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49257904 No.49257904 [Reply] [Original]

>starting senior year
>have $100k+ liquid
>only big expense i had for about a year now is my 09 subaru wrx ($14k)
>interested in computer science/ux design
>have 2 python certificates from microsoft or whatever
>really not interested in much more asides from crypto
>have some of my liquid tied into my shoe business and crypto holdings(5% invested, 15% worth in profits)
>i really don't spend much and try to save a lot of money wherever i can

so i've been reselling shoes/clothes for almost 3 years now and it's finally starting to simmer away as i've been focused on going to the gym or whatever but i occasionally leverage day trade some coins but this is besides the point

my father wanted help with a down payment maybe 5 months ago for a property so i invested ($15, split) and it's been rented for 5 months with the rental income paying off the montly mortgage payment or whatever and a small bit of profit. he says i should take about 40% or so and buy 1-2 more properties. that once i graduate hs or go into college (which i plan on attending have a partial scholarship) i could flip or keep renting them out but my question here is should i go this route and invest? or invest elsewhere. my idea would be some tech stocks but it's risky as im sure most know this seems passive but housing market speculations and inflation is confusing me

>> No.49257994

that’s truly amazing how much you’ve accomplished at like i’m guessing 18, years old, I’m at the same place as u but without the properties part n I don’t have a car yet don’t really need it drive my dads. i’ve gotten lucky to make almost 100k cad off shitcoins got 20k from my grandmas will. I think it best for u to hold that money tight for now real estate market looks like it’ll crash, than prob scoop up another property. That wat i’m looking to do

>> No.49258015

Can I have some of it? I won’t waste it on video games.

>> No.49258062

yea i mean i honestly just did it as a hobby really only had help from my dad cause he co signed cc which allowed to leverage $$ but a lot of kids been doing more than me in that scene

>it'll crash
i feel if so but how long like will it just get so high most people will just fucking quit and rent from the suits lmao? haha

>> No.49258068

Real estate only goes up, buy or get priced out forever rentcuck

>> No.49258089

thing is a lot of kids in my class all work like normal jobs and shit but live above their fucking means always buying drugs alcohol and shit like ill smoke if someone offers but i frankly dont have an addiction to just wake up and smoke or just drink a lot.

lot of them are just fags who can piss off i only like 1-3 ppl i know truly

>> No.49258106

>are you saying this unironically or?
i know it's not calling for a -50% but it's still pretty cheap around me here for some kinda lower income areas i guess lol. i mean idk desu thats why i asked a few boards here

>> No.49259486
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>> No.49259511

Dear jan jans. Op made this yhread yesterday and admitted to being underage.

>> No.49259975

When it comes to savings I simply deploy my resources into passive income especially with upcoming DEX channels like Equilibrium