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File: 11 KB, 200x200, ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4930951 No.4930951 [Reply] [Original]

>fidget spinner icon
>fidget went from nonexistence to universal meme tier popularity out of nowhere
>there are people that currently have nothing invested in ripple
>this many people want fomo

>> No.4931003

95% of this board can't see investment opportunities beyond the end of the day

>> No.4931033

I am really interested in ripple but bitrex is so fucking slow I dont know how to invest

>> No.4931062

nah, you just suck at investing.
>fucking slow
have you seen kraken ?

>> No.4931103

What are some benefits of ripple, I really only know they are geared towards banking interests. Which is why I think there is promise here

>> No.4931158

>no wallet

>> No.4931206
File: 187 KB, 2174x1160, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 10.11.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ripple only gets hate from short sighted cucks who FOMO'd and bought a bag of XRP at .50 early this year.

XRP is one of the most stable, safest & professional currencies out there.

>> No.4931249


>24k to 1.6k

>> No.4931252

Toast wallet on android
4sec transaction time max.
up to 70,000 tx/sec and scalable
they're reintroducing Codius for smart contracts.

Lurk moar

>> No.4931267

Fast as fuck.
Their main goal is to allow banks to easily transfer different currencies amongst each other

>> No.4931275

One of the oldest shitcoins. Only in top 10 because it's a centralized shitcoin which shits out new coins to prop up its phony MC.

>> No.4931305


You are the short sighted cuck i'm talking about. Do you understand even the slightest, how to read a chart?

USD (the Actual value of the coin) is been steadily rising for over a year. You WANT to own a coin that has a history of pumping over 10x and stabilizing at 5x on a regular basis.

>> No.4931323
File: 792 KB, 1111x956, XRPtheflashpng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's tied to USD, retard.

>> No.4931340

Literally just bought 300 ripple. How badly did I fuck up?

>> No.4931343
File: 8 KB, 225x225, geh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by 2022 every Ripple will be worth somewhere around $4914286 USD.

Gentlemen, we are currently seeing the largest relocation of wealth in history. Owning even a single Ripple and holding it until at least 2025 will allow you to retire.
If you can take out a loan to acquire a entire Ripple I HIGHLY suggest you do so.

If you want to cash out of Ripple , leave at LEAST 1 Ripple until it reaches a 5 million USD per coin cost.

By that time btc cost will only grow with the growth gross world product.,

>> No.4931349


>> No.4931378

buy at 0.2189
sell at 0.2445

>> No.4931402


>USD value

The only value of a shitcoin that matters is it's satoshi value you fucking faggot. If you're down in sats, you're down. USD value is a crutch that lets you lie to yourself about your dismal trading performance

>> No.4931408
File: 8 KB, 480x360, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I measure my gains in satoshis because I ate up btc maximalist bullshit... b-but moooom, you don't understand!!!

>> No.4931416
File: 99 KB, 1080x1295, _20171210_022659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be alright if you keep buying

>> No.4931431

sat-measurers truly are the worst kind of people

>> No.4931447

How the fuck can I buy ripple? Bitrex is unsecure, slow, and I dont want to transfer my BTC out of wallet

>> No.4931461

>says sats matter
>xrp going up in sats today

>> No.4931467


>buy 0.5btc worth of ripple
>now worth 0.25 BTC
>loss of 0.25 x 14,000 = 3500 USD
>he calls this a gain

Retard alert!

>> No.4931489


If you'd sold at the top in May and bought back now, you could literally had 12x your Ripple, but cucks who kept holding their coins all the way keep telling themselves they are the smart ones to sleep better at night.

>> No.4931491


>was 5k sats a couple months ago
>1675 now
>it's rising!

Just stop dude

>> No.4931537

>Muh hindsight means you lost
If you'd have bought bitcoin in 2009 you would be filthy fucking rich now but you didn't so I guess anything you do now can't be considered a gain huh? :^))

>> No.4931538

Do you hate money? Only retards measure their gains in fiat and sell at a net loss in satoshis. If you do this, why not just hold BTC instead?

>> No.4931591
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1512823254671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Measure in sats
>Hold sats
>Entire market starts to plummet because it's a piece of shit bubble coin
>Can't move it because 200k unconfirmed transactions
>H-heh do y-you hate money or something?

Did you know by holding BTC you actually LOST even though you thought you gained because a pajeet scam coin has mooned in the mean time relative to BTC? Why didn't you just hold that? Do you hate money?

>> No.4931607

A REALLY bug company is entering this market soon. Big things ahead. Price will spike hard.

>> No.4931623

I agree anon, i've watched a webinar & the guy who's deeply rooted in the crypto community mentions how under priced it is.

>> No.4931676


Because bitcoin is #1, the original, the longest lasting and strongest blockchain in existence. There's no excuse for underperforming a buy and hold strategy wifh bitcoin because it's the objectively simpler and safer thing to do. If you're gonna get autistic with your worthless shitcoins the least you can do is outperform bitcoin or else you just threw money down the drain like the brainlet you are.

>> No.4931707

Retard, how many sats was it at the beginning of the year. Not everyone is a newfag.

>> No.4931750


If you had it at the beginning of the year and didn't sell back in June-July you're a retard

>> No.4931779
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1512339817123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because bitcoin is #1, the original, the longest lasting and strongest blockchain in existence
This means literally nothing. It's an old, rickety piece of shit blockchain that can't even handle people mass buying/selling because of how out-dated proof of work is. Even the exchanges had to disable buttcoin exchanging because of how trash it is. Good luck with your "muh satoshi" performance when the "can't cash out" meme unironically and literally applies to you (and those who are lucky enough to do it get to do it for the low low fee of $30 in network costs!)

If you think the king of shitcoins has a future in the world of crypto, then you're more deluded than every shitcoin shiller on here combined. Keep hoarding satoshis like a rabid retard and see where that gets you within the next couple of months.

>> No.4931907


Says the 2017-era crypto newcomer faggot who thinks he knows anything.

Real talk just admit you heard about crypto in 2017 because it's already obvious from the retarded opinions you hold as fact.

>> No.4931931

>Accuses someone of being a 2017-era crypto newcomer
>Probably just bought bitcoin along with his hairdresser and his taxi driver friend and thinks "its da future of currency"

You haven't disputed anything I said - just insults and projection because you know I'm right and all your satoshis are going to be worth as much as dirt soon enough.

>> No.4931943
File: 1.20 MB, 823x829, btconion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source for webinar ?

>> No.4931980

If you didn't sell bitcoin 2 days ago for xrp you're a retard.

>> No.4932003
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1512339997166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but ANON! buddDcoin is goin 2 a GORILIONZ dollars!!!!!!

>> No.4932058


I've been involved in the space since early 2013 and seen plenty of doomsayers come and go. Every one of them has been wrong in the long term. But I'm sure this time is different, right?

Remember, if BTC dies this whole market dies. No one wants any other worthless shitcoin more than bitcoin if they've got two brain cells to rub together so you better pray to your God that BTC doesn't die


I sell my BTC for cash because worthless shitcoins die alongside BTC

>> No.4932094
File: 56 KB, 1119x404, changeordcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help us get this shit on coinbase


>> No.4932412

>buying bitcoin since 2013
>still fudding on 4chan
>hurt durr what's an Aleppo?

>> No.4932428


What's there to FUD? Bitcoin won, and alts are still worthless shitcoins

>> No.4932519

Holy fucking shills batman

>> No.4932623

I bought the majority of my xrp at the peaks in May because of fomo and newbism....what should I do? Sell off and just take the loss to stop the bleading, or hodl?

>> No.4932781

Not yet. Once its at 50 cents or a dollar. Let it grow slowly so people will look at it as a stable investment