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File: 105 KB, 827x1551, 4f5jjwei7l291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49255039 No.49255039 [Reply] [Original]

>renting is a good idea
You are literally someone bitch

>> No.49255068
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where were going, we dont need landlords

>> No.49255086

I don't know who would want to become a landlord with how fucked the laws are against them.

>> No.49255099
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>Please don't argue.

>> No.49255113
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>Please don't argue.

>> No.49255134

>Ooopsie doopsie, just dropped a bunch of japanese knotweed seeds beside the foundations.

>> No.49255146

Oh no, poor landlords. Eat shit nigger

>> No.49255162

my landlord isnt allowed to raise rent for the next 10 years and had to refund me 25k because I sued him. He is also not allowed to throw me out.

>> No.49255165

Only a first generation would say something so concise and dominant

>> No.49255212

What country?

>> No.49255214
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>> No.49255275

a socialist one with many rent regulations

>> No.49255325

my landlord is based, never once contacted me ever, and i pay the rent on time because i'm not a degenerate

>> No.49255349

kys commie

>> No.49255370

holy shit
>pls clean the dryer.
it takes like 10 seconds?? Taking the picture and sending the message takes much more effort hahah

>> No.49255402
File: 15 KB, 311x306, 1616940724010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck landlords entering the property at will because they think they still 'own' the space triggers me so hard. I had a landlord who used to do it like once a month when I wasn't around, just break in and stalk around my house looking at shit, I told him to fucking stop trespassing and give me notice if he wanted to enter, he kept doing it anyways. Then corona happened and I was suddenly WFH 24/7 and never left my house which pissed him off because he was too much of a passive aggressive cunt to break into my house while I was around (and at any point in all this he could have just given me 24hrs notice and none of this would have been a problem).

He got so saucy about it that he starting fucking with the fusebox one day and flipping my shit on and off at random in the middle of the workday. I told him to stop and he kept doing it "oh sorry didn't know that was your office fuse" *does it again*. So I just clocked out early and left to get groceries, 5 minutes after I leave he lets himself in and cruises around my apartment again just staring at shit and pulling my oven into the middle of the kitchen and unplugging it for some reason. He pushed it back into place but forgot to reconnect it for some reason. Fucking ass gremlin breaking into peoples' houses to unplug their ovens and then flee the crime scene, fucking christ.

God I hated that cunt.

>> No.49255411


>> No.49255420


Shit like this is just an excuse to evict tenant and advertise to rentoids at a new higher rent thanks to inflation. Many such cases

>> No.49255475

Apartments are so ridiculously expensive that all I can afford to rent is a room. I might as well continue living with my parents until I can afford that 3bed/2bath on ~1 acre in a >90% white area I dream of.

>> No.49255477

what does that do

>> No.49255481

my landlord is a gentle boomer
the rent i pay is 500 euros i have two terraces and the flat is fully furnished
i will go for a mountain walk with him next week end i'm new to this country and he likes walking in nature just like me

>> No.49255512

You're his bitch.
Either put that autist in his place or stop arguing.

>> No.49255550

that's brokeback mountain tier gay

>> No.49255588

fucks up nearby soil, infecting all plants
the property owner could also be sued for this if the knotweed spreads to other neighbours

>> No.49255591

I'm moving out soon, he's getting the full suite of embittered tenant parting gifts. Bacon grease down the drain and sugar paste injections into the walls.

>> No.49255595

lmao I would never rent any of my proprieties
imagine having laws prohibiting you from entering your own propriety
landlords and rentoids deserve each other
don't know which one is more pathetic than the other

>> No.49255605

no one is gay here, it's balkans

>> No.49255652

How is it going out there?

>> No.49255653

this sounds based but just don't do it. Knotweed is an ecological disaster (no not like climate change or whatever made-up shit, but real disasters like PFOAs in the water supply and etc). It'll murder the whole town's flora and fauna inside of a decade if you start it up. Stick to spiteful shit that can only affect the property you want to fuck up, collateral damage isn't cool.

>> No.49255673

Welcome the west of 2022 where third world brown landlords treat you like they treat themselves in their shithole country.

>> No.49255691

>"Please don't argue"
>They weren't arguing
Landlords are fucked in the head, it's like wanting to be some adult stranger's father.

>> No.49255696
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i don't miss the west at all
pic of a village 40km from capital city

>> No.49255729

Yeah its a shame that there's both so many garbage tenants and garbage landlords. Really fucks over the good ones on both sides. But If I HAD to make a choice, I'd rather see landlords get screwed first, only because landlords typically are in big cities and fuck city people.

>> No.49255746

>90% white
I don't think Sweden is issuing visas to burgers.

>> No.49255762

Hope they like going to the laundry mat cause I'd unplug that shit so quick.

>> No.49255767

He literally sounds like he's crying in text. They have him by the balls with laws and he knows it. You have never met a Chad in your life.

>> No.49255817

Looks nice, godspeed

>> No.49255819

Fucking kek see how Chad he will be once brought to the Kleros courts.
But for real, he can get fucked hard it it's not a shithole country landlord, nothing Chad here.

>> No.49255820

landlords are shit, they only buy up property to jew out to people. no reason to own property unless you are using it. I would never rent out property I own and if it came to a point where I could I would just end selling it. only a jew would carry the burden of chasing rental money and complain about muh tenants. just sell your excess property and stop bitching about muh horrible tenants.

>> No.49255834

>with how fucked the laws are against them.
Land lord and tenet right laws have been around for as long as recorded history. Get used to it.

>> No.49255838

No he would have laughed and set his phone down and not responded and went on with his day

>> No.49255857

fwiw i had this exact situation with a landlord once (where a month before my contract ended, he entered the flat, moved out my shit and rented it for a second tenant for a month) and i used it to make him pay back my deposit immediately in full by threatening legal action because he was known to keep people's deposits.
he also wanted me to pick up the shit from my flat which i had left there intentionally because i didn't want it and i used the situation to force him to dispose it.
also had his contract checked for legality issues by a lawyer and distributed the info on that to others in the same house for when they move out so that they can also threaten him.

>> No.49255921

No he’s not. You’re a pussy bitch lol

You type like a rape victim

>> No.49256007

Just speaking from personal experience I've had better experiences renting when I go though a agency to find a place. Land lords that do this tend to not be slum lords and follow the laws.

>> No.49256184

Be white brit making 80k USD a year via a remote job with a US company. Live in Latin America, pay roughly 300USD for a 3 bedroom house with a pool. Landlords invite me to their party families and their daughters introduce me to their friends.

On the other hand, be white brit in the UK making £32,000.00 a year, rent a shitty apartment for £650 a month, not including rent, bills and food are a bitch, apartment has mould in it, fire alarm goes off everytime I cook bacon or sausages, fire alarm of the adjacent flat goes off every 3 weeks or so for no discernable reason and the fire brigade have to come every time and wake us up at 3am. Report damage to the property, gas and electric companies try doubling the cost of their services. Get sick of it, stop paying for 3 months and move out before they can legally evict me. Use the money I saved up from not paying them to head to LATAM and stay there for a few months. Debt collection agencies can't even contact me. FUCK EM.

I would say it really all depends on where you live and who you are in relation to that society.

>> No.49256267

Also can damage the foundations by growing underneath them.

>> No.49256357

If you do this to fuck over your landlord then you're unironically a fucking loser sadcunt.
>inb4 t. Seething landlord
Don't own property

>> No.49256392

No he doesn't infact he can sue the tenant for breaking his appliances, and he can enter the residence at anytime he chooses.

>> No.49256417

The funny thing is the chad meme was making fun of retards who ascribed outlandish behavior as being 'based' but now it's every simp faggot donating to streamers in hopes she calls out their name on stream saying they're chads for doing so and everyone who disagrees is an 'incel' because that word has also been warped beyond recognition to mean 'anyone who ever thinks you shouldn't kiss a woman's feet for merely existing'.

>> No.49256430

I agree but I respect them more for at least doing something proactive and not being afraid of the law or getting their hands dirty.

>> No.49256435

The USA is as big as Europe. There's lots of rural counties and even a couple states with those demographics.

>> No.49256440
File: 215 KB, 498x423, boomer-meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking ass gremlin breaking into peoples' houses to unplug their ovens and then flee the crime scene, fucking christ.
My sides can't take this

>> No.49256472

please don't argue.

>> No.49256481


>> No.49256540

>I agree but I respect them more for at least doing something proactive and not being afraid of the law or getting their hands dirty.
Nah bro at that point you've potentially just caused a huge environmental problem. If you want to be vindictive and fuck up the landlords drains or something then that's your perogative, but fhcking up local nature/wildlife is just evil.

>> No.49256587


turns the foundation into mustard gas

>> No.49256596

>Fucking ass gremlin breaking into peoples' houses to unplug their ovens and then flee the crime scene, fucking christ.
Unbelievably based, you're a cuck faggot

>> No.49256625

The environment will be fine, you think in 3 million years the knotweed will still be a problem? Also, who gives a fuck? Literally not my problem. Ever heard of weed-killer?

>> No.49257559

nobody talks about the perverse externalities of all these laws
when you make being a landlord basically impossible ethically, you optimize for unethical actors. either conglomerates who can smooth out costs through scale, or dipshit individuals who will cheat and ignore as many of the rules as they can get away with
france is a good example of that. most landlords (51%+) cheat, because you will operate at a loss otherwise
being a honest landlord anywhere but america is pretty much like being a glorified uber driver. you think you're making money, but you're actually wasting more in spent time and hidden costs

>> No.49258929

>acting like you own your house when you have less than 100% equity and think the bank won’t take it from you ;^)

>> No.49259011

t. Blocked drains

>> No.49259136

You should have threatened him with a baseball bat.

>> No.49259205

I'm won't be your exit liquidity, housie.

>> No.49259238


>> No.49259344

she screamed autistically

>> No.49259504

>le lol ignore
zoomers would do that thinking it exerts "confidence" but contrary, it is escaping or unable to face adversary.

>> No.49259550

>late pay
>leeching utilities and washer/dryer
>muh dog making a mess
You are probably a bad tenant therefore the landord returns the favor.

>> No.49260203

Old boomers are often the best landlords. My previous landlord was like that. Old guy, bought a single 3 story apartment building to rent out so he'd have something to do in his retirement. Always responded promptly if there was an issue. Always followed laws and gave over 24 hours notice if he had to enter the apartment (he did annual "fire checks" for the extinguishers, that was about it). He was kinda weird in that he said we couldn't make copies of the keys, and he got mad even if I smoked on the back staircase, but otherwise he was chill.

I also have a chill landlord now. Big company with multiple apartment buildings. They've only entered my apartment once and gave me multiple days notice. They literally just poked their head in, looked at sprinkler system and left. My rent is also fairly cheap ($750 a month for downtown lux apartment)

>> No.49260260

I've been in my place for 1.5 years and never had an inspection or met the owner.

>> No.49260587

My landlord moved across the country to Florida and I didn't talk to him for almost a year until my dryer vent got blocked a few days ago. Unfortunately it's fucked and cleaning it out did nothing and apparently the vent is like 50 feet long so time for him to call someone, I guess.

He's also a chill boomer. Wealthy boomers that just want to grill and relax are probably the best landlords.

>> No.49260742
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Lol, something that I learned is most land lords have absolutely nothing going on. I always get a million and one questions about where I'm going away to, or about my hobbies, or how much things cost. I've even had a land lord go through my mail. Through the questions he asked me I think he was on to me lying about my income. I always under cut and live pretty minimalist. I moved because I knew he was trying to see how much he could jack the rent up to.

>> No.49260868

Some of the best places I've rented from were big companies. One place I even became friends with the maintained guy, we talked motorcycles and he would turn a blind eye to me working on my bike in the garage.

>> No.49260972

What almost certainly happened is some other tenant has been bugging the landlord about it. Remember, you aren't the only whiny little bitch he has to deal with. And people who own dogs in apartments should be prosecuted for animal cruelty.

>> No.49261053

I had some money I needed to park in an investment. I thought about buying a duplex to rent out. That was about the time the Federal Government decided it could just modify every rental contract in the nation, cancel rent, and block evictions. I noped right out of that idea. Enjoy your government housing, renters. You asked for it.

>> No.49261056

Is it illegal for him to kill you? Will the costs of repairs and maintenance stay the same? Maybe you should buy your own place. Imagine renting for 10+ years. KYS

>> No.49261075

Lol in Arkansas they basically have free rein to plunder your butthole and tell you it's part of your rent payment. They can do anything there

>> No.49261111

landlords are the worst of scum

>> No.49261113

You know he wants your ass

>> No.49261148

Makes sense, they typically streamline their response system to avoid lawsuits and bad reviews

>> No.49261181

I own two SFH rentals that I rent to my sons at below market rates. They don't live at home anymore, they take care of the places and are saving up for housing purchase. Properties keep appreciating and mortgages are paid. Win Win

>> No.49261221

Drain grease down his sink and keep doing that until he has to fix it. Fuck that boomer.

>> No.49261252

>1 post by this id

>> No.49261253

sounds like an old italian or jewish guy that would do something like this kek. they literally get emotionally attached to the place that they own because they probably built it with their bare hands or something and even though you pay rent you living there is like sacrilege to them

>> No.49261268

Where are you going to live then rentoid?
I will give you 5 reasons to own rentals
Income, depreciation, appreciation, leverage and equity