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49291567 No.49291567 [Reply] [Original]

The housing market isn't going to cras-

>> No.49291626

everytime someone says
they are always, always, proven wrong.

>> No.49291628
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all will suffer

>> No.49291666

>price going up despite supply going up

>> No.49291794
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>> No.49291879

How do I short the housing market?

>> No.49291932


>> No.49291981

see that low Dec 2021? That’s when I refinanced both my homes. I wasn’t sure if it was the bottom but it beat the 3.25% I had on both loans. feelsgood.jpg. And don’t worry I’m not landlording. My mother lives in my 2nd home and we split the monthly cost. She has somewhere comfortable to live while lying next to nothing for it since she was too stupid to ever buy her own home. By the time she’s gone my kids will be old enough to take it over. There’s no way they’ll ever be able to afford their own home. I wish I could have got them one each but compared to what others have to look forward to in the future I think this is a pretty good deal. This is the best I could do for them. It’s the one thing I’ve done that makes my soul feel at ease.

>> No.49291983

How the fuck is national SOCIALISM a solution to this?
it's literally the same retarded central bank/inflationary policies just with whites in charge
eat shit and die retard

>> No.49292017

>just with whites in charge
That's the solution

>> No.49292056

>That's the solution
No it isn't.
I would rather have pajeets and chinks in charge if they enforced free market policies and physically removed all socialists.
Look at Singapore.

>> No.49292209

didnt the british basically build singapore into a world shipping hub then just gave it away for free?

>> No.49292222

through free market policies
same with hong kong

>> No.49292251

Just short anything. The housing market will crash everything just like mortgages did in 2008.

>> No.49292637

All of these graphs have a different range. Dishonest. Besides, the US wasn't building for a decade, plus inflation. Not sure if this is a line that comes back down, since the y axis is dollars.

>> No.49292656

Nice zine bobo

>> No.49292663

I'm similar, managed to get away with 3.25% at that time despite not having credit

>> No.49292687

Big Banks paying above market. Blackrock has been on a endless buying spree by borrowing money from the printers. They have endless fire power and can choose whatever outcome they want.

>> No.49292713
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Wtf are you talking out here? If you wanna try something interesting, join HOUSE.

>architecture by world recognized real estate development group.
>Team of eight realtor with 50+ years of combined experience
>Fully safe personal home
>easy 10x

>> No.49292728

>whites build up civilization somewhere
When you grow up, you’ll realize you’ve been brainwashed against whites.

>> No.49292779

Whites created the free market, dumbass.
Things are going to shit because we've abandoned these policies and other nations have embraced them.

>When you grow up
lmao okay /pol/teenager

>> No.49292843

The free market generates a society dominated by kike bankers every time, and inevitably leads to economic collapses of increasing severity. The only recoveries from the most severe free market collapses have been thanks to government regulation. Nazi Germany and China are good examples.

>> No.49292851

Who owns the central banks and controls the entire fiat slave system we're currently in??

Hint: it aint wytes

>> No.49293070

>The free market generates a society dominated by kike bankers every time
No it doesn't lmao
Where is your evidence you braindead leftist?
> and inevitably leads to economic collapses of increasing severity.
No, commie, central banking and government intervention did that.
What is the entire 20th century?
>The only recoveries from the most severe free market collapses have been thanks to government regulation.
Tell that to the great depression.
>Nazi Germany and China are good examples.
Their entire economies are stagnated by their governments.
>Who owns the central banks
Government, not jews.
Take your meds.

>> No.49293086

Also, it's fucking hilarious how nazis easily fall for left wing keynesian propaganda.
If nazis weren't racist, they would be AOC/bernie types.

>> No.49293122


banks are playing a new game this time because the last one ended badly. Now instead of giving you an easy mortgage to pay them like 2008, they buy up the homes them selves and make you a renter for life.

>> No.49293913

Looks at the birth rate of both places. They're office parks, not nations.

>> No.49293961

>They're office parks, not nations.
Kill yourself natcuck.
Enjoy your poverty, war and "nation".

>> No.49293970

You sound like a good man, hopefully your children will appreciate what you’re doing for them.

>> No.49293981

>they buy up the homes them selves and make you a renter for life.
companies like blackrock own 0.01% of housing units in America but continue to believe batshit insane leftist conspiracy theories

>> No.49293995

This is the special factor that a lot of housing crash bobos aren't considering. Blackrock can just keep buying and overpaying if they want, eventually pricing nearly everyone out if they wanted to.

>> No.49294004
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Wakey wakey

>> No.49294026

>Blackrock can just keep buying and overpaying if they want, eventually pricing nearly everyone out if they wanted to.
Economic illiterates in the houusssee toniggghtttt everybody gonna have a bad tiimmeeee

>> No.49294037

I'm considering selling my house and renting until it crashes, which is why it will probably keep going up. If us retards can see it, there is probably a rug incoming.

>> No.49294063

>he has no retort
>posts redditor cringe
You know what to do.

>> No.49294078

Then everyone will be renters and they still win

>> No.49294176

Exactly my point. BR isn't going to lose. If it looks like they're overpaying, they're not because it's going to be worth more to them in the future, even if they have to brute force it to be so.

>> No.49294189

>>he has no retort
You're an economic illiterate and don't know how markets work.
Imagine being dumb enough to think the price of housing would remain constant as more and more of it is purchased. Imagine thinking blackrock has unlimited money.
Even basic supply and demand is lost on you.

>> No.49294199

the housing market won't crash because that means the white middle class will be able to pick up cheap housing and creating a family, which jews dont want

>> No.49294201

Why do you care about a company that owns 0.01% of all housing in the country?
Go touch grass leftoid.

>> No.49294261

>housing is gonna crash because...because I can't afford it and it just will okay!?!?!

Now this guy gets it.

>> No.49294269

>it's literally the same retarded central bank/inflationary policies
But... it's not. Not that I support natsoc.

>> No.49294271

They are satanists and must perish

>> No.49294287
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>Bought a modest house 9 years ago
>Already paid of my mortgage with my crypto profits

I don't care what the housing market does. I live comfortably and free. Meanwhile my idiot friends are buying houses RIGHT NOW for +500k, shackling themselves with huge monthly payments for a possibly rapidly deprecating piece of property.

I haven't factually made it but sometimes it definitely feels like it. Crydo certainly made my life a lot comfier.

>> No.49294311

Crypto*. What the fuck even is crydo, auto-correct?

>> No.49294453

>housing will never crash because...because I need it to go up okay!?!?!

>> No.49295855

>But... it's not.
It is.
Central banking was a key part of natsoc.

>> No.49296146
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>> No.49296365

Why the fuck would they do that? Blackrock and Blackstone do not have infinite money, and in fact are a lot smaller than the housing market. They're in it to profit on trends. As soon as the market is turning, they're quietly selling. I wouldn't be surprised if they were dumping right now in some sneaky jew way so they can still get a high price for their more risky properties.

>> No.49296915


>> No.49296971
File: 376 KB, 1054x844, 1653552096397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a dude who tool out a 25 year mortgage with his fiancee for watch this, for a fucking apartment in the city. And the best thing, his mortgage rate is only fixed for the first 5 years.
Ohh, but the hustle and bustle of the big city...

>> No.49297061

You can short REITs. I’m focusing on the ones who hold commercial real estate since that bubble is even bigger than the residential one

>> No.49297082

House cucks seething
I WILL enter the market with less than you entered with
Our houses WILL be worth the same value
There is NOTHING you can do about it

>> No.49297117

yes but see houses are different cuz... um.... u have to live in em (even though tons of people buy houses they don't live in as investment vehicles, using massive amounts of leverage)