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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 648x892, gohoohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49297337 No.49297337 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49297362


>> No.49297441

Some copycat shitcoin that keeps getting shilled here

>> No.49297522


>> No.49297649

And what is the point of posting this?

Old chart that is cropped.

>> No.49297910

Fr fr

>> No.49298254
File: 68 KB, 1307x870, Right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that someone posts the right chart.

>> No.49298324

Is Goho good or bad

>> No.49298360

Read the full name out aloud and ask again

>> No.49298493


>> No.49298646

Hahaha holy shit, get fucked g0h0 trannies

>> No.49298822

It's bad, nevertheless it has a 200K marketcap. If you can't afford to drop in a few hundred, you shouldn't be on this board

>> No.49298897

Are u in it? I threw some but I’m not worried just like asking opinions

>> No.49299468

Yeah, I have like 5K$ riding on this.

>> No.49299602

What’s ur mcap prediction

>> No.49299615

You won't make money on d0b0 anymore, the devs are out. GOHO is still very small and stable mcap and will explode in the next bull run. I have 150B ready to make it.

>> No.49299882

Mcap prediction?

>> No.49300111

At least 500M

>> No.49300158

What’s the fuck you money stack for 500mmcap also checked

>> No.49300586


>> No.49300768

How much does that equate to? I’m a retarf

>> No.49300785

1T at 500M is 4M dollars (ticker: USD)

>> No.49300900


>> No.49301282

Dunno you mean 4M is not fuck you money for you? lol

>> No.49301712

No I mean that’s more than I expected, way more

>> No.49301717
File: 241 KB, 1401x789, 46C25E52-E762-4D12-BFCD-6CE5DD2BF4D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like max was upset that GOHO made fun of his vegetables. Poor max.

>> No.49301846

do you have those memes about him?

>> No.49302080

What does goho do?

>> No.49302223
File: 380 KB, 1125x1500, 9E023931-C7AE-44E2-A8C3-AF8FED9F7F95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pisses off gay farmers

>> No.49302306

It rugs, as do all bsc p00coins

>> No.49302411

Need at least 10m to make it. With 4m you'll eventually have to return to work unless you live like a hermit.

>> No.49302489

personally I would be good with a few million and still working. Invest that money well, retire 10 or 15 years early and enjoy life. But im also not a wagie and i make a good living.
this is basically what I was picturing when I read his responses in the general thread, the guy sounds like an unhinged lunatic

>> No.49302575

kek rent free chump

honk honk clown

>> No.49302604

You want pictures champ?

>> No.49302860

after GOHO exposed BAR, he had a mental breakdown lmao

>> No.49302914

dont hold bar lad sorry.

>> No.49302962
File: 34 KB, 600x600, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOHO? More Like GuhO

>> No.49303263
File: 1.85 MB, 3120x4160, 49832654732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I saying?! Of course you do! :D
Heres a picture of my pepper plant coming in nicely as you can see

>> No.49303264


>> No.49303473
File: 1.50 MB, 3120x4160, 7890696573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course gotta have some tomatoes to go with it.

>> No.49303492

>no, im not growing my own vegetables
>no, im not a dowbowbaggie
>no, im not fudding, just stating facts from what i’ve seen so far

im one of the top wallets and i’ve been lurking the tg for while now. so far this looks like a slowrug to me. there are no updates at all, all you get is a “working hard behind the scene”, the team is just posting stickers from time to time to make the tg look alive. the only evidence for the nft marketplace is a shitty screenshot covered 90% by a watermark so you cant see shit. legit questions or requests for updates get buried under a ton of stickers (spammed by the
team ofc). i’ll be waiting for the nft marketplace to decide the fate of my stack, will most likely dump a big chunk of it if it’s a shitty release. i would love to see the g0ose succeed but from what i’ve seen so far i doubt it will. as for the team, i know you’re reading this, get your shit together.

>> No.49303622
File: 1.73 MB, 3120x4160, 76587698769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao they were acting like their gay little nft marketplace was up and running in the last thread, oh well

>> No.49303735

I told you guys, in 6 months they have have had a couple of hundred new investors AT BEST despite shilling every single day
d0bo has gained 20,000 investors just shitposting on biz
These shitcoins die without interest
>b-but goose has pumped recently
whale manipulation to sucker in bagholders
>look ser the coin is pumping time to diamond hands brothers

>> No.49303809

Give it the fuck up, nigger. Your devs chose to not pay for the listing and killed that shitcoin. It's over.

>> No.49303821

>just shitposting on biz
they infected every place that would allowed them. Twitter,reddit, telegram, they were on ever social media and were only able to get as far as they did because people like dog memes

>> No.49303841

Dump it faggot. Silent investors are fags, you do nothing to help this project.

>> No.49303905

>binance was going to list a meme coin with no roadmap and 20k holders
are you mentally retarded? the only reason they hosted shib was the sheer amount of requests they were getting, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people
Bonfire was 500m marketcap with 300k holders and binance wouldnt touch it
d0bo was 230m with 20k
the growth potential for d0bo is insane, 1b is a vast underestimation
d0bo wa

>> No.49303931

then do it. I will buy you a rope. releasing a marketplace when btc has been red for 9 weeks in a row is pure stupidity. fuck you and dump.

>> No.49304294

go back

>> No.49305017

>no big sales in past hour

>> No.49305072 [DELETED] 
File: 3.11 MB, 640x640, TROGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49306640
File: 455 KB, 1117x1906, 412A40E5-6C01-4CDC-B424-48E9EF7CC2B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghostbro just bailed on you guys bahahahaha

>> No.49307025

D0bros it's HONKIN TIME!

>> No.49307152

How could this be? Goose H0nk? It's fucking genius. Are we just that early? We must be. With our NFT marketplace coming soon we'll see the
early adopters... Wagmi. Normies love geese.
Redditors love geese. Everyone and their mother
is talking about Geese. I can't wait to Dump my goose bags
on the goose Normies #True

>> No.49308334

The dobros fear the BGC (big goose cock)

>> No.49308635


>> No.49309278


We are very sad to announce the death of D0b0. However, bagholders do not despair, you can become a whale in Goho with a very small investment. Why remain bitter, when you can become honkish?

>> No.49309894


>> No.49309964


>> No.49310380


>> No.49311084

fuck this obvious reverse psychology shill, not buying your bags OP

>> No.49311187

without even looking I guarantee you 100% this was coordinated on the tg, probably out in the open. someone goes "i posted this fake bad fud, go reject it!" and then voila you get this flood of inorganic jeetish shills "NUH UH OP, YOU'RE DUMB, WE MOON"
fuck off I've played this game before and I'm tired of it. try harder

>> No.49313692

Who are you talking to? You made the same point twice to no one?

>> No.49315131

By this logic every single thread you’re reading here is inorganic
Cope, seethe and honk

>> No.49315250
File: 5 KB, 300x168, 6546547654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst part is retarded mod will ban other shit coins but not the ones he's invested in. Case and point Monkey dot is spam but goho is perfectly fine

>> No.49315344
File: 10 KB, 230x219, 12313546587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute fucking state of dobaggies. holy fuck

>> No.49315691

You pajeet faggots are deeply embarrassing. No one is falling for your scam shitcoin, no matter how ‘subtle’ you think your shilling is

>> No.49315706

This. I honestly can’t tell if anyone has actually fallen for this scam, or if all the shillers are just paid pajeets

>> No.49316708

All the goho holders are jeets from here. You can guarantee any time it pumps the jeets will dump it lower. You can see it in the chart

>> No.49316896
File: 490 KB, 300x250, what_a_twist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color me shocked.

>> No.49316936

you dipshits can't act for shit. it's actually insulting.