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49306914 No.49306914 [Reply] [Original]

I just spent 30$ on Tinder premium and only 5/10's have liked me. Not a single match, how do I profit from this

>> No.49306997

Display your niche interests.

>> No.49307002

Bang a 5/10.

>> No.49307056

are you trying to get laid or looking for a relationship

>> No.49307072

An obese, schizoid neck-beard paying for tinder premium and then being disappointed with the results, just about sums up this entire board. Thanks for the kek anon.

>> No.49307086

I only get 1/100 match with fat whales.
I get looks from girls at the gym but get zero fucking matches on tinder, how the fuck is this possible.
It's easier with my autism to get girls on the street than some fucking app.

>> No.49307143

I don’t even know. Broke up with gf of 2 yr a few weeks ago. Never tried tinder before but it’s looking bleak
Epic projection bro

>> No.49307145

Every attainable girl already moved to bumble.

>> No.49307173

I’ll try that. I auto swipe left on 70% of girls cause it’s filters out the ass. That or shit taste in music

>> No.49307198

long tron and make that $30 back

>> No.49307206

Fuck them and promise to share 15-25% of OF revenue depending on their level of self esteem. It’s free money anon. Hoes on tinder are there for dick not love, and they’ll stick around for some change. It’s nice having a roster of hoes.

>> No.49307210

Not worth the premium. Just get all the dating apps and switch.

>> No.49307243

you can try Boo, decent looking women there and you can see even the greasiest neckbeards get tons of matches. the catch is they will mostly be far from you, and most of the women there are dry to talk to. i got 70 matches there when i get 0 on tinder, and out of those 70 only 1 stuck around. shes a qt virgin, religious, but shes across the world from me, dont know if itll ever become anything but we talk a lot everyday. so try your luck if you want

>> No.49307264

not a single match because you didn't like them back. get out there champ and get your 5/10

>> No.49307273

2 months ago I broke up with my 2 years long gf working in TV

I was sure I could get so much attractive thots and just enjoy my life with all the money I have

After seeing the absolute state of Tinder women I went back with my girlfriend

>childish women
>+30 roasties
>call center agents

and you pay 30$ for that OP?

>> No.49307306

Are you me? Outside of the “breaking up cause I deserve better” bit.

>> No.49307312

Bang a 5/10 who has money, convince her to marry you, sap her financial accounts.

>> No.49307328

Women all use filters anon it is an unfortunate part of online dating. Don't let women's taste it "ideas" bother you too much unless they are full on commie feminist queer whatevers. Women are impressionable by nature and will eventually adopt the things that are important to you, when it becomes necessary for them to fulfill their role

>> No.49307378

it was shocking my dude
the level of women on tinder in 2022 is crazy
disgusting landwhales acting like they are superstars
they ALL have shitty jobs, shitty attitude, shitty diets, shitty instagrams
I was talking with a surgeon in my town's hospital and she was the most childish whore I met since 2010
also tinder is fucking expensive now, tinder gold was 10$ in 2018/2019/2020 it's now 30$
but in 2016-2019 the women were looking good there

>> No.49307383

There is a new one called erm 'Hello' I think... I tihnk that is what it is called. Apparently it is good because someone I know met some girl on there and now she just comes round his house at lunch time to bang.

>> No.49307393

Wait until 5/10 dips to 2.5/10 and go all in

>> No.49307692

anon these shitcoins can drop another 99%

>> No.49307787
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Use this as an oppurtunity to better yourself. Get a gym membership. Go to said gym. Self Improve yourself. Clean shit; room, house, fridge, garage, etc.Get a hobby, go volunteer with animals near some liberal arts college, there is pussy everywhere. There are literally 3,500,000,000 pussies out there.

>> No.49308974


>> No.49309754

theres also 3,500,000,000 dicks out there and women prefer 35 of those

>> No.49309763

Charge back the purchase. You'll get permabanned from Tinder, but who cares?

>> No.49309776

And most of these chicks are "10's" at least in their own mind. And they sure as hell won't settle for less than how they perceive themselves. Everyone is trying to date a few rungs above them. For an average looking guy, most of these apps are a waste of time. Your chances of success are going to be tremendously higher just shooting your shot in a real life situation.

>> No.49309796
File: 311 KB, 828x934, 9352C892-909D-4F5E-ADA9-C4B695A8FD9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smash 5/10s. Don’t be a puss

>> No.49309808

I broke up with my girl yesterday.
Sounds like you're after that rebound pussy like me. Finding a good girl takes time.

>> No.49309811

After you've managed to actually fuck a girl, I should add.

>> No.49309928
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Good luck out there anon

>> No.49309938
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>> No.49309948

Bait them into taking loans with you and stack multiple loans with multiple women, leave country once you got enough money and change identity, enjoy your new life, and never return to that country or contact anyone from there for any reason, including family members.

>> No.49309976

Bullish for spookyswap

>> No.49309999

>tinder gold was 10$ in 2018/2019/2020 it's now 30$
I haven't been on Tinder since 2020. Are you seriously telling me that Tinder Gold is $30 PER MONTH now? Jesus christ I thought the OP bought a 3 month package or something. That's obscene.

>> No.49310233

>weight lifting: sometimes

>> No.49310411
File: 127 KB, 1200x2134, 64d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter goyim aren't you man enough to settle down with a modern white woman?