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4920143 No.4920143 [Reply] [Original]

>100% of trading fees allocated to BLOCK hodlers

Anons this means $0.50 earned per BLOCK owned PER DAY with volume on the exchange.

200 BLOCK means $100/day. You wont find a better investing opportunity with this kind of passive income

>> No.4920157


>> No.4921010

please go on. I have $100 to invest because im an ignorant poorfag and I would like to make some gains. im researching blocknet now. can you please give us some insight?

>> No.4921145

did you finally die of faggotry, OP?

>> No.4921187

what would you like to know anon?

>> No.4921231

I guess just the basics.. im not understanding here, is this another "coin" or is this a network that links all the coins together? can you send me in the right direction there?

>> No.4921273

It won't go anywhere because of this though.

>> No.4921319

It's a coin that runs a dapp platform, and the first of those dapps will be a decentralized atomic swap exchange that can trade any coins derived from bitcoin code and ETH tokens as well through 0x.

But I would recommend something else because I don't think you'll be happy holding just 5 of something.

>> No.4921349

Care to explain your reasoning?

>> No.4921361

Thank you for not being a faggot OP

>> No.4921380

This is much more than a coin, it's a blockchain router.

The BLOCK token monetizes the network. Service nodes connect blockchains together using the Blocknet protocol:

etc, etc, etc

And all of this is done in a fully trustless manner - no service nodes ever handle any coins or funds. This is made possible through the atomic swap process.

The Blocknet is showcasing this technology by building a fully trustless decentralized exchange that is scheduled to launch here within the next month or 2.

The exchange will be great for traffic, but the real bang for your buck here is the interoperability and the technology of connecting blockchains together without have each blockchain adopt code and hard fork to become compatible with the interchain router. When blockchain tech matures, there will always be a need to have a way of getting from one chain to the other as it will be a means of transporting assets, information, etc.

Chain specifics:
PoS chain, service nodes (masternodes), and all fees earned (100%) through the use of the decentralized exchange and blockchain router will be allocated to service node operators and stakers.

>> No.4921603

so pretty much is a peer to peer exchange?

>> No.4921678

>$0.50 earned per BLOCK owned PER DAY

Is this the case right now when will it be like this this is huge too good to be true if i went on and bought 200 block ı'd get 100$/day for the rest of my life ? that seems retarded

>> No.4921802

This is with only half the trading volume of Binance. Feels good to get in a relatively unknown project before it's too late

Yes - you trade directly with your trading partner, you always are in control of your private keys and you don't have to worry about your coins/etc getting hacked on centralized exchanges

>> No.4921842

Where is this? Is the system even online where ı can atomic swap my currencies? Do ı stake it on a wallet to earn the fees?

>> No.4921852

Interesting, need to know more

>> No.4921910

>it seems Blocknet DX 3.7.47 (DX-API Beta Release) is the current release. what are you running?

also, thank you for not being a faggot.

>> No.4921990

decentralized exchange UI by VSA Partners is almost completed - you can actually trade on the DX right now on the Blocknet wallet.

Yes all you have to do is stake your Block to earn both staking rewards and trading fees when the UI goes live

That is the latest beta release available (i am using it), but the official current latest release is 3.7.36. You're welcome anon

If you have any questions, ask and I'll answer

>> No.4922051

Does the computer/wallet has to be open all the time to earn
And if i went on and bought blocknet right now put them to my wallet open up the wallet and start the stake process ı'd earn estimated 0.5$/day per block "right now" ?

>> No.4922160

The wallet has to be open to earn staking rewards

No not right now, but in 2018 you will because this exchange is going to extremely successful and volume on it will be very high. Currently staking ROI is over 20%/year and that is what you'll receive right now before the exchange launches.

Already have Bitfinex on board to extend the orderbook to and are working on adding others also. All of this equates to massive volume on the exchange.

>> No.4922189
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Screenshot of the upcoming UI

>> No.4922282

Dude, where the hell can I invest my money on this???

>> No.4922285

where can you see the volume on the blocknet DX?

shill me this shit I have dry powder to put to work.

>> No.4922354


The UI version of the exchange isn't live yet: will be in the next month or so. These calculations are conservative too. If the exchange sees the same volume as Binance, you can double that figure to $1.00/BLOCK owned per day

>> No.4922471

But the question is, will it get that kind of volume?

I personally would use blocknet. Yobit fucked me over last week by disabling my account for no reason. 0.09 BTC gone.

>> No.4922479


Ok but how do I get passive income? Like I get more of these coins or what?

>> No.4922503

so in laymens terms, this wil BTFO the exchange platforms that charges fees, no? meaning to say why use a platform with fees when you can use BLOCKNET will do it for free?

>> No.4922607

I think it will because like you said, people are tired of waiting to be credited with bitcoin forks because they don't own their private keys, they're tired of getting hacked or set with withdrawal limits, they're tired of giving them all their personal information just to get verified, etc.

Yes, staking your Block or running a service node = passive income at ~20%/year now. When the exchange goes live this will be unbelievably higher because you will start collecting exchange fees

There are many competitive advantages here. For one, yes, the DX will still charge fees, but they will be 1/2 the price of regular exchanges because you wont have to switch to BTC just to get from one alt to the next. On the Blocknet DX you can trade directly from LTC to DGB or VTC to DOGE and any other trading pairs supported on the DX.

>> No.4922742

wow. works like a bypass. so no more btc being the middle man. man I wish you well. thanks for all the info.

$21.59 a pop for BLOCK, should I buy now? I can only afford up to $100.

>> No.4922763

Yes, the past ~3 days has been one of the best times to buy since May. I'm expecting at least a 5x when the UI launches

>> No.4922802

Is it possible to buy BLOCK on the DEX without Block initially?
I don't want to use Bittrex to buy it initially

>> No.4922859

Yes it should be, but I'm not sure if it works currently. It might be best to use bittrex if you want to buy in now.

>> No.4922893

Yes, but I'd recommend waiting until the full UI release is out as it's a bit tricky to use the built-in wallet DX right now

>> No.4922920

This project sounds fairly similar to ARK, what are he main differences?

>> No.4922927

this shit was 10 cents. Any bernds here who are rich aleady? Nut im not sure if i should buy in for 20$ look overpriced and its at the all time high.

>> No.4922937

Hallo bernd :3

>> No.4922967

<3 Wie gehts Berndi? Schaut dein Blockfolio gut aus? :3

>> No.4922974

It's not overpriced. The market cap is still quite small.

>> No.4922979

Reading up on it, it seems like I'll have to have a computer running 24/7 if I stake blocks. What are you running? Raspberry Pi or something along those lines?

>> No.4923004

but it has never seen a dip. Its a good sign that it will go down soon.....

>> No.4923043
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Nein überhaupt nicht ich hab den letzten btc pump total verpasst und die ganze Zeit BLOCK gehaltet.
Bin übrigens ein Ami-Bernd sorry if mein deutsch schlecht ist.

>> No.4923062

Not really. Probably a good sign desu.

>> No.4923102
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Sehr gööt Bernd. Bin übrigens Türke Ishalla~ Alle deutschen Kartoffeln müssen sterben!

>> No.4923132

Its climbing since 2015.... and losing momentum...clearly not a good sign. Will probably stick with my ARK. For a moment a thought the coin was released this year and i was impressed.
But this thing is so 2015. :D

>> No.4923176

I keep finding orphan blocks. It's really fucking pissing me off.

Fuck blocknet

>> No.4923241

Every time there's a minor update or announcement fomo sets in and the price spikes. And its support at $20 is extremely solid.
The problem now is only that nobody knows about it, which will change soon.

>> No.4923251
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>> No.4923263

So the DEX works, but it's shitty?

>> No.4923314

The actual UI will be released soon (probably next month afaik) but by then you'll be paying a premium for your BLOCK.

>> No.4923627

Ark doesn't have a service node network and isn't releasing a fully decentralized exchange. The encoded listener idea is much different than a decentralized network of service nodes.

It is by no means near all-time-high. ATH is around 0.0076 BTC.

Yes you can use Raspberry Pi

It has seen a dip - much like the rest of alts during BTC's run

Update your wallet. Try staking with the most recent build. Purge your directory except for your wallet.dat and let the chain sync from scratch (only takes about 15 minutes).

Yes the DEX fully works - but it's not a fluid trading process from the wallet. The DEX built into the wallet is 10000x better than using the command line however.


>> No.4923859

is staking the same as running a service node
what's the difference

>> No.4923970

Interesting. I'll buy 10 or 20 if my ARK gets back to $4.50. At $0.50 a day it would give the coin fundamental value of almost $2k.

>> No.4924144

One question: WHY would someone come to /biz/ to sell this idea? What's the motive?

>> No.4924193
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>> No.4924218

dubs checked
I dunno, maybe kind hearted anons exist?

>> No.4924245

If you have heavy bags, you naturally shill it on biz to drive up the price

>> No.4924336

It has to actually catch on in order to work and for you to receive money, right? Why not get people to use it?

>> No.4924481

What worries me the most is WHY are you shilling this coin.

>> No.4924505

>It is by no means near all-time-high. ATH is around 0.0076 BTC.
What concerns me is that he's using sats to measure the coins' value.

>> No.4924575

I-it's not like your fellow anons want you to reach financial independence or anything b-b-baka.

>> No.4924582

Because it's currently undervalued and nobody has heard of it despite years of Dev behind it perhaps

>> No.4924644

> but i want to help you anon
i have been around long enough to know everyone has their own agenda

>> No.4924736

Of course the guys shilling block here have an agenda, but it doesn't mean that their agenda cannot also be in line with your own(assuming your agenda is to make money)

>> No.4924753

Block is starting a marketing push because we haven’t had the funds to do so in the past - shilling here expands awareness

>> No.4924771

I'm staking my BLOCK earning rewards. I'm not trying to dump on anyone.
Yes I'd like to see the price rise but I'm not deluded enough to think shilling to broke NEETs on 4chan would actually make a difference.

>> No.4924853

Just to confirm, there's no way for me to mine BLOCK, correct?

>> No.4924856

Service nodes earn 70% of the block reward, stakers earn 30% of the block reward. Service nodes require 5000 Block to run and broadcast the orderbook and connect traders together. Right now both node and staking ROI is around 20%. When fees start to come in, nodes will be more profitable as they’ll see a higher share of fees for maintaining the orderbook and running high powered rigs to handle the volume

>> No.4924878

Do you work for this project?

>> No.4924880

No. It's a PoS coin. You stake it and get free money.

>> No.4924894

BLOCK is a Proof of Stake coin, so you win block rewards based on your network weight instead of hashing power like PoW. So you can’t “mine” blocks like LTC/BTC/etc, but you actually do mine the block that you win in PoS by staking.

>> No.4924907

Explain to me like I'm 5, please.

>> No.4924911

“We” as in the community. I follow this project closely

>> No.4924929

How are you calculating that? Looking at the spreadsheet:

a 200 block staker would net ~900 a year. Is your estimate with current volume or are you assuming much higher?

>> No.4924930

might be to sell. sharing info is good, because there was a test somewhat recently that didn't go so well. I really like blocknet, but i'm not so sure it will catch on. I think it's a much better choice in comparison to komodo imho, but I have to wonder how these DEXs will do at all. A majority of DEXs aren't really decentralized as someone else said, but Blocknet definitely is. There's a bit of code that all of the coins need to add to work with Blocknet, but I don't know if that changed. I like seeing some activity for the project.

>> No.4925039

>there was a test somewhat recently that didn't go so well
Never heard about this. Enlighten us.

>There's a bit of code that all of the coins need to add to work with Blocknet
I think you're thinking about ARK smartbridge.
BLOCK works natively with all BTC derived coins (that is most cryptos).

>> No.4925066
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Download wallet buy some block transfer and I will start staking?

>> No.4925106

This caculation is based on half the volume of Binance. And as one of the first major clean DX releases, this is not at all farfetched as the crypto market as a whole increases

>bit of code needed to add

Anons response here is correct, coins don’t need to do a single thing to be Blocknet compatible - Blocknet does everything on their end to make blockchains compatible

>> No.4925130

Yes basically. And your wallet needs to be open at all times and you have to unlock your wallet "for anonymization and staking only".

>> No.4925198

There was a blocknet tweet about two months back about a beta test failing to meet some expectations. i think it was pre-hard fork.

I'll read some more again thanks to you both >>4925106 looks like things are heating up.

>> No.4925253

Can't you wait til I've got another 1000? I wanted to stock up on that dip to 125 the other day but a purchase in that order woulda tore through the order book to almost double it.

>> No.4925288

Nah BIP65 checklocktimeverify is the commonality between atomic swappable coins.

>> No.4925346

Yeah but the coins that have it took it from BTC's code.
Some cryptos with totally unique codebases won't work right out of the box with blocknet. That's my understanding at least.

>> No.4925405

you said its correct but your answer counter it, which is it ?

>> No.4925477



Read them again.

>> No.4925495
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>but in 2018 you will
Which month exactly can we expect to start getting money per each block anon?

>> No.4925505

What advantages does this coin offer over, say, Cryptobridge, which is cheaper?

>> No.4925545

I'll need to look into that.
Without doing any research, I'd say that the Blocknet exchange is essentially finished and the devs are doing the final touches before it releases early next year.

>> No.4925683

How many blocks do you have?

>> No.4925877


>> No.4925954

It's been months but this coin was shilledon here before. In my experience that means it's right about the time to buy. Every coin that I have seen that is made massive 100% more Gains has been shilled for one day maybe two then disappeared only to reappear right before it begins to spike. The last time I heard about this coin on Biz was in September I believe black spiked to the high twenties only to fall back and it stayed at $20 for months now it has not broken below 18 for any set period of time.

I've kept an eye on it as I like the idea it's a picks and shovel kind of play. decentralized exchanges are the future of crypto. The only question is the time scale in which they will be implemented properly. I'll be looking into this to see if I should throw one or two grand into over the next month

I wish I could get a masternode but I won't have the funds to do that until probably March if at all.

>> No.4926235

But BCO is literally already out and 13% the market cap of BLOCK. Honestly, I'm not trying to shit on the project, I actually want to invest in it. I just want to know why Blocknet is superior and if I should invest in this instead. Cheers

>> No.4926319

Cryptobridge is by no means even close to as decentralized as the Blocknet. A lot goes into fully decentralizing an exchange, a website and atomic swaps is not all it takes. It takes a fully decentralized network, trustless swaps, decentralized order matching (extremely difficult - Blocknet has achieved this), and giving the trader full possession of their private keys.

There isn’t another project doing this

>> No.4926373

Thanks for the answer. I wasn't aware that the private key ownership wasn't common practice among DEXes. How does Blocknet get the decentralized order matching, roughly speaking?

>> No.4926390

By Feb the exchange will already be seeing a decent volume. Your income will increase with volume.

Remember - trading fees are earned on top of your node/staking rewards. The ROI from owning Block will be one of the highest in the industry

>> No.4926443

There is a network of service nodes run by whoever has at least 5000 Block. There is an orderbook verification service across all the nodes - this means a rogue node can’t communicate a fake or erroneous order. Because all nodes are constantly verifying each other (just like a blockchain), the result is a fully decentralized environment.

>> No.4926477

>not command line

>> No.4926485

That is good but "when" can i actually get money when i put my Blocks into my block wallet?
I presume that not right now, but you say that by Feb it will already be decent.
But when should i start?

>> No.4926522
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I wish I actually had the money to buy into this. Is it even worth throwing like $500 at this? what kind of return would I even get for staking ? feelspoorman

>> No.4926557

Now - the network always pays staking rewards. The DX fees collected are an added bonus

Right now staking is over 20% ROI

>> No.4926580

20% annually?

>> No.4926607

Yes, usually compounding every day or 2 depending on how much Block you own

>> No.4926633

I can't find the whitepaper or the dev team on their website. It's like they want to make it as hard for me to invest as possible. How can I trust they'll follow through and do an amazing job if they don't have personal accountability or a detailed white paper for investors to understand what exactly to expect?
I don't think it's a scam because there've been blog posts since 2014, but still wtf

>> No.4926640

very well, if i can get money for each block and not only for masternodes, can you direct me to some tutorial as to how to set the wallet for this?
Mind you, i only have a handful of Blocks.

>> No.4926657

It's running on command line atm.
>Tfw holding 5000 BLOCK with an average buy in of 5 bucks.
Literally making 50 bucks a day doing fuck all LUL

>> No.4926755

Simple: transfer your Block to the BlocknetDX wallet, then unlock your wallet for Staking.

Whitepaper is in progress and will be released soon as product nears launch. Website overhaul is scheduled, as well as websites for each service provided by the Blocknet: DX, interoperability, etc. Team info can be found here: https://blocknetprotocol.com/

>> No.4926803

Team info is under dashboard->project heading

Imo this site is a hell of a lot better than the official website which is currently being redeveloped

>> No.4926874

Shitty version of coss.io with scam level returns, unsustainable

>> No.4926883

This has nothing to do with COSS fuck off.

>> No.4926885

thank q

>> No.4926943

Coss.io isn't a decentralised p2p wallet trading platform and requires payment for coin listing. Blocknet will make most of these kind of exchanges redundant

>> No.4926961


>> No.4927009

mad jelly.

when are you /cashingout/?

>> No.4927012

I see, thank you anon.
Mind you, last question.
When, how and in what form will i get the money?
I actually never did staking before.

>> No.4927015
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>> No.4927035

How would a decentralized exchange prevent people from spamming it with 100's of new coins at once?

>> No.4927073

You will get BLOCK deposited into in the same wallet you're staking from. Or you can set up multisend if you want it in other wallets.

That's old and it happened already.

>> No.4927090
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>> No.4927150

Once it hits a billion market cap and volume picks up on the exchange I'll live off the node fees. Projected to make around 200k a year per node once the market cap reaches a billion. Adding in exchange fees sets me up for life on a cool 250,000 a year for maintaining a vps server.

The order book is literally so thin that 20btc will quadruple the price. 70% of the coins in circulation are locked up in nodes and staking wallets so any significant order will pump the fuck out of the price.

>> No.4927201

Actually wait, if i understand it correctly, lets say i have 50 blocks.
I get 25 dollars worth of BLOCK per day, meaning i have 51 Block the second day, 52 third day etc.
So over time, i start getting more money per day by doing nothing?

>> No.4927228

New coins? Elaborate a tad here for me anon. Because of the service node verification system - only supported coins can be traded. As far as orderbook spam the process has been made to minimalize the data burden placed on each service node. There will also be microfees to prevent orderbook spam in an attempt to destabilize nodes

>> No.4927247

Yes. It's compounding interest.
Sadly you won't be getting 1 block every day though at 50. More like .05 right now.

>> No.4927280

This is correct anon - and this is with half the volume of Binance. Of course, you have to take in the fact that the price per Block at this point would be very high - this is why you get in now

>> No.4927306
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There is not much point to staking yet then.
Thank you for the info. I will put it to good gains.

>> No.4927315

He’s referring to the trading fees dispersed to stakers at half the volume of Binance as mentioned above anon, not just staking.

>> No.4927351

+20% ROI currently is more than enough reason to start staking now

>> No.4927375

How is it not a security?

>> No.4927424

This. It's not a lot per day but you'll get noticeable gains over weeks and months.

>> No.4927442

This is not a security as you don’t own stock in a company. The passive income is derived from maintaining the network and a service (by staking / running a node). However like Dash - service node owners vote on budget proposals

>> No.4927466

Sounds like a coin that will be delisted from Bittrex since it pays out a dividend. I wouldn't hold this.

>> No.4927520

wait what they have their coin there for 2 years and no whitepaper`?

>> No.4927522

Actually it's the kind of coin that will be added to gdax because it meets all of their criteria. And since they're working with Bitfinex it'll probably get listed there as well.
And it's been listed on Bittrex forever. They know how it works and haven't removed it yet, doubt they ever will.

>> No.4927624

The project is constantly evolving and the team follows the mindset of tech before whitepaper... much like Satoshi himself.

Also, specific details in a project like this can’t be released too early or they will be copied.

>> No.4927652

By this logic, any staking coins or masternode coins will also be delisted. The returns on this coin are mainly from staking or running a node and fees distributed amongst holders. The difference between this and other 'dividend' coins is that blocknet has its own blockchain meaning it is it's own entity whereas almost every other 'dividend' token is an erc-20 token running on the ethereum blockchain

>> No.4928026

the fact that kitties can slow the eth blockchain is annoying.

I am liking this keep shilling

>> No.4928464

Too bad blockchain is dead tech

>> No.4928486

That's bullshit and you know it.