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49257181 No.49257181 [Reply] [Original]

What if the Fed printed $50 trillion, but just didn't announce it? Would inflation still occur if nobody knew about it?

>> No.49257209

Very bad karma. They can’t do that

>> No.49257210

if they get to circulation, yes.

>> No.49257282

Inflation would happen if it hit the market.
In 08 they started paying the banks interest on excess reserves to encourage them to pull money from the market in hopes of calming inflation
Some anon posted an article saying the fed printed more money in the 08 bailout and didn’t tell us for 12 years
I can’t find it when I look for it, I wish someone would post it again

>> No.49257521

If they leave their balance sheet: yes.

>> No.49257550

Why did the fed tell anyone that they printed this much money?
If nobody knew it then prices wouldn't rise.

Disgusting capitalists are using inflation as an excuse to raise prices

>> No.49257634
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>> No.49258675

What if fed gave out trillions in repo's to major global banks but won't release the information for 2 years. What if only recently was the 2020 Q1 data released and it shows 20 tril in repos some even 3 months long.

>> No.49258818
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>What if

>> No.49258873

What if my dick went into your angus


>> No.49258905

>What if
Anon The Fed isn't audited, they can do and say whatever they want

>> No.49259078

Yeah but it's irrelevant. The effects of more money in circulation is felt. There is a time period where its not noticeable but it's short and impossible to undo.

>> No.49259641

I use to play WoW when a new expansion would come out or basically altered the gold supply in some way. The affects on prices of items took generally a month before you would see the affects. This was my first lesson on inflation and how long it takes to see it.