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File: 63 KB, 634x429, Depressed billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49323335 No.49323335 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that no matter how much money you earn, a depressed loser is still a depressed loser?

>> No.49323400

Anyone who lacks purpose will become bored and depressed eventually, money or not

>> No.49323476

This is true but is also true that I'd rather be a billionaire on pure fiat partying on ibiza than being a poor loser on the third world
The Poblem with that fat loser is within not on his money, yeah, being isolated suck but did you know that that fuck sold his life's work and basically his mates as soon as problems got in the way?

>> No.49323526

Bet you he wouldn't feel this way if he started working out and lost weight

>> No.49323610

having the insight to see past the veil of materialism makes you a depressed loser. It's not something you can just get rid of

>> No.49323692

I bet he would feel this way if instead eating all his M$M's automatic dispenser supply every third day he tried to do something important and meaning for him again but with all that money
Imagine what can you do with such prestige on an industry and money, the possibilties are endless

>> No.49323757

to be fair, he was always kinda lazy. technically minecraft was always an unfinished game.

>> No.49323924
File: 119 KB, 621x800, 1633392789875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hang out with losers doing loser things
>surprised you feel like a loser
the further you drift from a useful purpose and a traditional life, the more you will feel like this

>> No.49323951

reminder this guy was a fat guy who never worked out, you simply just had to start running marathons or start a sport like snowboarding, A. its a hierarchy based on skill not on $$$ and being shit at it while learning will put you on even footing or less then others, it will quiet your mind, this is just a retard who sold his project for money and made the mistake of not starting a new project or skill and just did hedonistic shit which will lead to ruin.

>> No.49323981

here's something to try:
get skinny, u fat fuck

>> No.49323990


Sometimes making it means learning not to be a depressed loser.

If you got rich from being lucky, then yeah, it won't help

>> No.49324011

probably but at least you don't have to worry about finances

>> No.49324062
File: 57 KB, 512x512, 1f914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance
There are plenty of newly rich people who don't have this problem. Could it just be that Notch is lacking in social skills.

>> No.49324120

Notch was a low tier lolcow back in his day, back before people realized that laughing at his ilk was kind of humorous.

>> No.49324237

Can confirm, just wageslaving for $300k, no purpose the money doesn’t matter, just waiting to have enough money so I can quit and start my own journey

>> No.49324275

This hedonistic loser needs Jesus unironically

>> No.49324292


I am the most successful loser on earth

>> No.49324327

It sounds like this fag has never had any sort of true struggle.

>> No.49324620

money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy "human security" that only goes so far and only is true if society doesn't collapse. long story short frens money is cringe live your life money comes and goes.

>> No.49324680

yes. personality is static aftet your mid 20s

>> No.49324685

Minecraft was the glue that held his soul together.

This is why rich people learn instruments and other arts.

>> No.49324840


>> No.49324893

That's not true, he struggled a lot when people were mean to him on twitter because he wouldn't stop acting like a neckbeard.

>> No.49325051

What do you mean. Who is this literal who?

>> No.49325091

the problem is when you only see money as a way to keep pushing the dopamine button, no matter what you do, because you are doomed since the beginning

>> No.49325127

It was extremely unfinished when he sold it, and he didn't even do most of the work on the project.

>> No.49325335

it's true in the absence of brain damage or extreme trauma, even for self aware people. spend a day researching personality on google scholar and you will see that temperament, compulsions, relationship styles don't change much. There's a physiological reason for this called synaptic pruning.

>> No.49325427

>buying into the western psychology meme cult

>> No.49325454

>Is it true

If you think you are a depressed loser you are
do not think it, get the mind virus out
you are a demi-god fated for greatness end of story.

>> No.49325517

>not knowing your limitations
have fun not knowing why you'll repeat the same behaviors and situations foe the rest of your life.

>> No.49325545

if taken correctly and in certain circumstances LSD and psilocybin mushrooms can help you self reflect and have epiphanies and change your personality for the better.
this has been documented and studies done on this subject.
Ive also experienced it first hand.

>> No.49325671

He made Minecraft.

>> No.49325686

Eventually when you grow up you'll realize fatalism is cringe and gay.

>> No.49325729

He got played by a gold digger "wife", don't be like him

>> No.49325802

i'm not saying you shouldn't try. it's just what is observed for the vast majority of people including the self aware.

>> No.49326065

Notch got hard rejected by the gaming industry and cancelled for being woke. He took the blackpill and has never really recovered. He is squandering his seat of power and influence but also he feels as though he can't really do much of anything either. So he feels alone in his castle of misery as he looks below the pier and watches the world set itself ablaze. He should've concealed his power level because at this point the dude has nothing to strive or live for and it's pretty sad. He would unironically do well in DeFi if he didn't doxx himself.

>> No.49326098

This is why you will always be a depressed loser. You just don't understand that money does not solve your problems. You are like an insecure woman who gets surgery and fake tits to get rid of her insecurity, instead it doesn't. You must find meaning in life or suffer and wither away, it has nothing to do with the amount of money you own.

>> No.49326394

Mere awareness is insufficient, change requires action. Making long term changes to your perceptions/behaviors is more about courage and grit than awareness or intelligence, the vast majority of people are unwilling to improve their situation because to them, coping with vanity/drugs/escapism is preferable to the exhaustion and discomfort of REALLY trying to work on themselves. Also people like these e-famous tech nerds are too short sighted and quite honestly lack the humility to understand that standing on their accomplishments isn't a substitute for a belief system and they will eventually have to find a reason to live beyond consooming and parading yourself around for other people to look at.

>> No.49326491

>the vast majority of people are unwilling to improve their situation because to them, coping with vanity/drugs/escapism is preferable to the exhaustion and discomfort of REALLY trying to work on themselves
True but some also don't know how to change their situation.

>> No.49326575

It’s funny. I was told I’d never walk again.
I was told that I couldn’t change my emotional stripes.
My patterning had lead me to a lifestyle of self destruction that I couldn’t break out of.
Turns out they were wrong.
I deadlift 250 as of today.
I have a loving relationship and have turned my self destruction into self love and contentment.
Just because the people who fall into the clinical study trap cannot change their temperament doesn’t mean no one can.
Live boldly and break through your limitations.

>> No.49326634


Same. It would help Notch, and lose weight.

>> No.49326750

whatever you want to call it, it's rare, and becomes effectively non existent some time in middle age. optimistic narrative or not, the numbers show it and if you find yourself at 35 with some major character flaw you want to change, you will understand why.

>> No.49326775

share more about your story anon. what paralyzed you? how did you break the cycle of self defeat?

>> No.49328209

human interaction becoming difficult due to imbalance is real tho
now must of us autists here arent going to care too much about it but yes you will self segregate yourself
you can no longer vibe with the normies as you are visibly above there petty struggles and this pisses them off since they are envy based
but on the other hand the old money despise the nouveau rich so you don't belong anywhere
truly the chans have kept me sane for a long time now and the past 2 years notable decline is not a good sign for the future