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File: 23 KB, 256x256, Shiba_Inu_coin_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49261660 No.49261660 [Reply] [Original]

you're SHIBagholding. stop SHIBagholding.

>> No.49261670

SHIBagholders. it's over. your SHIBags are going to zero. there is no future beyond zero for your SHIBags.

>> No.49261753



>> No.49261780

A haiku

The SHIBagholders
SHIBagholding the SHIBags
SHIBags go to zero

>> No.49261795
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>> No.49261807

I'm convinced you're a bot at this point. A faggot bot, to be sure, but a bot nonetheless.

>> No.49261977


>> No.49262001

I hold exactly 0 (ZERO) shib and I earnestly hope that you kill yourself soon OP

>> No.49262022

Stfu, shibaggie. Your bags are going to zero.

>> No.49262075

SHIB is pumping you absolute retard

>> No.49262149
File: 30 KB, 640x640, da22hcu-5839b972-2471-46ab-8d3a-cbc7bc583100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate

>> No.49262185

gosh I love my billions oh shibbags

>> No.49262197

Lot of angry SHIBagholders in this thread.

>> No.49262421
File: 93 KB, 1444x860, lolorlykek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your SHIBags are down in value, pic-related is what you're excited about, i've marked it in green.


SHIBagholders, BONE is also going to zero.

i am not a bot, SHIB is going to zero, it's over.

he's just in denial over the inevitable fate of his SHIBags

that's good, because SHIB is going to zero.

SHIBagholders will SHIBaghold, very sad.

pic-related i've marked your pump in green.

SHIB's down almost 90% in the last 8 months.

your billions of worthless SHIB, you mean.

ryoshi just deleted his twitter and other accounts, so they know the end is near.

>> No.49262454

You must be 18 years or older to post here, redditardo.

>> No.49262493

I sold my shibags at 0.00007416, thanks to whatever redditor or jeet bought them

>> No.49262498

see my post above yours. your SHIBags are a pump and dump scam. your SHIBags are going to zero. nothing can save your SHIBags.

>> No.49262558

but it says they are worth 12k, jojo?

>> No.49262854

nice, you sold pretty close to the top, unlike these SHIBagholders who are SHIBagholding their SHIBags to zero.

they were worth 100k 8 months ago, you SHIBagholding midwit LMAO.

>> No.49262952

What's a good entry point for a short.
I can't imagine this not adding another 0.

>> No.49262982

Every time Shib is up 5%, short.

>> No.49263025

So have you actually done anything with your life besides this?

>> No.49263053

its time to move on, check out Shitzu on the Aurora network for all your dog meme loving gains

>> No.49263084

Thanks to you I've sold at .1400 (was holding since .2250) you have my gratitute you deranged schizo life saver. Peace, SHIBbro, keep doing God's work

>> No.49263127

if you needed a retard like this to make decisions ,you probably shouldn't be in crypto in the first place.

>> No.49263152

I don't even hold SHIB, but your endless brigade of shit threads is making me want to buy some.
Is your reverse psychology working for you, or against you?

>> No.49263176

And they HATED OP!
For he told the TRUTH

>> No.49263182
File: 52 KB, 1000x871, 1653067622050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha no one actually holds SHIB, right? The meme has be over for a while now. OP is just posting ironically, right?


>> No.49263198

Best poster on biz no cap

>> No.49263206

Well, this supposed "retard" incel piece of shit saved my wallet. I was married to SHIB. in fact, I firmly believe the world needs more retard subhumans fags like OP fudding every coin out there, I mean, look /biz, people still shill ICP, LINK, ROSE or other dead shitcoins thinking they'll do a 15x just to break even

>> No.49263282

>"retard" incel piece of shit
your words not mine

>> No.49263314

You've never walked a dog in your lonely life. Keep posting salt. I love dog coins.

>> No.49263453

any time since it's going to zero.

solid advice in this market^

SHIBagholder, please.


i'm sorry for your loss anon.

>has been making these threads since SHIB was worth 7x what it currently is.

i don't really care but know that if you become a SHIBagholder that you will SHIBaghold your SHIBags to zero.

amen fren

look at this thread, there are SHIBaggies seething in it right now kek.

thank you fren

ICP really is an even worse coin than SHIB, sad as that is to be worse than a dog scam.

considering the state of the market, and its trajectory, being mad is acceptable. what matters is what you do going forward, and SHIBagholding is not the way.


SHIBagholders. stop. just stop. it's over.

>> No.49263473
File: 15 KB, 492x155, salt-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49263479

This word may not describe entirely the amount of laughter I'm having right now but here it goes: kek

>> No.49263492

SHIBagholder. you're SHIBagholding. your SHIBags are down 90%. your SHIBags will continue to dump until your SHIBags are at zero. no amount of cope or seethe can pump your SHIBags.

>> No.49263513

>SHIBagholder, please.
I'm going to take that as a no>>49263025
I dont know whats sadder. the fact these threads are the highlight of your day or the fact you have zero accomplishments to show for your life.

>> No.49263537

Holy shit this mass replying
Stop being so pathetic

>> No.49263618

Believe Me, Friends, Now is the Best Opportunity to Enter the Market, And One Day You will Regret Why you Had The Opportunity but did not invest. Trust SHIBA One Hundred Percent.

>> No.49263630

You're so fucking retarded that you can't see SHIB is about to make a comeback. It already dumped 90%, now is the best time to buy

>> No.49263688

SHIBagholder. again, you're seething. i understand. but seething will not pump your SHIBags. it's over.

SHIBagholder. see above. nothing will pump your SHIBags. your SHIBags are going to zero.

yes, you will regret not buying a rugpulled dog scam down 90%.

it will dump to zero. SHIB is a dog scam. dog scams go to zero.

>> No.49263757

Dumbass, Bitcoin had 9 red weeks and now it turned green again. Bull market is about to start and meme coins like SHIB will pump hard. Shibaswap is burning record amounts every day

Also Shibarium

>> No.49263785

but 12k isnt worthless? and I'm the midwit...

>> No.49263812

comfy staked earning bone for when it inevitably hits 100 dollars per

>> No.49263843

shibarium is a myth - its some make believe "buy digital land" app but it doesnt even have a platform.


why are you STILL waiting for your entry point

>> No.49263857


>> No.49263867


>> No.49263930

congrats on the gayest forced meme in this websites history

>> No.49263944
File: 269 KB, 1440x969, 449D75E1-5069-4DFA-B98D-5DBDFD7946B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your threads made me buy a shitton yesterday. Dunno if good idea.

>> No.49263992

>rate hike coming in june
>bull market

kek, anon, i....

you're a bagholder, anon. you missed the top and you'll HODL to zero. most alts go to zero during bear markets.

i'm sure it will -pats head-.

i've got no plans on entering SHIB, it's a falling knife, unfortunately for the SHIBagholders. as for SHIBarium, it's going to require a token 'swap' to a new SHIB 2.0 which will immediately rugpull IMO.

see how mad they are tho


formerly chucks

it's a good idea if you want your investment to become $0. SHIB is going to zero.

>> No.49264021

hey at least it solves the mystery. You're just some retarded underage mod. explains why all you can say is"LOL UR MAD BRO!"

>> No.49264034

joseph, go get some sleep. we will be here when you get back. you are getting delusional

>> No.49264062


>> No.49264073

i make one thread per day, you're free to ignore it. but, you cant, because you know this thread makes people less likely to buy your SHIBags. and you, SHIBagholder, are SHIBagholding heavy SHIBags. your only hope is for some greater fool to buy your SHIBags. protip; no one is coming to buy your SHIBags. your SHIBags, SHIBagholder, are going to zero. you are SHIBagholding your SHIBags forever.

SHIBagholder, you're SHIBagholding.

>> No.49264080

thanks for the (You)

>> No.49264094

>i make one thread per day
shouldn't you be fixing up your crap shack of a house instead of this?

>> No.49264107

does home ownership make you seethe that much?

SHIBags to zero.

>> No.49264108
File: 237 KB, 2560x1707, shutterstock_1696375255-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me anon, are the shibbagholders in the room right now?

>> No.49264119


Nice FUD retard

>> No.49264130

not at all, I just think one who actually has assets should spend more time managing them instead of....whatever this coping mechanism is.

>> No.49264148

I bet this dude never had a girlfriend in his entire life, he's insufferable.
Not even friends.

>> No.49264153

yes, you can see them seething all throughout the thread, as i incessantly mock them.

your SHIBags are down 90%, SHIBagholder. your SHIBags are going to zero.

if you owned property you'd know that you hire contractors for maintenance. but that's getting off on a tangent. the point of the thread is as follows:

>to zero

>> No.49264166

t. seething SHIBagholder.

why do you SHIBaghold, SHIBagholder? there is no reason to SHIBaghold your SHIBags to zero.

>> No.49264170
File: 29 KB, 452x363, 1620687425901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your SHIBags are down 90%, SHIBagholder. your SHIBags are going to zero.

>> No.49264178

yes, that is what is happening. it's an entirely voluntary process, because I, SHIBagholder thread maker-anon, have been warning all SHIBagholders about this since SHIB was at 70. SHIB is at 11.

>> No.49264180

Based Shibag jimmy rustler

>> No.49264199

>you hire contractors for maintenance
Then you should hire contractors for your shitty room. Your shades are busted to shit dude.

>> No.49264216

>SHIBagholder thread maker-anon
You're not funny, nobody likes your spam threads. Jannies should rangeban you

>> No.49264317

he's the mod so he'll keep making the same gay threads over and over again while astroturfig his retarded opinions.

>> No.49264321


>> No.49264360

look how mad they are. the SHIBagholders had a moment of euphoria yesterday, and are already sliding back through the 11s lmao.

t. projecting

you're just unhappy i'm letting people know the truth about SHIB, because you need someone to buy your SHIBags. no one is coming to buy your SHIBags.

it's just one thread, easy to ignore. you could simply filter it out since i always title it 'SHIBagholders'.

SHIB going to zero is bullish for the puerto rican tourist industry?

>> No.49264395

>t. projecting
yup underage

>it's just one thread, easy to ignore.
You make at least two shib threads a day saying the same gay shit. Maybe get better hobby other than power tripping on a image forum?

>> No.49264419

I swear by God i'll sell some SHIB to pay you a hooker so you can lose your virginity

>> No.49264494

SHIBagholder. you might not realize how hard you're seething right now. why does my mentioning your SHIBags cause you to become so angry? surely, if your SHIBags are doing O.K., you'd have no need to seethe regarding your endlessly dumping SHIBags.

SHIBagholder, please, see reason. you're down 90%. it's time to move on.

>> No.49264522

I'm actually in profit because i'm not a retard like you and I bought early

>> No.49264528

>makes the same threads everyday
so can you at least afford meds?

>> No.49264687

you SHIBagheld your SHIBags down 90% and you will SHIBaghold your SHIBags to zero, SHIBagholder.

SHIBagholder, seething at me will not pump your SHIBags. your SHIBags are going to zero.

>> No.49264720

you are literally the only one making shib threads.

>> No.49264734

you are not anon joey

>> No.49264784

yes, and i'm going to mock you SHIBaggies all the way to zero lmao.

SHIBagholder, you're SHIBagholding. veiled threats are meaningless in the face of your endlessly dumping SHIBags. you will SHIBaghold your SHIBags to zero.

>> No.49264817

I'm sure your dad is very proud.

>> No.49264841

SHIBagholder. have you told your family about your 90% losses on SHIBags? how does your 90% on SHIBags make you feel, SHIBagholder?

>> No.49264862

Nope still in the green. Got in at 700 so I'm fine. Have you actually done ANY work today?

>> No.49264865

You bought at the top, lost money, now you hate SHIB. But let me tell you something: not everybody is retard like you

SHIB was the official /biz/ coin in 2021, You're mad because you're a Reddit latefag

>> No.49264898

SHIBagholder. your SHIBags are going to zero.

>st-t--till g-g--green

SHIBagholder, please. it's over.

>HODLing a -90% dog scam shitcoin
>calling other people 'retard'

kek, SHIBagholder. you're SHIBagholding. stop. you must recognize the inevitable fate of your SHIBags is zero.

>> No.49264923

Still waiting for the coinbase delisting. You said by February and it's almost June now

>> No.49264929

Hahahah I bought $100 worth of shiba I’m 2020, and now a millionaire. imagine being so poor u have to fud shiba

>> No.49264960

Fucking kek
Kek shibaggies

>> No.49264979

its not a threat, you are not anon. we all know who you are. why would I threaten some retard on the internet?

>> No.49265006

He's retarded, he believes I can magically dox him if he posts any picture of something inside his house.

>> No.49265107

SHIBagholder. you're down 90%.

>SHIBagholding SHIBags to zero

sounds like you're doing well, by the way, no one is buying your worthless SHIBags.

it's so sad, they're lining up to seethe at me, they desperately need someone to buy their SHIBags.

t. seething SHIBagholder SHIBagholding SHIBags. -we all know who you are-, kek, SHIBaggie, you are so fucking mad xD.

just give it up, SHIBagholder.

>> No.49265143

>up 12k on 100 dollar bet
>in a bear market

>> No.49265159

>100 dollar bet
>you rode it up to 100k
>you've ridden it down to 12k
>you'll ride it to zero

what actually happened here, SHIBagholder, is you SHIBagheld. it's sad. you're SHIBagholding SHIBags to zero and i'm unable to help you. many such cases. but i can help others avoid buying your SHIBags.

>> No.49265207

ill ride it to financial freedom and you will seethe

>> No.49265212

Do you jerk off in front of your grandmother or something?

>> No.49265219

Tell me why do the holders have to sell SHIB intelligently.

>> No.49265226
File: 105 KB, 1641x865, SHIBAGGIESDOWN3PERCENTALREADYLMAOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIBagholders. you're SHIBagholding. you are SHIBagholding your SHIBags to zero.

you've ridden it down 90% and you will ride it to zero. pic-related, incase anyone forgot, is SHIB's chart. stand pump and dump scam coin on its way to zero.

>> No.49265237

do you SHIBaghold SHIBags to zero? yes.

because it's a dog scam down 90% and going to zero? this isnt an investment, SHIBagholder, it's a dog scam. dog scams go to zero. SHIB is going to zero. see above, i've posted SHIB's chart. it's a blatant pump and dump scam going nowhere but zero.

>> No.49265244


>> No.49265258

yep a pump and dump with a six billion market cap. you're right.

>> No.49265266


>> No.49265276



reminder SHIB had a 50 billion market cap 8 months ago. it's going to zero. reminder Enron also had a 50 billion market cap, and was a hell of a lot more legitimate than your dog scam coin LMAO.

>> No.49265291
File: 19 KB, 720x720, 1627154660469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIBagholders will SHIBaghold their SHIBags to zero

>> No.49265300

its market cap never even touched 40 billion at ath, why do you lie?

>> No.49265331

you're a SHIBagholder, so i can understand why you might not really 'into math', but i'll humor you.

600,000,000,000,000 circulating supply multiplied by $0.000086 ATH, equals $51,600,000,000 peak market cap. oh no, SHIBaggie, LMAO.

>> No.49265346

your circulating supply is wrong, again,, why do you lie?

>> No.49265359

you know you can google search peak market cap of any coin, right?

>> No.49265360

600 trillion is the circulating supply. you might be using the 550 trillion number, however that includes a wallet that's inactive, but not dead, nor a burn address, containing 50 trillion SHIB.

>> No.49265373
File: 489 KB, 999x815, SHIBaggiecycleofgrief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, SHIBagholder, you can easily just do the math and see that your SHIBags are down 90%, or you can seethe at me for demonstrating that your SHIBags are down 90%, and seethe even more as your SHIBags are already down 5% this morning and going to zero LMAO. where are you on the SHIBagholder grief cycle, SHIBagholder?

>> No.49265385

im super happy that im up 12k in a bear market and waiting for the next bull run. Why are you such a nigger?

>> No.49265406

you're SHIBagholding to zero, anon. reminder; june is going to see a rate hike. your '12k' will be '1.2k' after that.

>> No.49265414

just like shib was going to be delisted in February, right?

>> No.49265419

SHIBagholder. you're SHIBagholding. since february your SHIBags have lost 80% of their value.

>> No.49265517

Wtf I love Shib now.

>> No.49265520

if you love it at -90%, you'll love it more at -99.9%.

>> No.49265545

we all know you are fudding your own bags Joesph. No one follows charts are closely as you obviously do for something they don't have a stake in

>> No.49265577

Shorter scam thread. I'm not counting on this meme so seriously, but OP and some shitty predictors are persist to lead it to zero too much kek

>> No.49265752

i follow the ride of the SHIBagholders to zero because it humors me greatly, SHIBagholder.

SHIB is going to zero. it's a meme dog scam coin. not an investment.

>> No.49265759

thank you for keeping SHIB fresh in everyone's minds
excellent marketing, friend
i'll be sure to tip you 1 SHIB next thread

>> No.49265819

>$70 eth fee to send $0.000011


>> No.49266091

sure you do. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me

>> No.49266116

SHIBagholder, your SHIBags are going to zero.

>> No.49266159

dont worry, OUR SHIBags are gonna make us rich Joseph. WAGMI

>> No.49266337

SHIB is going to zero so i'm not sure where you get that idea.

>> No.49266393

I gotta go to work but ill see you when I get back my fellow Shibagholder

>> No.49266580

enjoy waging, i'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.49266668
File: 21 KB, 334x506, 1605096292616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shibagholders SEETHING in this thread

>> No.49267381

Nah he is a real guy