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49296114 No.49296114 [Reply] [Original]

>logistics analyst
>COO and Director of IT know I code
>asked me to build “project management” site for them/build their main site

Im excited. I have been learning python and using it for reporting and data analysis. I recently finished django course on codecademy too. They finally asked me to code something up for them. Sort of like a monday.com for them but in house. A couple of questions for you guys:

- what is the best stack to do this in? I am familiar w django so Id like to stick to that and maybe just bootstrap the frontend
-what do I do about compensation? Currently making 65k
-how can I show this in my portfolio if its an internal site?

Give me any advice you can fellas. Also, your prayers because im pretty green in terms of webdev.

>> No.49296297

you probably have a better response at /g as all the programming nerds are there...

>> No.49296330
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I'll give it to you straight.
This is doomed to fail unless you hire an experienced dev to guide you along.

Here's what you should really and truly do.
Have a meeting with them and say that you need guidance on how to do this and recommend them hire a full stack dev with django/react experience for a goal budget of 120k (although in this economy you're probably going to have to up it to 160k minimum).

Although it really is going to be slim pickings. If I was offered this job because fuck the "director of IT".
Spoiler alert: He's the bad guy in the story.

>> No.49296376

not to pour cold water on you but why will your company asl you to build something like that when you seem like you are relatively new at this?
wont it be cheaper and faster to just get a professional to build it? Its more than just a website.

>> No.49296401


A project management site can be anything from a list of tasks to full blown monday, you need to define that but i guess the scope will explode anyway, definitly NOT a beginners project

Why not just use monday?

>> No.49296468

posted in the other python thread;
Ruby on rails is dated, but very easy to prototype a web app (which sounds like what you're trying to do since you mention django).
if you wanted to proof of concept for a website, get an amazon lightsail vm for $3.50/mo, go download some random website template online, login to the vm, install apache http server, and then copy over the website template. should take you no more then a couple hours and now you have a website you can hit outside the intranet.

>> No.49296472

You're fucked and whoever assigned this to you is retarded.

If you can really build monday.com on your own you should get paid 500k a year.

>> No.49296514
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>why will your company asl you to build something like that when you seem like you are relatively new at this?
That's why I said the Director of IT is the bad guy.
A real Director of IT would understand the need for a Senior, Mid, and Entry Level dev team.
He thinks he found someone to do code work for him and will basically be his bitch at work.

This isn't the fault of OP. This is a fault of the Director of IT who likely has no idea what the fuck the T even means.

>> No.49296537

I think its because they dont wanna pay a guy 6 figs and they like going in house for everything they can

>> No.49296589

dude. He makes $65k lol.
He could work on the website for a year, never deliver, still won't get fired, he's simply too cheap to fire.
He'll also probably pickup some pretty useful skills and can job hop a year later.
so who cares.
if the project doesn't produce anything of value, it's the director of IT's ass on the line.

>> No.49296596

you're getting shafted bro.
you should ask for a raise.

but as for practical advice, the best thing you can do is stick with what you know. You won't be pushing any kind of large scale most likely so python/django is fine.
and even more practical advice is just get them to buy some off the shelf software. there are dozens of project mangement tools out there.

>> No.49296621

buy two scoops of django
it will seriously help you out

also best stack doesn't matter but django will do just fine. if you are working with data just make sure you end up using pandas.

you can also pay me and ill build it for you but it wont be cheap

>> No.49296649

>He could work on the website for a year, never deliver, still won't get fired, he's simply too cheap to fire.
This isn't the 1980s anymore. They are looking for a fall guy and imo it seems like it's OP.

>> No.49296696

monday.com not really expensive
else nextcloud with the right plugins is free.

>> No.49296703

one more piece of advice.
get hard requirements on paper. force them to commit to a very clearly defined goal. refuse to do it if they won't agree to this.
if you don't do this, they will whine and nitpick on everything imaginable until you get fed up and quit.

>> No.49296732

i believe you are right anon.
OP is getting the blame and losing his job 6 months from now.

>> No.49296741


>> No.49296752

>two scoops of django
can't recommend it enough, it's easily findable for free, I purchased it after reading it.

>> No.49296809

>>logistics analyst

analyze the logistics of the project and realize it makes no sense for you to do it lmao

>> No.49296820

Im actually pretty good at pandas so thats cool. Appreciate all the advice so far boys

>> No.49296835

if they were looking for a fall guy, they would've outsourced/hired a consultancy to work it instead.
The Director of IT is just a boomer and has no understanding of tech development and is in for a rude awakening.
but if he's that out of touch, he's not gonna care what comes out, again, OP only makes $65k, which is dog shit.
OP wouldn't get fired even if his morning ritual is taking a shit on the director's desk.

>> No.49296934

I've never seen a dynamic python website that wasn't a giant pile of shit and needed to be rewritten in Go or C# so it can actually be maintained

>> No.49297065

arent spotify and youtube made with django?

>> No.49297104

There's no way youtube is made with a script kiddie framework

>> No.49297135

The guy is 24.

>> No.49297185

I just did a project management website in Angular+AWS backend, Anon. It took me just 1 week, good luck.

>> No.49297224

This guy gets it.

If you really want to try though, use SpringBoot and React.js. It'll make your life easier and everyone else who has to work with the app's life easier.
Plus if you succeed you can now start applying for jobs making 100k+ no problem.

>> No.49297268

Thanks and then what about the portfolio issue

>> No.49297414

hey anon
- stack: nodejs, express, react, mysql
- step: boot linux, run vscode, start writing, make a bare sketch of main functionalities, commit on github, go to your workplace, make your env, build again your stack, deploy your code, profit

>> No.49297457
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Coding talk always scares me. People use all these words I don't understand and when I try to look them up I just get a bunch of pages of people describing them by using more words I don't understand. Like people talk about fnergl so I look up fnergl and it's a florpvak that runs on doobiepoo so I look up doobiepoo and it's a realtime flibblewop application for zerp-facing gonks. How the fuck do I start learning this shit when it's incomprehensible gibberish all the way down?

>> No.49297471

best answer

>> No.49297510

start a zero-to-hero kind of udemy course and actually try to finish it

>> No.49297590
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>the stupid website you promised was supposed to be built by one guy who knows 'how to code' as an analyst and has never done web development and you've been paying him while he does classes on codeacademy all day

this company sounds amazing, would make a good sitcom

>> No.49297653

I use this. Front end:
>node.js (javascript runtime environment)
>sometimes python
>sometimes a MySQL database
You can easily deploy apps/websites with netlify + heroku + github like this

>> No.49297668

why do I even try to offer insight?
post on biz and I get someone younger then me telling me I'm younger then them.
My base salary is $180k.
What's yours?

>> No.49297732

React.js is also great to use on the frontend like a few other anons mentioned, but you don't need to use it. Make sure that you learn a bit of basic javascript before you start using react.

>> No.49297762

> html, css, javascript

it's time to embrace react faggot

>> No.49297777

only web development is retarded like that.
and it's worse then that, you do some front end work and ignore all random tool names, you try to install carrot on command line and end up having to reinstall your egg dependencies, and then oh whoops, mac OS comes with coffee and tissues installed with is fucking up your bob ross pdfs, need to fuck with that too.
backend development would suite you much better.

>> No.49297791

No friend I meant the IT guy. Nobody is coming at you

>> No.49297876

oh sorry, my bad
I overreacted.
but why is his age matter? he's definitely not getting fired if he can't complete the project.

>> No.49297933

Its OP here, I only mentioned it bc someone said he was a boomer. Just wanted to say he isnt. Just a young guy who started in logistics and was good with computers so they made him the IT guy. Company really is a sitcom

>> No.49298040

wait. you mean the Director of IT is only 24?
he is way in over his head.
in that case, I wouldn't take on the project.
24 yr old is gonna be too unpredictable when under stress/pressure.
(which the project is not that difficult but likely to fail without proper guidance)

>> No.49298086

You should figure out a scope to the project…

>> No.49298154


That’s like asking for a building, do you want a Cuck shed, or the Empire State Building.

What does your company need, what are the features, how is it specific to you, vs 3rd party tools?

>> No.49298230

given the director's age, just make him understand it's not trivial.
e.g. ask him to draw his ideal website in ms paint (views of every page he wants, buttons, images, positioning etc.).

>> No.49298257

Having a meeting with them tomorrow about it. Going to ask them EXACTLY what they want so they dont nitpick like an anon mentioned earlier. Overall I think itll be a good learning experience and who knows, maybe theyll request less than we think.

Also, ive been developing a data app on streamlit that you upload an excel file to and all the analytics and KPI’s are automatically broken into graphs and charts with widgets, sliders, radios etc. any anon that knows python and wants to visualize what theyve been working on w pandas and plotly should check it out.

>> No.49298335


>> No.49298464

>ive been developing a data app on streamlit that you upload an excel file to and all the analytics and KPI’s
can you coderwonks please stop spewing your weird autistic lingo all over the place, this isn't /g/ ffs

>> No.49298802

KPI is /biz/ lingo

>> No.49299153

Holy grail wtf

>> No.49299248

Thanks for the laugh

>> No.49300508

Pretend that you understand it all like everyone else does.