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49303581 No.49303581 [Reply] [Original]

Surely, the most important aspects of making it in business is the importance of hard work and dedication, yet I never see it discussed here. Its just a stream of shitty memes of people bitching about the latest shit-coin thats gone tits up

Do people here actually work hard, or is it just a bunch of stoners who bought a load of bitcoin in the early days to buy their drugs and have just been riding that wave of luck since?

Is hard work really just a meme, or is it truly the key to the kingdom?

I want to hear about people who grafted hard, how they kept their focus and how it was worth it in the end! Surely that's what biz is about?

>> No.49303780

Do you think the Jews work hard?

>> No.49303793

if you do everything correctly and work hard your whole life you can have a really good life
if i take 15% from you and everyone else doing that i have a much better life and don't need to work hard
being guided by morality is an expensive luxury and most people alive today have decided they can't afford it or just won't pay
enjoy scrubbing toilets

>> No.49303901

I suppose I would say, as cliche as it is, you need to work hard but work smart.

If you're working hard, make sure its to benefit yourself. Even if its just learning a good skillset whilst working for someone else.

If you're a wagie with very little benefit from working hard then do as little hard work you can and use that energy to find an avenue in whereby when you do work hard it benefits you directly

>> No.49304188

Crypto has made me lazy
I always had something resembling adhd (undiagnosed) so it has always been hard for me to focus on things for more than a week, but now after crypto I can't even get myself to focus on holding a job for any length of time before I start feeling like absolute shit and look for excuses to quit

How do I learn to work hard again /biz/?
No degree btw

>> No.49304211

>Why no discussion of hard work and grit?
Waste of time, it is never rewarded. Plenty of burn outs will tell you that.

>> No.49304282

I don't just think, I know. https://youtu.be/v8NORN2hS1U

>> No.49304302

I'm feeling like its so easy to make oney in crypto, if you got in early and got decent numbers of top coins to HODL, its hard to go wrong, and everyone thinks theyre like some trading genius

ITs like Donald Trump bragging about how he made all his money in Real Estate, when essentially, all you had to do was buy ANY building in NYC and youre investment would be worth 100X what it was. Essentially just throwing a dart at a board.

Has anyone actually made it in crypto, who did it through hard work and didnt just get in early?

Also, apart from maybe 1k total, im a no-coin faggot, so maybe im just seething.

>> No.49304332

>No degree btw
Well these days that means you are incapable of writing three pages on something(or you would be a graduate in social currents) and can't do basic addition and subtraction (if you could you would be a brand engineer). So modern degrees are laughable jokes but if you don't have one it means you could not even write down the punchline. Consider becoming the subject of a charity that does research. You could be on their website holding a crayon and smiling to. Play all the angles.

>> No.49304335

>Buy something.
>Sell for more someplace else.
>Massive profit if done using economy of scale.
Why would you work hard?

>> No.49304370

>has anyone made money in crypto with hard work
sure, yeah, absolutely
but you can just buy their token, right?

>> No.49304384

OK I'll help you. First In want you to give me three words, nouns for things you know ANYTHING about. I mean literally ANYTHING.

>> No.49304421

hard work and grit are (commendable) hobbies

>> No.49304442

At Nepotism and Tribalism.

>> No.49304446

>hard work and grit are (commendable) in hobbies

>> No.49304534

>if you do everything correctly
Key words.

>> No.49304587

Yes you are a seething nocoiner lol
I suppose you could say I was early if early really was only 4 years ago
I bought my first Bitcoin in 2019 believe it or not and I just kept stacking on a cook's wage until 2021
Up until 2020 if you hadn't been on /biz/ before 2016 you were a newfag

Yeah my problem was not my capacity to do any of those things, just my will to do so
Willpower really is a muscle and it CAN atrophy over time
I've now got chronic bullrunitis, the feeling that it's pointless to work hard towards anything when the money is just falling into your lap (on paper at least)

>> No.49304591

Mohammed told me, when I rode to the moon, that he cursed Palestinians because their ancestor stole Mohammed's favourite child prostitute. I'm not even Jewish. Just visionary. Like Muhammed himself. I am to marry a rich widow with a shop and sell Palestinian children as sex slaves, again following in Mohammed's path.

>> No.49304599


>> No.49304605

>everyone thinks theyre like some trading genius
Nigger I was flipping PS2 games at the parking lot of a fucking highschool before you were in middle school.
Ive been husting money, I dunno know about you.
Shit, I sold loose cigarettes' for a buck a pop.

>> No.49304607

Fine, for amusements sake:

Martial Arts
bugs (as in invertebrates)

>> No.49304649

I can see that the training for your career as a street corner meth dealer started young. I not envision you as a character from the wire.

>> No.49304660

>Mohammed's favourite child prostitute.
Hope you're not European if you wanna throw around child abuse accusations, you little faggots had kids working in factories and hooking on the streets not too long ago.
Secondly, Everyone through history treated women like property.
Third, Women are property.

>> No.49304707

Fuck the degree. I have a degree, and I wish I didnt even bother.

To be honest, its not like the employer ever checks anyway, so you might as well just say you have one.

And if they want the certificate, you can just whip it up in 15 mins in photoshop if youre enterprising enough.

Maybe its different in muttland

>> No.49304714

Very right, I quit my job for play to earn game back then and am not regretting shits.
Axie infinity has been a life saver, regardless recently am a pro Cometh with the free to play strategy, mad adoption awaits

>> No.49304737
File: 200 KB, 596x772, 1599778034887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can see that the training for your career as a street corner meth dealer started young.
Selling meth directly to users is dumb as fuck, not only are you sheltered but you would get robbed if not for white guys with AR15s and faggy uniforms protecting you.
No, I can just buy things at a low price and sell them for a lot more.
Fuck sake, even the Asian kid was selling fucking candies like hot cakes, You sound like a fucking Communists, not a Capitalist, at all.
>Yeah but that's illegal!
This is America. Shall.

>> No.49304786

Lmao, that really is all it takes to trigger a muslim
How old was Aisha???? Hahahahahaha

Protip: when fighting the demonic Jewish menace, try not to worship a book written by a goat fucker worshipping their national god

>> No.49304803

slave mentality

>> No.49304813

OK good now we are going to consider two words
Close your eyes and try to visualise them. Good now we will add those special words to the works you have given me
VBA Consultant
VBA Engineer
Insect Consultant
Martial Arts Engineer
Good now....first you need a certification to give you certificates in these subjects, you will only need one host and three dns entres

The first should give awards in Martial arts from apprentice to engineer and consultant it should have O about 10 pages of text and images with about us and high professional standards and VERY stringent conditions, now do the same for insect engineers. Better leave VBA alone actually because Microsoft have laywers.

Now you CV reads VERY differently, you are a fully chartered insectologist from the insitute of insect engineering but not just that you are the founder and CEO of the Chartered Martial Arts Engineering and Consulting Group and yourself a fully qualified Martial Artrs consultant.

You will now need a linked in profile with a black and white shoulder photo. You will be available for speaking engagements.

I'll let you take it from there champ

>> No.49304814

No I never sold meth either, but you sound like such a whiney little faggot, like a women, but worse.
You mean to tell me you went your whole school boy life not learning to flip shit for money? Not even fucking shoes? Games? fucking candy?
Fuck I used to charge old people to shovel snow off their roof, I work for my money.

>> No.49304837
File: 129 KB, 962x1308, 3BB6B4F200000578-0-image-a-22_1483101155805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao, that really is all it takes to trigger a muslim
I am Greek, You guys really gotta stop making accusations and assumptions, no wonder women dont like you guys, talk like women.
So fucking catty.

>> No.49304853

Mohammed put his finger in children's bottoms while masturbating and liked little girls most of all. He liked slaves from impoverished defeated people, like Palestinians.

>> No.49304901

>Is hard work really just a meme, or is it truly the key to the kingdom?

>> No.49304912

hard work is important because you want to have the ability to invoke a strong work ethic if you ever find yourself in a position where working hard has exponential value returns to you

I have worked hard at every job and it hasn't netted out much other than extreme success and skillsets that develop 2x faster than my peers.

But then I launched a web3 company last year and the ability to work 18 hour days without batting an eye helped me net 400k last year. If I hadn't cultivated work ethic I would not have been able to capitalize on the bull run last year.

>> No.49304918

Mohammed married a widow who own a shop. He liked sloppy seconds but when it came to kids he liked them fresh, except ones with puppies, hated that, so he killed the puppy and then raped the 9 year old. That's why he's in Hell.

>> No.49304927

Seen this game mentioned a few times on here, but know fuck all about it.

Is it a good earner, and does it require a large time commitment? Can it be automated in any way, or do I have to spend 10 hours a day pretending to be an astronaut or something?

>> No.49304936

Nahh not gonna do that angry swarthoid

>> No.49305057

No no you will make him go alan snackbar he will blow himself and his immediate relatives up in revenge! Mohammed was a dirty bastard, he liked to sell off war captives as sex slaves, dirty little stinky finger beardy arab weirdly that he was. Told his followers he flew to the moon and cut it in half and they were all so sacred shitless of being butchered and having their kids sold off to be raped they all went yeah sure, no fucking proof needed.

>> No.49305135

haha. I'm not sure about insect engineer, but I can definitely see what you're getting at there, so thanks desu

Set up a fake certificating organisation, and award myself the certs I need. I could really see this working...especially with boomers and whatnot.

>> No.49305184

Thats actually really impressive, so well done on your success.

Nice to see someone who did make it through hard work and not just luck.

Think I need to start looking into this web3.0 world a bit more if that sort of money can be made

>> No.49305207

It's seamless as fuck
Being mentioned on rarible's homepage and on it twitter, game is all round trendy

>> No.49305269

>still believing in honest and hard work
The world is too corrupted, those days are over.

>> No.49305272

You realised as founded that there was a great need in the private sector for a qualification and recognition system for insect engineers and consultants that was not being addressed by the academic sector as their focus is naturally not in the very different interests of the private sector. The insect consultant qualification has been awarded and utilised y insect professions in a range of countries to establish their professional competence and to assist their employers in evaluating their skillset. It is the unrivalled private sector insect consulting and engineering qualification and institution providing a vital service to professionals and employers globally

>> No.49305317

Hard work is good, but not enough. Not to doxx myself, but I have military experience, Ivy bachelors and grad school and several accomplishments in the real world. I worked like a dog and looked great on paper, but I remained broke as fuck, paycheck to paycheck, until I started networking. Instead of only leveraging yourself, learn to (also) leverage other people. You cannot ignore the social element of success. Hard work is important, even admirable, but it is not enough by itself. Go ask someone who digs ditches for a living if hard work is enough.

>> No.49305341

It is quite sad to here people like you who are bitter about people who have earned their insect engineer qualification, do you think that they would bother to pass the criteria assessment if they were not in demand? Let's face it if you are involved in private sector insect engineering, you will not go far without a chartered consultants award from the global institute of insect engineering and consulting

>> No.49305364

Although HW&Gr is an appealing ideal and even principle, there is a long history of kikes going to extraordinary lengths on multiple fronts over century on century to insult the payment of wages to white people. HW&Gr would be easy to inspire in whites if an economic innovation could stabilize Occidental economies such that demographic, relativist, gene pool insult fratricides, prepared famines, poisoned wells and other expropriation factors were factored out. A coin that was genetically verified so that all and only white people could exchange in it would make matters of HW&Gr worth sticking to over generations. Often in past, when a deal is offered -- land, loans, education, no matter the level of good faith, within three generations all are sabotaged and squandered by Loxist sociopathy.

>> No.49305454

>Set up a fake certificating organisation
The Global Institute of Chartered Insect Engineering and Consulting is NOT FAKE. It is THE recognised private sector qualification for chartered insect engineers and valid in 179 countries.

>> No.49305497

Damn, maybe I should try and get certified then if its THAT renound. Youve convinced me

>> No.49305604

I once actually spoke to the founder of the Global Institute of Chartered Insect Engineering and Consulting (GICIEC), well not spoke exact, I exchanged mesasages with him on a message forum style thing but still, that not bad really. I hear he is using crypto tokens to hand out the earned certificate using NFTs. I'm still working toward my Chartered Engineer and I think they may be pursing partnerships with governments and even UN bodies with insect related concerns.

>> No.49305652

You actually understood what I am trying to tell you. Sell me that pen.

>> No.49305829

Problem is very few people here actually think about or create a business, just a bunch of moonboys praying for a 10x.
Hard work, determination, and obsession is absolutely necessary to succeed in real business ventures.
Its not a 40hr per week job its 24/7, the vast majority of people in the world cant handle that they are lazy and lack the drive

>> No.49305932

>you little faggots had kids working in factories and hooking on the streets not too long ago therefore you can't accuse me of human trafficking with stolen children
Sure abdul, nice slave market you got there on dubai, how much for a submissive wife?

>> No.49306094

why hard work when i can get big internet money. i hard work by buying matic.

>> No.49306175

So did you work hard then?

If so at what, and how much you made because of it?

>> No.49306350

are people so desperate for motivation that they get motivated by sisphyus pushing a boulder up a hill?

>> No.49306473

found the jelly DYEL


>> No.49306588

I have a futures trading business, a high margin agricultural business, and manage some family money. certainly haven't "made it" yet but its absolutely a 24/7 job and keeps me from having to wagecuck. theres also insanely massive upside in both businesses as they scale up organically which can take some years. the end goal is always being self-made.

>> No.49306660

Sounds like you've done well for yourself. Especially making it in trading! Well done desu and keep it up

Hoping to get there one day.

>> No.49306728

Marxist labor theory of value has been debunked time and time again. When will you fucking learn you retard commie? The output is what matters.

>> No.49306776
File: 17 KB, 300x169, brah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49306809

I can deadlift 450 and I did rich piana’s four hour arm workout once, I’m alright

>> No.49306838

>falling for boomer memes


>> No.49307005

These are akin to feel good platitudes you get on motivational youtube channels. Detached from reality and meaningless. The system is designed to keep you where you are and to transfer wealth from you to those above you in the ponzi. Working hard is a concept from a dead era and should be considered a meme in 2022; imagine the CEO of coke working his way up from a warehouse worker in today's environment like one did back in the 80's. 2022 exists at the dawn of techno-feudalism and anyone who hasn't got their hands on a sizeable amount of assets already will remain in their position they are born in forever (and so will their offspring). Globalism sealed the death of the middle class and possibility of hard work resulting in a better position in the ponzi as it has introduced what is in effect worldwide labour arbitrage. If you must wage slave do as little as possible and accept that there is little hope in improving your position beyond the crypto casino.

>> No.49307036


I agree with your sentiment, but coupled with a willingness to work hard is a requirement to do the uncomfortable things.
The guy willing to knock on doors and do what's required no matter how far outside his comfort zone it is, will succeed.

Plenty of hard working people lie to themselves and think that working hard is a replacement for doing hard things... It's not.

Most people assume they know how to pitch and sell, but they don't and it's the thing holding them back.

>> No.49307183

You are right in some respects. Things are definitely different. Hard work alone wont get you anywhere if its not directed. Being the hardest working warehouse worker isnt going to get you CEO

Dont think its hopeless though, you just have to make sure your hard work is focused on having a direct benefit to you. That can be working hard to get a skill, or working hard on youre side hustle.

You probably wont get to the top of the ponzi pyramid, but if you work hard and smart, hopefully you can eek out a slither of something for yourself in this dystopian hellscape

>> No.49307251

>Its not a 40hr per week job its 24/7, the vast majority of people in the world cant handle that they are lazy and lack the drive

kek this isn't true. If your business is good you should be working like 20 hours a week MAX while swimming in the profits. You sound like a boomer.

>> No.49309101

Does this mean you do landscaping and day trading? You make it sound so fancy lol

>> No.49309135

>Is hard work really just a meme, or is it truly the key to the kingdom?
It's outdated. It's called Capitalism, not Workism. If you want to succeed you have to deploy capital with a mix of wits and luck

>> No.49309519

Nope. Luck is more important than hard work. For every hard worker that makes it, there are dozens who work just as hard but who didn't catch the same kind of lucky break (or, worse, caught an unlucky one even while they were on the right path). Survivorship bias then kicks in.

>> No.49309829

I have a close friend who was born to a rich dentist dad, who constantly complains and thinks he's working hard.
However out of our entire friend group he is the most spoilt and entitled, and will never actually have to work in his life.
He was just given $5 million worth of land for his 30th birthday.

Lifes a cunt, be born rich or suffer.

>> No.49310075

>Is hard work really just a meme, or is it truly the key to the kingdom?

it's just a meme, it used to mean something 30+ years ago but not anymore. Do you want proof? Check out this video that was posted earlier. Do you think this girl works harder than teens flipping burgers? Or harder than young dudes in construction or trades? This woman makes more than most certified electricians and plumbers and she is only 24 years old


>> No.49310295

Not really a meme, but an employment phase that I believe a lot of young people in their 20’s have to go through. Essentially eat shit and do the grunt work to build experience, then move onto a position with less stress and more pay later down the line

>> No.49310475

My hookah bar went pretty well until covid, but I made out like a bandit anyway. Honestly if you're working hard instead of smart you already shot yourself in the foot because you're relying on sweat to fill a deficit that you should be filling some other way.

>> No.49310842

>if i take 15% from you and everyone else doing that
15% happens to be the % of tokens allocated to myself for my DeFi platform, which granted me 15% of earnings
Many people who invested in my platform lost as much as 6 figures due to my token crashing, while I made several million dollars without ever selling any of my dev tokens
I'd have made twice as much if I wasn't a moralfag who genuinely wanted his platform to succeed
I still got accused of soft rugging for trying to save my platform, so what's the point?

>> No.49310901

>after crypto I can't even get myself to focus on holding a job for any length of time before I start feeling like absolute shit and look for excuses to quit
I'm working on skills that will help me be in a better spot to take advantage of the next bull run, like web dev and social skills
I remember the despair as my platform withered away and want to avoid feeling it ever again, though most platforms fail so it's likely I'll have to endure it again

>> No.49311051

if you want become rich working hard, just open a busniess or become a high tier wagie
crypto and stocks is for spiritual neet's, is the easy and faster way, but the most risky

>> No.49311164 [DELETED] 

>Luck is more important than hard work.
You need to work hard to learn the skills necessary to take advantage of lucky breaks.
I got my lucky break when the owner of a multi-billion dollar DeFi platform gave me a favorable referral that helped me get my first couple hundred users, despite me barely ever talking to him. However, without the programming ability I had built up over the last decade, I wouldn't have been able to take advantage of his referral.
Of course, there's also unlucky events. My platform would have been dead on arrival if it had launched in early May just before the crash.

>> No.49311256

Shut the fuck up commie scum

>> No.49311278

In most cases, there's no one thing that leads to success. It's a combination of hard work, innate skill, and luck. There are lots of hard-working people in absolute poverty, and lots of people with all the luck in the world but no idea what to do with it.

>> No.49311304

>Luck is more important than hard work.
Hard work doesn't get you far, you need luck and a network to become rich

>> No.49311729

Pic related is literally Sisyphus, the man doomed by the gods to a repetitive, futile task.

>> No.49311815

>Why no discussion of hard work and grit?
because this board is nothing but millennials and zoomers

>> No.49311839

As long as you work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Some people do that backwards and it doesn't seem to be going well for them.

>> No.49311895

while you are right. Go back faggot.

>> No.49312304
