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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49243048 No.49243048 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Wakarimasen down? I am unable to browse /biz/, and 4chan for that matter, like a man of good taste.

>> No.49243112

Stop stalking me!

>> No.49243586

How much would it really cost to run a site like wakarimasen anyway?

>> No.49243696

i also mostly browse through 4chan's archives. What's the alternative? 4plebs only covers a few boards, /biz/ isn't among them. And warosu seems to be dead too.

>> No.49243698
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>> No.49243742

Why not browse active threads? I know there is plenty of gay shill posts but those would be on the archives too, and at least here you can reply to real human beans. Unless you're just perma-lurkers and don't post.

>> No.49243786

can't someone just host it outside US?
I mean, how can 4chan stay online, but not the archives?

Too much garbage to sift before finding gems or useful info in active threads.
I use the search in archives and then read some threads that include certain keywords.

>> No.49244266

>can't someone just host it outside US?
If >>49243698 is how they act to someone in the US, imagine how they act to someone outside the US

>> No.49244285

>tranny jannies covering their tracks
>probably someone shared a real dangerous redpill

>> No.49244297

>he lets the trannies curate before he receives the information


>> No.49244325

>If >>49243698 is how they act to someone in the US, imagine how they act to someone outside the US
Tf are they gonna do? More sanctions?
Send more weapons?

>> No.49244593


>> No.49244749

not that much, but /biz/raelis are too busy throwing money away at dog shitcoins to pungle up the $100 or whatever it costs to run the archive.

>> No.49246922

i wish they would open source their code, i'd make it run in a cannister on icp.

>> No.49247791

It'll b3 back.
Count on it.

>> No.49247882

>imagine how they act to someone outside the US
How come nobody tried to host archives in China? China's counter-CIA stuff can just block the shit that's threatening the archives.

>> No.49247916

Wakarimasen admin said the drives got fried. Dunno if all but probably half of the archive is gone forever.

>> No.49249791
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PKT unironically fixes this.
>how PKT will make the internet unstoppable

>> No.49249807

screencap /link to post?
Blockchain based solutions for hosting (IPFS/Storg/ICP) are a solution too.

>> No.49249856

It isn't the cost that is the issue
>>49243586 explains it.

Be advice I can give to anons is to keep archiving certain threads and storing them on a harddrive.
When someone asks about something related you can dig it up and make a server that you can shutdown after a certain amount of time has passed

>> No.49250209

I'm a fang engineer and majored in computer science and don't know what the fuck that guy is talking about

How does it prevent people from finding out who you are and thinking of a way to penalize you for your speech? Internet that can't be denied is one thing but then you get the cryptocurrency problem where it doesn't matter if nobody can stop you from spending when they can still find you and beat you with a wrench if they don't like you

>> No.49250356


archived.moe but there not search option sadly. Just shuffle through the pages if you wish. Its a headache.

>> No.49250589
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god is against us

>> No.49250765

hes an idiot.
don’t reply.
its because the guys who make these sites don’t know how to speak third world languages and aren’t that serious.
if they really wanted to be untouchable they’d host from places like vietnam/etc where they could get away with nearly everything.

>> No.49252073

>from finding out who you are
because your internet traffic is anonymized. like tor but paid for with a proof-of-bandwidth blockchain. With anonymous traffic you can't be located.