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File: 232 KB, 383x424, olson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49313272 No.49313272 [Reply] [Original]

all NFTs are a scam

>> No.49313281

that guys face is a scam

>> No.49313294

Who is this fag and why do you losers keep posting his ugly mug?

>> No.49313333

Imagine aligning with reddit tier 'lent drinkers to cope about missing NFTs.

>> No.49313348

how do i filter images?
you niggers post the most cringe shit
i swear to god anyone that uses youtube deserves to not make it

>> No.49315826

Some have utility.
They are not just a shitty picture.
Look at Gains Network NFT's.

>> No.49315874

Utility maybe, but a database will accomplish the same thing. Unless it NEEDS to be decentralized for some reason, there's no point.

>> No.49316088

Biggest scam in the sector no doubt

>> No.49316181

He LITERALLY look like a soijak meme

>> No.49316199
File: 62 KB, 542x852, 1624508073537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quads of absolute BTFO checked

I skimmed through the vid and it's your typical seething leftie garbage.

>> No.49316676

Retard. You need to have a look at Honeyland to understand that not all nfts are the same.

>> No.49316934
File: 26 KB, 400x388, 162798133307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is pretty much correct.

>> No.49316979
File: 92 KB, 1024x551, 1653287915460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a scam because all human bartering is dependent on both parties believing the other is a sucker

>> No.49317012

Whats with Honeyland?

>> No.49317013

ITT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79UeIp3ngjk

>> No.49317028


Yes yes it is. That's why you should get in early before everyone wakes up (like they did with crypto) while there's still any real chance for profit to be made.

>> No.49317044

nature and existence are also a scam

>> No.49317058

nature will literally kill you if you don't collect enough food and put it in your face hole. what a fucking scam

>> No.49317158

>nicks shit-eating grin

>> No.49317236
File: 25 KB, 659x309, nftisfuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun being stuck with a useless jpeg :)

>> No.49317352

They have their genesis mint on going, and the interesting thing about this one is that minting is risk free.

>> No.49317406

That's why you shouldn't buy just any NFT, but those that have utility, and can be used for other things like in a game like the Honeyland NFTs.

>> No.49317427

literally the only problem with his video is that he doesn't accept that JEWS are the problem. (((bankers)))

>> No.49317447

checked and KEKD

>> No.49317448

how much of a retard does one have to be to get info from wall street journal headlines lol

you're aware they are talking about number of NFTs, not trading volume?
literally in the same week that retail slop article was published there was ATH volume just from Otherdeed alone lmao

>> No.49317898

Jeets always want to sound smart, but we see them for what they are. RETARDS.

>> No.49319229

How is it soiboys can shave their head and have a beard yet still look so feminine and disgusting.

>> No.49319296

It's only a scam if someone loses money to them

>> No.49319374

His hairline definitively is.