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4922558 No.4922558 [Reply] [Original]

How do you prevent envious and untalented female coworkers from accusing you of sexual harassment?

>> No.4922571

you avoid all contact with thots

>> No.4922596

Actually harass them

>> No.4922703
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Work from home.. Let the animals fight among themselves.

>> No.4922708
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>> No.4922734

link to video?

>> No.4922749

>How do you prevent envious and untalented female coworkers from accusing you of sexual harassment?
you cash out of society and become a celibate NEET (it's easier than you think)

>> No.4922773


I love this video...I don't think she knows the camera is there. and she does an incredible job getting her mouth on the penis as soon as he pulls out.

His precum probably still got her pregnant.

>> No.4922777

Make sure your workplace is completely visible to everyone, go out of your way to avoid women, record everything you do (for quality purposes of course), hire someone to escort you from and to your workplace

>> No.4922782

It's a classic. Search for "green sweater secretary amateur" in your venue of choice.

>> No.4922787

Fuck off back to pol with the other low iq virgins

>women want nothing to do with my autistic personality and lack of impulse control
>ugh its their fault!

>> No.4922790

cut your dick off then it'll be completely unbelievable

>> No.4922811

says some obese SJW woman you have to be around because of a female quota and no other reason.

>> No.4922813
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>cash out of society

>> No.4922819
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shutup roast

>> No.4922847
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become independently employed like all of the other men leaving the shitty feminist workplace. work through a computer on your own.

>> No.4922849

Best porno I've ever watched

>> No.4922869

funny how he gets away with it because he's black. lol. this would be national news if he was white.

>> No.4922910

came here to post this cause it works

>> No.4922916
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Not our fault you use your sexuality as a weapon.

Be safe guys.

>> No.4922943

If he was white and she was black, he would have killed her and nothing would happen to him.

>> No.4922994

Report it to a manager. Have a union member or a solicitor present when they take their notes. Get a civil court injunction on her, which will make her apologise and you can sue her.

I hate women who behave like that.

>> No.4923000
File: 333 KB, 974x1534, 1511025080446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao wat

this had nothing to do with op's question, he wanted to know how to avoid them, not why they dont like him

fucking roastie, go back to ribbit and brag about your meat flaps and all the niggers you've slept with

>> No.4923006
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shutup jig

>> No.4923017

...because if she was black she'd've started attacking him.
"I'm black so I'm entitled to hit police officers and run from them."

ya totally white people's fault black people act uncivilized.

>> No.4923019

Regardless.. that nigguh knows how to treat a bitch.

>> No.4923022

vote roy moore, etc.

>> No.4923024

It's kinda sad that this is the truth.

>> No.4923026

>being this brainwashed
If you commit a violent crime you're more likely to be shot if you're white than black.

>> No.4923035

Holy shit that's brilliant.

>> No.4923042

Use cellphone to record your daily activities

>> No.4923045

>He doesnt know that you cant cash out

>> No.4923061

be a closeted heterosexual (aka pretend you're gay at work but you actually are straight in your private life)

>> No.4923070
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Become Chad. Chad never gets sued for sexual harassment.

>> No.4923082

Fuck I need to get a job where I work from home. This driving an hour through traffic every day shit is just fucking pathetic. I mean literally risking your LIFE to be a fucking wagecuck slave...... It seriously boggles the mind.

>> No.4923089

that's a good way, but there are other ways. when accused of sexual harassment never deny it just smile. if you deny it or apologize you are done. they will take you apart. just ignore the accusations and smile with a knowing smile. the men will respect you and the bitches will fear you.

>> No.4923147


How is that supposed to work?

>> No.4923167

>if you deny it or apologize you are done.

>> No.4923193

I see what you did there

>> No.4923201

It's a kafkatrap. You are trapped defending yourself for a non existent crime.

>> No.4923293

>It's a kafkatrap.

Wise, Kafka was a brilliant yet characteristically haunted man.

>> No.4923304

Lmao look at the virgins getting all angry


keep blaming others for your misfortunes

>> No.4923310

you guys this porno was kind of lame, am I missing something here? Perhaps my porno pallet isn't sophisticated enought to appreciate the amateur charm. It was basically a green sweater with blonde hair being gently rocked back and forth for 2 minutes, not really my thing.

>> No.4923343

If you deny, they will say you are a liar, you are doubting the victim, you are sexist, and that there is a predator in their midsts.
If you admit, you get called a sexist, deemed a predator, and can actually face serious consequences depending on what the allegations actually are, and it'd not worth carrying that weight just to shake having to defend yourself. I think it goes without saying why you shouldn't "admit" to something like a criminal sexual assault if you didn't actually do it.

>> No.4923374

By accusing them first. Tell the boss they keep asking for the d and in real life you know you are a worthless faggot so when the pressure is on you just breakdown and tell the boss that you cannot handle the pressure of being asked aggrsssively to give up the d. Solid gold finance

>> No.4923427


Just looking out for the up and coming generation of men. Vile woman.

>> No.4923457

It just werks. To understand the rationale behind it, try to think like you did when you were 5 years old. Instead of logic, these idiots use emotional kindergarden-tier harrassement tactics to push their points. It's all about ad hominem popularity contests. Giving credit to what they say and trying to deny it forces you on the defensive, while your adversary can freely throw crap at you while you struggle to protect your reputation instead of counterattacking. It's like a kid getting angry because others call them names. If you try too hard to deny it they'll think it really hurts you and they'll keep pushing until you cry.

It's pathetic and animalistic, but that doesn't change the fact that such is the level of discourse those people work with.

>> No.4923609

say its not possible cos youre secretly gay

>> No.4923814

That may not work. My brother is actively gay and still got accused. He didn't face any consequences, but it's no bullet proof.

>> No.4924305

so no one is gonna address this?

>> No.4924387


Alright I just watched it. Yeah not too exciting, seems to be quite an old one though. Perhaps tastes have changed, or the there is a bigger story behind it.

>> No.4924463

Amateur charm is part of it, chick's hot on her own merits, it's also like 10 years old. Back then, not everyone and their kid had a smartphone to film sluts off Tinder.

>> No.4924517

>driving an hour through traffic every day shit is just fucking pathetic
It's also expensive since you're using after tax income to pay for the driving expense (car,gas,insurance,toll,parking,etc). Also an hour to get ready and an hour in traffic is practically 2 months unpaid if you add it over a year.

>> No.4924580

Timestamp a sharpie in your bum and ill give you 10 ARK M’lady

>> No.4924600

Her orgasm is legit.
The orgasm is triggered by the phone ringing, which reminds her she shouldn't be fucking her boss at work.
She looks like a mommy or a secretary. Not any tattooed slut.
She obviously likes to be dominated.
It looks spontaneous/amateur. A glimpse into something that actually happens in offices but that is usually kept secret.

>> No.4924632

I mean if you work somewhere really worth denouncing you... You should wear a micro camera recording at all times at work, so if somebody ever try to claim harassment you can have solid proof

>> No.4924671

Just start trading cryptomemes on the internet fuck it

>> No.4924877


you kill them after rape

>> No.4925292

Are you mentally retarded? No, right now I'm calling the mental clinic. If you're over the age of 8 your life is over.