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File: 412 KB, 595x397, Screenshot from 2022-05-31 10-54-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49265958 No.49265958 [Reply] [Original]

I made a few million in crypto since 2017, of course I blew most on cocaine hookers, vacations and some other bullshit.
now Im back to were it all started.
Sommer is coming and I need at least 5 figures to enjoy my life, so how you going to fix this mess anon?

>> No.49266322

so whats up you losers, how can I get out of this financial quagmire

>> No.49266356

I have a whore habit that while expensive I can afford on my normal wage. How do you spend millions...

>> No.49266369
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, Cycles anon, cycles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49266388

my bastard

>> No.49266402

You could have lived the rest of your life in retired luxury with that much cash, anon. Do you ever feel suicidal for having blown all that money? I sure would. I would feel like the biggest retard in the world.
It's a bear market and it's gonna stay that way. It's never gonna be 2017 again. Things are way different. It'll never be that easy.
Well, good luck.

>> No.49266413
File: 422 KB, 2768x2288, 73379190-3655-4331-9CBD-21C7AA4731B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are so many threads that look like op’s shitpost?
1. women pic coomer bait
2. tldr larp bragging text

Is this a bot or something?

>> No.49266425


>> No.49266428

just flying from ibiza to dubai and back with some russian whores,bunch of other short trips to romania, thailand, cuba etc..
Also for the future rich anon, yes those countries are cheap and corruption is a plus when you have money but these assclowns check you for all your shit if you get in troubles.
Cuba was worst, I pissed at a che guevara station and I thought it was cool when breking into a millitary compound in cuba, well, cubans dont have the same humor as rich white cryptofags thats for sure, kek
making dumb investments because the coke and whores make me feel smart, stupid advice from /biz/ and slowly the money was gone, but fuck did I enjoy it.
I could go anywhere and I was able to at least buy in theorie almost anything I saw.
Money whores and cocaine, is there anything better?

>> No.49266465

you're disgusting and I'm glad you're poor again

>> No.49266479

Nope, everyone that knows me knows im a fuck upp and a loser so for me to even get in the taste of having multiple dollars in a crypto wallet is more than I could ask for in this fucked up world.
I might never make that money again, because most oney I made because of luck and for some reason being at the right place at the right time.

I have no regrets, did you ever fly with a russian hooker to den haag and bang her in a nice hotel. bitch had softskin smelled good, shit even that expirence alone was worth millions.

>> No.49266502

You sound like a moron.

>> No.49266531


Dutchfag detected

>> No.49266540
File: 172 KB, 1508x827, bird.money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can't be real?

what job / financial class do you come from?

Also buy bird.money it's a possible x 300 and bottomed to the max
Oracle services, with trust / score lending for defi protocols amongst other things

>> No.49266554

Actually based op even if you are degenerate at least you had fun not like these biz retards who make millions and sit at home

>> No.49266571

Btw how much did you spend

>> No.49266585

you sound like you're going to die from alcohol poison within the next 5 years.

>> No.49266591

Did you fly private

>> No.49266597



>> No.49266623

>just flying from ibiza to dubai
You're retarded. I could whore indefinitely with a million lol

>> No.49266696
File: 65 KB, 559x624, IMG_20211205_162805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll advise you buy FWT on the Freeway platform, just hit the stake button and you’ll earn an estimated 15–30% annual rewards for 30 days

>> No.49266744

That won't help the full mate. I think right now it make sense saving one's asset on a reliable asset management protocol like freeway for juicy apy

>> No.49266957

but they are getting better, scary actually
they even are able to code in some type of retardation yet

>> No.49266998

LARP, the motion picture

>> No.49266999

You need Jesus Anon. The road to destruction is broad.

>> No.49267123

kek, nice bait

>> No.49267132

Well at least you enjoyed yourself. Some people just gamble all their money right back out of their pockets.

>> No.49267479

It's very easy to travel, have sex and have a good time without wasting all of your money and ending up a wagie again.

>> No.49269559

it is what it is boii

>> No.49269584

kill yourself
degenerate fuck

>> No.49269881
File: 7 KB, 241x209, scda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you can start all over with Blockbank, because the CeDeFi project is still at its early stages, and I believe it will flip the likes of NEXO, CEL and CDC in few years time

>> No.49269959

>of course I blew EVERYTHING on cocaine hookers, vacations and some other bullshit
ftfy and holy shit you are a fuckup, you should just stop posting on /biz/ and stop influencingpeople with youre retarded "waste everything" mentality. god youre a loser.
>t, multimillionaire, down 80% but at least im not a ruckup like OP

>> No.49269984
File: 207 KB, 327x316, 324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49270081
File: 106 KB, 750x1000, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending money on women

>> No.49271534

I've been seeing blockbank almost everywhere lately, any big deal about it?