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File: 15 KB, 960x480, Bancor-Protocol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49263115 No.49263115 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49263166

i should have never bought bnt and kept my eth and just put it on coinbase to stake instead of taking a chance on an israeli ponzi

>> No.49263216

What a fucking scam.
It would be a shame if Bancor shills were executed in Minecraft.

>> No.49263247

Just swap the BNT straight for ETH again what’s the big deal

>> No.49263279

You can do that. But you have to waste a trade converting over and it is a taxable event because of that. If you forget to swap your BNT you will be a bagholder as well.

>> No.49263424

tax implications
really brutal for that guy. i'd be pretty pissed off

>> No.49263516

Why would you be pissed off, the way the ‘il protection’ works is stated quite clearly

I smell tranny fud

>> No.49263520

The moment he withdraw the taxable events already happen, if he swap bnt to eth it would be a huge problem except some annoyance to include on his tax return. The problem that is, would he still be profitable with the rewards and traded back to eth with 1% fee from the swap?

>> No.49263532


>> No.49263637

your a fucking idiot.
protocol works exactly fine as is.
did you even read the reddit replies where its explained?

>> No.49263683
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, xdeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At withdrawal, the protocol will try its hardest to give you everything back in the token that you deposited but in rare occasions when the protocol hasn't had enough time to make up IL experienced by LPs in fees then it will compensate you in $BNT.
>rare occasions

>> No.49263738

someone tell the retard not to withdraw. Were in the process of a huge migration so liquidity is all over the place.
Devs have stated multiple times in community calls that they will work to reduce how much of your stake gets paid to you in BNT and get rid of it completely where possible.

>> No.49263764

Have any of u guys, even try to withdraw in the past? Seems the rare occasion is not so rare

>> No.49263776

IT is rare retard. The amount of Bnt in circulation that has been created due to IL IS LESS than 2%
Do I need to mention that 3.5% of the token has been bought back and burnt during this time too?
Cope more you fucking UNI bagholder

>> No.49265755

what if everyone wants to cash out and bnt collapses? or they keep having to mint more useless bnt and it goes into a luna like death spiral.

>> No.49267235

notice how everytime someone posts about getting screwed by bancor, there is always a bancor employee close by to reassure everyone that this was a special circumstance?

>> No.49267446

yep they turn up quick but not that quick
clearly they're getting alerted when something comes up

>> No.49268821

Isn't it crazy how dick heads like yourself play the victim in these boards, instead of researching simple facts about bancor? No other protocol looks out for its users like BNT does.

>> No.49269121

>i should have never bought bnt and kept my eth and just put it on coinbase to stake instead of taking a chance on an israeli ponzi
5% in eth2, but its locked forever, you can't get it out till eth2 fully launchs(never)

>> No.49269353

This board is the asshole of crypto where all the flies converge and buzz around while waiting for the shit to come out. There is no doubt that Chainlink, Monero, and a dozen other hype whore projects have paid teams combing over posts and threads 24/7.

>> No.49269368

I've withdrawn successfully with no loss. Only about $20k worth though, I'm not Das Uberwhale like the plebbit. Fully understandable why he wasn't able to pull everything in 24 hours if he's taking a significant fraction of the pool. Should have either done it in batches or chosen his timing better. A couple months in either direction probably would have made him whole, but he had to pull it during a major system upgrade like a retard.

>> No.49269493
File: 23 KB, 800x536, 1618835721737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancor essentially has the same retarded underlying principle as Terra did. In the event that your withdrawal can not be compensated in dollar terms, you get protocol minted BNT to make the difference. Protocol fees will never be able to cover a bank run, it just has not happened with Bancor. And don't fucking say it will never happen.

>> No.49269541

>I've withdrawn successfully with no loss. Only about $20k worth though, I'm not Das Uberwhale like the plebbit. Fully understandable why he wasn't able to pull everything in 24 hours if he's taking a significant fraction of the pool. Should have either done it in batches or chosen his timing better. A couple months in either direction probably would have made him whole, but he had to pull it during a major system upgrade like a retard.

im of two minds, he fucked up not taking this out like 6 weeks ago, that was the his real mistake, he waited to try and take it out weeks after v3 launched and the eth all moved over to v3, so the 2.1 pool has had most of its eth removed at this point...
I am sympathetic to a point, but the guy parked a fucking shitload(for most) ether out there and didn't pay attention to what was going on with the protocol.
his best move is to migrate it to v3 which will cost a few hundred bucks then withdraw.

>> No.49270135

You absolutely have no idea what your talking about. Bancor is in no way the same as Terra.

>> No.49270216

lmao bancies on suicide watch.

Should have gotten your "internship" at a real company, shill.

>> No.49270285

actually I think this is a huge tax problem for him now that I think about it. It's not the bnt to eth transaction that's a problem, it's bancor first converting his eth into bnt for withdrawal. That triggers a taxable event and he probably got the 192 eth cheap in 2020 or even earlier. If it got paid out in all eth, he would have no capital gain.

>> No.49270308

Swapping is a taxable event.
Withdrawing is a taxable event.
Have fun.

>> No.49270382

As long as retards like this are still here confidently spouting off their retarded nonsense, sadly I think we have a long way down still to go.

>> No.49270507

i was making around $100 a day on v2. On V3? I am making around $3 a day

>> No.49270678

I was dumb not to cash out when BNT was almost $5. But at least I was smart enough to cash out everything around January before v3

>> No.49270788

>did you even read the reddit replies

lmao kill yourself bancor tranny shill. you cant keep people fooled forever

>> No.49270864

Your mother wishes she aborted you and everyone who knows you, hates you.

>> No.49270908

Bancor’s biggest flaw is that they’re trying to build for retail, and retail will always find ways to amaze you with how fucking dumb they are.

>> No.49270948

This faggot assumes everyone that is smarter than him are shills and employees.
Holy shit, how are you this out of the loop?? Rewards are not active for another week. This has been discussed ad nauseam. JFC

>> No.49271046

Bad faith seething LPL fags jumping on every bit of nonsense fud like how “ETH killer” retards attack ETH. Not worth getting your blood pressure up, anon.