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49275233 No.49275233 [Reply] [Original]

word of advice for my strong blooded bros here, nothing better than pressing your nose against a woman's butthole feeling it pulse as she passes a fart from the deepest part of her small intestine, then sniffing as hard as you can like your life depended on it holding it in your lungs for a good 10-15 seconds allowing enough time for it to enter the blood stream leaving you feeling euphoric like ingesting a psychedelic opening your third eye allowing you to communicate with 4th dimension beings for a small moment of time (0.75 milliseconds) which feels like 3 life times

>> No.49275316

imagine the friggin' smell, though

>> No.49275327

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.49275350

same at 32

>> No.49275351

Imagine the amount of fools that fall for this and end up in absolute disgust if not vomiting after sniffing human shit.

>> No.49275353
File: 2.93 MB, 360x314, kekmaxxing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49275365

farts are disgusting anon

>> No.49275366

This but 49

>> No.49275384

maybe it's time you have sex

>> No.49275395

okay but how do you meet new people?

>> No.49275407

Once I was really horny and licked a girls asshole. It tasted bad. Do I have worms now?

>> No.49275417

uhhhh have sex incel

>> No.49275431

y'all need to check your T levels

>> No.49275438

I am 24 years old and I have kissed a girl

>> No.49275439

i am 38 and definitely had sex plenty, but never, ever smelled a delightful deep brap nor have really even put my face into a girls butthole. i brought it up to my gf and she laughed and thought i was kidding "eww anon no we can't do that"

>> No.49275442

unironically turn off your computer and go outside

>> No.49275455
File: 97 KB, 900x900, 1638306101583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so horny but don't have a gf

>> No.49275469

I take walks but it's always the same people, mostly old people
I guess I'll have to venture into cities

>> No.49275487

you should have stuck your tongue deeper that's where it tasted sweeter

>> No.49275514

thats whats its made for bud. keep sniffing brother.

>> No.49275537


>> No.49275630

>which feels like 3 life times
There's better ways to get your DMT, anon, it's in grass for chrissake

>> No.49275689

is that a woman?

>> No.49275709

Probably because I'm incapable of flirting/showing sexual interest without feeling as if I'm being extremely rude at the same time

It just never happened

>> No.49275736

why do you think you feel rude when showing interest? doesn't have to be sexual at first

>> No.49275743
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scat fetish is linked to low T and high estrogen

>> No.49275754
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See /b/ coomer

>> No.49275770
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Get yourself a big booty prostitute

>> No.49275796
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The issue is that I'm basically incapable of flirting/showing sexual interest because it feels "out of character" like I'm not being myself. And it's not like I think girls don't enjoy being flirted with, I see other guys flirting with girls and girls even enjoying it.

But it just that it feels absolutely wrong and turbocringe to myself whenever I try it, nothing about it feels natural or right whatsoever. In fact it feels pretty much like this pic related meme, even from my side
>doesn't have to be sexual at first
I have no problem with standard small talk and conversations. Anything beyond that is just alien territory to me though.

>> No.49275799

I’m ugly, weird, and poor

>> No.49275829

hmm ok
has a girl ever showed interested in you?

>> No.49275851

that's because you probably jerk off every day and have no ounce of urge in you.

>> No.49275884

fuck a brothel prostitute or escort and get it out of your system. women shit and fart just like men and on top of that they bleed from their legs for a week once a month. stop building them up so much you cuck. once you do this you can finally ascend to become a SNIFF bro

>> No.49275885


why is she not wearing underwear? or does she plan to wear over her pantyhose?

>> No.49275956

I thinks she's wearing that G-string type of lingerie.

>> No.49275960

farts are disgusting
but assholes smell delicious

>> No.49276001
File: 385 KB, 497x526, 1644867374185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did something like this, went from an AMP, to providers, eventually to tinder fatties, to tinder uggos who aren't fat; now i even have like idk a guess a fairly normal gf.

entire process took me several years though and i didn't start until nearly 30. we all have to make it somehow