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49317553 No.49317553 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the people in charge of our economy so incompetent?

>> No.49317566

they're paid to be

>> No.49317571

i don't get why we ever went off the gold standard. $1 usd = x troy oz of gold. simple as.

>> No.49317575

they know exactly what they're doing

>> No.49317580

It's all by design.
The bad guys won the 2nd world war and now they are focussed on your demise.

>> No.49317584

It's not incompetency, it's done on purpose

>> No.49317597
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You mistake incompetence with malice, they knew perfectly well that printing 7 trillion dollars would have caused hyperinflation. It's called gaslighting

>> No.49317619

This anon gets it, they want inflation so they can basically default on their debts. They are purposely dragging their feet in fighting inflation.

>> No.49317627

Just a simple miscalculation, goy

>> No.49317628

We need to go after these peoples children as they are old af and do this shit because there is no consequences meanwhile they are funneling money to their kids.

>> No.49317645
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>i did a wrong oopsie haha

>> No.49317666

>yeah, that was my bad lol

>> No.49317674

To be fair, nearly all of those trillions were locked into investments.
The real motor for inflation is supply chain bottlenecks from covid and now the Ukraine war.

>> No.49317676
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they aren't incompetent, your just misjudging the neobolsheviks motivations.

communism makes markets go to 0 and private ownership a k a the possibility of ever making it goes to 0

>> No.49317685

no market person on tv or in government will ever tell the truth or show their real strategy. they exist as mouthpieces to emotionally manipulate the masses. its like thinking joe biden sets policy. if joe biden thought he could set the agenda they'd kill him

>> No.49317687

and it's not like fractional reserve banking didn't exist under the gold standard. that power wasn't enough -- they were so jewish, so greedy (redundant) that they needed to totally scrap the idea of tying fiat to a physical object.

>> No.49317688

What was she supposed to say though. "IT'S HAPPENING! Spend all your money right now before it's worthless!"

>> No.49317715

From "covid" or from their response to it?

>> No.49317722

>nearly all of those trillions were locked into investments
yes in meme stocks and dog coins

>> No.49317753

lol at the idea of this being incompetence. Inflation doesn‘t just make savings smaller, debts become worth less and less as well. Now, guess {{{who}}} is massively indebted? That‘s right, our faggot government(s), because of deficit spending for niggers, old people, women, faggots and all sorts of useless people.

>> No.49317817

Because this administration is not about character or merit, it’s about intersectionality. Seems more and more deliberately malicious day by day though

>> No.49317830

She is not incompetent, she just has to pretend to be so that idiot Americans don't realize until it's too late that it's all being sabotaged on purpose.

>> No.49317863

If I were a governor of a state right now I'd start building an army and invade DC. The national guard is filled with retards and won't stand a chance against a modern mercenary army. 50k mercs vs 50k guard, the mercs win every time.

The alternative is to wait, do nothing then watch as the USA breaks into different countries. That's probably what will happen in the next 10-20 years. No one has the guts to risk it all to save the US.

>> No.49317918
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competent. That's why we remain poor.
Your pic related is a distraction. Clowns need to be feeble since they're misdirecting feeble.

>> No.49317924


>> No.49317933

She was lying retard. We knew she was lying. She knew that we knew she was lying. She did it anyway. We did nothing. Now get back to being outraged watching libsoftiktok and forget the situation were in.

>> No.49319157

This. You fags all meme about debtmaxxing but that's basically the same shit the US is doing. Once the dollar is worth nothing they won't have any debt anymore either.

>> No.49319189

everyone agreed the dollar should decouple from the gold standard and be devalued and become the world reserve currency. of course the american people did not agree, but that doesnt matter, they are the cattle that will consume anything advertised to them.

you see, if you devalue a currency imports become expensive which means people have to borrow to consume, which creates debt inflating the system and devaluing the currency further. its a perfect cyclical system designed to pump the economies of exporters and banks while ruining, literally enslaving, the america population.

fast forward to today and (without going into too much detail) it is on the brink of collapse. so they have to "delete" some of this currency to have any hope to continue this perpetual bullrun.

people are concerned, should the fed loosen in September? if it doesnt we might fall into a depression if inflation gets out of control. people could starve! i think the real question is can we allow this system to continue funtioning at all?

>> No.49319216

if it does*

>> No.49319479
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Yellen is a puppet, a mouthpiece if you may. Notice the archetype, typical banker goblin in female form.

This show is gay and manufactured.

>> No.49319485
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Inflation is going to drive increasing economic disparity.
The cost of living for those below a certain threshold will cause a fall in living standards.
Those above the threshold will get wealthier.
The fed wants high inflation, not out of control inflation.
Interest rate policy is not going to be used to bring inflation back in line with rates.
Instead it's used to stimulate the stock market.
Expect them to raise rates to maybe 2% (they can't afford to go higher) before cutting them back creating another boom in the stock market.
They'll be slow
Maybe towards the end of 2023
They're already putting out there the risk of recession to the economy
Just look at the Europeans, they're doing nothing around rates
The narrative out there is that the fed made a mistake with massively increasing bond and asset buying at the start of the pandemic and failed to forecast its effect on inflation
They employ and are networked with an army of economists.
No, this inflation was planned.
>inflate away both private and public debt
>allowing massive printing and borrowing to pay for political projects today
>raise tax revenues as a result of inflated payrolls
>assets get inflated in value
>the cost of cheap labour becomes even cheaper

>> No.49319619

Its a mix of incompetence and malice, malice people put incompetent people into certain positions

>> No.49319660


Its a great plan to be frank. What else could they do?

>> No.49319671

feigning incompetence is the best way to hide malevolence
>oof next time i'll vote for the other guy
lol go ahead it doesn't matter

>> No.49320207
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>What else could they do?
They could show fiscal prudence.
But who does that help?
Their policy of high inflation with high borrowing and spending will benefit:
>those with debts, they'll be inflated away allowing them to borrow more money
>those with non monetary assets that will rise with inflation
>recipients of government spending
>high wage earners whose salary will rise faster than inflation
>employers whose wage costs go down in real terms, if they fail to match inflation in raises
Those who lose out:
>pensioners with a fixed pension
>workers whose pay does not outstrip inflation will be getting a pay cut in real terms
I guess the government had a look at the above equation and figured that it's mainly working class whites and pensioners that will lose out

>> No.49320399


So we are back to the feudal ways and that is wanted. It makes sense. We got a reset after WW1 and WW2. People have had plenty of time to amass fortunes, and there are no excuses for not being wealthy by now. Will be interesting how it plays it.

>> No.49320413

$20 = ~0.96ozt actually

>> No.49320463
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> What was your first clue?
Bar Kokhba Revolt

>> No.49320465

There is no saving the US. Embrace the idea of states becoming their own countries.

>> No.49320532
File: 20 KB, 554x554, 0F045563-F7C9-4692-B90B-8BEE77DDE2F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when gas was $2 and food was cheap?
I’m glad we got rid of that guy though. He called Haiti a shithole and posted mean tweets.

>> No.49320564

They asked for this.

>> No.49320664
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management-fag here

people like Yellen are EXTREMELY COMMON in fortune 500 companies and especially govt

their traits are:
>middling intelligence
>good (((social networking))) skills
>ability to change positions at the drop of a hat and pretend they never supported the previous position
>proper educational background to lend legitimacy
>have little actual technical knowledge
>do little to no actual work
>rely entirely on metric reports prepared by others just like them

the real problem is when your ENTIRE ORGANIZATION is run by people like this

its just ping ponging retardation and blame back and forth until it all collapses

>> No.49322957

The entire western system of government is one elaborate Dilbert comic. Damn.

>> No.49323050

>admits she was wrong at her literally ONE job
>accepts literally none of the blame and doesn't resign
Women, not even once

>> No.49323071

Trust fund kids use nepotism to get where they're at.

>> No.49323108

What do you expect from a filthy Jew?

>> No.49323129

>hiring manlet jews hobbits

>> No.49323150

>people unrionically think in this very thread that they inflate the dollar on purpose to fix their debt issue
if we get to that point the us would collapse

>> No.49323156


>> No.49323184

If it's not on purpose that's even worse because it highlights their incompetence.

>> No.49323229

Wrong. Inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomenon. The government running huge deficits and borrowing money into existence is only part of the problem. The other part of the money supply is the credit money created by the banking system. The Fed has kept interest rates at near zero for a decade essentially putting the accelerator to the floor on the creation of credit money. Now the inevitable inflation has arrived and they are out of options. If they pull back on credit money creation, they crash the "everything bubble". If they don't, inflation burns us alive. So they are trying to walk the line between fire and ice. So for awhile we will have a recession along with inflation. Then one or the other will explode. It's like a spinning top reaching the end of its momentum and starting to wobble. But ultimately, the US government will force the issue because they need money to buy power. They will continue to spend more money they don't have as inflation burns the dollar away.

>> No.49323398

There is no inflation.
There is, but it is transitory
It is caused by supply chain disruption
It is caused by post-covid consumer exuberance
It is caused by Putin
It is caused by "greedy corporations"

The actual culprits - the US government, the Fed, and the banking system - will never admit their guilt. They will ride the bomb all the way to the ground blaming anyone and anything they can.

>> No.49323477

They don't feel the effects of their decisions first-hand

>> No.49323841

Just being able to say "I was wrong" makes her better than virtually all her peers.

>> No.49323947

Which genius thought it was a bright idea to put a woman in control of the money?

>> No.49324000

>"I was wrong."
>"But I will continue to collect my paycheck every week unless I say otherwise."

>> No.49324152

>women in positions of authority