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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49252770 No.49252770 [Reply] [Original]

rent and housing is up.
Everything is up in price, and you've all still got enough disposable cash to spend on silly internet money.

This is why we're pushing hard for higher taxes on everyone. That money you're throwing away on stupid internet scams would be better spent on fixing local communities, schools and hospitals.

You boys are pathetic and selfish.

>> No.49252793

wagies need to keep working harder and give even more of their money up to the Oligarchy

>> No.49252837

You can only raise taxes so much until it starts hurting the economy and results in less tax revenue. I'm concerned about the same things as you are but the answer isn't to split the pie into thinner slices, the answer is to create more pie.

>> No.49252848


no, we need to double cap gains tax, and apply it to crypto

>> No.49253040

Or we could make the trillion dollar companies paying $0 in taxes while taking government subsidies in the form of tax payer money pay taxes on their income? Fucking niggers.

>> No.49253065

You know, I would be very good at managing all this money to go to schools, roads etc. I should manage that money.

>> No.49253070

You fucking NIGGERS you're so God damn fucking stupid. STAY POOR

>> No.49253196

or to create less slices by removing USELESS mouths.

this, and stop giving my fucking money to them.

>> No.49253228

Or just yaknow, get rid of niggers and spics that are a net negative on the economy, you filthy jew

>> No.49253357
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>government can't into economics and fucks up the economy with stagflation
>oy vey we better take your money and give to the government for safe keeping!
throw yourself out of the nearest helicopter, commie

>> No.49253551

Based and take a ride pilled

>> No.49253643

how would that help the Oligarchy

>> No.49254480
