resist the federal government and one side will start shooting. Everybody on either side basically already wants to kill people on the other side, they just need the excuse.

>> No.49328386

would you consider moving to canada or is it just as bad?

>> No.49328436

Canada is culturally connected to the US and likely to go down with the ship. Look how they reacted to mass shootings in Texas

>> No.49328470

I would never consider moving to Canada. Beautiful country, but the people there encompass the worst parts of America, except maybe the mental illnesses. Maybe we can send half our population to canada and they can send us their very small conservative population. To me, it really feels like we're re-fighting arguments from the revolutionary war period and it's loyalists vs revolutionaries. It'd be better if the "loyalists" just all moved to canada or back to europe where they can live under the nanny state type government that they prefer, but they can't leave other people alone so that'll never happen.

>> No.49328477

Its avast land you can go offgrid.

>> No.49328498

No man is an island.

>> No.49328503

can confirm /thread

>> No.49328640

I make more than 100k is the issue, 200k in taxes is enough money to make many businesses or buy another citizenship.

>> No.49328670

Why can't we make our own country that only exists on paper

>> No.49328685

if it's so bad for you, the individual, why do they make you pay out the nose for it and apply huge capital gains tax to literal unrealized assets to punish you

>> No.49328736

I knew america was doomed and was no longer what it was historically since early childhood because I had the misfortune of spending a lot of it in the central valley of california, I've tried to tell people about what they're in for if they're white for about 15 years and no one ever listens, now people are starting to because it's growing really obvious but it's pretty late now and shit's probably unsalvageable

>> No.49328813

Whites who live in bumfuck no where USA & those who live in Asia/Latin America will likely be the last remnants of American whites if we continue down this path.

>> No.49328874

Taxation without what?

>> No.49328912


>> No.49328970

yep, I live in such an area now because I know that's how it is, but unfortunately areas like this just subsidize the bullshit everywhere else by being productive, essentially they're goyim production colonies even though most of the people there know how they're being jewed and it's still pretty lily white
balkanization is the only real solution but that won't happen because it would require violence and the one thing white people are really indoctrinated into is not being violent or mean, it's how we get taken advantage of

>> No.49328975

Source on this delicious slut?

>> No.49328979

taxation so that we can send BILLIONS to israel

>> No.49329000

the US is a retarded scam anon. hopefully it will just collapse tho. We owe them nothing.

>> No.49329006

I wouldn't say it's ever unsalvageable, but there's this weird dynamic where the actions required to salvage it grow increasingly extreme and the willingness to perform those actions is always lagging behind. For example, after the civil war we could've expelled all niggers and jews easily. After the warren court went on its streak of overturning hundreds of years of precedent and using the courts to write laws (civil rights, roe v wade, etc) we could've used the 90% majority white populace to peacefully resolve the situation (constitutional amendments, impeachment of supreme court justices, etc.). As things get worse though, our options become more and more limited. Even now, we could resolve some things peacefully such as the tranny epidemic. All it would take is for republican governors to begin prosecuting groomers (transition clinics, physicians, NGOs, etc.) for child abuse and imprisoning them to stop it. But they won't, because they're optics-cucks. So the situation will grow worse, and we'll lose that option in 5-10 years as it becomes mainstream to chop your dick off because someone put you on SSRIs when you were 10.

>> No.49329027


>> No.49329032

>The Jew will literally take your shekels even if you live in bumfuck Africa

>> No.49329055

Do you really think rust belt towns and flyovers are the engines of the american economy? Kek, there's a line between wanting to larp and another one where you leave reality.

>> No.49329116

Please get some self awareness. Everything you say about their side they say about you. You are both too fat and chickenshit to do anything.

>> No.49329141

>the Jew cries out in pain as he hits you

>> No.49329182
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lmao you really are a fucking idiot. This country IS going downhill and HAS been happening since the rearrangement of the ruling class after WW2.

>> No.49329205
File: 247 KB, 570x650, amerifood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating how little americans think outside of partisan cheerleading. Here's your saviours of the white race bro.

>> No.49329272

What do you think my point is? Uniparty is laughing at retards like you because they know their pawns are fat cattle incapable of finding fault in team red/blue once they support them. The fact that people here are unironically simping for desantis should raise alarm bells.

>> No.49329284

>blaming whites for jews poisoning children

>> No.49329331

If you plan to stay in the US or in a place with a tax treaty with the US, then it doesn't really make a difference.

Yes its cucked, but its not burdensome enough to prevent the US from being the center of investment capital.


OBL did nothing wrong

>> No.49329342

Hey now, didn’t you know that baby formula companies were the saviors of the white race?

They’re so predictable; the future is going to be fun. Go ahead moshe, deny the Talmud.

>> No.49329403

>i literally can't be bothered to do even the least amount if due diligence went it comes to my children
By blaming jews you acknowledge they need to be the ones to keep track of what you eat for you like grazing cows.

>> No.49329410

A lot of it is that the guys who go over there are losers.
I was studying in a smaller city in Korea when I was 23. I was the youngest westerner there and the only one who wasn't a teacher. Everyone else just drank at the same western bars every night, enjoying their arrested development.
4 months in I went for some girl's birthday. I was the only person able to order and had to explain what everything was to the 28-year-olds that had all been there 2 years or more.

>> No.49329430

Asian fetish is downstream of Weeabooism.

Weebs like Japanese stuff, which then includes Japanese women. As they look like other Asians, this usually just becomes a generic Asian fetish with a preference for Japanese women.

As for thickness, SEA women tend to have bigger bubble butts than northern Asians, all things considered.

>> No.49329545

I met some guys who had lived in Japan for decades and were proud of not being able to order off the menu ("Oh, I just make Tomiko do all the translation work"). I dunno, I had way more fun because I learned the language but it was really difficult to get other guys I worked with to get outside of their expat bubble (I wasn't an english teacher either, thankfully, and they all had the money to do stuff).

>> No.49329579

in terms of actual use value production, yeah, generally I do and this is borne out by data, in terms of non productive arbitrage on the labor of others yeah california and new york are dominating GDP

>> No.49329609

the hostility really makes me think I'm wrong about people being hostile to whites, thanks, it also convinces me to join your side

>> No.49329620

What does homelessness in Florida have to do with anything? The FED printed and have a large % of MBS that is artificially propping up the housing market. It is also partly due to the rise in people with two brain cells to rub together from up North that use their purchasing power to distort housing values short term.
Homelessness has been rising all across the country for awhile, and if you think FL is bad, you should visit the west coast, they have a pipeline from Arizona to California all the way up to Oregon and Washington that are the product of bussing them around to deflate official numbers.
I don't support either side you conniving kike. Stop using cherrypicked sob stories and get some data and think like a white man. Your reasoning is fucking trash and you acting like a smug faggot doesn't contribute to anything.

>> No.49329645
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Americans have some of the lowest taxes in the developed world. I'm not sure moving to Bumfuckistan is worth it just to save $5k/yr on taxes.

>> No.49329672

>As for thickness, SEA women tend to have bigger bubble butts than northern Asians, all things considered.
which country's women in SEA have the thiccest booties?

>> No.49329740

You don't have solutions, you're just a lolberg or a lolberal seething about detrannis.

>> No.49329776
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I wish it was only 5k.

>> No.49329864


Do US expats in other countries really still have to pay US taxes? So they have to pay tax in the US and in their new country? That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.49329953

>Is there any point in having US citizenship
illegals have more rights than citizens, if that even makes sense

>> No.49329993
File: 80 KB, 736x438, gated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any point in having US citizenship

USA is filled with safe communities for the wealthy.
My parents live in a gated community of retired people... quiet, no crime, people just visit each other every day then walk back to their houses to sleep.

>> No.49330127

Is there any mileage for a business (CEO and only personnel: me) offering intimate foot massages to tired SEA air hostesses after long-haul flights?

>> No.49330219

>Is there any mileage for a business (CEO and only personnel: me) offering intimate foot massages to tired SEA air hostesses after long-haul flights?
you could probably hook up with one if you offered to give her a foot massage after a long flight, those bitches are on their feet all day long

>> No.49330220

When kpop became popular and Chinese billionaires started cramming their daughters and mistresses into Hollywood films, I realized my yellow fever is basically limited to nips

>> No.49330311

Born and raised by those who praise control of population
Well, everybody's been there, and I don't mean on vacation

>> No.49330792
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>you're also subject to stupid capital gains tax on any assets you own at the time of relinquishment
Bullish for XMR

>> No.49330874
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>> No.49331047

This. Chinese women are the superior asian gfs.

I'm pretty deep in the yellow fever and find that Japanese women are just weird, by far the least attractive asians.

Chinese > koreans > SEA

>> No.49331206

There's towns & neighborhoods like this in every country anon, I don't understand your point.

>> No.49331239

I don't know. I just see that browner Asian girls have bigger butts on average.

>> No.49331471

This. Goyim need to take responsibility in their life, they are guilty by choosing to eat our poisons, we didn’t force them to do it

>> No.49331595

That's the opposite of what he said, though.

>> No.49331669

I have only seen this kind of chair in hotels.

>> No.49331966

I guess the Pilot is about to fuck her & was taking a pic of her for "memories" (to post online)

>> No.49332105

Not a larp, no one will probably believe me, but I make 200k a year and have had a ton of gfs/relationships as well as fuck sluts and roasties off tinder and randomly fairly often (i'm attractive and fit). I still like Asian girls (one of my top picks) because they're very submissive and typically do not cause much problems. Yes, I realize this kind of buckets me with neet losers - because Asian girls definitely go after those dudes moreso than others, and I see it a lot when I travel - but IDGAF. As a person who is attractive and has money they essentially worship me when they're with me. I was fucking this one asian girl for a while that I treated like total shit and she was always nice to me and did whatever. In fact, I've had multiple Asian girls like that. Now, take any random white girl and I have literal ugly "low value" white girls with nothing going on get pissed me for not paying for an Uber or some shit I literally could not care less about. Like I have any time in my day for your ugly fat ass just because you're white - get the fuck out of my place after we have sex. Modern US-based white women have totally warped and fucked up expectations that are totally out of line with most of their value. Black women, latino women (some of them can be pretty bad, though), Australian women, and on all have a better more reasonable demeanor. I would actually include a lot of European women in that as well (British, French) as someone who has had those relationships too. Now - with all that said, an attractive successful white woman is probably one of the highest value women you can find so they in many cases can be picky, but your average totally uninteresting white girl should not have that mindset. Look at places like femaledatingstrategy. Theres basically like white girl incels.

>> No.49332249

Eventually due to the unchecked rampant illegal immigration America will be a one-party State where the Republican party can no longer win an election. This is only 6-12 years away and will become obvious when Texas turns blue. And you better believe at that point they're coming for the guns, because it's the last step required for total population subjugation. I have my doubts whether Americans would genuinely fight back at that point after they did nothing about the 2020 election fraud.

>> No.49332370

This has been happening for decades and it’s why the Overton window keeps shifting left. Same reason why places like France will never democratically resolve their Muslim problem. Once a small group of people starts voting as a block they’re catered too unless you can get the larger groups to vote in line with their interests. Which is impossible when the small groups own the entire media apparatus. So republicans and conservatives slowly compromise their positions and accept left wing agenda items as their own. They either do that or fade into irrelevance. They could also, you know, name the Jew and outlaw immigration but that’ll never happen when you’re beholden to businesses reliant on imported slave labor.

>> No.49332702

Lol I'm sure the Romans said that too. The chips are already down.
I wouldn't count on it after Afghanistan. They will probably run a psyop campaign that you were never really taken prisoner and use AI generated photos to make it look like you're fine because it's cheaper and less risky. But if so thanks.

>> No.49332902

The larger problem with muslims is they massively outbreed the locals. These fuckers are all having 6~8 kids each while the natives are below replacement level. A 5% muslim population becomes a 15~20% muslim population in just one generation.

>> No.49332950

but you are also autistic

>> No.49332993

Fibbity boppity fuck taxes.

>> No.49333010

>For instance, were you kidnapped and held for ransom in South/Central America
There's no way they would ransom my broke ass, I get at best.

>> No.49333014

The only people that want US citizenship are people from warzones and people that want a pay increase. That's it. There's nothing else valuable about it. Shithole.

>> No.49333039

>and likely to go down with the ship.
You fucking faggots would die, late October.
Suck my dick bitch, stay in your shithole.

>> No.49333043

Steers and queers, mostly Mexicans (again).

>> No.49333066

>the nanny state type government that they prefer.
Those are all majority white countries with liberalism and high taxes.
Secondly, no, you're mentally retarded if you think "Loyalists" exist on some scale.
My God Americans live their life like their in some fucking movie.

>> No.49333077

Who's we faggot?

>> No.49333089

>after the civil war we could've expelled all niggers and jews easily.
No you couldn't, and you didn't, you never could "easily", read a history book.

>> No.49333115

>browner Asian girls have bigger butts on average.

>> No.49333125

>Rich people have it gud yo.
Thanks for reminding me, prick.

>> No.49333141

Only above about $106k/yr annual income (excl capital gains) does it begin to be taxable.

>> No.49333142

>neet losers
Neet never had pussy, you're good.

>> No.49333152


>> No.49333164

>Same reason why places like France will never democratically resolve their Muslim problem.
Bro, American fat bitch nigger, Islam is everyone's problem.
Islam isn't stopping at France my dumb cunts.

>> No.49333197

please stop disingenuously lying, it's really obvious and it makes you look bad

>> No.49333216

you're only proving me right by being hostile on a racial basis