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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 558x516, QmaRCS6xWPVFyz2TffMY449AJm4WGkjZCritPrVCT9iaAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49319760 No.49319760 [Reply] [Original]

Previously on /jpeg/ >>49268533

>NFT showcase

>NFT market report

>upcoming NFTs

>NRI database

https://entrepot.app or https://jqq4s-cqaaa-aaaad-qb2qq-cai.raw.ic0.app


>how to buy NFTs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs8WSzo_e3s [Embed]
>ICP NFT market podcast

Saorsa Labs IC Genesis NFT within the hour

Easy Steve is a jewish faggot

coomer shrimp still nowhere to be found

>> No.49320027

Metacats is just another cat pirate shit scam to make an easy $300

>> No.49320083
File: 904 KB, 932x389, identify this man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and could someone tell me who this is?

>> No.49320143

i dunno, he and that jesse guy seem to have a lot of friends. it'd be kind of retarded not to have a cat and a taco just for potential airdrops linked to them

>> No.49320184

IC Land bros... it's over.

>> No.49320204

creeps bros i'm not feeling too well

>> No.49320347

Bruce Willis

>> No.49320431

ah. doesn't look like him to me, but makes sense. thanks.

>> No.49320665

Beware, ICP NFTs General is a scam thread where jeets try to lure newfags into buying their jpegs, dont fall for it. If you want to buy ICP get the token

>> No.49320850

Seethe. I made over 500 ICP buying /jpeg/ recommendations

>> No.49321147
File: 21 KB, 597x200, shitpot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a thing steve doesn't fuck up?
jelly when

>> No.49321276

He's busy hunting 420.69 anon

>> No.49321314

Where's my 7.8 ICP steve

>> No.49321405

did you not reach out to the finterest guys?

>> No.49321750

Finterest? Who should I reach out to?

>> No.49321801

I am unironically the 420.69 anon ama

>> No.49321807

Same issue- I now have a finterest nft that shows blank. Wtf-
Thanks for playing?

>> No.49321836

Talk to them on discord

>> No.49322471
File: 57 KB, 773x393, oh shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crowdfund pass 10000k ogy eod

>> No.49322540

>buy a token to buy a token that gets sold out in some unannounced 30 minute window
no thanks. fuck all these tone deaf distribution methods. scammy as shit.

>> No.49322575

this. its literally run by some jeet named raj. icp is unironically going to 2k and you will be left bag holding a jpeg of a cat or some gay shit instead of the stack of money you could have made just holding icp.

>> No.49322690

Im the anon who baked the first /jpeg/ and was one of the first to shill flowers here. ICP NFTs were organic discoveries. These generals wouldn't have survived if it was just a shill campaign instead of real interest. many anons DCA'd their ICP to less than 1$ thanks to these jpegs. There is no pajeet conspiracy

>> No.49322710

im not the regular op and i'm whiter than you faggit

>> No.49322774
File: 805 KB, 854x480, jSeSM7p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49322840

i didn't say it was a conspiracy i just said that its a pajeet trying to part retards from their icp. a few anons made gains off of legit projects like flowers and motokos, nobody is going to remember your gay animal nft in 2 weeks.

for anybody who thinks these fags are legit go check the icpchads tg. its literally a pajeet selling a bunch of retards pictures of turtles.

>> No.49322965
File: 4 KB, 214x128, jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, post profits frens

https://t5t44-naaaa-aaaah-qcutq-cai.raw.ic0.app/holder/(your address)

>> No.49323007

/jpeg/ is not run by pajeets kek. Cope harder for not listening to us and buying our recommendations

>> No.49323009
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>> No.49323089


>> No.49323202

>sir post profits sir!
less than 2 minutes later a totally different anon comes back with a screenshot nearly identical to the first one posted

seriously people don't give these street shitters your money. they are getting rich selling you thin air.

>> No.49323253

kek seethe harder faggot

>> No.49323551

lol most of it is from minting 8 flowers

>> No.49323623

holy shit. i wish i was paying attention then. what was mint price?

>> No.49323822

/jpeg/ was created 1-2 weeks after flowers mint. Mint price was 5 ICP

>> No.49324071

3 ICP for whitelist lol easy 100x

>> No.49324457
File: 26 KB, 629x215, nicotine is half the battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFT idea: Wheezy Steves

>> No.49324492

is the impossible pass worth?

>> No.49324879

>50 ICP
>5k collection


>> No.49326076

worth buying purple crown motoko? only one sub 100icp and then only a couple more below 200icp

>> No.49326311

Crowns are shit. It's just one or two whales trying to force scarcity and when nobody bites because they're ugly as fuck they dump them at the floor. Already happens with dfinity hats.

Get unusual colors or just two eyed plain.

>> No.49326511
File: 33 KB, 406x446, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.49326596

lmao dumb niggers still buying two-dee motokos after the 3d ones were announced
enjoy losing all your money

>> No.49326635

some of you are alright. sell your finterest cards. the lawyer did not approve the roadmap

>> No.49327213

Absolute garbage wtf

>> No.49327385

This. These generals have been infiltrated by discord jeets pushing scams. Do not fall for these random projects you see being shilled on here and remember that the only true blue chip on the IC are Motokos

>> No.49327441

Motokos and Christ are king.

>> No.49327514

lmao, how many of us got cucked by facile steven

>> No.49327579

were there any buttons for minting 2, 5 or 10? or was it only for 1?

>> No.49327670

only 1 mint at a time
I suspect that's going to be the same with pineapple punks

>> No.49327743

you just open multiple tabs

>> No.49328598

Wait so they're not going to airdrop 3d Motokos to OG Motoko holders? If they don't honestly fuck them

>> No.49328733

they haven't announced anything other than you can learn how to get one by signing up for the hackathon. That's literally the only statement they've made. That doesn't neccessarily mean anything

>> No.49329018

Yah true, well they better offer OG Motoko holders an airdrop or priority to get a 3D Motoko. Otherwise people are going to be pissed. Also, do you need to be a dev to sign up for the hackathon thing? I signed up and it's asking all these questions about like my team and stuff

>> No.49329870

IC Genesis when

>> No.49330884

Nfts are crashing its ogre

>> No.49331891
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>> No.49332494

retards are cashing out NFT's so they can cash out this pump. If you're a smart anon you'll buy the NFT dip

>> No.49332527
File: 448 KB, 750x1050, 032 ADAM SCHIFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49332560

Damn im retarded

>> No.49333617


>> No.49333697

Raj doesn't post on 4chan he is a normie who (((networks))) with projects.

>> No.49334074

im waiting for catpirate to fucking integrate with and pump astros

>> No.49334751

Never gonna happen

>> No.49334883

do i need to have a wallet linked to dscvr to get an airdrop or just a dscvr account?

>> No.49335364

NFTs are stupid.

>> No.49335453


>> No.49335508

This must be the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.49335737


looks like one chink farmed 15 airdrops

>> No.49336332
File: 314 KB, 1080x1080, icyberskull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else buying tomorrow?

>> No.49336572

looks neat. probably too busy to mint tomorrow.
i wonder if it'll get botted like terrance did

>> No.49336646

Wanna do an avant nft project and thinking about using entrepot as a platform. Haven't seen anything there in line with what I wanna do aesthetically so think it'd stand out. Plus I want to accumulate more ICP.

Just don't want to do this retarded gorilla nigger application entrepot has. I dont have social media. I don't have a roadmap. Suppose I could bullshit it but just let me use your platform niggers. Has anyone here done this on internet computer? What are the fees like?

>> No.49337021


It's a jeet thread, never trust ICP NFT general, it's like 20 jeets with multiple IPs