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File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1536, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4931793 No.4931793 [Reply] [Original]

I bought shitload of Bitcoin at $14888.14 because I'm a national socialist. AMA.

>> No.4931847

How's the doctorate study in Feminist Basket Weaving Theory at Berkeley going you larping faggot?

>> No.4931849


Why didn't you buy at $1488 or $14.88 you poser faggot

>> No.4931859


when are you selling

>> No.4931896

>1 port by this IP
OP is a faggot

>> No.4932081

loser is what you are

>> No.4932579

>low IQ retard makes a dumb decision
Not surprised.

>> No.4932758
File: 197 KB, 680x598, 1483761712965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually understand national socialism and think it will work realistically as an economic ideology, or are you emotionally invested in third reich imagery and history because you believe it rationalizes your prejudices and tribalist tendencies?
Do you honestly believe that you can "clean" a society of unwanted members and have it stay that way, and do you believe that a culture built in the name of isolationism, such as one of nat-soc ideology, will be able to sustain itself economically, agriculturally, politically or in arts and entertainment without globalized trade and interaction with other cultures and nations? If so, how exactly do expect that to be accomplished?

>> No.4932786

He's just going to call you a commie cuck. Why bother?

>> No.4932842

well you could look at China, the fastest growing economy in the world. only there would be more order, we aren't chinese.

>> No.4932880
File: 46 KB, 736x542, rational centrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is funny, considering I'm asking from the viewpoint of someone who's actually quite libertarian and idividualist.
I wanted to see if he had any real response to these questions, because I've yet to hear a reasonable defense in favor of any highly collectivist political ideology such as nat-soc or any form of communism, but I remain open to the idea of someone defending and debating these ideas should they be able to.

>> No.4932884

lmao watching this shill/reddit invasion is entertaining.
if I wasn't white I'd wish I were, too.

>> No.4932912

fuck off faggot. theres plenty of fascists you can get legit answers to on pol. You are only asking here because you have leftypol backup. Centrist faggot, kill yourself

>> No.4932929
File: 69 KB, 730x493, 1452606359877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Hitler can't save you now. Y did u do it Anon?

>> No.4932937

i hit buy at $6969.420 because i'm a cunt

>> No.4932954

Why you trying to complicate everything here? We just want to hate kikes and niggers. It ain't rocket science, it's just our way.

>> No.4932963
File: 53 KB, 400x565, brainmeme_01.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello newfag. Go breed your wife with a black bull you commie cuck

>> No.4932967

>you can get legit answers on pol
You've never been to /pol/, have you?

>leftypol backup.
>Centrist faggot
Which is it? Are you claiming I'm a centrist or lefty?
Both are wrong as I'm somewhat right leaning.

>> No.4932983

>do you believe that a culture built in the name of isolationism, such as one of nat-soc ideology, will be able to sustain itself economically, agriculturally, politically or in arts and entertainment without globalized trade and interaction with other cultures and nations?
"Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, despite the international bankers' denial
of foreign credit to Germany, and despite the global boycott by Jewish-owned industries.
Germany succeeded in this by exchanging equipment and commodities directly with
other countries, using a barter system that cut the bankers out of the picture. Germany
flourished, since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. (Venezuela does the
same thing today when it trades oil for commodities, plus medical help, and so on. Hence
the bankers are trying to squeeze Venezuela.)"


>> No.4933018


>> No.4933019

>We just want to hate kikes and niggers. It ain't rocket science, it's just our way.
>>or are you emotionally invested in third reich imagery and history because you believe it rationalizes your prejudices and tribalist tendencies?

Finally a real reply! I will have to read your link before I say much else, though.

>> No.4933021

I dont argue with idiots, sorry. Go on infinitychans /pol/ for serious discussion on fascism.

>> No.4933025

>freedom from financial tyranny is isolationism


>> No.4933078

>freedom from financial tyranny
How is that nat-soc? Socialism works by government control of money and resources, thus enacting financial tryranny on it's people, even if the nation as a whole is "freed" from it.

How is nat-soc NOT isolationist?

>> No.4933744

Nazism was literally made possible by the great depression and WW1 war reparations. The economic burden on Germany was crippling, and so was the humiliation. I suppose believing Hitler was some evil monster who somehow subjugated millions of people through dark magic makes more sense if you want to preserve a certain view of the world, but he did improve life for the average German during his first years in power.

National socialism doesn't imply the death of international trade, not sure where you got that. Sounds like a burger who fell for Trump = nazi agitprop. Even then, protectionism is a far cry from no trade.

It's quite amazing we have had and still have dozens of regimes trying socialism, and they all fail, and people focus on the "national" part which has only been tried once. Even worse, if you look at socialist regimes without inherent nationalism, the point they start to crumble is when their defacto nationalism through ethnic purity starts to crumble through immigration. i.e. sweden used to be a model country in the late 90s and early 00s and is now on track to be third world by 2040 (UN projections).

Socialism in a vacuum is a model that inherently results in corruption due to competitive human nature. The only setting in which this model can provide for its population is when it's associated with nationalism, giving people something to believe in and redirecting competition towards a larger outgroup.

>> No.4933774

Infinity, you moron. Half /pol/ is a containment zone for normalfags and shitposters.