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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 290 KB, 1280x1260, Fitness-Girls-And-Gymnastics-763e10718dbe0416044ebfe5c3acccf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4930110 No.4930110 [Reply] [Original]

I believe I have insider information. A VERY large and famous company (has to do peripherally with finance, and had a very large media exposure this year due to an event in another industry) is about to adopt a coin.

1) If I expose this publicly, am I liable for anything? No, right? Because crypto isn't considered a security by the SEC?

2) How do I maximize my gains? I have 300k in crypto right now, I'd probably put 150k into this coin (wouldn't risk my whole stack, and I like my diversification)

If you actually help me, I might send the information to you if you leave an email (don't need to do it right away, I will tag you for you email)

>> No.4930155

Is it link?

>> No.4930161

youre talking about disney?

>> No.4930186


definitely not

>has to do peripherally with finance

>> No.4930187

dude, just say the coin and pump that shit, biz and the rest will follow with hype alone, you'll profit anyway

>> No.4930218

i dont think your going to jail since bitcoins arent considered real anyway

>> No.4930240

I'm trying to be as vague as possible, because if someone copied this thread and sent it around the company, the person who I got the info from could probably figure out it was me unless I'm very careful.

It wouldn't be a big deal between that person and I, assuming the company had no idea it was them who leaked info, I just wouldn't want him/her to know I come to this faggoty board and post shit because that would be incredibly embarrassing.

>> No.4930261

does the coin involve lending?

>> No.4930264

1. no, not liable for anything
2. just because they adopt a certain coin doesn't guarantee it'll moon but there's a high probability. you'll need to buy it now when it's still cheap

>> No.4930270

1) I don't see what motivation you have to expose this. Plus, a random Anon on 4chan isn't going to be taken credibly. If you go to the Wall Street Journal with printed out copies of confidential documents providing it, whether it's legal or not, doesn't matter – your life will be about to be made hell – but anonymously posting on 4chan that some fuckin financial company is about to buy IOTA is shitposting same as eveyrone else here
2) If I were you and I'd seen a document / told by someone who will be involved in implementing it, and not e.g. some girl in HR who might have confused the name of the coin up for another one, I'd put 150k into it. not on the basis of diversification but rather still always possible your source is wrong, there's a last second kibosh on the idea by the CEO, etc.

>> No.4930297


>> No.4930300

OK you want advice:
1- no
2- half is "safe"
is why

>> No.4930305

Amazon approving of BCH.

>> No.4930308

It's either Larpcoin or OPFAGcoin.

>> No.4930313

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Just post it nigger

>> No.4930321

IOTA for sure

>> No.4930326

I'm pretty sure no. I actually don't know what they're using it for.

it's in the top 100 marketcap and it's not in the top 10

I guess I was hoping for some way to leverage this shit 10000x or something and make a ton of money, more than I could with my stack. I don't really know how to margin trade crypto though.

>> No.4930340

both long term holds!

>> No.4930345


Why would you email? Just post here Sir. Pajeet

>> No.4930348

IOTA thing is already public. Amazon approving of BCH is still up in the air.

>> No.4930361

then why post the thread, just tell the damn coin or you're a faggot larper

>> No.4930387

Please, OP.
I’m a poorfag and I cant Post begging threads anymore.
Just let me know what shitcoin this is so I can Go straight to lamboland

>> No.4930390

Post 4 coins here, one obviously the real one

That way there's no way to verify you weren't just a random shill taking an educated guess

>> No.4930393

it's qualcomm / iota. go in with 300k, but only if they release the new wallet before the news goes public. storing 300k on bitfinex/binance seems scary.

>> No.4930401

that's a solid idea

>> No.4930402

> Einsteinium
> Apple

>> No.4930423 [DELETED] 

honeywell and eth?

>> No.4930446

It's clearly

>> No.4930460

Wow OP is a faggot

>> No.4930468

>Amazon approving of BCH is still up in the air.

you goddamn idiot

>> No.4930489

Dude just tell us. Plausible deniability anyway because everyone larps here and every moon has been called.

>> No.4930522

>mfw I know what the coin is because I work there
OP we might work at the same place.

Also to everyone else in this thread, it's on Bittrex but not really on the biggest exchanges.

>> No.4930533

You could just say the coin, and a vague enough shill too keep yourself safe

>> No.4930535

Hey guys we can figure it out using basic logic. Its a coin with really low or zero transaction fees and is likely already being touted as the original bitcoin.


>> No.4930540

man i love playing 20 questions

>> No.4930549

It's not BCH lol. Nobody in this thread was even close.

>> No.4930553


>> No.4930558

Jp morgan and Bitbay it's was insider information.Good job asshole

>> No.4930560

Oh look assblaster is back with another "i have sceret information pay me" thread

he did this last night

>> No.4930578

Well I actually do know what it is and I'm not going to ask to be paid.
That's awesome but it's not that.

>> No.4930586
File: 270 KB, 1680x1050, chartreuse-bg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its DGB isnt it...

>> No.4930601

Its FUCK coin isnt it

>> No.4930620

Its clearly stellarlumens, neo, walton or cardano

to the moon, marines!

>> No.4930631

ADA and XLM are the only ones that make sense.

>> No.4930637

lol no idiot. This coin has a working product already but is still pretty under the radar. Unlike OP I'm actually willing to just say it if you people want, but you'll call me an idiot if I do or say "No it's not that it's X coin" instead or something.

It's none of those.

>> No.4930651

>Because crypto isn't considered a security by the SEC?
Some crypto can be a security

>> No.4930652

>I'm actually willing to just say it if you people want
Please tell me

>> No.4930654

It's ARK...I've said too much already..

>> No.4930655

Oh look another LARPer has joined the party

>> No.4930656

So should we just start guessing?

>> No.4930657

It's not a totally unknown coin, but not one shilled here either (that I know of, I've never seen a thread about it when I've been here which is a moderate amount)

Stop speculating like faggots and help me come up with a plan, then I will create a telegram group and invite you guys so we can execute it.

>> No.4930660


nuls coin then

>> No.4930661


>> No.4930674

It will never be anything chinese

>> No.4930688
File: 74 KB, 213x250, SECPEPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me more.

>> No.4930690

The plan is. You tell us. We all buy in. You make 10% off of our fomo.

>> No.4930696

is it modum?

>> No.4930722

and the company you're referring to is SpaceX


>> No.4930724

it's Raiden.

Many to one and pay per use will be huge.

>> No.4930732

Two guesses, RCN... Or Equafax and CVC? Did I get it OP?

>> No.4930733

Here's what you do, bitch.

Buy the 150k or whatever (slowly so as to not increase the price or attract attention; maybe 20k worth per day or someting)
Don't use leverage, that's just dumb and a quick way to lose your stack
After the price doubles, sell half your stack (again, slowly). You don't wanna risk loss when you're playing with that much

And no you won't be legally liable since crypto is not regulated like stocks are.

>> No.4930758

nah he already said it wasn't RCN

>> No.4930762

citibank and civic

>> No.4930767

Oh and as for the other half of your stack, just sell it as soon as the 24h volume stops climbing

>> No.4930792

blub blub

>> No.4930799

There's really only one way to do this.

Buy as much as you can afford, and then tell us. We'll then buy in and the price will go up.

>> No.4930801
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many idiots here..... you will buy his bags morons...if he knew something he would buy a coin and be silent.

>> No.4930803

i have a very strong feeling it's NEXUS and the company that will endorse it is SpaceX
Elon Musk and Jim Cantrell are ol'butt buddies

>> No.4930811

Use Signal app. It's P2P encrypted and not a company that holds your private keys so no one will be able to access it except those in the channel

>> No.4930813

true, no one on biz actually helps each other

were all cuthroats looking to pump and dump on fools

>> No.4930828

I've seen Factom shilled a lot and desu, Teeka will probably announce it soon on his report too now that they are slowing getting to the pinnacle of their roadmap.

>> No.4930836

Give us the name but not the company and then you aren't liable for anything.

We don't need to know the company.

>> No.4930841

It's actually more stupid to be silent if you know something. Just buy as much as you want and then reveal the information. Prices will go up.

>> No.4930866

I actually think it's Factom...holy shit, check their recent updates.

>> No.4930871

You're all going to laugh at me when I say it but you can wait and see if you don't believe me.

There's a company which I'm not going to give away, like >>4930836 said, looking to actually try out a decentralized application and be something of a pioneer in the space, because if we're right it will be incredibly good for our company.

So we're going to use a coin for decentralized governance. There's like 1 major coin out there right now for decentralized governance.

You'll hate me for it too. It's ANT.

>> No.4930886

The real question is, why doesnt this huge company just make its own pre-mined fucking coin and tell everyone to fuck off with their shitcoins? Because if I was a big company that's what I would do.

>> No.4930908

Congrats on this. Seriously.
You just made a couple people fomo into ANT.

>> No.4930910

so you will buy a random coin/token because someone tells you to do hahaha... stay poor

>> No.4930913

Because what we actually want is to use the work of another company and their partnership.

It's not a currency we're after here. Otherwise yeah no shit we'd just make our own. It's the company's product and basically their partnership, so if they tell us ANT is used a certain way, that's the way we have to use it, because its value, basically, is given to it by the company Aragon which backs it.

>> No.4930945

This shit isn't happening until at least early next year though so I don't think buying now will make a difference except to maybe buy and hold for the long term.

>> No.4930952

What a surprise. OP is a massive twot.

>> No.4930961

Yeah, but /biz/ will just go in and sell for loss. Then buy at ATH when it really doesk shine, lmao.
It's a vicious cycle desu.

>> No.4930963

Of course not, but your original post was still wrong.

There is no reason not to reveal insider info once you've bought in. My post was just to tell you that you're the idiot in this scenario.

>> No.4930979


>> No.4930983

Apple I’d believe

>> No.4930993

go all in... hahaha

>> No.4931041

Sensible enough story. ANT has a good business use case.

It should downtrend for a long while so now is a poor time to invest.

>> No.4931043

It's the secret of MANA......

>> No.4931046

Factom is definitely one of the picks for Teeka's top coins. He has constantly shilled it, but never the top coin. He did the same with DASH and ZEN. His reports always had them in, no matter what because Teeka was bullish on both. If you check his youtube channel, he only subscribed to the coins that actually had youtube channels (and possibly the picks) for his coin. It was how I knew DASH was last month's pick. Factom has announcements/updates coming and it also fits his B.I.T.S scale. When the time comes, please thank me later.

>> No.4931053

Fair enough then

>> No.4931070

holy fuck it's dragons

>> No.4931074

Yeah, going in alts is just plain dumb right now. BTC will need to correct and we need to wait til alts completely bottom out along with BCH getting out of the spotlight too. Then that's when alt season comes and ANT may just do another fine run.

>> No.4931084

usable information, thanks anon. I'll be checking his youtube subs from now on.

>> No.4931089

well, good luck ... I wouldn't trust anyone here

>> No.4931102


Faggot says involves Disney. Dis ey literally has a coin. KYs you shit faggot

>> No.4931393

Can anyone in this thread read? Do you people seriously think I'm implying it's disney? Also another faggot here pretending to be me.

No recommendations so far, you guys are truly idiots. Not revealing the coin unless you give me a good fucking plan.

>> No.4931435

What sort of plan do you want?

Here's a plan: Invest in the coin, never reveal it to anyone. Profit from insider trading. Coins and tokens are not securities.

Many great men became rich this way in the early days of the stock market. You are very lucky.

>> No.4931438

Futures trading on crypto opens up Sunday night, that might be a good way to leverage the coin.

>> No.4931498

give a vague description boy

>> No.4931582


Here's a plan OP, yes leveraging is the best way, however, there are a lot of inherent risks.

The way I see it is, you leak this info and there's a massive pump from it, it'll get dumped straight away, you'll get margin called if you're leveraged or be in the red until the company releases the announcement.

You need to stay within the margin otherwise you're going to lose all your money before they release the announcement.

The only scenario where you come out ahead with margin trading is to buy just before the announcement so there's no risk of fluctuations. Or you could sell as soon as the leak leads to a decent pump. You'd need to be very careful though.

TL;DR don't trade it on margin because there's a decent chance you may lose your money

>> No.4931587

Use a cipher for fucks' sake

>> No.4931592

Anon speaks truth, good plan. But guess what. This market is unregulated. These rules don't apply... Maybe pass the information to this thread because the wealth in this world needs to change hands and this is a great way to catalyze that. As much as this place is filled with ignorant kek pajeet faggots, there is a strong community on these boards that could make a positive difference in this world if they have the right resources.

>> No.4931677


1) Have you signed an NDA? Has anyone signed an NDA that you know of? Basically has anyone told you any information you should not be entitled with? Is this information public? You are still stepping into a grey area of releasing company secrets. ie. best to do it secretly

2) I think you get a group together who shill the fuck out of the coin, which will put it on people's radars and then when the news comes it'll cause a bigger spike. Doing this than say leveraging with a margin lending is much safer.
I have more ideas.

Also sauce on pic please.

>> No.4931708

buy the rumor, sell the news

>> No.4931712

my best advise is to just buy the coin and if you think your in trouble hire a good lawyer if they come after you. its a confusing market and I bet you'll sneak on by. and if your super worried move to china and cash out before anyone knows what is what.

>> No.4931721

looks like larper retard.

>> No.4931732

OK, OK. You're right!

STEP ONE: Are you, or someone close to you in a possession of kneepads? If not, how fast can you acquire some?
N.B. Do not underestimate this step. It is crucial!!!

>> No.4931765

OP just make a telegram and get advice there. Then u can avoid the larpers and shilltards. Put another 50k in and relax.

>> No.4931781

OP doesn't need kneepads after all the corporate cock he's sucked

>> No.4931825

You're way over complicating it mate. If you know the partnership is happening just dump a fuck load in the coin and wait for the moon. with your money all it has to do is 10x and you're a millionaire but I imagine you're out for more.

Seriously heres your plan: buy it, hold it, tell no one on /biz/ about this. Sell when it moons and your goals are reached. Also drop me a link to the telegram.

>> No.4931889

exchange union coin

Maybe its this one

>> No.4931899


>> No.4931934
File: 142 KB, 241x209, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it one of the german banks ? i've heard about it too.
its a game changer. I know the coin now :)

>> No.4931949


>> No.4931975


>> No.4932047

The Name Of The Coin Is :



>> No.4932102

I'm guessing this is related to cloud solutions?

1) Correct
2) I wouldn't risk your stack using margin. The only way I know of getting the most out a pump in price is to sell in small amounts over a period of time.

>> No.4932126

if you want insider information you have to go here https://discord.gg/nHfvtkU

>> No.4932170

The only coins not constantly shilled on biz in the top 100 are:

>> No.4932177

Liquidate all assets you can afford to and go all in on the coin. Then tell /biz/ what coin & company it is so they do likewise. /biz/ pajeets will spread the rumor for you, then you just sell the news.

>> No.4932227

it is xlm :)

>i have the same insider info

>> No.4932252

Except both of those coins get shilled here constantly.

>> No.4932279



>> No.4932347

is this the new nigerian scam?
1. find a few gullible anons to put a chunk of their port into unknown coin.
2. Pump up some unknown shit coin
3. sell shit coin high.

>> No.4932353


>> No.4932359

true, maybe op has some other info then. but buy xlm too unless you hate money :)

>> No.4932377

if it's the one i think you're talking about (not german but close), then i know they're looking at ethereum closely -- esp in regards to contracts.

>> No.4932410

nah they are talking to nChain now, satoshi gonna set them straight once he ads smart contract op codes back into bitcoin (cash)

>> No.4932476
File: 10 KB, 192x263, arousing numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top tier larping my friend

>> No.4932548 [DELETED] 


help me out guys i need the ethereum

>> No.4932719

OP, There will be no issue if you create a telegram group. Nothing can come back at you given that it's currently not considered a security by the SEC. If news like that does come out, you delete the channel before the SEC actually passes any rule and then technically nothing ties back to you. Nothing illigal. Create the telegram channel and post the link here

>> No.4933484

Oh well, it certainly won’t be REQ... Which is the only coin that’s going to change finances as we know it. It has a testnet that’s about to be released and it’s part of YCombinator, which supported little startups like airbnb, dropbox etc. These companies would easily adopt REQ to accept payments.

But yeah, it’s definitely going to be
> muh tanglecoin
> muh darknet coin
> muh rocketcoin

You guys must be sniffing paint or something.

>> No.4933529

ANT is literally two spics who cashed in on the ICO craze and haven't even been working on their product since then. Luis is an advisor for fucking everything under the sun. Ridiculous desu. I could actually believe you're part of a company who wants to invest in it, he's very good at selling himself to people who fall for buzzwords.

>> No.4933742

You wouldnt be viable if you let us know first.

>> No.4933754

Initiate a group chat via an anonymous messaging app then. Dont disclose information that only you may know and i guess you'd be safe as a racoon in duck season.

>> No.4933800

I have a good idea, you create a telegram group where we all pay you 0.01 btc to enter then you tell us it?

>> No.4933826

ur a fucking idiot how can people assume its fucking you if u just say who it is ur so dumb what more info does that give

>> No.4933897

buy vpn with xmr -> laptop you bought from some bum on craigslist -> tails linux boot-> join a public free wireless network and release the kraken - you should be fine - there is no way to trace that shit back to you if u get rid of that laptop (should even be fine without getting rid of it)
now back to reality post the coin - as if somebody gives a flying fuck what you post on a taiwanese basket weaving forum.

>> No.4933913


> larping this hard

>> No.4933925

to cont
>because if someone copied this thread and sent it around the company, the person who I got the info from could probably figure out it was me unless I'm very careful.
literally impossible unless the guy you know is the only person at this "big company" that knows about this deal.. how would they know it was you and not one of the other 2384923498 people that know about this deal?

>> No.4933942

The only way to use leverage on altcoins is if there's margin trading available for it on either Poloniex or Bitfinex.
But even in that case you would have to know when exactly it's going to happen in order to avoid losses.

>> No.4933943

well in terms of a plan, there's really four stages you need to look at.

stage 1 needs to be acquiring. If you havent acquired, you're obviously not going to profit. I'd keep it quiet until then. You'll probably need to acquire gradually over a little time as a 150k buy will pump pricing somewhat anyway.

stage 2 is when it gets leaked. Keep in mind that you don't have to specify (leak) WHO the company is although generally more info leaked = more initial price pump. How you leak it is up to you.

Stage 3 is where it's pumped from the leak (early adopters) and you can either sell some (to people flocking to fomo) to cover your initial, or hold.

stage 4 is you want for an official announcement to get some more pump before you sell, again at that stage people will be fomo'ing into it .

stage omega is you just keep acquiring on the cheap over time, keep your mouth shut and wait for the eventual announcement, except for a few select people of course ;)

>> No.4933960

Its cindicator.

>> No.4933968

oh forgot to mention that while you can't get in legal trouble for spreading this although obviously its a dick move if you're going to get busted/called out.

I assume you're a third party as in you know someone who works somewhere who told you something. They could get in trouble from their employer (breach of confidentiality), not you.

>> No.4933973

The Weinstein company will be paying reparations in Vaginacoin

>> No.4934001

Is this the new kind of "please buy my bags" shilling to get the attention of some gullible fags on here?

Either way, most people won't care anyway/ignore it anyway.

Byteball btw

>> No.4934007

It's BAT holyshit

>> No.4934043

it's visa and monero

>> No.4934066

It's Wetrust tokens.

>> No.4934080

This one actually makes sense

>> No.4934095

No issue just tell us cause how can bitcoms be real if our eyes aren't real

>> No.4934122

my guess is populous

>> No.4934131


>> No.4934144

I work for the company OP is talking about. From now on i´m implementing Chainlink. I´m not goin to tell you wich company it is tho.

>> No.4934154


>> No.4934163

I've figured it out. It's BTC or ETH

>> No.4934223

Everyone is forgetting the last step in any plan:

Don't get caught because you display unexplained affluence around the people who know you. If you make life changing money off insider trading, don't buy anything that your current financial situation can't justify until you're so far removed (time) nobody would think to tie it back to you.

>> No.4934281

It's not BAT. I fucking hate BAT shills which is why I'm coming forth at least to deny it's BAT.

How do I create a telegram group? Is telegram anonymous?

>> No.4934312

List 5 different coins and include the one you're talking about as one of them and /biz/ will figure it out

>> No.4934349

It's OmiseGO u idiots
Sorry OP had to spoil ur fun

>> No.4934440

Telegram is encrypted end to end, but I'm not sure about the groups. The safest option for anonimity is unironically biz, but I assume you don't want a P&D

>> No.4934449


>> No.4934497

Or just list a shit ton of coins.

>> No.4934562

We know it's XRB you larping faggot

>> No.4934577

It's Bancor.

>> No.4934587


>> No.4934602

My guesses would be OMG or PPT

>> No.4934964


>> No.4934978

It's Ark

>> No.4935217

How about you just let us ask you whether it is not coin X and you say yes if it isn't. You will never be saying exactly what the coin is as there will always be another shitcoin /biz/ has missed but if it's not entirely shit tier this will narrow it down.

From a legal standpoint, you're completely safe anyway provided you aren't actually a developer of the coin (assuming you're in a normal Western nation, can't speak for anywhere other than US/UK/AUS/NZ). I wouldn't suggest saying too much about the company or anything that could link back to it though as this may jeopardize their partnership and shit all over your plan.

>> No.4935296

Razer zvault

>> No.4935304

this is the way to cover your ass op, now deliver

>> No.4935406

I'm guessing Sony. They have a very large financial sector. What coin would they employ?

>> No.4935432

tell me which one is


>> No.4935480

I think i do know what it is, i have some information from the palm beach boyz, wanna discuss on Telegram? Besides that, Telegram is safe and anonymous.

>> No.4935590

Your plan should be something like this:

1. Accumulate the coin, obviously,
2. Leak information to a few others, but again accumulate in a steady state (Don't pump it, since this might give it away).
3. Leak the information when you are ready and prepared, this could be bits by bits. This could be done in many manners. You already doing it now, even though you might not aware of it.
4. At this state everything can happen, will people believe you? If not, you can still accumulate.
5. If they do believe you, your investment will grow, but this is also the moment you lose control, since you can't control the situation anymore. (You might wanna postpone the announcement, until you are prepared)

How can you control the situation?
1. Be smart what you leak, and when you leak.
2. Don't overextend
3. Be honest, so people will believe you.

It is very important that you keep in control of the situation, since that is what you want, if you lose control at an early state, it is just a flip of a coin if it really work out or not.

>> No.4935639


no, it's not an entertainment company. Nor is it a tech company. It's not a bank, but it's a VERY well known "financial related" company.

Palm beach wouldn't have this information, and they are pajeet scammers anyway, I got it straight from an insider. I'm sure I'm one of only a hundred people who know.

>> No.4935652

Was it mentioned in this thread already?
Where's the telegram group?

>> No.4935654

>muh I have inside information of a real shitty coin
>this will moon xDDD
>but I'm too scared to say anything
just tell us the coin or leave

>> No.4935656

Why don't you just do this >>4935217 and stop acting like a spy

>> No.4935674
File: 734 KB, 1000x1000, 1354233800535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking tell us pleeeeeease anon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4935687

Well, is it an asian company? If yes, does the name of the coin, have an I and an A in it? If yes, we might know the same info ;)

>> No.4935723

coin or gtfo

>> No.4935766

It's square, isn't it cunt?

>> No.4935783

He's just trolling
Get trolled

>> No.4935811

its cardano u faggots BUY

>> No.4935824

Sony's financial section has ofy n made more money than the Entertainment side of things. That's why is was not an unreasonable guess. However, knowing Sony's panchant for making their own formats (and often failing) perhaps it wasn't that much of a sensible guess afterall. I don't even know why I joined in to be honest. Most of the advice and "inside info" on biz is shite and shills from bagholders.

>> No.4935841

Its hyundai.

>> No.4935857

dude I gave you the plan. create a proton mail, tell us which one is here in the thread and send the answer to people who post their proton mail here.

that's it.



>> No.4935859

This thread is going no where, OP has had 7 hours to make any hints and he just keeps saying "BUT I CAN'T TELL ANYONE!"

calling bullshit

>> No.4935896

>leverage 10000x
>someone sells 1 satoshi lower than the price you longed at
Never leverage more than 50x anon. Also the only way you can leverage is if polo lets you, but they only have like 10 alts you can leverage as far as I know.
Just buy as much as you can and tell us the coin so we can all go to lambo land-

>> No.4935918


>> No.4935920

This is the truth. OP just won't say it.

>> No.4935940

Company will be Visa

No idea what the coin would be. I assumed lumens but OP shut that down

>> No.4935947

OP here.

I'm friends with Vitalik and we work side by side at the office. We used to play WoW together so that's how I know him. I have decided to reveal my secret. Its about Ethereum. Join my discord if u want to know https://discord.gg/sCdVDAn

>> No.4935954

I have heard both cardano and bch from a friend who knows someone with connections. I may actually try to get in touch with them and ask.

>> No.4935963

isn't square a payment provider?

>> No.4935969




>> No.4936033

Is the coins market cap around 100m? :^)

>> No.4936165


>> No.4936319


yeah sure bro

>> No.4936332

ofc its bullshit

>> No.4936333

your loss

>> No.4936339
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Does the working product confirm esignstures?

>> No.4936347

It's Ark

>> No.4936458

I don't think anyone would find out if you leaked it in a telegram group.
Most people here are very skeptical so maybe only 1/3 would join the group and only a few would have the money to invest.
You diversifying your portfolio is nice since if things start to go south,you reduce the losses.

>> No.4936521

well what's the mcap of the coin and what kind of growth this news can provide? if your looking for leverage, it's on polo i think, but limited to certain coins. What is your goal in term of ROI.

>> No.4936555

Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac.
Going to use qtum

>> No.4936639

>I believe I have insider information.
You either do or you don't, what the fucks up with this? And just ffs say it, you think that a post on 4chan is gonna get you burned?

>> No.4936646

Holy shit stop bumping this

>> No.4936684
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The company is Mastercard
The cryptocurrency is Litecoin

Sorry OP but you've had long enough

>> No.4936690

It's obviously one of the big 4 firms. But what the fuck does it mean to "adopt" a coin. Are they forking the git repo and making their own net? Are they buying the dev team? Are they buying up all the coins on the open market? Are you forcing all their employees to be paid in this coin? Such a deliberately vague term because this is a larp.

>> No.4937648


>> No.4938055

Is it RCN or POWR?

>> No.4938107

Some cryptos are utilities some are more like securities. Just make sure its one on the up and up and you're good

>> No.4938124

there's an unknown conglomerate announcing an investment into OmiseGo q4.

>> No.4938172

OPFAGcoin always a safe bet anyways

>> No.4938291

1) well its not a security, so no sec
2) you could bring in other investors and give them a cut.
like if someone has 5k, you give them a 20% cut of the profits

>> No.4938327


>> No.4938417

briefly scrolled through this thread, might have missed something

you are actually overestimate the value of information you have there. from this point it basically depends on what proof of information you mentioned you have. if you have a direct proof which most likely you don't, you better not to public it anyway since your ass likely to get sued, no matter is it a coin, or a stock purchase, or anything like that

information without a proof is gonna be worthless since everyone can come with info like that
so just buy the coin and wait

>> No.4938476

RobinHood is accepting Litecoin

>> No.4938488

This. No other explanation.

"financial related" means venture capital and Tim Draper is nutting all over about RCN.

>> No.4938565

its blocknet because yday i saw a ton of buying in the same minute and no selling and it has to do with trading. Telegram is safe here is my telegram handle: @tehyx

>> No.4938632


>> No.4938661

It's ZCoin.
Brendan Eich has been hinting at it.

The Brave mobile browser will use Zcoin for payments.

>> No.4938735

There are rumors that Visa is going to use NGR for payment, is that what you mean OP

>> No.4938918

Pretty much this -> >>4931825
But I want to know too, reward my honesty or something pls

>> No.4939007

Go all in now Anon if you can trust the source then, SELL the news and buy back in after the dip which always happens after a news pump, and you will have hopefully almost doubled your stack....
if its big news wait for big volume (<1000 btc) before selling

Split your holdings up into 3-4 parts and sett sell orders that you would be happy with :)

I would like to know the coin anon coz ive been getting hammered lately :/

>> No.4939129

Cindicator may not be OPs coin in question but I too have some info and Cindicator is a wise investment, all I'm gonna say about that...also, if you dig, and aren't a brain let , you could put 2&2 together for some big things and Civic. Yes..Vinny the douche but money is money.

>> No.4939277

ok wait actually, didnt read your OP lul.....
150k is a lot of money, so you dont want to buy your full stack right away...
when is the news coming?

if its more than a month, observe the charts and see roughly where the coin is finding its lowest support recently....
study the coin, then when it reaches near the bottom support buy any orders that are under s threshold of say 5% above that.
Then wait for another dip to occur and repeat...
Now that you have accumulated your stack you sit back crack open a beer and wait for the news to roll in....

When it does, observe the pump that will occur, there will be an insider pump followed by a small dump, dont sell here, wait for the crazy volume then set sell orders that seem realistoc( and one that is seems very unlikely)
you need to be careful withthe stacks that you have, not to sell too much at a time, as this could crash the pump...

anyways, after this mega pump, there will be a bear trend, this is where you stock up again( maybe only buy back your original stack and keep the profit as welll, profit)
Set sell oders of where you think it could drop to(normally there is panick selling and it drops to below where it should( the perfect time to buy)
if you look at the graph, draw lines where the coin had support on the pump(this is levels where the coin bounced off during the small dumps that occured)
Using these support lines you can get a good idea of where to set buy orders ( if its serious news the coin should drop about 60-70% from its ath)

And voila you're a rich motherfucker

Let me know if this is dogshit or helpful, and ket me know if u feel like sending me an email :)

>> No.4939385

An actually really wise guy on /biz/, what happened?

>> No.4939462

Post info and sauce or bugger off.

>> No.4939470
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to normie life
>Hang out with friends for 6 hours
>Get home
>Refresh /biz/ catalogue
This LARP ist still going on

>> No.4939501

the absolute state of us

>> No.4939520

Its nipplecoin

>> No.4939651

OP, you know the only right answer is to not tell anybody. Don't be an idiot because you know /biz/ is.

>> No.4940225

wow OP is a faggot, make the fucking telegram u dick or just fucking say the coin

>> No.4940426

>I believe I have insider information.

>> No.4940744

Well done, OP has exit scam and is now researching all the coin anon has provided

>> No.4941450


OP, invest your stash early.

Then make a post about how some some coin is mooning and someone has just bought 150k of said coin.
All anons on this thread will then know its you and buy in.
No one else will tie it back to who you are. (obviously use a different ID for your 2nd thread)

>> No.4941610

Newfag here, what is mooning?

>> No.4941677
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>> No.4941902

I said newfag you dipshit throw me a bone

>> No.4942302

Guys STOP bumping this thread. The OP is obviously a larping faggot.

>how do I create a telegram

How can you learn how to buy crypto, send it to exchanges to trade shitcoins but don't know how to google how to create a telegram.

Stop feeding the troll you NEET faggots. He's been given plenty of options but he still keeps bullshitting. You're all fucking dumb.

>> No.4942348


spike in the price.."heading to the moon"

Think of the candles on exchanges, get one which shoots up....heading to the moon.

It's a stupid immature phrase really.

>> No.4942471

Disney has a crypto coin? Wtf is it?

>> No.4942809

Thank you anon

>> No.4942888


>> No.4942902

Already owned xrp anon but thanks.

Anyone willing to give their email should be banned from crypto for life. This guy has no good intentions (for the new fags). Literally trying to steal your shit.

>> No.4943069

OK. NASA will adopt dogecoin.

>> No.4943192

I'm on the phone so I lost my ID.
PayPal will adopt Zcash

>> No.4943307
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