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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4918802 No.4918802 [Reply] [Original]

BTC - 22%
NEO - 13%
PRE - 12%
XRL - 12%
PPT - 11%
BNB - 8%
ZRX - 7%
SALT - 5%
DNT - 2%
XLM - 2%
PAY - 2%
XRP - 1%
CAT - 1%
DLT - 1%


>> No.4918831

seems too diversified to be honest

>> No.4918839

tldr use blockfolio next time.

>> No.4918892


>> No.4918925

Scrap DNT and CAT

>> No.4918942

ETH 47%
BAT 13%
XRP 10%
ZRX 10%
OMG 9%
GNT 9%
SNT 2%
SMR 2%

inb4 "that doesn't add to 100%"
they're rounded ofc

>> No.4918989

SALT - 75%
BTC - 15%
SUB - 8%
ADA - 2%

>> No.4919054

coming soon: combicoin
the top 30 coins rolled into one

>> No.4919100
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> no XMR

>> No.4919118


30% BTC
40% NEO
20% ARK
10% USD right now

>> No.4919146
File: 26 KB, 150x150, slr-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next gen of cryptos actually worth something.

>> No.4919154

>no my specific coin out of 100s that i happen to personally believe in
really made me think, champ

>> No.4919174

btc - 85
xmr - 10
omg - 5

>> No.4919203

>no DOGE

>> No.4919206

You know there's really no point in diversifying right? This isn't a stock portfolio. The entire crypto market moves up and down together.
You should keep bitcoin and 1-2 altcoins as a hedge against it.
I'd recommend 40% btc. 40% XMR and 20% Litecoin.

>> No.4919211

Stellar Lumens

I am already looking for Penthouses to buy in 2020.

>> No.4919239

This but put 20% in ETH.instead

>> No.4919259


He asked, faggot.

>> No.4919322

CAT launches its Beta on New Year's tho

>> No.4919375

Why the fuck have you got so many coins?

There is no way you can have researched all of those, while keeping on top of news, and following the markets.

Grow some balls and pick 1 or 2 main coins you believe in and then become an expert on them and the markets. Maybe get a small stake in some wildcard shitcoins.

It looks like you just don't know wtf you are doing.

>> No.4919429

please stop, crpyto is not to be invested IT IS REAL MOENY YOU FUCK WHAT IS THE POINT IF YOU ARE STILL A SLAVE TO FIAT

>> No.4919464

holding fiat means losing at leat 2% per year (if not 5%) so no OP, as always you're a faggot

>> No.4919514

>no ether
>no monero
>bunch of shitcoins instead

>> No.4919549

bruv i don't even notice anything under .1

you are me in 2015 kek

>> No.4919621
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wheres the monero?

>> No.4919643

No VTC? and bunch of shitcoins spread as wide as pajeet buttchecks in the street? I bet the total capital is under 1K lol

Weakest larp on biz ever.

>> No.4919674
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>> No.4919692

too much diversity.

>> No.4919774

>he doesn't basket trade

OP didn't mention account size. nothing wrong with being diversified, ask the guys who got REKT going all in on Confido


>> No.4919814

congratz youre invested in absolute shit
you deserve to be poor

>> No.4919960

If you're investing longterm you need to add some ADA. Cardano has a lot of potential and a solid dev team behind it.

>> No.4920144

So what's your portfolio look like then?

>> No.4920179

lol, no

>> No.4920209

I am long on a lot of this stuff.

>> No.4920271

Researched them all.

Coinmarketcal is easy, as is following Telegram and Twitter.

I like the 3-coin approach. BTC + 2 Solid Alts, but I feel like 2018 is the year of the alts.

2017 was the year of BTCs true beginning and the year of the ICO.

2018 should see those ICOs and previous alt coins increase in market size tremendously.

I can see BTC maybe 5x - 7x next year, but a lot of these alts will 5x - 30x as the overall market ratio of BTC dominance drops compared to the market.

>> No.4920428

Fiatcoins are still fiat in value ffs. The next gen will be better and backed by energy.

>> No.4920749

Explain or link?

>> No.4920909

It's still in development but energy is the currency of the universe. The ultimate endgame to efficiency is understanding science. Energy coins will merge sci and biz. Of course this is my opinion. Google energy backed cryptos for more ideas. Most of these ideas are still in development. Fiatcoins are still based on electric costs anyways. At least ltc and ethereum address the engineering limitations of btc. The ethereum founder himself said that btc is not efficient in terms of engineering and will damage the environment. Those who disagree do not understand science and coding itself. Btc uses the electric consumption of Serbia.

>> No.4920995

Which is why btc can not be global as a main currency, due to the current energy infrastructure that we humans have.

>> No.4921076

>salt 5%

niggah do you not see that 1 million dollar support at .016 eth? you better get more in that shit

>> No.4921283

Btc doesnt have any value but what people are willing to pay

But there are new ideas for coins that are actually tied to reality in some form.

An energy coin is basically worth the value of the cost of producing it.

Which probably will be its own bubble, because energy production alone isnt a global standard.

>> No.4921342

I'm talking about using energy itself as a currency through the use of many mediums, one method includes crypto. Not just electricity. And it can't be artificially inflated like btc (fiatcoin).

>> No.4921364 [DELETED] 

I may be crazy but not wrong. Lol

>> No.4921630

Where's BTG??

>> No.4921971

what's going on with SALT?